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Albion hereinafter referred to as Seller, and Nika LLC hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, on the other hand, have

entered into the present\this

1. Object of the contract
The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought machine on S.I.F. terms, in the quantity of 1000 items at prices and assortment according to
technical data stated in “supplement” No. 2, which is part of the present contract. The purpose of buying\purchasing the goods\product is to start
the manufacturing\production of washing machines.
2. Quality of the goods
The quality of the goods shall conform to the sample-references agreed and approved\certified by the parties, as well as to technical data stated\
stipulated in “supplement” No. 2 of this contract. The quality of the goods to be confirmed by the Quality Certificate issued by the Manufacturer.
with the first lot of the goods the seller sends one sample of each article to each consignee. The sample-references are to be\shall be sealed and
packed into an individual bag with the inscription "duplicate of sample-reference". Sample shall be\are to be paid by the Buyer. For this purpose,
it is necessary to indicate by a separate line in the invoice for the delivered goods as follows: duplicate of the sample references, article, size,
quantity, price, case number.
The prices are specified\stated in "Supplement" No. 3 and are understood as fixed within the contract term. The prices stated in the
"Supplement"\above said prices include the cost of the goods, packing\packaging and marking. Loading the goods on the vessel, including
storage in the holds and as well as providing of information of shipment of the goods and drawing up bills of lading shall be made by the Seller
at their expense.
Time of delivery
Delivery of goods under this present contract shall be made within the time\is to be affected within the time specified\specified in the Appendix
of this contract. The date of delivery shall be 10.07.18.
Packaging and marking
Packaging is intended to ensure\provide safety of the goods during transport by any type of transport, including transshipments.
In case\ providing the packaging does not secure the safety of goods while in transit and the fact is certified by the commercial inspection
research, drawn up on the frontier the seller makes up all the losses of the Buyer occurred because of undue\ inappropriate package.
Goods shall be packed in 3×2×2 crates. The weight of the cage shall not exceed 870kg. Each crate should be marked on two sides with indelible
paint as follows: country of destination, place of destination, contract number, gross and net weights.
Transshipment\shipment and acceptance of goods
The goods shall be considered as delivered by the Seller and accepted by the Buyer: as to quality - according to the Quality Certificate, issued by
the Seller, as to number of packages according to shipping documents\ documents of title. Finale acceptance is to be made on arrival of the
goods to the place of destination (point).
Payment for the goods delivered is affected in VTB Banks on presentation of an invoice for collection to the Barclay Bank. Payment is to be
affected within 20 days from the date of receipt of the documents from the Bank.

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