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Case Study

Case 1: Angel Ball Construction Supply

Group 4


Daragosa , Jamaica

Devibar, Danilo

Flores, khaisa

Gore, Leah Grace

Gorion, Hazel


1. Angelita felt a rising anger when she saw her ex fiancee that's why she considering shifting to another
type of business like that of drug wholesaling or hospital supplies.

2. This study aimed that how would angelita detached her emotional aspect in business decision making
whether to pursue her current business or pursue other business.

3 .1.To shift her business into drug wholesaling or hospital supply

2. To grab the opportunity to win the potential top rated contractor.

4. 1.To shift her business into drug wholesaling or hospital supply


Avoid the presence of ex fiancee Hamilcar .

Explore new business option.


Risk of source of income.

New set up.

2.To grab the opportunity to win the potential top rated contractor.

Additional sales of profit/sales.


He's anger to Hamilcar may get worse.

5Areas of consideration

She must be server whether its a friend because in business we need to be professional. Love life and
business life are different aspects that you should not be affected by what or who you are dealing with.
If your attitude is to change a business again and again because you have a bad time with that person
before,and you are mindful of changing to another company, how can you win your capital back

6. Recommendation

My recommendation is you should not be affected by what or who you are dealing with because love
life and business life are different aspects. How can you get your capital back if youwant to change your
business again and again just because one of your customers is your ex- boyfriend and you have a bad
time with him? Before making any decisions, try to consult a proficient businessman so that your money
will not be wasted. You should be professional inhandling situations like that because it is part of your
business reputation . Stop letting your past ruin your present and future.

7. Action Plan

Angelita must ask for an appointment with Hamilcar to discuss business opportunities.During this
meeting, angelita should detach her emotion state when discussing business to take the advantage of
this opportunity putting forward the business only. Before the meeting angelita should prepare an
attractive offer for the contractor maintaining other options for possible partnership.

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