Analyze Craft and Structure - Complex Characters

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Name: Mo’nique Carter-Amezcua Date: 01/26/24

Life of Pi
Yann Martel

In the best fiction, the main characters are complex characters. They are deep
and vivid; they feature both strengths and weaknesses and often struggle with
multiple—sometimes conflicting—motivations. They are dynamic: they
change and grow as the story progresses rather than remaining static, or
The author develops a character through characterization, telling the
audience about the character’s traits, or showing the audience the character’s
traits through such clues as his or her actions, internal monologue—a
conversation with oneself, dialogue, or appearance.

A. DIRECTIONS: As you read “Life of Pi,” think about the questions below.
Then write your answers on the lines provided.
1. What is an example of a weakness in Pi’s character? Cite the paragraph
number(s) where Pi shows weakness.
One of Pi’s weaknesses is that he is overly sentimental because of his
beliefs and it has almost held him back. For example in paragraphs 22-26 Pi
had failed to kill the fish with the hatchet due to his belief that all sentient in
life was sacred. He ended the fish’s life by snapping it’s neck and “wept
heartily” over the dead soul. He sentiments made a task as simple as ending
the life of an already caught fish far from easy.
2. How does the author use characterization to describe this weakness?
The author uses personal details about Pi to describe his weakness in
paragraphs 22-24, “A lifetime of peaceful vegetarianism stood between me
and the willful beheading of a fish.” and “I imagined what it woujld feel like if i
were wrapped in a blanket ans someone were trying to break my neck.” This
expresses how Pi is considerate as he is sentimental and he has never killed
due to him being a vegetarian in a fairly peaceful life.
3. What is an example of a strength in Pi’s character? Cite the paragraph
number(s) where Pi shows strength.
Pi’s main strength is his resilient optimism. For example in paragraphs
5 and 6. After repeatedly failing to catch fish until he was exasperated, he
still looked to the more positive side,”This loss did not strike me as a terrible
blow.”. By looking to the more positive side and continuing trying, Pi ended
up catching a flying fish then a large dorado.
4. How does the author use characterization to describe this strength?

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The author expresses throughout the story how every time something
inconvenient happened to Pi, Pi always looked to the brighter side. He was
positive since the first sentence, “The next morning i was not too wet and
was feeling strong.”

B. DIRECTIONS: Write a short paragraph describing how Pi’s character

changes over the course of the excerpt.
In the beginning of the excerpt Pi was positive as he always was and was
ready to try something new. He was still inexperienced and had a clear
conscience. When he tries to fish he repeatedly fails and his inner monologue
exposes his fears and doubts of himself. He still looks to the positive side and
kept on trying. He finally caught a fish out of luck. While catchikng and killing the
fish Pi’s sentimental character comes out. Hes a vegetarian and lived a peaceful
life believing all sentient in life is sacred. He recovers from his stained conscience
and comes back stronger. He lands an even bigger kill and finds pride in his
work. Pi is now on the path to success of surviving.

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