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Masalunga Christian Jay M.



Prof. Pau Nones


You are a leader of a committee that seeks to create a youth empowerment program. Your committee is
made up of a wide range of people; the younger people want to begin with the research to understand the
need among young people, while the older people think it is a waste of time and pressure you to move
forward with a plan. This causes the young people to threaten to walk out of your committee. The two
groups start meeting separately.

How should a leader address this situation to keep committee together?


As a leader of the committee the perfect way to solve this situation is to "listen" I know it is hard to deal
when the younger one and the older wasn't supporting each other's thought because they have different
opinions considering the age and the experience. They also have various ways to assess the situation so as
a leader it is necessary for me to listen to both sides and also assess what is the most efficient. Then after,
whether they like it or not I must go to most effective plan.

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