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Dear Admissions Committee,

I am Amir MorandejadKahriz, with a unique blend of academic expertise and over eight
years of professional work experience in the field of computer engineering. I am writing this
letter to express my earnest intent to apply for the Turkish government scholarships in the field
of computer engineering.

My educational background includes graduating with a high school diploma from the
Gifted School in the major of Mathematics and Physics, where I was recognized as one of the top
students. Subsequently, my interest in computers and technology led me to choose IT as my
major, and I pursued my undergraduate studies in IT, consistently ranking among the top 4
students in my class. As I have a keen interest in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world
scenarios, I voluntarily worked with the university's ICT unit during my bachelor's, where I made
significant contributions to its projects. Moreover, while pursuing my bachelor's degree, I
developed a fascination with game theory and fuzzy logic. Through in-depth research, I
discovered their high value across various contexts, leading to the focus of my bachelor's thesis
on applying game theory to computer networks.

I applied for the Master's program in the field of AI through a competitive selection
process that involved all top-ranking students from various universities. I was honored to be
chosen among more than 100 talented students, which allowed me to start the Master's program
in the major of AI at Tabriz University without an entrance exam. In my master's program, I
gained in-depth knowledge of Deep Learning, evolutionary algorithms, data analysis, and
various other aspects of AI. My thesis focused on the development of a scalable recommender
system based on user classification. Notably, the outcomes from my thesis weren't confined to
academic research; I successfully translated them into a real-world application. Implementing
this recommender system in an online shop (Styleup) resulted in a remarkable 20% improvement
in overall sales. This experience underscores my ability to bridge theoretical knowledge with
practical, impactful outcomes. Following my graduation, I was hired as a data analyst in the
same company, Styleup. As a data analyst and performance marketer at Styleup, I developed a
custom recommender system for this online shop. Additionally, I delved into Google's website
ranking algorithms, commonly known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This field
fascinated me, prompting a hands-on learning experience to understand the intricacies of
Google's algorithms. Subsequently, I completed projects that significantly improved website
rankings in Google search. This experience honed my technical skills and broadened my understanding
of teamwork and software development. It marked the beginning of my journey into product
management, allowing me to contribute to the software product process.

Over the past 8 years, my diverse roles in project management, SEO lead, and front-end
development in various international companies have equipped me with a multitude of skills.
This includes not only technical knowledge but also leadership abilities that have proven
instrumental in creating valuable products. The successful development of Pishkhan24, an online
citizen services platform in Iran, exemplifies my achievements as a product manager. This
experience enhanced my project coordination and execution skills, notably improving soft skills
like teamwork, communication, and adaptability.

As a computer engineer, after working in various relevant roles for over 8 years, I can
confidently say I've found joy and a deep interest in university research. This, along with a strong
wish to explore more in computer engineering, led me to decide to pursue a Ph.D. My interest in
the AI major is fueled by a genuine desire to be an integral part of the evolving world shaped by
artificial intelligence and as Turkish is my native language, I possess a profound understanding of
Turkish people and their cultures, deepening my desire to pursue studies in this vibrant country. I
am confident that residing among them will serve as a significant opportunity for me to
showcase my talents and skills. I look forward to being a part of the Turkish academic society

In conclusion, considering my extensive work experience in computer engineer, relevant

educational background, and skills, I believe I am a highly suitable candidate for a Ph.D.
program in computer engineering. I am eager to leverage these skills to advance my research in
artificial intelligence (AI) during my Ph.D. Additionally, I am confident that the Ph.D. programs
in Turkey align with my future plans. I am enthusiastic about pursuing a Ph.D. in Turkey, aiming
to actively contribute to the Turkish academic community by showcasing my talents and skills.
Thank you for considering my application,

Amir Moradnejadkahriz

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