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AGI above ground installation

CCTV closed circuit television
CDM Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
CIPS COPA close interval potential surveyControl of Pollution ActControl of
COSHH Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
CP cathodic protection
CV calorific value
DC direct current
DEFRA Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DEG diethylene glycol
DP design pressure
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
EA Environment Agency
EC European Community
ECV emergency control valve
EIA environmental impact assessment
EPA Environmental Protection Act
EPM emergency procedures manual
ES environmental statement
ESP emergency service provider
FID flame ionisation detection
GB Great Britain
GIS geographical information systemGas Safety (Management)
GS(M)R GT Regulationsgas transporter
HASAWA Health and Safety Act at Work etc. Act
HAUC Highways and Utilities Committee
HAZOP hazard and operability
HDPE high density polyethylene
HSE Health and Safety Executive
IGE Institution of Gas Engineers
IGEM Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers
LDF leak detection fluid
LFL lower flammable limit
MAPD major accident prevention document
MDPE MEG medium density polyethylenemonoethylene glycolmaximum
MIP incidental pressure

MIV meter inlet valve

MRS MOP minimum required strengthmaximum operating
NDT pressurenon-destructive testing
NJUG National Joint Utilities Group
NRA National Rivers Authority
NRSWA New Roads and Street Works Act
OP operating pressure
PC personal computer
PCA Pipeline Construction Authority
PE polyethylene
PEX cross linked polyethylene
PPE personal protective equipment
PPG pollution prevention guidelines
PPM part per million
PRI pressure regulating installation
PSR Pipelines Safety Regulations
PSSR Pressure Systems Safety Regulations
PVC polyvinyl chloride
QC quality control
SDR standard dimension ratio
SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
SMTS specified minimum tensile strength
SMYS specified minimum yield strength
STP strength test pressure
TTP tightness test pressure
UIP utility infrastructure provider
UK United Kingdom.

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