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Private Healthcare Services: Possibilities for Effective

Communication between Patients and Medical Staff
Department of public health and health care with the course of public health organization; the faculty of further education, Ryazan State
Medical university named after I.P.Pavlov, 390026, Ryazan, the Visokovoltnaya str., 9, Russia
Correspondence to Manakina Ekaterina, Candidate of Medicine, Assistant Professor of of Public Health and Health Care with the course of
public health organization; the faculty of further education, Ryazan State Medical university named after I.P.Pavlov E-mail:

The present-day market of private healthcare services shows active development, becoming streamlined and
consolidated. As a result, the competition between different medical centers and clinics has become more
complicated. Technologies, equipment and staff proficiency, which have just recently been considered the key
competitive advantages, are losing their importance now. At private healthcare organizations, much attention is
paid to the customer experience which is believed to be another essential part of medical services in addition to
the effectiveness of diagnostics and treatment.
Key words: private healthcare organizations, customer experience, organizational method, efficiency.

INTRODUCTION belong to internal corporate documents of an organization.

Their primary task is to regulate working processes, ensure
Since a medical organization is rather complex in its reasonable working times and improve quality and
structure, the task is to provide not just medical services to performance within a medical organization. Besides, these
the patients, but the best customer experience possible. policies should comply with the applicable healthcare
Internal policies and rules of conduct applied within an legislation and be binding upon all members of the
organization may be well known to its staff, but not to the treatment and care staff in each structural unit of the
patients, especially those having their first visit, who can be organization.
unaware of how the organization operates and what What do these policies cover? For example, they can
functions it has. specify the procedure for applying to the medical
Is it possible to improve the existing customer organization, guidelines for rendering medical services,
experience system of a medical organization and, if yes, procedure for interactions between patients and doctors,
what organizational methods should be applied to improve rights and obligations of patients, procedure for obtaining
its performance? information about the state of health by the patient or their
legal representatives, procedure for issuing medical
METHODOLOGY documents; working schedule of the organization, hours for
To achieve this goal, using formalized and non-formalized receiving visitors by the management, guidelines for
methods, a study was conducted of the possibility of settling conflicts between patients and the medical
optimizing the service system that has developed in a organization, list of services and prices as well as details
medical organization, taking into account the on provision of the medical services, liability for violations
appropriateness of using specific organizational of the policies by patients or the medical organization;
mechanisms. An unformalized analysis assumed the FAQs with answers for effective communication with
allocation of blocks of internal documents governing the patients.
after-sales service of patients in the studied positions, in How can the policies facilitate communication with the
accordance with the purpose of the analysis. A formalized patient? As experience shows, providing the necessary
analysis of the documents included in the study is based on basic information to patients saves time that would be
a comparison of individual quantitative characteristics of otherwise spent on inefficient communication of the
the information presented in the standards of patient care. medical and reception staff with the patient. Excerpts from
the policies concerning the patient's conduct in a particular
area of the medical organization may be displayed where
RESULTS/ DISCUSSION appropriate. In a doctor’s office, for example, it may be
It should be noted that patients face real difficulties in reasonable to have the excerpt which specifies the
planning or fixing an appointment. Besides, the human procedure for delivering medical services and the rules for
factor should be taken into account. For instance, the effective communication with the patient.
reception staff may leave out some information which An additional function of the policies is settling
seems obvious to them, but can be unknown to the patient. conflicts between the patient and the medical
Let us mention several organizational methods which help organization’s staff. The staff, for example, may rely on the
build the customer experience system to factor in the specified procedures showing how to act if the patient is
needs of the staff and patients and facilitate performance of late for an appointment, respond to the patient’s claims and
the medical organization. behave as the medical staff in general.
Customer Experience Management in a Medical Is it necessary to familiarize patients with these
Organization Using Internal Policies. Internal policies policies? What is their benefit for the patients? In order to

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Private Healthcare Services

simplify the process of effective communication, it is better public or private, is extremely important in its day-to-day
to request that all patients read the policies at all operations. An electronic medical record of the patient,
times. The policies may be displayed at places easily reports made by doctors or medical committees, and other
accessed by patients, e.g. on the organization’s website, at internal or external documents should comply with these
the reception desk, on the information stand or in a special standards and be filled out in the same format and manner.
file kept in the waiting room. The policies explain where As experience shows, no modern private medical
and how the patient can book an appointment, what organization can operate without skilled staff, automated
documents they need to have on hand, what they should internal processes or the IT infrastructure. Of course, they
tell the doctor during the appointment, etc. They also require sufficient financing, but pay off well. The information
specify the maximum waiting times for medical services, can be transferred without distortion only when all
since compliance with the appointment time standards is a healthcare practitioners – doctors, nurses and assistive
key evidence of better staff performance, with the policies medical staff – understand each other. For this reason,
partially regulating to the process. continuous staff training, monitoring of knowledge and
Communication Management in a Medical Organization skills, certification and mentoring of the staff should be
Using Medical Information System:. The introduction and done on a regular and permanent basis. This is facilitated
use of the Medical Information Systems in today's by electronic workflow, with data duplicated in the patient's
healthcare is seen as mandatory for effective performance medical record. Thus, any issues or problems concerning
of any medical organization, whether public or private. The communication in the organization are resolved using the
available Medical Information Systems have been initially original data source.
designed for doctors and managers from top to bottom, Customer Experience Trainings for Medical
being flexible enough and offering almost an unlimited Organization Staff, Including Trainings on the Internal
number of options. This is a very important feature given Standards: No effective strategy of corporate development
that the overall healthcare system and its constituent can be implemented without involvement of the staff into all
medical organizations, including their permanent staff, related processes. To improve the customer experience
technologies and equipment, are changing rapidly. Modern and loyalty by making interactions with the patient more
healthcare makes it possible to quickly adapt to any efficient, it is necessary to organize special staff trainings to
changes, for example, by substituting a doctor, altering improve their qualification. The goal of such trainings can
his/her work hours, analyzing the incoming information, be teaching doctors to establish effective communication
ensuring the necessary amount of work for the staff and and a relationship of trust with the patient, properly present
managing communications effectively. The Medical medical services depending on what the patient needs and
Information Systems enable the staff of a private medical can afford, and explain the pricing policy of the medical
organization to balance its daily work load, reduce the organization. These trainings will help the staff to
amount of documents to be filled in, ensure continuity and considerably improve the customer experience, especially
consistency of medical care and increase the efficiency of in the Customer as Patient perspective.
medical services. Another advantage of these systems is Education or Information Booklets: Can we call this
that they ensure better treatment results, patient data measure effective if it offers only one-way communication
safety and cost-efficiency. The Medical Information with the patient? The booklets issued by a private medical
Systems make it possible to communicate with patients at organization can be divided into several categories. An
the reception desk and send out reminders of an education booklet contains only a minimum of the
appointment, while saving both time and effort of the necessary information. Its task is not only to support
staff. An electronic medical record of the patient is a effective communication with the patient, but also to
configurable, secure and functional solution bringing provide the latter with an illustrated material about certain
medical services to a higher level of quality. health problems and their possible solutions. The booklet
Many Medical Information Systems can automatically can specify services of the medical organization, prices and
generate contracts and service bills, which prevents time criteria for the guaranteed quality.
wastes during provision of services and improves loyalty of If categorized as an advisory material, the booklet can
the patients. Therefore, the Medical Information Systems describe possible signs of discomfort, methods for the
ensure not only communication management in a medical prolongation of the effect of treatment, disease prevention,
organization, but also transparency of all related rehabilitation, etc.
processes. The task of persuasive booklets is mostly
Standardization of Processes: The availability of psychological. For example, it can inform patients about the
standards is a reliable indicator of high-quality customer importance of a private doctor appointment, regular health
experience. The patient must be confident that, upon checks, relationship between the price and quality of
application to the medical organization, they will receive treatment, attention to medical care guarantees, etc.
excellent services and full attention at all times. The The booklets are usually uniform in their structure.
standard on delivering customer experience by a private The recommended chapters may include symptoms of
medical organization is a sequence of easy-to-understand, diseases or health disorders, main tasks of doctors upon
clearly communicated and mandatory rules which regulate manifestation of these symptoms, specifics of interaction
the staff conduct, identify the level of customer experience between the patient and the doctor, explanations about the
and promote a positive image of the organization. need for prior consultation, information about modern
Standardizing documents which ensure a completely methods, technologies and medical materials used for
different level of management in any medical organization, treatment by the medical organization, information about

528 P J M H S Vol. 14, NO. 1, JAN – MAR 2020

E.S.Manakinao.V, Medvedeva T.V, Bolshova

guarantees and cases when they are demanded and Conflict of interests: The authors declare no conflict of
maintained, explanations about the prolongation of the interest.
effect of treatment, etc. It is important to remember that
transparent relationships between the medical organization REFERENCES
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