U02a1 Agile Methods - Rauwolf

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Bachelor in Information Technology Program

U02a1 Agile Methods Feature Driven Development Michaella Rauwolf Mjrauwolf1@frontier.com


IT3340, Section 3 Professor Ami Tran


Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Feature Driven Development

Agile modeling is a methodology for effective modeling and documentation of softwarebased systems. Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an iterative software development methodology. This methodology is intended for use on a project using object-oriented technology. Some question the method as being agile because the methodology explanation includes some instruction about what tasks should be done and what roles should be doing them (Emprend, Inc., 2011). Therefore, some think that the feature driven development methodology is good for companies transitioning from a phase-based method to an iterative method and are not at ease ridding themselves of all task and role assignments.

FDD Development Process

1. Develop an Overall Model: A development team is formed consisting of team members along with people familiar with the corporate domain. This team builds a complete model of the domain, in order to create the scope of the system as well as provide a common understanding of the domain. 2. Build a Features List: An all-inclusive list of features is developed. The features are grouped into what is called feature sets and major feature sets. 3. Plan by Feature: A development plan including the order that feature sets will be realized is created. Leading programmers are accountable for which feature sets and which class owners are responsible for each class.

4. Design by Feature and Build by Feature: Design by Feature and Build by Feature iterations are begun by the development team. This exists of breaking into Feature Teams that design, build, and test features a set period. 5. Iteration: Repeat step 4 until no more features exist.

UML Activity Diagram

Develop Overall Model

Form Modeling Team

Conduct Domain Research If Clear Requirements Else

Analyze Documentation

Establish Small Group Models

Develop Team Model Write Model Notes Clarify Complete Object Model

Build Feature List Plan Features List Team

Build Features List

Plan By Feature

Develop Planning Team

Determine Development Order

Assign Business Activities to Lead Programmers

Assign Classes to Developers

Design By Feature Form Feature Team Else Complex / Interactive Feature

Conduct Domain WalkThrough

Study Referenced Documents

Develop Sequence Diagram(s)

Refine Object Model

Write Class and Method Prologue

Design Inspection

Plan By Feature

Implement Classes and Methods

Inspect Code

Conduct Unit Test

Promote to Build

Feature-driven development. (2011, September 26). Retrieved October 24, 2011, from Wikipedia.org: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_Driven_Development Emprend, Inc. (2011). Agile Method Brief Feature Driven Development (FDD). Retrieved October 22, 2011, from ProjectConnections: http://www.projectconnections.com/templates/detail/agile-techniques-fdd.html

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