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Main features of CodeIgniter:

 Follows MVC: The CodeIgniter MVC framework accelerates your website development
and enhances performance by separating the logic and presentation modules. The
controller processes the request, the database executes the model’s action, and the
views display the output.
 Lightweight: The core system of CodeIgniter uses a few small libraries and loads
additional libraries on demand, making it lean and fast. Therefore, CodeIgniter creates
both fast web apps as well as minimum viable products (MVP) and prototypes.
 Inbuilt security: CodeIgniter is trustworthy due to its encryption and decryption
capabilities. It has XSS filtering, CSRF protection, password handling, and input data
validation to protect your web applications. Threats like SQL injection, cross-site
scripting attacks, and remote code execution are no match for it.
 Libraries and helpers: CodeIgniter simplifies coding with built-in functions like forms,
arrays, file handling, cookies, strings, and directories. It has all the tools you need to
build and modify libraries and helpers, and you can use them in the future using
ExpressionEngine, an open-source content management system (CMS).
 Easy migration: Moving from one server to another is a breeze with CodeIgniter. Firms
rely only on CodeIgniter because it o ers seamless migration assistance. You can
e ortlessly move old data to this framework. Also, you can rely on its large and helpful
community if you have problems migrating.
 Test-driven development: CodeIgniter permits test-driven development, referring to a
step-by-step testing system. It enables you to evaluate the website’s performance
during the development phase using a step-by-step process and extensive testing.
 Database abstraction layer: CodeIgniter includes a database abstraction layer that
allows you to create, insert, update, and delete data without writing SQL code. It
becomes easier to link up di erent databases within the same app, including MySQL,
MSSQL, Oracle, MySQLi, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
 Fast learning: You can learn CodeIgniter and begin developing professional applications
with it in a very short time. If you have any PHP experience at all, this should be a breeze
for you.
 Detailed documentation: CodeIgniter’s comprehensive and flawless documentation
flow will assist you in setting up and getting into the framework quickly.
 Community support: CodeIgniter has rich community support. If you face problems with
advanced development in this framework, there are a lot of skilled professionals to help

Who Uses CodeIgniter?

Since its inception in 2006, CodeIgniter has served everyone from new developers to well-
known industry names. Many businesses now rely on CodeIgniter.

Let’s have a look at some significant CodeIgniter users:

 Search Engine Optimization, Inc.

 California State University
 NetSuite Inc
 Casio Computers
 The Mail & Guardian
 Nissan
 NetSuite Inc
 Freedcamp
 McClatchy
 Bu er

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