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N 20517) LLB-VISem, 14230 LLB. Examination, May-2017 LAW Legal Language and Legal Writing Including Proficiency in General English (K-6002) Time : Three Hours} (Maximum Marks : 100 Note: Attempt all the Sections as per instructions. Ste: wat ara a PtergaTe eet ees ‘Section-A. WEF (Very Short Answer Questions) (aft ag sate ae) Note: Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Very short answer is requis exceeding 75 words, serena wa ofa set & ar BRA ts wer 4 tet aa aera 75 ee at ag ae aR a 1. Convert the following into indirect speech. 4 (@) Hesaid tome, "What are you doing?" 14230 PTO. (2) (0) Anita ssid, "met Shubham yesterday." (©) The teacher said, "The earth goes round the ant (@)_Hessid *thave passed the examinations.” 2. Convert the following into passive voice. 4 (@) Thepeople will make him king. . (>) 1am writing a letter. © Thilled a snake, (@)_ Mr. Ravi teaches French, 3. Correct the following sentences only in English. 4 (2) Rajesh isimy older brother. (0) Here isa apple foryou. (©) Thavelostmy futures. (@ The property was divided between Asha, Prabha and Nidhi, 4, What do you understand by the following: 4 @ SCJ. ® ac (c) Ibid @ AIR 5, Write a note on the need and importance of legal Janguage. 4 14230 Qa) ‘Pattee ser a sneer che meee oe oe Pee fre Section-B Tee (Short Answer Questions) (rg sat 9) Note: Attempt any wo questions out ofthe following three questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. Ae: Prefatan diy met #8 Bet at ect 3 oe AE mee BF 10 sist RL AER 200 arett ay ore atta 6 Write letter tothe District Magistrate complaining about noise pollution by loudspeakers in your locality ae we 7 ase wot am aha S rare fort aftrardh a as Raver Fea | 7. Framesentencestobring ou the meaning of any five of the following: Praitteer 2 2 Pret ate ar ond are wet Bg aay waga: (@) Amendment. water 14230 PTO. ) Gi) Contempt SAF Gi) Cruelty, aR (iv) Execution, Frere (W) Hearsay. aya (vi) Heit. (vit) Void. wt (vii) Oath am 8 Discuss the use and importance of standard marking inprootreading. ge aie (gu OR) tare wea (OE ait) & aed ote mee at ae st 14230 Section-C (6) wey (Audi Atteram parte, @etailed Answer Questions) at a a Gh (Rreae sete axa) Gi). Resipsa locquitut. Hote: Attempt any three questions out of the five wert wt aden & Sat a ae «iy Pann so Be: rian oe met 9 8 feat dtraet $ oe “Of Ma He 20 sist aE! wt (iv) Respondeat superior. att 81 a ert a red a a1 ' ; 11. What do you understand by precedent? What is Write any one essay from the following. W stan dent? What is reafraee H& eet m e Pra fr: Site de cree ee oe ete () Human Rights. force of precedent. arranfeare gd Pris & one gar amd 8? Pots S Gi) Judicial Activism. She ‘sree: Prone’ # gar atae 82 fr =afre afr ed Peta & ert a a ei wah 27 Gi) Uniform Civil Code. . a a oe, 12. Comprehension, Adalat and its importance, ‘The present is the age of information explosi Gy) fe a oon ve Information is knowledge. Information is po BD. Explain the following maxims either in Hindi or in ‘wansparency in govemance of country. Itis the bas English. . ‘ofthe demand of information. A new impetus. Pitta ated a ott a Rt Fe are in area of the claim of information after APre| Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 194 30 PTO. Article 19 of the Declaration provides that ev: | san a fone has the right to freedom of opinion and ‘expression, The right includes freedom to hold cpinions without interference and to seek, receive ‘nd import informations and ideas through any media ‘tegardless of frontiers. The right to information is {he offspring ofthe freedom of expression. The world Countries have accepted this new facet of the Gemocracy in action. United states of America took ‘Melendby enacting the Freedom of Information Act, [266 Australia enacted the Freedom of information Act, 1982. New Zealand also enacted Of (Which country took the forright to information? eed in enacting law (8) 13. Discuss Indian practice of citing documents in Written work with the help of illustrations. Sear wed 8 cent (aaa) B share (sear) a area od sort af saree mera & area Src 14230 ‘aoo:spmisnsaa:avavjsch Ittps:/ N Printed Pages : 8 (20518) Roll No... LL.B.VISem. 14230 LL.B. Examination, May-2018 LAW Legal Language and Legal Writing Including Proficiency in Gen, English (K-6002) Time : Three Hours} Note : Attempt all the sections as per instructions ate: wh aed 3 Parga oe Section-A wr5-9t (Very Short Answer Questions) (at ag sata se) Note : Attempcall five questions. Each question carries 4 marks, Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words tes anh ie ae sare ae se ae aod ay sea 75 2 Hof a Se TR : ti 14230 (PTO. Iips:/Avww [Maximum Marks : 100 toa’ (by ‘iy A sper ane At cer (©) SR 370 ote on atte (4) sme ara a 10. Explain the following maxims either in Hindi or in English (2) Resipsa Loquitur (b) Volenti non fit injuria (©) Equity follows the law (4) _Ex-pact illcito non oritur acto reat eat FR ar oe rem ae (a) ea aa a re oy ey send ga Co) rer fae ar aga att (a) sta ae oe are a8 et ‘What are the importance of legal language ? Explain fafa ame ar ea met By ene aif 12. “Translate the following passage into legal Hindi where the court would generally look for an independent ‘liable corroboration before placing any reliance 014230(CV-11) is well settled that itis a rute of aut PTO. huips:( 1 gesion Fs 0 dU ont aticiae° ewe by its very nature isa sn by it 60 Maes a ‘ and it is for this reas that. it to took for corroboration , idence On record. Such : rein with eat eal Fare ovidence requires e : ch an extra ji en circumstances needless to becomes doubtful and saher retiabl suet I oranddy spicins rs res tec eget ooses i etn a fn at ore AB: rma a RA aA Te ee 3 FT az fet 7 fea @ Pet et we au an a dae 3 Ph eet HT OT 2 a et RE WT TA Pat fren Ba Bae oo BH BA GH eT A OTT ar Tah & ay a om Gert Banta @ Rat a Fay Ra ee AE HE TE EL a 13. Comprehension (Our country is facing a severe environmental crisis Fis not tacked on a warfooting, it will certainly lead to socio-economic and ecologial disaster, « ‘which will sctiously affect the lives of millions of 014230 (CV) bups:/ a pevple.especially the poor. Government data usually understate the extant of environmental destruction The recent satell data has revealed that India is losing millions of hectares of forest every year which is many times more than the annual rate of deforestation put out by the forest department ‘Answer the following questions @ w) © Cc) Write a suitable title forthe above passage. What are the reasons of environmental damages? ‘What isthe result of environmental crisis ? ‘Summarize the view of author in the above passage. 014230(CV-) buips:/ (Printed Pages 8) A (20622) Roll Nox LL.B. VI Sem. 14249 LL.B. Examination, June-2022 Law Legal Language and Legal Writing Including Proficiency in General English (K-6002) Time : Three Hours | [Masiaam Marks: 100 Note : Attempt all the sections as. per instructions, ate aah avat at Rtergare an afi Section - A/ aos - 3 (Very Short Answer Type Questions) (air ng sertta =) Note : Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words. P.1.0. https:/vww.cesustudy-com tesa her mest a are aes etn we 4 SHH a 1 isa 75 eth if ore rife 1. Convert the following into indirect speech (@) He said, "My master is writing letters”, (b) He says, “I am Glad to be here this evening" (©) The policeman said to us, "Where are you going? (4) Don't make a noise, the teachers Said to students. 2. Change the ‘sentence as directed- (a) T shall have finished my course before examinations. (Passive Voice) () Did you buy this book (Passive Voice) 24249/2 https:/vww.cesustudy-com (© He will never speak the truth (positive) (d) Are you helped by her? (Active Voice) 3. Correct the following: (a) Ihave two pairs of shoes. {b) This house is made of stones. (©) Which is best of these books. (d) The rain had began yesterday. 4. Full form of following (a) ALR, (b) CrPC. (©) LPC. (@) crc 5. Make Sentences: (a) Ambiguous (b) Charge (c)_ Injunction (4) Deligent oe P10. 14249/3 bups:// Section-Byays.z (Short answer Type Questions) (Oy sera oy) Note: Attempt AMY two question out of the following three questions. tach Question carries 10 marks. Short Guestion carries 10 marks is required Rot exceeding 200 words. es Rees dt met a a fir a ont & sem ASA woke wer 10 sien at &) ‘ifs 200 rath ¥ ery sere sre #) €/ Write 2 letter to the Municipat Commissioner to control the menance of stray Dogs in the City. SAR ges a ae Suan Gat 3 IIE ae 35 were 4 ow offre 7. Give a brief explanation of the following (a) Ab initio rarasya bups/ (b) Adyudicate (©) In Pari-deticto (6) Alibt 8. What do you understand by following {a}. Volenti non fit injuria era 8 sors ng afi ay ae? () Good faith eran (©) Habeaus Corpus a8 seater (4). Sine die sififiaa act Section-C/ars-3 (Long Answer Type Questions) (feqer setter 7) Note: Attempt any three questions out of the following six questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Answer in detail. 14249/5 P.T.0- bups:// Ste: Bafa dia mea) a @ BPS A eh Ser ASTUI stes ge 20 sie ar Ai faregR, see ste SY Discuss the importance of Precedent vs 2 source of Lav Rofa SARE a ata or A wear on wae OF Eee te towing Frofofas a eae atfre (2) Injuria sine Damnum fir eof 8 ens (b) Res Ipsa Loquitur Wear eae ahh 81 (©) Damnum sine Injuria ‘fae afer & ee (d) Actus necessitus ree oH FT 11. Comprehension: In modern times, we see two types of terrorism, to be analysed from two angles one is internal terrorism and the other 14249/6 https:/vww.cesustudy-com one is external. Any kind of terrorism has became @ menance, threat and challenge to the peopie of the World and Peaceloving people therein. Terrorisns : the use of violency by a small group of people to get their demands fulhi their wishes satisfied, (a) What is terrorism a menance (b)_ What amounts to teriorisin’ (©) Give a suitable title to the pass. (4) Why terrorist are the enemies of mankind. 32. Translate into Hindi: The Supreme Court has held that it cuts not be laid down as an absolute rule of law or even as a rule of prudence which has fipended Into a rule of taw, that a dying declaration can not from the role basis of conviction unless It is corroborated. 14249/7 v.10. bpssiiwww 13. Transiate into Engiisn ews HPCAAED a sera ot sh SrA a, Fh an aru tc et ay Bw BA satya eactzcn 8 ibe eat & Fae a fet ba eae a atten en ‘eben. ie gerd gas I aetna ae 51 Write an essay on any one of the een 14, following Frefatiac 8 8 fret was we (a) Right to Information rT @ sitio (>) Judicial Activism marae fiber (c) Role of Education in the vey ferfaae. Empowernment of Women. after serfesaseo § fren a aren (d) Democracy is the future of Mankind. srameta Haren aor fee 2h 14249/8 Inps:/Awww cesustudy:com A (20623) Roll No. .. LL. B.-VI Sem. 14249 LL. B. (LAW) Examination, June 2023 Legal Language and Legal Writing including Proficiency in Gen. English (K-6002) Time: Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Note: Attempt questions from all Sections as per instructions \ wll avd @ Raergerc eet ea fre | Section-A TET (Very Short Answer Type Questions) (sift ag Sta x7) Answer all the five questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words. 4x5=20 AIIM. https:/ 14249 @ woh diet sett & ore Gre 1 ees ET 4 Sith a8 cater 75 cat A af ay SAT SAAT zr Convertthe following sentences as directed: @ _Aradhana said she could carry all the books. (Direct Speech) (ii) Reemasaid, "drone the bike.” (ndirect Speech) ii) Harisaid he would come the next day. Wirect Speech) (iv) Thaven'tseen Pragya. (Indirect Speech) Correct the following sentences : i) The student regretted from his behaviour. Being a rainy day, I could not walk to college. httos:/ Gii)_A fifty year old has joined our university. Gv) Sheis suffering from strong fever, Change the following sentences as directed (Mohan changed the flat tire. Passive Voice) AIIM, @ Gi) A movie is going to be matched by us tonight. (Active Voice) Gili) Helovesme. (Passive Voice) (iv) The novel was read by mom in one day. ° (Active Voice) Write synonyms @ Acquittal ~ (ii) Confinement — Gil) Damage Gy) Guilty. Write full form ofthe following abbreviations Freier aitrererat ar got ey ea: @ AIR Gi sce ii) CrLd (wv) IT ATM. ® Section-B west (Short Answer Type Questions) (eg aut 7) ‘Answer any fwo questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. 102-20 Prafaias de eet Fa Ret Tact F sae dfn | aaa wet 10 otal ar 1 silts 200 wat age stare | 6. Write shortnotes on the following: opener eres Feather = (@ Audialteram partem -0- ii) Nemo judex incaura sua. 14249 AVI. hitps:/ eo Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the misleading advertisements. ame Prenast & art A Pat aarerc-aa & Aare ar oa Pee Explain obiter dictum, stiger Baan B aren Are 1 Section-C weg (Detailed Answer Type Questions) (rege sata 5x7) “Answer any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 20 marks. ‘Answer isrequiredin detail. 20%3=60 Prafaftd die aed 4 8 edt de set & oar Ae 1 sees et 20 oie aT E 1 Rega sae arta B ‘Write an essay on any one subject: are om fre x Prova Fafa + (@ Judicial System in India area A a eT ASTM hitps:// 10. 14249 o Gi) Chita Labour are 75 Gi) Consumer Protection rein ar (iv) Rightodie, > gi see Explain the following legal maxims reer Fars fet a aaron ifr = (@ Res-nultivs Gi) Locus stand (iy Ulira-viees -8 (iv) Respondent Superior, Translate the following into English : iar ax SAR A sre SP: sfnfafea afta % fires at es Pater A ary eT soraverren 3 6h fag aeteibien fea eT ween 1 2A aes & Pereira ews fA aT, Ba B afer oe ate tt as one F oral ANIM. hitps:/ a ae oer Pow a 8 ter ae fer aa on gam 8 28 8 gar A ore BF on a AE or TA ore GEA eR Prater ae at age oe oT Rea 1 ae ont ives Gap caret 3 Be 7 ore Fare ae wy & fet oar et ore B 1 RA ars a emeét ae cen ary aa et eeT ae ve ofan raat ee a Ate ‘Translate the following into Hindi : rene feet A srg se: In ancient period, we know only crimes arising out of greed (gold), lust (women) and land. But now such crimes have been relegated to the category of traditional crimes. In modem age newest crimes have appeared. These crimes are committed by persons belonging to the higher social status by beguiling people, practicing fraud, misrepresentation, by adopting other known or unknown ways to amass money by fair or foul means. Such newest crimes are termed, “white-coller crimes". A/TIM htips:// 1B. @ Comprehension: Rights and duties are two sides of the same coin, {Pe can't exist without the other. Puties without rights are mere slavery!) Similarly, right without duties amount to law lessness. In any civilized society, rights and duties must go sideby side. But in today's world, everybody talks much about his rights. There isa great hue and ery ifourrights are infiinged\{But no body seems to bather much about his dutigSfTiiat is why there is great unrest invour present day lifBoActually duties come frst, the rights afer wards. (Why there great unrest in our present day lite? Gil) What do you think, comes first... rights or duties ? (iii) Give one example to show that one man's right another man’s duty 14249-8, https:/

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