Class 8 Test Unit 1

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Name: Pintér Blanka Test Unit 1

Class: 8

1. Describe these clothes!

a. The pullover is _checked_____.

tight plain checked

b. The T-shirt is _striped____.

striped flat pointed

c. The dress is _long-sleeved_____.

short-sleeved long-sleeved tight

d. The shoes are _high-heeled____.

high-heeled baggy flat

e. The jeans are _tight____.

pointed tight flared 5/

2. Think of an object for each material!

Material Object
plastic ruler

silver rings

silk curtains

denim jackets


3. Put the verb in bracket in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous!
The jungle at night
I _was lying __ (lie) in my hammock last night trying to sleep, but it was impossible because the noise of the
jungle was so loud. Monkeys _screamed _____ (scream) in the trees, and millions of mosquitoes
_buzzed______ ( buzz) round my head. I_was taking___ (take) a sleeping pill and finally _i was fall__ (fall)
asleep at 3.OO a.m.
4. Underline the correct form of the verbs!

a. My mother waited/was waiting for the train when she saw/was seeing the accident.

b. It rained/was raining when I was getting up /got up this morning.

c. While I drove/was driving, Jake talked/was talking on his mobile phone in the car.

d. Janice played/ was playing in the garden when the dog attacked/was attacking her.

e. While I studied/was studying, I suddenly had/was having a brilliant idea.

f. When the guests arrived/were arriving, Mr Turner cooked/was cooking.

g. While Nick slept/ was sleeping, somebody stole/was stealing his car.

h. The students read/were reading their books when the teacher returned/was returning.

5. Complete these sentences! Use too or enough and an adjective!

These striped trousers are not _tight____ _enough____.I need a larger size!

These shoes are _too_____ _expensive_____.I can’t afford them!

These trainers are not _big ____ _enough______.My feet are aching.


6.Describe the clown’s clothes! Use adjectives with too or enough! Write 5 sentences!

1.__The trousers is too big_______________________________
2.__The gloves are too big _______________________________
3.__The hat is enough big_(perfect size?)___________________
4.__The bow is too big__________________________________
5.___The shoes are too big too___________________________ 5/

7.Complete the following sentences! Use used to structure and the verb in brackets!

a.We _used to play_____(play) tennis every day but now we don’t play it.
b. I_used to go out_____ (go out) with my friends every weekend when I was younger.
c.Sarah _didn’t use to____ (not/read) books when she was a child.
d.Max _used to like___ (like) snakes but now he hates them.
e.My son _didn’t use to eat____ (not/eat) vegetables, but now he likes them.
f.My grandmother _didn’t use to wear___ (not/wear) glasses, but now she wears them all the time.
g._Did___ you__use to have______ (have) a computer in the school?
h.What games _did___ you_use to play____ (play) when you were a child?


8. Complete the text with had to/didn’t have to or could/couldn’t!

a.Kate _couldn’t________ read in the car because she felt dizzy.

b.Sarah _couldn’t______ go swimming on Saturday, because she_had to__________ go to her grandmother.
c.Jeremy_could______ meet his friends on Sunday, because he __didn’t have to_____ go to dance class. His
dance instructor became ill.
d.My cousin __had to_____ wait for the train for a long time. It arrived in just five minutes.
e.My eyes were so bad that I __couldn’t_____ read the newspaper.
f.When Fred was very young, he __could____ run very fast and he was in the running team.
g.We _had to_____ buy a new table for the house because the previous owners left us one in the kitchen.


Total 57/

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