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Document date: 19.10.2015

Applies to Arcode version 15072248 or later
What does Pretorque Function do?

Pretorque function can be used to improve the performance of the anti-rollback function.

On the beginning of a travel, at the instance the mechanical brakes are released, gravity exerts
a sudden downward or upward force on the motor. The direction and magnitude of this force
depends on the amount of load inside the car and is unknown to the controller until the brakes
are opened. (If the car is fully loaded, it will be downwards with a large magnitude. If the car
is fully empty, it will be upwards with a large magnitude. If the car and counterweight is at
balance, the magnitude will be zero)

The anti-rollback function inside the controller has a PID which attempts to find the correct
balancing force for the current load. But this calculation can only be done only after a slight
movement of the car. Because PID needs feedback information from the encoder and encoder
can give this only after the motor slightly moves.

Although the encoder is very sensitive and PID calculation is very fast, in some elevator
configurations, this balancing action cannot be performed fast enough to be unnoticable (due
to big motor sheave size, weight of the car, etc..) and the rollback will be felt by the
passangers inside the car. For those cases, the pretorque function can be used to improve the
anti-rollback function.

The downside of using the pretorque function is that it needs special hardware, a load sensor,
to be installed under the car. (which increases the overall cost of the system)

When used, the pretorque function can predict the direction and the magnitude of the
balancing force before releasing the brakes because it can now approximately calculate the
required torque needed to keep the car in balance (with the information from.the load sensor)

In the following graphs, two identical travels are shown with and without the pretorque

Graph-A: Pretorque function disabled (Pretorque gain = 0.0)

Graph-B: Pretorque function enabled (Pretorque gain = 1.0):

The pretorque function allows the antirollback PID to stabilize much faster.

How to setup the pretorque function?

Arcode system can use analog or digital load sensors for the pretorque function. An analog
sensor will give a better accuracy but even a digital sensor will greatly improve the anti-
rollback performance.

The antirollback function (P0350) can be enabled this parameter has the following options:
- off:
Anti-rollback function will not be used

The function can be used either with gains or with load device

The pretorque function can be enabled by the "(P0779) Pretorque function" parameter. This
parameter has the following options:

- Disabled:
Pretorque function will not be used

-weight sensor with (analog voltage, analog current or digital) output:

A load sensor with voltage or current output must be connected to AV/AR/AI
terminals on the IBC board.

Weight sensor with analog (voltage or current) output:

A load sensor with voltage or current output must be connected to AV/AR/AI terminals on the
IBC board. (see the connection diagrams of the sensor manufacturer)
The output range of the sensor is not critical as Arcode will measure this range during the
pretorque learning process.

Weight sensor with digital output:

At least 3 different load set points and 3 outputs corresponding to these set points must be
available on the load sensor device.

The set points on the load sensor device must be calibrated by the user as follows:
- Set Point 1 : car load > 25% of maximum car load
- Set Point 2 : car load > 75% of maximum car load
- Set Point 3 : car load > 105% of maximum car load

The load sensor outputs corresponding to these set points must be connected to the Arcode
system and they must be assigned to the following input functions from Arcode device
- Set Point 1 output --> (CW1) Car load more than 25%
- Set Point 2 output --> (CW2) Car load more than 75%
- Set Point 3 output --> (804) Overload signal

(For these calibrations, see the documentation of the sensor manufacturer)

Pre-torque gain(P0771)
- 0.0 : The pre-torque function doesn’t influence working of system.
- 1.0 : The pre-torque function is active with full torque.

Pre-torque build-up time(P0990)

The parameter is used how long the power will be reached maximum. As default
setting is 200ms that parameter the power will reache from zero to maximum in 200ms. If you
hear a bad voice in build-up that parameter can be increased.

Anti-Rollback PID gains(P0819)

Both anti-rollback functions are defined by gains or pretorque functions KP and KI gains of
anti-rollback must be set by user. For starting values can be used for KP:10000 and KI: 5000.
If there is a roll-back after pretorque learning the values can be increased. The important point
is KI should be half of KP. For example if the KP is entered as 5000 the KI should be 2500.

Pretorque Learning Process

When the pretorque function is selected voltage, current or digital output from parameter
(P0779), the pretorque learning process will start.

During learning, at each start-up of the car, Arcode observes the load inside the car and the
balancing force calculated by the anti-rollback function. Arcode uses this data to determine
the "car load vs balancing torque" relation specific to that elevator.

For the learning to be completed, Arcode needs at least 3 start-ups with an empty car and 3
start-ups with a heavily loaded car to calculate the "load vs torque" relation. Current status of
the learning process and how many start-ups of which kind are still needed, can be seen on the
"Pretorque Information" screen on Arem.
After Arcode collects enough information to determine the "car load vs balancing torque"
relation, it stops the larning process and will use this experimental information to improve the
anti-rollback function.

Note: If a need arises, the learned pretorque data can be erased by pressing the F3 button on
Arem when "Pretorque Information" screen is active and the learning process will start from

Understanding the "Pretorque Function State" Graph

The Arem screen should look like this after the learning is completed:

This graph shows all the data acquired by the pretorque function.

The graph shows Weight(X-axis) vs Torque (Y-axis) linear relation specific to the elevator.
The elements in this graph are explained below:

Yellow dots:
They represent the sampled (Weight,Torque) values which are acquired during the learning
phase. Normally they should be 3 yellow dots on the left and 3 yellow dots on the right
(sometimes, they overlap and can be seen as 2 or 1 dot)
The 2 groups of dots (on the left and right side) should be on opposite sides of the white line.
If all the yellow dots are below the white line or if all the yellow dots are above the white line,
it shows a problem with the amount of counter-balance in the elevator. You should correct the
weight of the counter-balance (empty car weight + half the carrying capacity) and restart the
learning process.
White horizontal line:
Zero-Torque line.

Blue tilted line:

Shows the weight torgue relation in the for the:

Torque = A * Weight + B

formula where A and B are constants found during the learning process.

Green dot:
This dot shows the real-time (Weight,Torque) values for the moment.
If the car is at rest, the torque applied to the motor will be zero and the green line dot should
be somewhere on the white line. It should move left and right as the load in the car is
During travel, this green dot should move in all directions depending on the acceleration of
the car.

Blue dot on the blue line:

Shows the estimated torque needed to balance the car for the current load. At the moment the
brakes are opened, the green dot will jump to the position of this blue-dot.

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. To make sure that the data from the weight sensor is being received by Arcode

- Connect Arem inside the car and see the "Pretorque Function State" screen
- When unloaded, the green dot must be near one edge of the screen and it must be
on the white horizontal line.
- Slowly load the car
- As the car is being loaded, the green dot must gradually move towards the other side
of the screen (staying still on the white line)
- Slowly unload the car
- When being unloaded, the green dot must gradually move to the first edge.

If the green dot is moving left and right as expected (while loading and unloading the car), the
load sensor and communication between the sensor and Arcode is working properly.

If the green line is not moving at all:

- Check the output of the load sensor with a voltmeter
- Check if the polarity of the sensor outputs are correct
- Check if the connections to IBC board are correct
- Check if IBC board CANbus communication is ok (from Arem CANBUS Status
- Check if the correct type of sensor is selected in (P0779)
Note: If a sensor with digital outputs are used, the green dot can only be in 4 different
positions: 0%, 25%, 75% and %100. Check if the green dot moves to all of these 4 positions
by loading and unloading the car.

With a faulty sensor or sensor not communicating correctly, a faulty graph will be as follows:

This graph indicates faulty operation because all 6 sample points (yellow dots) are on the left
edge. This means the weight data was always zero whether loaded or unloaded (the green dot
never moved to the right side)

2. Make sure the samples are not taken at wrong times:

During learning, Arcode samples the weight and torque values at the end of anti-rollback
phase, just before the car starts moving. Because of this:

- Make sure that "(P0336) Mechanical brake opening time" is not set to a too-short
value. If this value is too short, the car will start moving before the anti-rollback
function has time to balance the car and pretorque function will take its samples before
the car load could be balanced by the PID.
To avoid this mistake, set this parameter to its maximum value (3 seconds). After the
learning is completed, revert it to its normal value.

- Make sure the parameter "(P0771) Pretorque gain" is set to maximum "1.0". This
parameter is meant to see what difference the pretorque function makes in confort.
When this parameter is set to "0.0", the pretorque function will be ineffective. When
this parameter is set to "0.5" it will be half-effective.

3. Make sure that anti-rollback function is working properly:

Pretorque function only improves the antirollback function. If antirollback is not enabled or if
it is not adjusted properly, pretorque function will not have any good effect.

- Make sure that "(P0350 Anti-rollback function" is set to "On" and that Antiroll-back
PID parameters (P0359) and (P0360) are adjusted as good as possible.
4. Make sure the load sensor has a linear output

Some analog load sensors may have non-linear outputs. Arcode pretorque function cannot
work with these non-linear output sensors.

Having linear output means, the voltage or current output must be proportional to the amount
of load in the car.

For example, this is an example of linear sensor (good):

0 kg -> 1 Volts
250 kg -> 3 Volts
500 kg -> 5 Volts
750 kg -> 7 Volts
1000 kg -> 9 Volts

But this is the output of a non-linear sensor (not good):

0 kg -> 1 Volts
250 kg -> 3 Volts
500 kg -> 4 Volts
750 kg -> 4.5 Volts
1000 kG -> 4.8 Volts

If this is the case (non-linear output), please consult your load sensor manufacturer.

4. If all else fails:

It is time to search for mechanical problems like:
- Too tight or faulty rail slides
- Non-lubricated rails
- Sluggish encoder couplings or incorrect encoder connections

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