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Netflix impact

Laila Alkhayat (  )

Kuwait University

Research Article

Keywords: Prosocial behaviors, Social Influencers, Online Viewing, Eraly childhood, Digital moral

Posted Date: March 14th, 2023


License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Read Full

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The study aims to determine the positive and negative impact of children's use of social networks, especially the
Netflix platform, concerning their social values, from the parents’ viewpoint.

Method: 437 parents participated in this research, and the survey researchers design gathers information about
the positive and negative effect of watching Netflix on childrens’ social values, and the parents attitude about this
impact on social values.

Results: The findings reveal that the positive effect of the child watching Netflix ranked first and supports its
availability to a medium degree. the most positive aspects of the child watching Netflix, increasing religious and
moral awareness, national awareness and consolidating the values of morals and good examples. While the
lowest arithmetic means are attributed to helping them in accepting new cultures or teaching new languages .The
most prominent negative aspects of the child watching Netflix. It weakens the child's expressive abilities,
increases the child's expenses on material matters, helps them develop imagination, intensifies differences with
their brothers and friends due to differences in opinions, increases the gap between the child and family members,
and causes the child's problems with parents from increased viewing of Netflix

The effect of Netflix on the social values of children is controversial. It is no secret that Netflix has become one of
the most popular streaming services in recent years. Alm (2019, 2021) states that with Netflix’s wide selection of
TV shows, movies, and documentaries, it is no wonder that people of all ages have become addicted to the site.
While some parents may see Netflix as a harmless way to entertain their children, others worry about its potential
adverse effects on their social values (Williamson, 2021). There is no clear consensus on the effects of Netflix on
children's social values. Movies dubbed into other languages have always been a go-to for students of foreign
languages (Limna et al., 2020). However, Netflix is now available in over 190 nations and 26 languages and has
greatly facilitated access to international languages and videos (Maharani, 2021). Students of languages other
than their native one who enjoy TV series in that language may be motivated to research equivalent programming
in their second language (L2) of choice (Gouleti et al., 2020). Schönbrodt & Frank (2022) explains that this
potential propensity to enjoy L2 entertainment provides a new basis for creative methods of acquiring linguistic
competence. The availability of movies and series in various languages fosters a multi-lateral community as
people interact with other people's languages (Thompson & Miller, 2018; Vlassis (2022). While this variety and
easy accessibility of Netflix has positive outcomes, it affects the social lives of many children as they constantly
become glued to their screens (Phillo & Ruchimat, 2022; Seddeek & Othman, 2021). When Netflix releases all-new
series episodes, most people watch all the seasons within a few days or weeks (Castañeda & Selwyn, 2018). Even
though the shows are of different genres, they sometimes share popularity within a given period, and once people
know about them, they binge-watch the series (Jenner, 2021). In this research, we will be exploring the impact of
Netflix on the social values of children from the parent's point of view. I will analyze the emerging trends with the
media engagement patterns in the current Netflix shows, like sex education, with the help of (Crespi, 2018; Dudek
et al., 2022) and 13 reasons why (Naseem et al., 2022). We will be looking at both the positive and negative
effects of Netflix and how it may change social values among children. Additionally, we will investigate the habits
and patterns of children who watch Netflix and the parents' opinions of their impact on social values (Buethe,

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Education tries to determine the effects of watching technology programs, social media, websites, and platforms
on the formation of the child's personality. However, it is in a race with the rapid progress we are witnessing in
technology. One of the most prominent features of the era in which we live is this tremendous scientific progress
in the field of technology programs. Therefore, we have become living in a world of direct social communication
and media and cultural openness, and social media sites have changed many concepts and values whether
positive or negative.

In the Arabian Gulf, we have recently witnessed the spread of the phenomenon of the influence of the celebrities of
foreign platforms with their different culture, which began to affect the values, morals, and ideas of the members
of the society negatively and positively according to the personal experience of what children follow in these
programs, series, and films.

Childhood is considered an important stage where what the child watches will cultivate in him/her the social
values and ideas that he/she will believe in. Thus, it is necessary to know the social values that affect the child
and their positive and negative impacts.

Many educators have realized that caring about building the child's integrated personality means paying attention
to building the future. In addition, websites, programs, and video platforms are from the means that affect social
values because they address the new generation that has become used to using them and they have become part
of their social life. They affect the personality of the child from all aspects: scientific, spiritual, social,
psychological, moral, and health-related.

This study addresses the following goal: the role of Netflix in changing social values. It delves into the Netflix
platform and its positive and negative role as a means of changing social values from an early childhood
education perspective from the parents’ viewpoint.

In order to achieve this goal, we focused in this study on the Netflix platform and its role in building, shaping, and
changing social values from the parents' viewpoint.

Literature Review: The Impact of Netflix on Culture and Early

Technology has continuously revolutionized different sectors, including entertainment and education. Its impact
on culture and early education are far-reaching because it has changed how individuals interact, learn, and think
about learning (Williamson, 2021). Early education is one of the most crucial periods in a child's life, and the
impact of technology on early education is profound. Technology, precisely Netflix, has profoundly impacted
culture and early education by creating a wealth of educational and entertainment content accessible to people
worldwide, positively affecting how children learn. It has also helped break down barriers between cultures by
making it easier for people to access various cultural experiences (Williamson, 2021). The platform's diverse range
of content has made it an invaluable resource for educators, who can use it to supplement their teaching. As a
result, children are exposed to a broader range of educational material and can learn at their own pace (Selwyn,
2016). In this literature review, Netflix is a crucial tool in culture and early education through its massive
investment in education, improving access to quality education for millions globally.

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The Impact Of Netflix On Culture
Recently, the Netflix company has significantly impacted global culture, specifically how populations consume
entertainment and learn foreign languages. Netflix facilitates various components, including the accessibility of a
broad scope of substance, the comfort of utilization, and reasonable membership charges. The platform contains
self-produced content from different sources worldwide that encompass entertainment, education, and news. Alm
(2021) highlights the growing interest in utilizing popular culture media for learning languages, including Tv series,
films, and social media. The extensive viewing and re-watching culture evident among learners enables children to
learn from Netflix in many ways. This allows children in early education to learn other cultural elements, such as
languages. Besides mathematics, Netflix can help children learn about other cultures using documentaries that
explore different cultures worldwide, helping students learn about other cultures and increase their cultural
awareness (Schönbrodt & Frank, 2022).

Netflix's content has steered different analyses on the representation of new masculinities compared to traditional
cultural interpretations. Crespi (n.d.) analyzed how the Netflix show "Sex Education" portrays masculinities in a
new light and argues that the show contests traditional ideas of masculinity by presenting characters that are not
afraid to express their emotions or be vulnerable (Crespi, n.d.). The results reveal that the show presents a more
nuanced and realistic portrayal of masculinities than is typically seen in the media (Crespi, n.d.). It further
challenges traditional gender norms and expectations, making a significant step in the right direction regarding
the representation of men and masculinities in the media.

Netflix has contributed to the concept of binge-watching and the pressure to produce content that is "binge-
worthy." Jenner (2021) highlights that binge-watching, a form of television consumption deeply rooted in our
contemporary culture, has profoundly affected how people consume television today. Thus, binge-watching on
Netflix shows is a symptom of our contemporary culture and is indicative of our changing relationship with
television, which is a response to the cumulative fragmentation of our culture and need for instant gratification.

Nonetheless, studies have expressed concerns regarding Netflix’s negative impact on culture. For example, studies
in Indonesia reveal that the more time children spend watching films on Netflix, the higher their chances of
exposure to harmful content (Phillo & Ruchimat, 2022). In another study, authors explore how Sex Education, a
Netflix show portraying teenagers' exploration of sex and sexuality, represents and shapes young people's
attitudes towards sex and pornography (Dudek, Woodley & Green, 2022). The authors note that the show
normalizes and even encourages pornography consumption among its teenage viewers due to the high use of
gushing administration (Phillo & Ruchimat, 2022). This could harm their sexual development and relationships.

Notably, to impact culture positively, Netflix shows should break down the stigma surrounding teenage sexuality
(Vlassis, 2022). However, specific commissions need to regulate the content on Netflix to ensure children consume
content free from pornographic elements. Since Netflix is significant in socio-economic development and
language development among children, it positively impacts culture only if it is well-regulated. Selwyn (2016) also
criticizes how people present education and technology as a savior for all problems, emphasizing that Netflix
encourages a 'passive' form of viewing, damaging children's development (Selwyn, 2016). Consequently,
regulators must check the quality of content on Netflix to avoid the 'dumbing down' culture due to a limited range
of content.

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The Impact Of Netflix On Early Education
Netflix has dramatically impacted early education, mainly how children consume and engage with educational
content. Netflix offers diverse educational content for children, including shows that teach basic concepts like
numbers and shapes and more complex topics like history and science (Alm, 2019). This abundance of
educational content has made Netflix popular for parents and educators looking for ways to engage and educate
young children. Today, children use Netflix as a tool for foreign language learning. Studies have emphasized the
potential of Learning languages via the Netflix tool, showing that Netflix tools are crucial in supporting the
teaching, learning, and acquisition of grammar, pragmatics, and vocabulary (Gouleti, Dimitriadis & Kokonis, 2020).
The study applied eye-tracking technology to observe how children aged 11–13 engaged with foreign films on
Netflix. The authors observed that children could identify and learn new words and phrases while watching a film
(Gouleti, Dimitriadis & Kokonis, 2020). They could also easily guess the meaning of new words from the
respective context. Thus, the Netflix tool is vital in the development of metacognitive strategies.

Limna et al. (2022) also investigated Netflix’s impact on Thai people’s intention to learn English using the Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The research identified that performance expectancy, effort
expectancy, and social influence had a significant positive impact on English learning intention while facilitating
conditions had a significant negative impact (Limna et al., 2022). However, there is a need for further research in
this area. Schönbrodt and Frank (2022) found that Netflix can help students learn mathematics since students
who used Netflix were able to solve mathematical problems more quickly than those who did not use Netflix.

Additionally, Netflix has ignited the pressure to produce and verify engaging educational content. Buethe (2019)
examined the impact of Netflix's Stranger Things on culture and education and argued that the show promotes a
"culture of risk," which can benefit education. The author cites the example of the character Eleven who is brave
and resourceful in the face of danger and argues that this type of character can encourage children to take risks
and to be more independent (Buethe, 2019). Consequently, Netflix is essential in early education because it can
help children to understand the importance of cooperation and friendship.

Based on the findings of the literature review, Netflix has a positive impact on culture and early education. It has
helped to improve access to cultural education resources and has also helped to promote cultural awareness and
understanding. Moreover, Netflix has helped improve early education quality by providing access to high-quality
educational content. However, there is also no doubt that Netflix has had some negative consequences. Future
studies should explore how Netflix affects different people's intentions to learn since most present studies focus
on the outcome of Netflix and not individual’s intentions and willingness to use it as a learning tool. This will help
justify the application of Netflix in the educational experience.

The Problem of the Research:

Children in Kuwait spend many hours following the Netflix platform, and its ideas and presentation affect
positively and negatively the construction of their personality and social values. Opinions vary concerning the
educational benefit of this platform among parents in the Arab world, where there are supporters and opponents
to the impact of the Netflix platform. Therefore, the study aims to find out the positive and negative impact of
watching Netflix. The degrees of benefit and harm vary according to the program, series, film, and age group, as
well as the type, nature, and number of hours of use. Hence, the current study aims to find out the impact of
watching Netflix on the social values of children in the State of Kuwait from the parents’ viewpoint.
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Research Questions:
What is the positive impact of watching Netflix on the social values of children in Kuwait from the parents’

What is the negative impact of watching Netflix on the social values of children in Kuwait from the parents’

What is the parents’ attitude about the effect of watching Netflix on the social values of children in Kuwait from
the parents’ viewpoint?
The Objectives of the Study:
The current study aims to determine the impact of watching Netflix on the social values of children in the State of
Kuwait from the parents’ viewpoint. Thus, the study seeks to achieve the following objectives:

Identifying the negative impact of Netflix on the social values of the child from the parents’ viewpoint.

Identifying the positive impact of Netflix on the social values of the child from the parents’ viewpoint.

The Importance of the Study:

Platforms for watching series, films, and programs have an important role in our time. It is necessary to highlight
the impact of the Netflix platform on social values, as well as its role in changing the social values of the child.
The importance of the current study is reflected in the fact that it is the first attempt to identify the role of the
Netflix platform in changing the social values of children from the parents’ viewpoint in the State of Kuwait. This
study is of particular importance because its topic is rarely discussed in our Arab and Islamic world, which is why
tackling this topic is important for the scientific benefit, especially for those interested in knowing the impact of
viewing websites and platforms such as educators, parents, and those interested in the media.

Limitations of the Study:

The study is entitled " The Impact of Watching Netflix on Social Values in Children from the Viewpoint of Parents
in Kuwait". It focuses on determining the role of watching Netflix in changing the social values of the child and
knowing its negative and positive impact on building the child's personality. What is meant by “the role” here is
what the participant (parent) sees regarding the impact of watching Netflix through answering a questionnaire,
and not what the researchers note, where the latter requires experimentation or field experience. Concerning the
temporal limitations, this field study was applied in October 2022. Regarding the spatial boundaries, the study was
applied to a sample of parents of students of the Faculty of Education, Kuwait University, because it represents a
random segment of different regions of Kuwait.
The Tools of the Study:
The tools I used varied according to the nature of the study branching out in multiple fields and axes as well as
tools and research methods.

Key Terminology of the Study:

Netflix: A website and platform to watch a variety of series, films, and programs, which allows setting the age of
the viewer, and a monthly subscription is required to watch its programs.
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Social values: The social norms that society instills in the individual and are usually associated with the customs,
traditions, religion, and culture of the society.

The study participants consisted 437 student parents. The demographic distribution of the parents is as follows:

A questionnaire with four parts was developed by researchers to be used for data collection. First part is to
determine demographic information like relationship to the child, child gender, parents education level, child grade,
and a question if the child watch Netflix or not and if the answer yes what is the time spend on Netflix. The second
part gathers information on parents’ view about the positive impact of watching Netflix on children social values.
The third part gathers information on parents’ view about the negative impact of watching Netflix on children
social values. The last part is to determine parents’ attitude about Netflix effect on children’s social values.

The ethical clearnce was obtained from Kuwait University before undertaking the research. Furthermore, the
anonymouse online survey was sent with informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included
in the study.

Study Method
This study is based on a descriptive research method, as it relies on the study of reality and describes it accurately,
as it is expressed quantitatively through analysis and interpretation of the results in order to know the effect of
watching Netflix on the social values of children from the parental viewpoint in the State of Kuwait according to
some independent variables (child gender, Parental education level, Does your child use Netflix) for the purpose of
collecting, analyzing and then concluding the most important results related to the effect of watching Netflix on
social values of children.

Study Community And Sample

The study community consisted of kindergarten and primary school parents. The study sample included (437)
who were selected according to the simple random sampling method. The following table shows the sample

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Table 1
Sample Description
Variable Level n %

Child gender Male 189 43.2

Female 248 56.8

Parental education level Pre-secondary 33 7.6

Secondary / Diploma 106 24.3

University 279 63.8

Master's/PhD 19 4.3

Does your child use Netflix? yes 156 35.7

no 281 64.3

Total 437 100

Study Tools
The questionnaire was used as a tool to achieve the objectives of the study, in order to identify the views of a
sample of kindergarten and primary school parents, and for this purpose the researcher prepared a questionnaire
about (The effect of watching Netflix on the social values of children from the parental viewpoint). The researcher
relied on secondary data sources in addressing the theoretical framework of the research, which are Arab and
foreign books and references related to the subject of the study, in addition to previous studies that dealt with the
subject of the study. The main topics of the questionnaire were identified after presenting the questionnaire to
colleagues and specialists, where the researcher formulated the statements under its topics, as they amounted to
(50) items divided into two topics as follows: the first topic (33 items) and includes two scopes: The first scope:
the positive effect of my child watching Netflix (17 items) (1–17). The second scope: the negative effect of my
child watching Netflix (16 items) (18–32). The second topic: the effect of the child watching Netflix on changing
social values (17 items) (1–17). Five choices are included to obtain more accurate responses, graded from (1–5)
on a 5 Point Likert Scale according to the following levels: (1) strongly disagree, (2) agree, (3) undecided, (4) agree,
(5) strongly disagree. For the purpose of monitoring the scores, then the researcher determined the estimate of the
questionnaire expressions as follows: The items that got an arithmetic mean ranged between (1-1.80) are within
the grade level of (very weak). The items that got an arithmetic mean (1.81–2.60) are within the grade level of
(weak). The items that got an arithmetic mean (2.61–3.40) are within the grade level of (medium). The items that
got an arithmetic mean (3.41–4.20) are within the grade level of (high). The items that got an arithmetic mean
(4.21-5) are within the grade level of (very high).

Questionnaire Validity And Reliability:

Face validity (Arbitrators): After the researcher prepared the preliminary concept of the tool, which consisted of
(50) items, the questionnaire was presented to a group of arbitrators who are specialists in the educational field, in
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order to determine the validity of the questionnaire for application in the State of Kuwait and to ensure the
integrity of its formulation and accordingly the final version has been reached.

Internal Consistency Validity:

After completing the Face validity (Arbitrators), the researcher applied the questionnaire to a randomly selected
survey sample from kindergarten and primary school parents consisting of (40) individuals, in order to verify the
computation of the consistency of each item with the total score of the scope of the first topic with its two scopes
and between each item and overall grade for the second topic, the results were positive correlation for all items at
significance level 0.01, which means that the resolution has an acceptable degree of consistency as shown in the
following table. .

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Table 2
Item correlation coefficients for the total grade of the two topic
The first topic The second topic

The first scope The second scope

Item Correlation Significance Item Correlation Significance Item Correlation Significance

Coefficient Level Coefficient Level Coefficient Level

1 .572** .000 18 .553** .000 1 .454** .003

2 .695** .000 19 .632** .000 2 .554** .000

3 .752** .000 20 .811** .000 3 .592** .000

4 .758** .000 21 .758** .000 4 .323* .042

5 .659** .000 22 .603** .000 5 .683** .000

6 .715** .000 23 .554** .000 6 .642** .000

7 .640** .000 24 .705** .000 7 .591** .000

8 .775** .000 25 .660** .000 8 .720** .000

9 .741** .000 26 .628** .000 9 .650** .000

10 .698** .000 27 .723** .000 10 .730** .000

11 .709** .000 28 .716** .000 11 .679** .000

12 .572** .000 29 .672** .000 12 .712** .000

13 .737** .000 30 .709** .000 13 .857** .000

14 .701** .000 31 .465** .003 14 .561** .000

15 .469** .002 32 .642** .000 15 .718** .000

16 .493** .001 33 .763** .000 16 .795** .000

17 .821** .000 17 .768** .000

** significance level 0.01

Second: Reliability
The researcher verified the reliability of the study's questionnaire through the "Cronbach's alpha" coefficient
method. The value of the "Cronbach's alpha" coefficient was high for each of the study topics. For the first topic it
reached (0.840) and for the second topic it reached (0.902), as well as the value of the alpha coefficient for all
items of the questionnaire were (0.879), which means that the reliability coefficient is high, and thus the researcher

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has confirmed the validity and reliability of the study’s questionnaire, which makes her fully confident in the
validity and reliability of the questionnaire to analyze the results and answer the study questions (see Table 3)

Table 3
Reliability values of alpha coefficient for the study topic and tool
Topics Items Cronbach's
number alpha

The first scope: the positive effect of my child watching Netflix 17 0.926

The second scope: the negative effect of my child watching Netflix 16 0.899

The first topic: the effect of watching Netflix on the child 33 0.840

The second topic: the effect of the child watching Netflix on changing 17 0.902
social values

Questionnaire in general 50 0.879

Statistical methods used: For answering the study questions, arithmetic means, standard deviations, relative
weight, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multiple linear regression analysis using the (Enter)
method were used.

Study Results And Discussion

The first question: What is the effect of watching Netflix on children from the parental viewpoint?

For answering this question, arithmetic means, standard deviations, relative weights, and grade level for the first
topic were extracted, and the results were as follows:

Table 4
Arithmetic means, standard deviations, relative weights, and grade level for the responses of the study sample to
the effect of the child watching Netflix
Items Topic Mean SD Relative Grade Level
weight level

From 1– The positive effect of my child watching 3.02 0.99 60.5 medium 1
17 Netflix

From 17– The negative effect of my child watching 2.21 0.98 44.3 weak 2
33 Netflix

General Mean 2.63 0.67 52.6 medium

We conclude from Table No. (4) that the positive effect of the child watching Netflix ranked first and supports its
availability to a medium degree. The general mean of the availability of the positive effect of my child watching
Netflix reached (3.02), with a standard deviation (0.99) and a general relative weight (60.5%), and this according to
the responses of the study community members is considered an medium indicator of the effect of children
watching Netflix in a medium positive degree, and the arithmetic means for all items of the first topic (the positive
effect came between (2.22–3.69)), where the means of the majority of the items fall within grade level (medium).
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It was found that the highest degrees were from the items (7–16) and these items fall within grade level (high),
and the results of these items are attributed to the most positive aspects of the child watching Netflix, increasing
religious and moral awareness, national awareness and consolidating the values of morals and good example.
While the lowest arithmetic means for the two items (5–6) are attributed to helping them in accepting new
cultures or teaching new languages with arithmetic means (2.53), and (2.22) with grade level (weak).

The second scope: (the negative effect of my child watching Netflix) ranked second, as the arithmetic mean of the
second topic (negative effects) reached (2.21) with a standard deviation (0.98) and a general relative weight
(44.3%), and this is according to the responses of the study community members, also the arithmetic means of all
the items of the second scope (negative effect) fall within grade level (1.90–2.54), where the averages of the
majority of the items fall within fall within grade level (weak and medium). It was found that the highest degrees
were from the items (21-23-31-22-26) and these items fall within grade level (medium), and the results of these
items are attributed to the most prominent negative aspects of the child watching Netflix. It weakens the child's
expressive abilities, increases the child's expenses on material matters, helps them develop imagination,
intensifies differences with their brothers and friends due to differences in opinions, increases the gap between the
child and family members, and causes the child's problems with parents from increased viewing of Netflix, While
the lowest arithmetic means for the two items (28–33) are attributed to helping them develop their imagination or
teach new languages with an arithmetic mean (1.90), with grade level (weak).

The second question: What is the effect of the child watching Netflix on changing social values from the parental

For answering this question, arithmetic means, standard deviations, relative weights, and grade level for the
second topic were extracted, and the results were as follows:

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Table 5
Arithmetic means, standard deviations, relative weights, and grade level for the responses of the study sample to
the effect of the child watching Netflix on changing social values, arranged in descending order
Item Topic Mean SD Relative Grade
weight level

5 My child spends more time watching Netflix than with his 2.94 1.56 58.8 medium

9 My child doesn't like to visit his relatives if it collides with his 2.92 1.55 58.4 medium
Netflix watching hours

11 My child's attendance at family and social events has been 2.85 1.49 57.0 medium
decreasing since he started watching Netflix

8 Watching Netflix causes broken homes 2.83 1.50 56.6 medium

12 Watching Netflix causes gender dysphoria for a child 2.78 1.44 55.5 medium

15 My child wishes to live in a community similar to the one on 2.76 1.50 55.1 medium

13 My child spends more time watching Netflix than playing 2.76 1.46 55.1 medium

4 Watching Netflix affects the child's visit to his friends 2.75 1.41 54.9 medium

10 The child's social relations decreased after watching Netflix 2.71 1.46 54.1 medium

17 Child watching Netflix makes him violent 2.54 1.38 50.8 medium

14 My child watching Netflix reduced the time for artwork such as 2.54 1.44 50.8 medium
drawing and coloring

16 My child watching Netflix makes him tend to imitate Western 2.36 1.42 47.2 weak
life, including food, drink, clothing and beliefs

1 Watching Netflix will promote social values that do not fit our 2.31 1.43 46.2 weak
society in children

3 As a parent, I feel annoyed by the time my child spends 2.21 1.33 44.2 weak
watching Netflix

2 Watching Netflix will be new values that do not fit the family 2.20 1.33 44.1 weak
values of the child

7 Child watching Netflix affects social habits within the family 2.20 1.29 44.0 weak

6 Child watching Netflix affects his sleep schedule 2.13 1.28 42.6 weak

General Mean 2.58 1.04 51.6 medium

We conclude from Table No. (5) that the effect of the child watching Netflix on changing the child’s social values
is supported by the study sample due to its availability to a medium degree. The general mean of the effect of the
child watching Netflix on changing the child’s social values reached a medium degree (2.58), with a standard
deviation of (1.04). ) and general relative weight (51.5%), and this according to the responses of the study
community members is considered an medium indicator, and the arithmetic means for each paragraphs of the
second topic) (the effect of the child watching Netflix on changing social values) came between (2.13–2.94),
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where the means of the majority of the items fall within grade level (medium). it was found that the highest
degrees were for items (5), which states (My child spends more time watching Netflix than with his family) with an
arithmetic mean (2.94) and fall within grade level (medium), then item (9) which states (My child doesn't like to
visit his relatives if it collides with his Netflix watching hours) with a mean (2.92) and fall within grade level
(medium) ranked second, then item (11) which states (My child's attendance at family and social events has been
decreasing since he started watching Netflix) with an arithmetic mean (2.85) and fall within grade level (medium)
ranked third, then item (8) which states (Watching Netflix causes broken homes) with an arithmetic mean (2.83)
and fall within grade level (medium) ranked fourth. These items are attributed to the support of the study sample
that there is a medium and more influence of the child watching Netflix on changing social values from spending
more time with the platform than his family and the child’s preference to stay more time than visiting families, as
well as the decline in the child’s attendance of events and family since they use the Netflix platform and that
watching Netflix caused family disintegration, while the lowest arithmetic mean were for the two items (7 − 6).
These items are attributed to the fact that the child watching Netflix affects social habits within the family, and the
child’s watching Netflix affects the delay of his sleep dates with arithmetic means (2.20), and (2.13) and fall
within grade level (weak).

The third question: Are there statistically significant differences in the effect of the child watching Netflix due to
the study variables (child gender, Parental education level, Does your child use Netflix) from the parental

For studying the existence of significant differences in the two scopes and the total degree of the effect of the
child watching Netflix, the researcher used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), where the researcher
began to conduct the first analysis of the data to ensure the equality of the distribution of grades through Levene's
test as shown in Table (6). The level of significance of the positive effect was (0.747), the negative effect was
(0.392), and the total grades was (0.89). This means the possibility of conducting a multivariate analysis as
shown in Table (7).

Table 6
Levene's test to check the equality distribution of grades
Scope F-test Degree of freedom 1 Degree of freedom 2 Significance Level

Positive effect 0.409 3 433 0.747

Negative effect 1.002 3 433 0.392

Total grades 2.112 3 433 0.098

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Table 7
Multiple variance analysis (MANOVA) of the effect of each of the child gender, Parental education level and child
watching Netflix
Variable Dependent Sum Degree of Mean F-test Significance
Variable freedom Level

Child Gender Positive effect 1.53 1 1.53 1.59 .207


Negative effect 0.02 1 0.02 0.03 .871


Total grades 0.32 1 0.32 0.72 .398

Parental education Positive effect 4.78 3 1.59 1.66 .175

level scope

Negative effect 1.66 3 0.55 0.61 .610


Total grades 1.49 3 0.50 1.13 .338

Your child watching Positive effect 5.61 1 5.61 5.84 .016

Netflix scope

Negative effect 29.30 1 29.30 32.28 .000


Total grades 1.97 1 1.97 4.46 .035

Error Positive effect 413.93 431 0.96


Negative effect 391.25 431 0.91


Total grades 190.53 431 0.44

Total Positive effect 4423.56 437


Negative effect 2563.38 437


Total grades 3219.59 437

We conclude from the results of table No. (7) that there are no statistically significant differences for the variables
(Child gender and Parental education level) in the effect of Netflix on the child in the two scopes and the total
grades. While the variable of your child watching Netflix (yes / no) had an effect on the Netflix on the child in the
two scopes and the total grades, and the results of Post hoc analysis were as shown in Table (8).

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Table 8
Post hoc analysis between the child's use of Netflix variable in the two scopes and the total grades
Variable Does your child watching n Mean SD Post Significance
Netflix hoc Level

The first scope: Positive Yes 156 2.86 .84 2.72 .011
No 281 3.11 1.05

The second scope: Negative Yes 156 2.56 .90 5.72 .000
No 281 2.02 .98

Total grades Yes 156 2.72 .54 2.02 .044

No 281 2.58 .72

We conclude from Table No. (8) that there is a post hoc analysis statistically significant in the effect of Netflix on
the child in both scopes and the total grades in favor of children who watch Netflix .

The fourth question: Is there a statistically significant effect of a child watching Netflix on children’s social values?

For answering this question, multiple linear regression analysis using the (Enter) method were used, and the
results were as in Table (9).

Table 9
Results of multiple linear regression analysis of the effect of Netflix on the social values of the child
Independent variables B Standard error Beta F-test Significance Level

The first scope: Positive effect − .012 .036 − .011 0.33 .744

The second scope: Negative effect .737 .036 .699 20.29 .000

R Square = 0.490 - (Adjusted R = 0.487 - R = 0.700 - F = 208.09 - sig = 0.000

We conclude from Table No. (9) that the effect of Netflix on the social values of the child as a dependent variable,
and F-test indicates that it reached 208.09 at a significance level of 0.000, and Adjusted R reached (0.487),
meaning that the independent variables represented by the influence of Netflix (as a group) explain (48.7%) of the
variance in the impact on the social values of the child. The correlation coefficient (0.700) also indicates the
strength of the correlation between the explanatory variables and the value of the dependent variable, to the effect
that there is a statistically significant effect of the child watching the Netflix platform (negative effect) on social
values. The multiple linear regression analysis resulted in a contribution of the negative effect of Netflix by 69.9%.
While the positive effect of watching Netflix did not have a contribution to the social values of the child.

Parents’ views about the positive effect of Netflix on children’s social values

Parents’ views about the negative effect of Netflix on children’s social values
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Parents’ views about the effect of Netflix on children’s social values

Questions regarding the neflix effects on the children social values were asked to the parents. The answers given
by the parents were analyxed using the 5-point Likert scale.

The study highlighted how technology, particularly Netflix, has significantly impacted culture and early schooling.
The availability of instructional and entertaining material has improved how children learn and aided in
dismantling cultural boundaries. Since children now have more access to a variety of content is one of Netflix's
most significant benefits. With its extensive worldwide reach, Netflix offers a variety of material from other nations
and civilizations. Thus, their perspective on the world is widened, and they can better empathize with others from
all different cultural backgrounds. Netflix has introduced children to a broad range of perspectives and concepts.
Its programs frequently examine various topics, like mental health, social justice, and ecology, that kids would not
encounter in their daily lives (Alm, 2021). Children can develop their language abilities and broaden their
understanding by watching shows with subtitles from various nations.

Due to Netflix's involvement in education, it is now a valuable tool teachers may use to augment their curriculum.
As a result, children are exposed to a wider variety of instructional materials and are given the freedom to learn at
their speed. Millions of people worldwide now have easier access to education thanks to the availability of high-
quality instructional materials. Netflix has received plaudits for its kid-friendly instructional programs. Notably,
children's television programs are well-liked educational resources encouraging kids to learn science and other
disciplines compellingly. In light of today's pervasive use of digital technology, the literature review emphasizes
the use of technology in early education (Schönbrodt & Frank, 2022). A great illustration of how technology may
support conventional teaching methods is the availability of educational content on Netflix.

It is important to recognize, nevertheless, that technology has its limitations, just like any other tool. Screen time
must be moderated to allow for other pursuits that foster social and emotional growth, such as active play,
interpersonal contacts, and creative expression. Moreover, in many regions of the world, access to technology and
the internet is still a major problem. As a result, it's critical to ensure everyone has access to high-quality
education. Some parents might consider Netflix a useful educational resource that exposes their kids to various
cultures and ideologies. They may believe that the platform's wide range of content would broaden their kids'
perspectives and encourage empathy and understanding of individuals from other walks of life (Alm, 2019).
According to this perspective, viewing Netflix may give children a window into the world and teach them about
social problems and cultural diversity. Conversely, some parents could be worried about how Netflix might affect
their kids' social ideals. They could be concerned that spending too much time on screens would affect their
physical and social abilities or that the platform's algorithms will reinforce preexisting preconceptions or restrict
their access to diverse content (Maharani, 2021).

In conclusion, there has to be a balance between the good and negative effects of Netflix on children's cultural
values. To ensure a well-rounded upbringing, parents, and caregivers must guide their children's choices and keep
an eye on how much time they spend on screens. While Netflix gives kids access to various information that can
foster understanding and empathy, it has to keep enhancing its algorithms to support a wider variety of material
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and inspire children to learn about many viewpoints and cultures. By implementing these actions, Netflix can
promote a broader choice of material to children and offer educational tools that foster positive values and cross-
cultural understanding, all of which will help to promote a more tolerant and inclusive society (Seddeek, 2021).
Taking these steps, Netflix may positively influence children's cultural values and contribute to developing a more
progressive and peaceful culture.Netflix facilitates various components, including the accessibility of a broad
scope of substance, the comfort of utilization and reasonable membership charges. Since it offers its members
some of the most effective content around, Netflix is viewed as a necessary service.

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Relationships. Insights into Language, Culture and Communication, 1(1), 23–35.

Reference Table

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Item Items Mean SD Relative
(n) weight

The first topic: the effect of watching Netflix on the child

The first scope: Positive effect

1 Learn about other countries and cultures 2.69 1.4 53.8

2 Learn new things by watching Netflix 3.4 1.51 68

3 Learn to express yourself freely 3.02 1.45 60.4

4 Learn to express freely and overcome shyness 3.09 1.42 61.8

5 Learn new languages 2.22 1.35 44.4

6 Learn to accept new cultures 2.53 1.39 50.6

7 Consolidation of values, principles, morals and good example 3.53 1.4 70.6

8 Help build an introverted personality 3.21 1.42 64.2

9 Help with self-learning 2.85 1.37 57

10 Help to create a connection with the family through family viewing 2.86 1.44 57.2

11 Help in increasing the health awareness of the child 3.18 1.39 63.6

12 Help in increasing the national awareness of the child 3.31 1.48 66.2

13 Help find contact with friends 3.21 1.41 64.2

14 Help develop imagination 2.61 1.4 52.2

15 improve academic level 3.39 1.4 67.8

16 Contribute to increasing the religious and moral awareness 3.69 1.4 73.8

17 Learn the culture of society and other cultures 2.63 1.38 52.6

The second scope: Negative effect

18 Leads to knowing things beyond his age stage (violence-sex,..) 2.16 1.48 43.2

19 Leads to neglecting the performance of religious rituals, such as delaying 2.06 1.36 41.2

20 Lead to isolation and poor social contact with those around him 2.04 1.3 40.8

21 Weakness of the child's expressive abilities 2.54 1.4 50.8

22 Cause the child's disagreement with siblings and friends to increase 2.42 1.31 48.4
because of the difference of opinions

23 Cause an increase in the child's expenditure on material consumables 2.49 1.36 49.8

24 Weakness of the Islamic and Arab identity of the child 2.15 1.37 43

25 Unreliability of the information obtained by the child from Netflix 2.03 1.25 40.6

26 Create a gap between the child and family members 2.41 1.45 48.2

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27 Wasting a child's time 1.97 1.29 39.4

28 Lack of the child movement 1.9 1.27 38

29 Watching Netflix causes broken homes 2.33 1.43 46.6

30 Weakens the child's concentration and leads to mental dispersion 2.15 1.32 43

31 Help develop imagination 2.44 1.37 48.8

32 Watching too long causes problems with parents 2.41 1.36 48.2

33 Child watching Netflix affects his sleep schedule 1.9 1.19 38

The second topic: the effect of the child watching Netflix on social values

1 Watching Netflix will promote social values that do not fit our society in 2.31 1.43 46.2

2 Watching Netflix will be new values that do not fit the family values of the 2.2 1.33 44

3 As a parent, I feel annoyed by the time my child spends watching Netflix 2.21 1.33 44.2

4 Watching Netflix affects the child's visit to his friends 2.75 1.41 55

5 My child spends more time watching Netflix than with his family 2.94 1.56 58.8

6 Child watching Netflix affects his sleep schedule 2.13 1.28 42.6

7 Child watching Netflix affects social habits within the family 2.2 1.29 44

8 Watching Netflix causes broken homes 2.83 1.5 56.6

9 My child doesn't like to visit his relatives if it collides with his Netflix 2.92 1.55 58.4
watching hours

10 The child's social relations decreased after watching Netflix 2.71 1.46 54.2

11 My child's attendance at family and social events has been decreasing 2.85 1.49 57
since he started watching Netflix

12 Watching Netflix causes gender dysphoria for a child 2.78 1.44 55.6

13 My child spends more time watching Netflix than playing games 2.76 1.46 55.2

14 My child watching Netflix reduced the time for artwork such as drawing 2.54 1.44 50.8
and coloring

15 My child wishes to live in a community similar to the one on Netflix 2.76 1.5 55.2

16 My child watching Netflix makes him tend to imitate Western life, 2.36 1.42 47.2
including food, drink, clothing and beliefs

17 Child watching Netflix makes him violent 2.54 1.38 50.8

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