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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Strategy of Development of

Regional Ecosystems “Education-Science-Industry” (ISPCR 2021)

Scientific and Methodological Approach

to the Rating of Organizations
of the Russian Military-Industrial Complex
Developing Civilian Manufacturing
Tatyana A. Berkutova 1*[ORCID 0000-0003-3357-7845],
Alexander A. Zgruev 2[ORCID 0000-0002-7039-7678],
Denis A. Zhurenkov 1[ORCID 0000-0002-3968-5815]
All-Russia Scientific and Research Institute “Center”, Moscow, Russia
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

The purpose of the study is to develop a scientific and methodological approach to rating the enterprises of the
military-industrial complex of Russia in the course of the development of civilian production and the
development of markets for high-tech products of dual and civilian use. The results of the study of scientific
works and investment projects on entering the markets of civilian products of enterprises of the military-
industrial complex made it possible to form the structure of their rating in the composition of five profiles and
the criteria and assessment indicators included in them. The profiles include: financial and economic profile,
diversification profile, organizational development dynamics, marketing profile, management profile. In the
course of the study, the choice was substantiated for using in the course of rating indicators for assessing the
effectiveness and efficiency of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the process of developing
civilian markets. Within each profile, methods for calculating the constituent indicators were proposed, scales
were developed for each indicator, the proposed indicators were combined into a single rating system. The
proposed scientific and methodological approach makes it possible to combine individual indicators
characterizing the achievements in the markets of civilian and dual products into a structured system of profiles,
which allows, on the basis of integration, to determine the total rating of organizations of the military-industrial
complex, as well as to carry out their comparative analysis. The developed rating model makes it possible to
monitor, analyze and evaluate the work of organizations of the military-industrial complex, on their basis to form
targeted measures to support organizations, to develop and enforce regulations, projects and programs that
stimulate the development of the military-industrial complex in civilian markets. Within the framework of the
proposed model, a multilevel approach to rating has been implemented, taking into account the corporate,
industry and state levels.

Keywords: rating of organizations, military-industrial complex, dual-use and civilian products, diversification

1. INTRODUCTION the production of HTCDP in different industries

indicates a significant differentiation in the results of
At present, the Russian military-industrial the development of civilian markets.
complex (hereinafter – MIC) has a strategic task to
At the same time, at the state level, measures are
increase the production of high-tech civilian and dual-
being actively taken to support the processes of
use products (hereinafter – HTCDP) to 50% by 2030.
entering the HTCDP markets: improving the
As observed in the course of solving the regulatory and methodological framework,
problem, the different dynamics of the indicators of implementing measures to support defense industry

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 553
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

enterprises, developing interaction mechanisms in enterprises in the process of developing the HTCDP
the process of developing civilian markets. markets.
In this situation, it is necessary to develop Research objectives:
methods and tools that allow for a more reasonable
• determination of the components of the rating
and targeted approach to stimulating the processes of
– indicators of the assessment of MIC
developing the HTCDP markets in the MIC, to
organizations in accordance with the results
increase the reliability of the quantitative and
achieved in the HTCDP markets;
qualitative assessment of the results of work in the
markets, and to manage the development of civilian • substantiation of the composition of
production in the MIC within the framework of a assessment indicators included in the rating
single digital platform. Rating is an effective tool for system;
solving the listed tasks.
• selection of methods for determining the
Domestic and foreign scientists are engaged in values of assessment indicators used in
the study of the problems of assessing the work of determining the rating;
MIC organizations in the HTCDP markets. A
• formation of rating scales for indicators used
number of authors consider the financial results of
in the rating system.
work in the markets as a priority [1-3], other authors
consider the innovation component, the possibility In this study, the rating is assigned to the MIC
of developing new technologies and products [4-6]. organization as a system, and not to its individual
The formation of modern business models, an subdivisions, and is a complex discrete characteristic
increase in the adaptability, mobility, and efficiency of its activities.
of MIC enterprises as a result of the development of
The research methodology is determined by a set
civil markets and diversification is noted by the
of scientific methods, as well as the goal, objectives
majority of researchers [7-11].
and principles of rating, methods of researching
Despite a significant number of developments on business models and market activities of MIC
the issues of assessing the performance of MIC organizations, and the principles of diversification.
organizations in the HTCDP markets, there is a lack
The methodological basis of the study was the
of scientific and methodological approaches in the
scientific work of Russian and foreign scientists on
field of integrated assessment, combining financial
the strategic development and diversification of the
and economic, market, innovation, institutional and
MIC, research of methods, indicators and criteria for
other components.
assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of
As part of solving the scientific problem of activities in the development of HTCDP markets and
developing a methodological approach to rating their impact on the economic activity of the
MIC organizations, the article considers: enterprise.
• components of a comprehensive assessment In the course of the study, a systematic and
of the results of market activities for MIC integrated approach, methods of financial and
organizations used in determining the rating; economic, comparative and factor analyzes were
used. In the course of the study, the factors of the
• selection and methods of formation of
internal and external environment that determine the
indicators for assessing market activity;
effectiveness of market activity were identified, the
• scaling of indicators used in the course of issues of the formation of complex and single
rating. indicators for assessing MIC organizations were
Ranking is positioning MIC organizations in
accordance with the achieved results of their 3.1 Determination of the goals and objectives for
activities in the HTCDP markets, determined on the the rating
basis of the assessment. As a result of the analysis of various sources, the
Purpose of the study: development of a scientific goals and objectives for rating the MIC
and methodological approach to the rating of MIC organizations were formulated.

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

The purpose of the rating: management and Financial and

coordination of the development processes for economic indicators
civilian production at MIC enterprises. (10%)

Rating tasks: Diversification

profile (30%)
• assessment of the state of the development
processes of civilian industries in MIC
The structure of the
organizations; rating of diversified
Dynamics of
• assessment of the breadth and nomenclature MIC companies
development (25%)
of the HTCDP assortment;
Marketing profile
• comparative assessment of defense industry (20%)
organizations in the course of diversification;
• differentiation of measures and tools for Management profile
intensifying the processes of development of (15%)
civilian industries for defense industry
organizations in different rating groups; Figure 1. The structure of the rating of MIC
• assessment of the dynamics of the organizations in the context of the development of
development of HTCDP production in the civilian industries
MIC. Source: Compiled by the authors

Rating object: MIC organizations. The following initial information is used for
Rating subject: mechanisms for the development
of civilian production of organizations in the • statistical reporting of MIC organizations;
Russian MIC. • reports submitted to the tax service by MIC
3.2 A systematic approach to building the overall organizations;
rating structure
• information provided by MIC organizations
On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the to All-Russia Scientific and Research
goals and objectives of activities for the Institute “Center” (reporting within the
development of civilian industries [7, 8, 11-14], the framework of monthly monitoring of priority
authors of this work proposed a structure of the projects/programs, data provided as part of a
directions of activity for the MIC enterprises, used questionnaire survey of MIC organizations).
for rating, in which the rating is determined on the
3.3 Determination of indicators – components of
basis of the values of indicators combined into five
the rating for MIC organizations
main blocks – profiles (Figure 1).
The final rating score is formed on the basis of To determine the rating of the financial and
point scores for the given blocks. In addition, to be economic state of the MIC organizations (hereinafter
assigned a specific rating, an organization must meet – RFES), a set of algorithms for assigning an
a set of mandatory requirements. individual rating to an enterprise based on an
assessment of 11 quantitative factors and 2 warning
The aggregate of points of all weights of the signals is considered. The maximum number of
blocks of this rating is 100 points. Each of the five points for the profile of the organization's financial
main blocks has its own internal weight. Each factor and economic indicators is 10 points.
has its own answer options, scores of indicators vary
in the range from 0 to 10 points. Thus, the minimum In this model of rating the financial condition of
score for the rating profile is 0 points, and the organizations, quantitative indicators are used, as
maximum score is 50 points. well as warning signals.

The grouping of indicators that form the rating In this model of rating the financial condition of
profiles was carried out on the basis of organizations, quantitative indicators are used, as
systematization of the goals and objectives of the well as warning signals.
activities for the development of the HTCDP Quantitative indicators of the financial and
markets [1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 15]. economic profile:

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

• financial independence and stability ratios; values are arranged in values from 1 to 3 with a step
of 0.1 to further assign a point rating to the MIC
• the degree of solvency for current obligations;
organization. The preliminary rating is determined
• the coefficient of provision with own by the formula (1):
circulating assets; ∑ 𝑅𝐹𝐸𝑆𝑖 ×𝑊𝑖
𝑅𝐹𝐸𝑆п = (1)
• absolute and current liquidity ratios;
where RFESп – a preliminary rating; RFESi – the
• return on sales based on net profit; estimated rating for the indicator number i; Wi – the
• return on assets; weighting factor of the indicator.
• the estimated value of net assets and their The preliminary rating is adjusted in the presence
comparison with the authorized capital; of warning signals, which include: the presence of
overdue wage arrears to staff, the introduction of
• debt/EBITDA ratio; bankruptcy procedures. In this case, the organization
• the share of overdue debt on payments to the is assigned an estimated rating of “3”.
budget from equity capital. Based on the preliminary RFESп and its
Determination of the estimated rating for 11 adjustments, the RFES of each organization is
quantitative indicators (RFESi) is carried out based determined. Organization points are awarded based
on the ranges of values of indicators. The ranges of on the range of the RFES (Table 1).

Table 1. Determination of the level of the financial and economic condition of the organization

Rating of Financial and Economic 1.0- 1.2- 1.4- 1.6- 1.8- 2.0- 2.2- 2.4- 2.6- 2.8-
Indicators of the MIC Organization 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0
Points 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Source: Compiled by the authors
The assessment of the diversification profile of profile of the MIC organization; RDPi – an indicator
the MIC organization is based on the assessment of of the diversification profile of a MIC organization.
the indicators presented in the table (Table 2).
Diversification profile metrics are scored on a
The estimated rating of the diversification profile scale from zero to five. The maximum rating for the
is determined by the formula (2): diversification rating of a MIC organization is 30
points. The determination of the RDPо is carried out
𝑅𝐷𝑃о = ∑ 𝑅𝐷𝑃i (2)
on the basis of the point values of the qualitative
where RDPо – the rating of the diversification indicators (Table 2).

Table 2. The point values of the qualitative indicators of the rating of the diversification profile of the MIC
5 4 3 2 1 0
No export
Export deliveries (% of the issue of HTCDP for the year) > 15% 11-14% 6-10% 1-5% 0-0.9%
Compliance of products with the development priorities of the
state (national projects and programs, plans for import >5 4-5 3 2 1 0
Number of product items included in the Catalog > 100 50-100 30-49 10-29 < 10 No items
Dynamics of the implemented investment projects for the
release of HTCDP (increase in the number of projects per > 10 7-10 3-6 1-3 0
of projects)
Volume of HTCDP output covered by projects / products 80- No projects
60-79% 40-59% 20-39% 0-19%
included in the Register of Diversification Projects 100% / products
Experience in implementing projects involving budget funds,
incl. within the framework of subsidiary support, support for
development institutions, etc. / the existence of partnerships >9 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 No projects
and (or) joint projects with the participation of industrial and
other clusters / industrial parks / engineering centers
Source: Compiled by the authors

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

The assessment of the profile of the dynamics of organization is determined by the formula (3):
the development of the MIC organization
𝑅𝐷𝐷𝑂о = ∑ 𝑅𝐷𝐷𝑂i (3)
characterizes the position of the organization in the
industry and in the region (federal district, where RDDOо – the rating of the profile of the
constituent entity of the Russian Federation) and is dynamics of the development of the MIC
carried out on the basis of an assessment of organization; RDDОi – an indicator of the dynamics
deviations in growth (decline) rates from similar of the development of the MIC organization.
indicators of the industry / region.
The indicators of the profile of the dynamics of
Indicators for assessing the dynamics of the the development of the MIC organization are assessed
development of the MIC organization are presented in points on a scale from 0 to 5. The maximum rating
in Table 3. for this profile is 25 points. The determination of the
The estimated rating of the profile of the RDDOо rating is carried out based on the point values
dynamics of the development of the MIC of quantitative indicators (Table 3).

Table 3. The point values of the quantitative indicators of the rating of the dynamics of the development of the
MIC organization
5 4 3 2 1 0
< 0 п.п.
Leading (lagging) growth rates in
> 2 pp. 1-2 pp. 0.05-0.9 pp. 0.01-0.05 pp. 0 pp. (slowdown
the Federal District (by industry)
in growth)
Leading (lagging) growth rates in < 0 п.п.
the constituent entity of the Russian > 2 pp. 1-2 pp. 0.05-0.9 pp. 0.01-0.05 pp. 0 pp. (slowdown
Federation (by industry) in growth)
< 0 п.п.
Leading (lagging) growth rates in
> 2 pp. 1-2 pp. 0.05-0.9 pp. 0.01-0.05 pp. 0 pp. (slowdown
the defense industry
in growth)
Share of HTCDP in total output > 50% 30-49.9% 15-29.9% 10-14.9% 5-9.9% < 4.9%
Assessment of changes in output volumes (to the previous reporting
Contribution to the actual output of period) – growth: Negative
the industry's HTCDP more than more than more than dynamics
0.01-0.05 pp. 0-0.01 pp.
2 pp. 1 pp. 0.05 pp.
Source: Compiled by the authors
The assessment of the marketing profile of a where RPMо – the rating of the marketing profile of
MIC organization characterizes the assessment of the defense industry organization; RPMi – an
prospects in the markets of presence, the indicator of the marketing profile of a MIC
organization's position in these markets, product organization.
promotion channels and customer service.
The indicators are rated on a scale of 0 to 6 and 8
Metrics for evaluating the marketing profile are points. The maximum rating of the marketing profile
presented in Table 4. of a defense industry organization is 20 points.
The estimated rating of the marketing profile is The determination of the RPMi rating is carried
determined by the formula (4): out on the basis of the point values of qualitative
RPMо = ΣRPMi, (4) indicators (Table 4).

Table 4. The point values of the qualitative indicators of the marketing profile of the MIC organization
Indica- Points
tors 6 4.8 3.6 2.4 1.2 0
Participation in fair and
promotion channels
HTCDP sales and

Own IT Promotion of
The use of exhibition events /
platform for products through
traditional advertising in highly Direct sales in Lack of
product the tools of
advertising tools specialized publications the absence of promotional
promotion Internet services
/ products are / availability of promotional activities,
and / through the
presented on the information about activities direct sales
customer networks of
GISP site products on the
service dealerships
organization's website

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

Indica- Points
tors 6 4.8 3.6 2.4 1.2 0
HTCDP brands /
Availability of


More than 5
4-5 brands / 3 brands / 1 brand / No brands /
brands / 2 brands / trademarks
trademarks trademarks trademark trademarks
trade marks

Availability of
Customer service

Availability of Service is not

Service service and
service and established / No after-

center warranty
warranty Availability of service on not sales
network, service, delivery
service, delivery the basis of the standardized / service and
international of HTCDP in the
of HTCDP organization are not no service
delivery territory of the
throughout the provided on an available
services constituent entity
country ongoing basis
of Russia
Source: Compiled by the authors
where RMPо – the rating of the management profile
In this profile, indicators of the effectiveness and
of the MIC organization; RMPi – an indicator of the
efficiency of management are formed and
management profile of the MIC organization.
systematized (Table 5).
Indicators are assessed on a scale from 0 to 3 and
The estimated rating of the management profile
4 points, depending on the indicator. The maximum
is determined by the formula (5):
rating of the management profile of a MIC
𝑅𝑀𝑃о = ∑ 𝑅𝑀𝑃𝑖 (5) organization is 15 points (Table 5).

Table 5. The point values of the qualitative indicators of the rating of the management profile of the MIC
4 3.2 2.4 1.6 0.8 0
Average output per 1 employee (average +4% and Negative
+3% +2% +1% 0
annual, assessment of dynamics) more dynamics
Average salary of personnel (assessment Less than
of dynamics to the previous reporting 4.6 and 2% and
4.26-4.5 4.01-4.25 4% 2-3%
period in the constituent entity of the more % negative
Russian Federation) dynamics
Availability of scholarships for outstanding 5 and
4 3 2 1 0
achievements in MIC more
Point Indicator 3 1.8 0
Full posting of Incomplete posting of
Complete presentation of information in information in the information in the
the specialized information resources of personal account personal account
Information not provided
the Ministry of Industry and Trade of "Register of projects "Register of projects
Russia (programs) of the (programs) for the
production of HTCDP" production of HTCDP"
Source: Compiled by the authors
The final rating score is the sum of the scores for civilian markets from the standpoint of financial
the given blocks (6): condition, management efficiency, development of
strategic directions of activity and work with the
𝑅𝑓 = 𝑅𝐹𝐸𝑆 + 𝑅𝐷𝑃о + 𝑅𝐷𝐷𝑂о +
+𝑅𝑃𝑀о + 𝑅𝑀𝑃о (6)
The scientific approaches presented in various
The maximum possible score is 10. publications consider the assessment of the results of
market activity in the defense industry from various
4. DISCUSSION points of view.
The most common criteria and indicators of
The developed scientific and methodological
performance and efficiency are financial and
approach differs from the existing ones in
economic [1-3].
complexity, and takes into account the achievements
of the MIC organization in the process of developing The development and production of a new

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 208

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[3] E. Dyundik, S. Golubev, A. Makhova,
the effectiveness of research and development work
L. Gurtskoy, “Development of human capital in
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The systematization of market activity in the context of digital transformation”, in
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corporate, sectoral and state levels). model of the development of the defense
industry enterprises during the transition to a
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