Full Form of Internet Protocol

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1. IP : internet protocol
2. VPNs : Virtual Private Networks
3. VoIP : Voice over Internet Protocol
4. e-commerce : electronic commerce
5. B2C : business to consumer
6. B2B : business to business
7. C2C : consumer to consumer
8. G2C : government to consumer
9. P2P : peer to peer
10. IPTV : IP Tele-Vision
11. RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification)
12. GPS (Global Positioning System)
13. m-commerce (mobile-commerce)
14. NFC (Near Field Communication)
15. Gmail : Google Mail
16. PANs (Personal Area Networks)
17. LAN : local area networks
18. VLAN : Virtual local area networks
19. WAN : Wide area networks
20. MAN : Metropolitan area networks
21. VPN (Virtual Private Network).
22. AP : access point
23. MBPs: megabits per/sec
24. GBPs : gigabits per/sec
25. ISP (Internet Service Provider)
26. NSP : network service provider
27. ARP : Address resolution protocol
28. FCS : Frame Check Sequence
29. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
30. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
31. UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
32. IMPs (Interface Message Processors)
33. ARPA : Advanced Research Projects Agency
34. DHCP : Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
35. Link state advertisements : LSAs
36. ABR area border router
37. OSPF: open shortest path first
38. RIP: Routing information protocol

39. Proximity Database (PDB)

40. DR : designated router

41. BDR : backup designated router
42. ASBR: autonomous system border router
43. POP3 (Post Office Protocol)
44. NNTP (Network News Transfer protocol)
45. LMTP (Local Mail Transfer Protocol)
46. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
47. IMAE4 (Internet Messaging Access Protocol)
48. AUI – Attachment Unit Interface
49. EPABX – Electronic Private Automatic Branch
50. PSTN – Public Services Telephone Network

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