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Nasscom Model QP

1) Which of the following is functional requirement of a cloud application

a) Maintainablity b) Authentication c) Portability d) Robustness

2) What is the purpose of the cloud application

a) Online data storage b) Backup & recovery c) Testing & development d) All

3) Which of the following is a specification reqd for a cloud application

a) Static environment b) Rapid inelasticity c) limited nw access d) Data security

4) Which of the following is the key characterisctics required for the cloud application
a) On demand Self Service b) Pay per use c) Security d) All

5) Why is it important to develop user stories for cloud application?

Ans: To understand the interaction between users & cloud App

6) Which of the following is a property of a cloud application

a) On demand Self service b) Broad network access c) Resource pooling d) All

7) Which of the following web service works with open source database

a) Amazon Web Service b) Couch DB c) Cockroach DB d) None

8) Why is cloud Integration Important?

Ans) Flexibility in data sharing

9) Which of the following monitoring devices is used in cloud computing

Ans) Cloud management Platforms

10) Which of the following is non Functional requirement of a cloud application

a) Maintainability b) Data Management c) Authorization levels d) External Interface

11) What kind of non – functional requirement states that the system must be able to run on
different platforms with minimal charges

Ans) Portablity
12) Arrange the following in the correct order of the way to achieve cloud compliance.

a) Know your responsibilities

b) Conduct audit routinely

c) Know your compliance regulations

d) Data is stored

Ans ) C > A > D > B

13) Which of the following is an agreement between cloud service provider & a customer that
ensures a minimal level of service is maintained

Ans Service level agreement


1) You are working on a cloud project. The cloud platform architecture is such that it efficiently
allocates resources to each service of the application. What kind of architecture

Ans Microservice architecture

2) Which if the following does not represent cloud deployment model

Ans Compound cloud

3) Which of the following is a con of a cloud application

Ans Requires Internet

4) Which of the following is a cloud computing advantage?

a) Improved collaboration b) Excellent accessibility c) Low maintenance d) All
5) Office 365 is an example of following models

Ans ) SAAS

6) What are fundamentals concepts of cloud computing

Ans ) All
7) While developing a cloud based application ,what would you maintain to fulful the component
of high availability cloud

Ans) All

8)Which of the following best describes the benefits of reusable APIs

Ans) All
9) Arrange the following steps of creating a mitigation plan for application
1. Identify the risk
2. Handle the risk
3. Priortize the risk 1>4>3>2
4. Access the risk

10) Which of the following is a reason for the threat to cloud security
a) Misconfiguration b) Unauthorized the access c) Insecure Interface d) All


1) Which of the following is important to understand application dependency?

a) To protect against critical business systems
b) Moving services to cloud
Ans- Both a & b

2) Which of the following is business objective for the cloud migration?

a) Increase customer satisfaction by minimizing downtime & performance keys
b) Maximize downtime to achievement
c) Increase outrage to gain computing
d) Increase costs of maintaining legacy

3) You are hosting an application on a server & have discovered that it no longer has the capacity
or capability to handle traffic. Which of the following methods will you use to add a new server?
a) Horizontal Scaling
b) Vertical Scaling
c) Horizontal Availing
d) Vertical Availing

4) Which of the following guarantees that traffic is spread across numerous cloud service
a) Long running transitions b) Network failure c) Load balancing d) None

5) The following steps should be taken to secure microservices based architecture in order to
develop secure APIs & secure for a cloud application. Sort them into correct order
a) Scan for dependcies
b) Use access & identity tokens
c) Use HTTPs everywhere D>A>C>B
d) Mae your micro architecture secure
6) A functional requirement requires which of the following condition
a) System behaviour
b) Reliablity
c) Usability
d) Scalablity

7) The following are the steps taken for data transmission. Will you follow them in what order?
a. Put a URL in Browser
b. Initiate a TCP connection
c. Get a GET or POST request
d. Status Code will begin
Ans: A>B>C>D

8) Which of the following represents a bad encrypted data transmission connection?

b. SSL

9) You are working on a cloud project, which should use non-volatile storage for cloud projects
such as block storage, object storage databases, archives, and IoT devices. What word should be
used to describe this?
a. Data Set
b. Data in transit
c. Data at rest
d. Data encryption

10) How do you ensure the security of data in cloud applications?

a. By storing data
b. By encrypting data
c. By sharing data
d. By recovering data


1) What is the business objective for cloud migration?

a. Maximize downtime
b. Reduce costs of innovating
c. Limit the users
d. To limit the competitive advantage
2) What step is taken first, before embarking on the cloud migration process?
a. Maintaining data integrity
b. Securing the right cloud provider
c. Identifying the right application
d. Developing a strategy

3) Identify a simple, open-source unit testing framework tool to write and run repeatable unit
b. Junit
c. SaaS
d. None of the given options

4) Which of the following testing tools tests data before inserting it into the piece of code?
a. Junit
b. Nunit
c. PHPUnit

5) Which process is depicted in the picture?

Ans: Moving software applications from one computing environment to another.

6) Following the creation of cloud KPIs during cloud migration, which action will be taken next?
a. Establishing performance baselines
b. Performing necessary refactoring
c. Switching over production
d. Creating a data migration plan

7) The collection of commands and declarations created by a programmer using a computer

programming language is known as a _________.
a. Object oriented programming
b. Programming language
c. Source code
d. None of the options

8) Which of the following is incorrect regarding On-premise environment?

a. Deploys in-house and within an enterprise’s IT infrastructure
b. Enterprises are responsible for ongoing cost
c. Enterprises retain all their data
d. Can be used without any license
9) Which of the following is an example of cloud migration?
Ans: Shift to SaaS

10) Which of the following is the component of a middleware?

a. Device drivers
b. Client interface
c. Chipset
d. Application code

11) Which layer of middleware is needed to connect apps and SaaS assets through messaging,
integration, and APIs?
a. Decision management layer
b. Container layer
c. Integration layer
d. Runtimes layer

12) Given are the steps performed for successful migration. Arrange them in the correct order:
1. Design your migration strategy
2. Know your IT portfolio
3. Prepare your team and the existing IT environment for the transition
4. Leverage automated tools and managed services from cloud service providers
Ans: 2>1>3>4

13) Which of the following is the version of software as it is originally written by a human in plain
a) Channel code
b) Line code
c) Cryptographic code
d) Source code


1) Which of the following is the basic steps a deployment tool must implement to configure an
application for deployment?
a) Application Evaluation
b) Deployment Configuration
c) Deployment Preparation
d) All of the given option
2) Which of the following is the mechanism through which applications and modules are delivered
from developers to users?
a) Deployment
b) Configuration
c) Collaboration
d) Back up

3) How to you implement appropriate security measures when deploying application code?
a) Use of insecure source code
b) Use encryption and monitoring.
c) Easy Access
d) Remove endpoint security.

4) What is the best practice for application security?

a) Automate simple security tasks
b) Security training for developers
c) Update and patch regularly
d) All of the given options

5) What technology is used for containerization?

a) Operating System Virtualization (OS virtualization)
b) Storage virtualization
c) Full-Virtualization
d) Para-virtualization

6) You are developing and integrating a cloud-based application. You use the most popular tools
for both continuous delivery and integration. What is the name of the tool?
a) Buddy
b) Jenkins
c) GitHub
d) Bitbucket

7) What is containerization technology?

a) It allows developers to build cloud-native applications.
b) It involves encapsulation.
c) It incurs a loss to the business.
d) None of the given options

8) What are the key factors for successful cloud operations?

a) Define your Cloud Strategy
b) Plan your cloud security carefully.
c) Develop a cloud center of excellence.
d) All of the given options
9) What does container orchestration do?
a) It helps in scheduling of container for application.
b) It helps in deployment of containers for application.
c) It helps in networking of containers for application.
d) All of the given options


1) Arrange the following in the correct sequence to measure resource usage.

A. Determine employee productivity.
B. Use timesheets to quantify utilization.
C. Identify billable and non-billable hours.
D. Apply the resource utilization formula.
E. Identify each team member’s availability in terms of hours.
Ans: C>E>B>A>D

2) Which of the following factor determines performance of cloud application?

a) Reliability
b) Flexibility
c) Availability
d) All of the given options

3) Which of the following includes business benefits with an effective cloud deployment model?
a) Cost saving
b) Platform for growth
c) Operational efficiency
Ans: All of the given options

4) What do APM (Application Performance Monitoring) solutions measure?

Ans: All of the given options.

5) What is the use of Cloud Analytics?

a) To identify patterns in data and to extract new insights.
b) To scale up the CPU usage
c) It doesn’t provide a competitive advantage.
d) None of the given options
6) What is the use of application monitoring tool?
a) IoT monitoring
b) Performance optimization
c) Machine learning monitoring
d) Bug monitoring

7) What metrics do you use to monitor application performance?

A. Latency and uptime
B. CPU utilization
I. Only A
II. Only B
III. Both A and B
IV. None of the given options

8) Which of the following process can help identify and modify the root cause of poor performance
in a software system?
a) Re-engineering process
b) Bio-engineering process
c) Re-structuring process
d) None of the given options

9) Who do you need to collaborate with to solve deployment issues?

a) Marketing team
b) Finance team
c) Human resources team
d) Infrastructure and support team


1) You are not familiar with an advanced coding language due to which the program that you are
creating is surpassing the deadline. What will you do?
a) Continue coding in the same language.
b) Seek guidance from a competent person and carry out the task.
c) Extend the deadline and inform the client.
d) Refuse to take up the task.

2) A new programming language has been developed and you have been asked to create a code
for the same. What will you do?
a) Ask your manager to arrange training sessions for you.
b) Refuse to take up the task.
c) Carry out the coding procedure in some other language.
d) Ask your colleague to carry out the task for you.
3) You should take inputs from your manager before updating the programming structure of an
a) True
b) False

4) Identify the meaning of the sign shown in the image below. (Picture)
Ans: PwD Lift

5) Given below is an essential infrastructure to be made for ease of access for PwD. Select the
correct name for the following infrastructure.
Ans: Ramps

6) You recently changed your job to work in a company which exclusively deals in Linux platform
products. Which of the following will you ensure before you start working?
a) Update your knowledge of Linux platform.
b) Update your knowledge on Windows platform.
c) Update your knowledge of hardware products serviced by the company.
d) All of the given options.

7) Your office is planning to hire PwD for various job roles. Choose which of the steps given below
could make a workplace PwD inclusive.
1. Identify and promote positions suitable for handicapped individuals through job analysis.
2. Understanding the rules and regulations for PwD.
a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the given options.

8) You are assigned a new teammate to work along with. He is physically disabled. Select the
option which you would like to ask him while working with him.
a) How much medication and hospital visits he does?
b) Will he need any changes to be made there in the workplace?
c) Will he be able to meet the work requirements?
d) Does his disability make him get angry with other people?

9) What action should be ensured before performing the deed shown in the image given below?
a) Sanities your hands.
b) Take their consent to help.
c) Ak them for water.
d) Ask about their Identity.

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