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WASHINGTON DC 20350-2000

Ser DNS-36(H)
December 08, 2023

Sent via email to:

Mr. John Greenewald

The Black Vault
27305 W. Live Oak Rd., Suite 1203
Castaic, CA 91384

Dear Mr. Greenewald:

Your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) /Privacy Act (PA) request dated July 11, 2022 was received in this
office the same day and assigned case number DON-NAVY-2022-010359.

You requested, “… a copy of records, electronic or otherwise (including videos and photos), of all classified and
unclassified reports filed regarding incidents in 2014 through to the date of this request, of all Unidentified Flying
Object of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena reports. Please include all reports, investigations, memos, etc. that pertain
to these incidents referenced as occurring around the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Previously, a similar request was
submitted via FOIA Case DON-NAVY-2019-007449 but yielded a "no records" response. However, I believe that
official Navy statements, which determined two "unidentified aerial phenomena" or UAP videos, were filmed in
2015, and was taken aboard the USS Roosevelt, responsive records SHOULD EXIST as requested.
encounters-with-phenomena/ I look forward to your response.”

This information is publically available and maybe accessed via: under Case Files > UAP Info > Document

labeled as: “RF Reports Navy Redacted (202306).”

In this instance, fees are not applicable.

You have the right to seek dispute resolution services with this determination. You may contact the Navy FOIA
Public Liaison Mr. Chris Julka by phone (703) 697-0031 or via email You
may also contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) through their website, by
email, or phone (202) 741-5770.

Please direct questions to the FOIA Service Center regarding the actions taken to process your request by phone
(202) 685-0412 or email


NAVY FOIA/PA Program Office

neFreedom ofI
ear i
orthedec l
releasedbytheU. S.Government&Mi l

"SE8RE'I'HHl:L 'Fe "'8 .... F'o'EY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete fi le manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank'. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recognize that this form is classified S",CI''''! II/REt, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information . You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lsst Name, First Name Rank Squadron Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~I ~I ____~I ~I________~II~__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information . Your personal infoml.1/ion will remain completely private, and is
reqw!:s rerl (or pote nti.l f futw e debt iering purposes ollfy. AI/Intel and Ops addre5sees have signed conndentiality st~ttemenrs to
Pfotoct y,)(U idom;lif!S tJnd thQ illfonmJlio1J in these reports.

Time of detection
1 Day I Night
1CJ 1--1-".---111
Side No. 8uno Miss;on Description (CAS, BFM, etc)'
(hh:mm:ss Z)

- "'
- -P/:":
liC- /:oc
""- a""tio
- ,-, - ' '-'::
10 . . .".1-.--:-:-~I D
e- ' NlS ConiDct Longitude EIW
Platform Altitude Object Altitude L..."""'
Wi"'m""'d""o"'ir""'I""Wi"'in-d"'S=p ee
- d-:-.J
(Ex. W-72 tA) IOO:MM'SS) IOO:MM SS) lEx' 22000) lat Contact AIt)

Please flttempl to determine a Lot I Long tor tIle contact at initlfJ l detectIOn. We recommend
using rmllJ}o reference the sensor-(/erive(/ bearing and range re/Drive to me bullseye yOll llOd Was the contact moving? 1
if) use~t method is not fJvafla bJe, [.Iny rea solwble derivation of /ocDr/oll will worA', but
please be as specific fJS possible and make a nOte in the comments section. The se loeM/ons
m<JY be used to cue olfler means of tracking.
Dlrectionlspeedl ~====~
(Ex. 090115) _

(b) (1)(b) (1)(b) (1) Please check all that

# of Contacts in

(b)(1) APPllrem propulSIOn

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1) , bout size of a (b) (1 )

Don'/ use tIle purple "submit" bUffOil! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF,pdf " and
(b)(1) , nd the at
(b) (1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link, (b) (1 )
'3!el\l!'fd~!t TO 113*, r '.'!';' Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..1
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above . Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified (!\'EeRE'Fh'REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last NBm6, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Emeil Address Crew Position

~ ________~I ~I~I ~I ____~I 1. . . ________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Yow personal informaCion will remain completely privare, and is
reqves ted for I'0lential f(lWI~ debriefing purposes only. Allintef and Ops addressees have signed canUdentiafity statements to
protec l Vow identities afld tile iI/formatio n in tilese reports.

(b) (1) I (b) (1) I ~~I CJ I II 11L-.-mlWft'I--l

Oat. (mmlddlyy) Time of delection Day / Night Side No. L..--:8""u-no--..J Mission Description (CAS. BFM, etc) _
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geograpllic locatJon Con/Dcl Latitude NIS ConrElct ton g/tude EM! Platform Allitude Object Altitude Wind Dir I Wind [Jpood
(Ex: W. 721A) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000) (at Contact Aft)

Pleas~lJ)t to determine D Lat I LOllg for tIle cantact at initial detection. We recommend
usingfllllllJro reference fi le sensor·dedved bearing and rllnge relative to the bullseye you "ad Was the contact moving? I
IIIuse. If tlwl method is flat (Ivai/able, any reasonable denvBlion of Ioc..ltion will work., bul
please be as specific as possible ond make a note in the comments section. These locallons
may be used to we other means of tracking. Direction/Speed
(Ex. 090115) L._ _ _.....

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that

# of Contacts in

(Check aU that apply): Apparellt Pro,pul"iol';

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

Don 't use the purple ·submlt" buttonl Save this form with filename "Date LocatJon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b) (1) ; nd the at
(b) (1 ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )
Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: ~iJCIl:lrtlnintel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link.

• 81!!@ftI!!Tl!ft!l "8 118 .... f";'eY

5e6REfdML 'f6 1:ISJIc. f'fEY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only)/L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '
Please do not use the purple
"submil" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "grouP." please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recogn ize that this form is classified '8CORE'fIJREt. and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lsst Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Add,.ss Crew Position

'---_____--'1 1--1---II <--I__--'I 1

.....____----'1 1
UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. YOllr person.,lnrormatioll will remain completely private, and is
reqflf:st€'d (or f'0tenlial future c/elJriefing purposes only. All Intel and Ops addte5se£<s have signed confidentiality statements to
protect your identities and tha- ill/ormation in tflese repol1.s.

(b) (1) I II ICJI 1/ II1-"""

DDto(mmlddlyy) LT=ime
n Day I Mgl,1 Sido No. ' - - - :B:-II-no- - - ' Mission Doseriplioll (CAS. BFM. olc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geographic fo ctltion Contact Latitude NlS Contact. Longilude EM' Platform Altitude Wind Dir / Wind Speed
(Ex: W·72 1A) (DDMM;SS) (D D.M MSS) (Ex: 22000) (a l Conlact All)
to determine l) Lat I Long (or ti,e contact at initial detection. We recommend
Ple a s~pt
us;ng ~o reference til e sensor*derived bearing Dnd range relative to the bullseye you fwd Was the contact moving? I
;n USB. If tlwt meffJod is fIOt available. Dny reasonable deriva tion of locallon will work, but
plellse be as $pecific os possible and make a note III the comments section. Tl1ese 10catIOI/s
moy 00 lIsed to cue other means of tracking. Direction/Speed
(Ex. 090115) L.._ _ _- '

(b) (1) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in Balloon-Sf)Oped:
"Group": WingS/Ailframe.
DIller Shape:
(b)( 1) Apparant PlOpU/.,;o,.; '

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1) UAP event documented in NAVAIR brief from (b) (1 ) ----------------------~

with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, cal (b)(1 )

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all ~!)Iay tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at

3!:eft~, jft!:L Te tJ3A, Yo !Y

Sl!:el\!!TdftI!!L " O USA, I"VI!Y Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submif' button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. Ifthere was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data colledion
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified ~Ee~E''fi\ ~E'L, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SfPR Email Address Crew Position

~________~I ~I~I ~I------'I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of identifying information. Your personal iuform3tion will rl;main completely private, .wd is
requesr('(1 (o r p O l l)ll tL~1 fuw re debliefing p urposes only. Allimel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements to
Protl.~ct ,lIour idetltities iWL'f ttt0 ilttorm.Hion in these reports.

(b)(1) I L.......-----li I I c=J 1..-1--,:0---111 I1..-1___--'

oats (mmldd/jly) Time of detection Day I Night Side No, Buno Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc) _
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geograptdc fo c{ltlOll Contact Latitude
ID IN/S Con lClct Longitude
ID IEM' PICltform Altitude
II Obj ect Aftltude
Wind Dir I Wmd Speed
(Ex. W72 14) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM SS) (Ex: 22000) (at Contact All)

PJe as~pt to determine a Lot I Long for tile contact Dt initial detection. We recommend
llsingllllUo reference tIle s9nsor-ded ved bearing Dnd mnge relative to tile JJU/fseye YOIl fwd
in use. If tlwl met/)od is not available, any reasonable derivat;oo of location will work, but
Was the contact moving? I
please /) e as specific as possible Clod make il note in tile comments section TJJe se location s
may be used to cue other me<lns of tracking.
(Ex. 090/15)
L..._ _ _- '

(b) (1) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in Balloon-si1aped.
Other SIJape:
(b)(1) .. Apparent Propu/sioo:

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

no discemable (b) (1)

Don't use the purple "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date Locar/on_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b)(1) , nd the at
(b)( 1 ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron in tel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1 )
3!!CRE i IiREL i 0 USA, '-0 E i Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....J

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recogn ize that this form is classified ~EeREl'/;,REL , and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Add,... Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~I ~I____~I ~I________~II~__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of identifying Information. Your personal informntiotl will remain complet€/y private, and is
requested ror potential futurE> debriefing purposes only. AlIln/et and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements ro
prc,rect YOU f ;(1emflies and tile lntOrmatio/1 it) these reports,

':T::"im-e- o
.t'". '"
· ..I
n Day / Night
ICJISide No.
L--""'B'""u-no- - . J Mission D.scrip~on (CAS, BFM, etc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geograpfl;c location Contact Latitude I'VS
Contact Longitude E/VV PIDtform Altitude Object Altitude Wind Dir I Wind Speed
(Ex: W.72 1A) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000) (at Contact AIt)

Pleas~pt to detemll118 D Lvt I Long for the con/act at iniCiDJ detection. We recommend
lIsing Uilllll'o reference the sensor·derived bearing and range telative to the bullseye YOIl had I
Wa s the contact moving?
m lise. If tlwl method is flot (Jvail(Jble, any reasonable derivation of location will work. IJul
please be as spec;rrc as possible and make a note /I) the comments section. These locallons
mDy be used to cue other means of tracking. (Ex. 090/15) L._ _ _...J

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that apply :

# of Contacts in
"Group": ~ngslAjtimme:

(b) (1) •• Apparent Propulsion

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1) object

Don', use the purple "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date LocatJon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b) (1) and the at
(b) (1 ) (Both in the global). For troubleshooting. call (b) (1)

Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: <>q.uaare,n intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this

<~I!!el!il!'''iiftl!!t l'e tt";IC. I'"ti !!'!'. Tracking Number {Internal Use Only) I
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1

Please do not use the purple

"submW button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information. please leave
the field blank . If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified eEeREfh'REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Noma, First Name Rank Squadron SfPR Email Address Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~I ~I____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes oil reports of Identifying Information. Your personal information will remain completely private, and is
requ ested for potentiaf tuture debriefln,9 purposes only. AlllnteJ Ops addressees have signed c;onfidentiallty statemems fo
protect your IdetlWies (; no th ~ iflformntiofl ;n these reports,

08/e (mmldrVyy)
L.....-----II L-I~~I P
Time of detection ~
_. ~I---=--~I L-I,.-,---,,-.,...,..~-=-:-.,..,....I ~
.de ../
Day I Night fVU Buno ~ Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geographic location
Contact Latitude N/S Contact Longilude Plstform Altitude Object Altitude Wind Dir I Wmd Speed
(Ex: W·72 1A) (OD.MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex. 22000) (Dt Coniaci All)

PI88S9W,UPt to determine !I Lat I Long for rile contact at initial detection. We re commend
using ' 0 reference the sensor·derived bearing and range re/stivB 10 the buJfsf3ye you had Was the contact moving71

in use. J tlUll merhoc/ is not available, iJllY reasonable dorivation of location will work, but
please be as specific as possiblo and make D flote ill UJe comments section. These /oent/ons Direction/Speed
may be used to cue other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090/15) .

(b) (1) (b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

Mov;IJg Parts'

# of Contacts in Markings:
"Group": TralJs/uCBllt
(b) (1) .. Apparenl Prol,,,lsiol/: Reflective.

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b)(1 f - - ~-­

(b) (1 ) but maintaining position in the (b) (1)

Don't use the purple "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date_Locar/on_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b)(1) , nd the t
(b) (1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b)( 1 )
Thank you for ~p lc.y tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (ExamIJle: ~qualoroln intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at

BESRETh'REL ie 1:19"'. r'V£v

. 8E8RE'fI¥REb: 18 018"'. F'/EV Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1....________--'
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified-8COF!El'h'F!EL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~----------~I ~I~I ~I____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Yotlr personal inrormation will remain completely private, and Is
requesterl {or potfmtiaT futu re debriefing PlJrposes only. AlIlnte/ and Ops addressees have signed confident;ality statt?nlent.s fO
protect your identities and the in forma tio n ;n "lese reports.

[lUll' I I
Oal8 (mmlddlyy) Time of detection
II Oay 1 Nighl
Side No.
' - - - :8:"'u-no- - ' " Mission Oescription (CAS, BFM, elc)
II '--7I_II'IIIIT'"""""
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geogmpllic location
ConfDct Longitude EM!
I~...,.,.,.---'I.....,...,.I--..,.,.,-.. . . . ~...,.,.,...,..,~.,.."....-~
Platform Altitude Object Altitude
Wind Dir I Wind Speed
(Ex; W-721A) (OO.MM·SS) (OO;MMSS) (Ex; 22000) (al Conlacl All)

PJeas~~pt to determine a Lat I Long for the con/act at initial detection. We recommend
lIsing lWllllo reference the sensor·derived bearing and range relative 10 the bullseye you fwd Wa s the contact movin g? I
in use. If tlwl method is not EJvailable, any reasonable clerivation of localion will work, but
please be as specific as possible (Jnd make [I note if) the comments section Tllese locDtfons
Directionl Speed
may be uSlJd to cue ot/ler means of trocking. (Ex. 090115) _ _ _ _..I

(b) (1) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

Moving Parts:

# of Contacts in Markmgs:
"Group": Translucent
(b) (1) .. Apparenl ProJouISIOf/; Reflective,

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1)

.pdf" and

troLlbleshooting. call (b)(1 )

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1 )

*€iE8RI9FJlR£i1:: T8 weA, rve'f

3I!el\f'fiJIU!L TO dSA, ,. .'!!:,!, Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) IL-________ .J

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complele file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified ~!'!eR:E"fi\ f!!l!!t, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email ArJdress Crew Position

~________~I ~I~I ~I____~I 1-1________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes ali reports of Identifying Information. Your personal informaliollwill rema;1l completely private, and is
requested for potentia' future debriefing purposes only. Allinte' and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements 10
protect yoar idelltities Jnd the infom"13tion ill these reports.

[miDI I I
Date (mmlddlyy) Time of detection
I 1-.1-::--:::~I CJ ,-I--;:------11 ~I--==-=::-;:-;::-:-.-.-'1 r--I,
Day I Nigflt Side No. Buno ~ Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc)
(hh :mm:ss Z)

Geograp/lic location ContlJct Latitude N/S Contact Longilude EM Platform Altitude Object AltitlJdg Wind 0;, I Wind Speed
(Ex: W-72 1A) (DD.MM:SS) (OO,MMSS) (Ex: 22000) (at ContBct Alt)

Please attempt to detennine D Lat I Long for tlie contact ut initial detection We recommend
lIsing [lSlIIlo reference tile sensor-derived bearing and range relatIVe 10 I/)e bullseye you l lad Was the contact moving? I
in lise. If tlla l mefhod is not llv(JifabJe. any reasonable c/eriva tion of location will wOlk" but
please be as specific as possible and make a note /fI tile comments section. Tf1ese locations
may be used to cue orller means oftrac/(ing. (Ex. 090/15) _ _ _ _-I

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please check all that """"v .

ROllnd- Moving
# of Contacts in Battoon-s/mped. Morkll1gs·
Other Shape:
(b)(1) .. Apparent PlOpufsion:

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

'(b) (1)

nll,nl.. "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF,pdf' and
the t
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for your tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example : "'4u .. 'oro'" intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link.

e~eft~'J1 ft~L.8 !felli, I'YI!':'

. $!!e"'~Ii~!!L Te tiS", P',f:.. 1________.....
Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) ...

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above , Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below),
Please complete this form to the best of your ability, If you do not have the requested information , please leave
the field blank, If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes, Please recognize that this form is classified~E@fO:ETNfO:EL , and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information, You should receive a response within 7 business days,
Lost Nomo, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~I ~I ____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying information, Your person.1 infonnatioll will remain completely private, and is
requested for potentia l future d~ bri e lil1 g purposes only. All In tel and Ops addressees have sig ned confidentiality sttltements to
protect YOtH Identities ;-m d tile infonnaHon in these reports.

Time or delection Day / Mgllt
"II Side No. L---:B"'un-o- - . 1
II Mission Dascriprion (CAS, BFM. etc)
(hh:mm'ss Z)

Geogrophic location Cont{Jct Latitude NIS Contoct Longitude EIW Platform Altitude Object Altitude Wind Oir I Wind Speed
(Ex: W-721A) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM,SS) (Ex: 22000) (nl Conlacl All)

P/eas~t to derermine 8 Lnl l Long for tile conlactllt initial detection. We recommend
llsing lilllllo reference tile sensor-derived bearing and range relatweto the bullseye you had
in USfJ_ If OlDt method is not DWJilt1bla, c1l1Y r9(Jsonnbla derivation of locotion will work, bin
Was the contact movIng? I
please bo as specific llS possible and make II nolo in the comments section. The se locatIons
moy be uS8d to cue othor mOMS of tf(Jcking. Direction/Speed
(Ex , 090115) '-
_ _ _ _-'

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

Round' Moving PDltS:
# of Contacts in BalloolJ.-sJ1aped: MDrkings~
"Group": TtlJnslucent
Olher Shape: Opaque:
(b) (1) .. Apparent PlopUision: Reflective.

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible, Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above ,
(b) (1)

Don 't use the purple ·submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date_Locatlon_Squadron_RF,pdf" and
(b)(1) , nd the et
(b) (1 ) Both in the globel), For troubleshooting, cell (b) (1 )
Thank you for your ~plalY tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a ,wmv (Example: Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this (b) (1)
6Ee RE'fHREL TS ~e". F\'EY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group ," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recogn ize that this form is classified e E8RETNREL, and treat your in puts as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squodron SIPR Email Address Crow Position

~--------~II~~I ~I____~I ~I________~II~__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your person.1 information will remain complefely prlvafe, and Is
reql/ested for pote llti,~, fu ture d b/iefing purposes only. AI/Intel and Ops addressees have signed conffdtmtlallty statemen!s to

protect yow Idt?l1tftles and ttl r! inrort1lation In these reports .

DDt. (mmlddIW) Timo of detection

(hh:mm:ss Z)
II Day / Nigflt
ICJISkje No. '---:B'-u-no- - . J
II Mission Description (CAS. BFM, etc)

GeograpJ);c location
ConlDel Latitude NIS
Co"tact Longiwde
EIW Plalfoml Altitude Object Altitude Wind Dir I Wind Speed
(Ex: W· 72 IA) (DD.MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000) (at ContDct A/O

P18lJ S~pt to determine 8 Latl LOllg for the contllct Dt inffial detectton. We recommend
using ' 0 reference 1I1e sensor-derived bearing and range relative to tile bullseye you had Was the contact moving? I
in use. lat me/hod is lIot available, any reasonable denvafion of location wilt work, bllt
please be as specific as possible and make a 1101e in the comments section. These I(lca tions Direction/Speed
may be used to cue other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090/15) .

(b) (1) Please check all that "n,OI'"

# of Contacts in
"Group" :

(b) (1) Apparent PropulsIOn:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above .
(b) (1) 1 object traveling east with winds from west.

Don't use tile purple "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
- II' . . . , (b)(1) and the t
(b) (1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b)(1)
Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example : . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b ) ( 1)

3!eftf!';VP\:!L Te tlSA, P\ !oil

'€jEeRE l ORe .. r 8 1; 8/" PJE'! Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. Ifthere was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified 8ECRETh'REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank. Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~I ~I____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your personal information will remain completely private, and is
rf'q!l ~ s re d rut
p arenti,if ftltur!! rje fJl i0fil1 g purposes only. AJJ Inter and Ops addre5sees have Signed confidentiality s tatements TO
fJtcrtl)"! your idt:!I1titte s and l/;6' inform ation in the se reports ,

Date {mrnlddlyy} Time of detection
II Day I Night
ICJISide No, '---:a:'"u-no--..1
II Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc)
II'---'~~.lW11! ...-,
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geograpl1ic {oentlon Contact Latitude
ID INfS ContDct Longitude
EIW Platform Altitude
II Object Altitude
~nd Djr I Wind Speed
(Ex W-72 tA) (OO.MM:SS) (OO:MMSS) (Ex. 22000) (Dt COlltact AIt)

P/eas~J)t to cietermine Cl Laf / Long for tJle cont{Jct at initial detection. We recommef1(i
lIsing . . . .o reference tile sensor-deuved bearmg and range re/atllle to tile bullseye YOLI had Was the contact moving? I I
~I====~I ·
in use. If fllat meiflod is no/ [Jvai/<.Jbl$, any re[Jsofwble derivation of locatio/) will walk, but
please be as specific as possible [loc/make a note If) tile Gomments section These locations
may be used to cue other melJl1S of tracking.
(Ex. 090/15) _ _

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

Moving Pads:

# of Contacts in Markings;

(b) (1) .. ApparfJl1t PropulsiDn:

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1) 5 objects traveling east with winds from west.

with filename "Date Locatfon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b ) (1)
dis,ol8lv tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv in tel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at


'lll!e~!!'filft!!L TO ~e;&;, "I I!!fi Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1

Please do not use the purple

"submW' button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is ciassified oSE8RET:I'REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lsst Namo, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew PosItion

~ ________~I ~I~II~ ____~I 1. . . ________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes ail reports of identifying Information. Yollr personal illform,1tioll will remain c<>mpletely private, and is
I'eqfles tecl (or potential futu re debriefing purposes only. All tnte' and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality ,s tatements fo
protect yow Identities. and the inform ation In these reports.

(1) J
Date (mmlddlyy)
,-------,I I
Time of detection DeW/ Night
ICJ 11---,,----111
S;de No, Buno Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc)
I,--I """TI!l'II'n1---1
(hh:mm:ss Z)

~~~~I~I~~~I[J ~
I ~~~I[]I~~~II~~~I~I
GeograpJlic location
ContDcl Latitude NlS Confact Longitude Platform Altitude Object Altitude Wind Oi, I Wind Speed
lEx: W·721A) (OO.MM:SS) (OO:MM.SS) (Ex.~ 22000) (at ContDct All)

Pleas_ t to determine a Lat I Long for IflO contact at imtiai detection. We recommend
using • 0 reference the sensor-derived bearing and (Mge relative to the bullseye you hod Was the contact moving? I
in use. If t/Jat meUlod is not ClvCli/ebJe, any rea sof)able derivation of location will work, but
please be as specific as possible and make a note /II rile comments section. These locations
may be used to clIe other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090115) 1..._ __ -'

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

Moving Parts ·

# of Contacts in M[)rkings:
"Group": Translucent"
Otll.r O{UJque:

(b)( 1) , .. Apparent Pro'put.SiOTT" Reflective ,

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1) ith 1 object traveling east with winds from west.

Don't use the purple "submit" buttonl Save this form with filename "Date_Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and
(b) (1 ) and the at
(b) (1 ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1 )
!!.I!CPU!'I'iI'I\I!L TO ~:')::!c, r ll!Y Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....J

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information , please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified eEOFlETHFlEL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Nome, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address CIOW PosmOll

~--------~I I~~I ~I ____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your personal informalion will remain completely private, and is
,-ec/nested for po tential futtl/'e delJriefing purp oses only. Ali Intel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality stat.:Jmenrs to
protect yow identities and tl1e in formation il1 these reports.

Dal. (mm/ddIyy) Time of detection
II Day / Nigilt
ICJISIde No. '---=8=-u-no- - "
II Mission Description (CAS. BFM, elc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geographic location
Dir /
Contact Latitude NIS Contact Longitude PlatfmfJ/ Altitude Object Altitude Wind W1nd Speed
(Ex : W~72 1A) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex 22000) (at Contact All)

Ple8s~pt to determine [J Lnt J Long for tile contDct at initial detection. We recommend
using Ylllilo referell<-"6 the sensor-derived be8ring and range relative to tile bullseye you had Was the contact moving? I
in lise. Ift/wt met/lad is not available, [lny rellsQnable derivaHoll of location will workl but
please be as specific as possible and make a !lote ill the comments section. TIIese locatIons Direction/Speed
may be used to cue oflJer means of tracking.
(Ex. 090115) ~

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Plea se check all that apply:

# of Contacts in Balloon-shaped:
IlGroup": Translucent.
Wings/Ai/frame :
Olher Shape:
(b) ( 1) .. Apparent Propulsion:

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1 ) 1 object traveling east with winds from west.

DUU)j1e "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date Locat/on_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b)( 1)
Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
. a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1)

3EefttTHREL 18 !:fSA, FVEY

Please d,) 0')\ us'" the ~urple
3Eel\2Tiir<El f6 US_I\:. F ki' "s"bmit" t .l\tT:clt1 above, S':lVt' end
email the compl.::!,; fil e manuaiJ y
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see b(?lcl;~),

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do oot have the requested information,
please leave the field blank . If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

SIPR Email AddrtI$$

This information is for contact only. aU reports of identtfying information.

Ab.w,w rely no ider,tifyillg 1/1(01 matlon for aircrcw or squadron t...·i/l bf:- H-,corded (or analysis.

Dote (II'JI'JIIdd!Y.tJ

TIITIO Of detecMn

Wo-k;...g AIM
[twl:mnrss Z)

Conlee( LaOMa
Day /thi,Jh/

NIS Contac! LOIlgilucte OW

MJ$$OfI Da='PMn (CAS. BFt!, efc)

CooftW A/Muuo Altilur1D

((JI W-72 II\) (O{)-I.>lt!,$SJ /flD.MM'SS) (EIII_ 22000) Cu.slBn!?

P19llS6 altfmpt 10 (1(!leTmine II ,.t I LOfIr; lot tHo ,ooIiJ(;l fit iJlifilll QfJlac/o. W9 flIt:X:1mmend
tJsin>lDlllllto re!ef{Jfl~e t/l9:etl$Of~ b ellMtl ood range rellJw" 10 tfl e IJuiISlIjIQ i'OIl iI<1d Wa" in. ~ontact moving?
in use-:;;'iii8t method i$ /101 i/WlilfJl1Ie, IJIIj rellSOlli1b/e del/lltJlior! r;t 1oceI/otl wifI bIA p.\HIse
be u:; specific (I,V poosro/fl '00 mMe III note IfI /he COlIlfoonls ~iOn TllfI.'!& /ociltions I1Ifly btl Dk&ct/orllSpHd
u$f(J 10 cue oI/Iel ",eMS of t,.>;/cu/g
(Ell. 0901(5)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 )
Please ch<9Ci<

# of Contacts in "Group~:

(b)(1) , .•••

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below fa describe the contact and any interaction in your own words wIth as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not Included in questions above.
(GJlP.observes unidentified low-flying object (b) (1)

(b) (1)
form with (i(ename D:'::~~7.~~~:;~~~~~
(Also in the global). For

Thank you (or your rIme. are ripped fOf the entire time of InteractIon and
.saved B.s a .wmv (Example: Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
• I ' .... •• ..... ' . .
(b) (1 ) B[enETii"EL "FS \:I8A, F QE't'
SE6RE1'h'REL TO VO",", P'v'C'!'

Weather:. QirCf'e'W characterized lAsibiUty as clear, no range limitations.

-!!l!!eP\!.:'-"'I!!L r8 1;8;10, r, l!'; Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---l

Please do not use the purple

"submif' button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified SEGRETNREL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Emei! Add",ss Crew Position

~ ________~I IL-~I ~I ____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of identifying Information. Your PQrsonal inform •.,tion will remain completely private, and is
r('!tLI€stl?d fu r potenti,':If fu ture debl iefing purposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements fO
!)rotc~l your identities and tile j"forrJlaUon itt these reports,

Dale (mmlddl)ly)
(b) (1) •
TIme of detection
1--_--11 CJ 1.-1_~II
Day / Night Side No. BUno Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc)
11--.1 -rI!'IRIT---'
(hh:mm:ss Z)

GeograplJic location Contact Latitude
1D l i D 1
N/S Contact Longitude EtW Platform Altitude
II Object Allitllcle
Wind Dir I Wind Speed
(Ex W 72 1A) (DO:MM:SS) (OD·MM-SS) lEx: 22000) lat Contact All)

PJe8sfi.l~~qlfJt to determme 1I LElI! Long for the contact at inWDI detection. We recommend
lIsing ~to referen ce (/le sensor-derived bearin g and range relative to the bulJseye you had Was the contect movIng? 1
in ut;e. If that method is not available, l1fJy reasonable derivation of location wj(J wOlk, but
please be as specific as possibfe and make (I note ill the comments section. Tilese locations
may be used to we ottle{ mallns of tracking
(Ex. 090115) L.
_ _ _ _..J

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

Moving Parts:
# of Contacts in Markings.'
Other Opaque:

(b ) ( 1) . .. Apparent ReflectIve'

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above. .
(b )( 1)
(b ) (1)
'(b) (1)
-... (b )( 1)
- .. - . I _ (b) (1) ""-l.• ~tmffiU.'I!.'l- (b) (1 )
.. - •intlillll The UFO's were
descriptive details were given
a re-occurring issue and has been previously reported
(b) (1) - . - '_I

with filename "Date Locatfon_Squadron_RF_pdr' and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b ) (1)

Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv {Example: intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this

=6C&R£iFHREL 18 11I8/t: FVCV

ElE@RETJJRELi e ~!I"' , F'a'EY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) IL________.....J
Please do not Use the purple
"submil" button above . Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manllally
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified-8C8Fl:E'f;I'Fl:EL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Nome, First Name Ronk Squadron S/PR E"",i/ Address Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~II~ ____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of identifying Information, YOII' personal information will remain completely privat., alld is
reqaesled fo r pMl?lltiaJ tutu re debtiefillg ;Jwposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have signed conndentialiry statemenr." to
protect yow identith. s and the information in t/lese reports,

Dale (mmlddlyy)
(b) (1 LI
Time of dejection
Day I NiglJl
Side No. Buno Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geogmp/J/c location Contact Latitudo NlS Contaci Longitude EIW Platform Altitude Object Altitude IN'ind Oir I Wind Speed
(Ex. W-72 1A) (DDMM:SS) (DD: MM~SS) (Ex: 22000) (Dr ContBct All)

Pleas~pt to determine D Lat / Long for the contnct at initiDI detec/ion. We recommend
using llillll/o reference tile sOflsor-derived bearing and rallge relative to the bullseye you had Was the contact moving ? I
ill use. If that metl/od is /lot available, Dny reDsolwble deriva tion of IacoVo!) will ~1/o rk. bul
please be liS specific os possible Dnd make D note ill tile oomments section. Tllese locations
may be used to elle at/Jer means of tracking.
(Ex. 090115) L._ _ _ ...J

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please check all that apply.

Round: MavlIJg Ports.'
Square: MetalliC:
# of Contacts in Balloon-s/}aped: Markings:
"Group": Trans lucent
Wings/Airfra me:
Other Shope: Opaque:
(b)(1) .. Apparent PIGpu/slar1: Reflective:

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1) UFO inmuJThe UFO
other descriptive details were given at
issue and has bee~iously reported
I"" ""t<>fi additional sightings in_at previous location now

Don't use the purple "submit" bullon! Save this form with filename "Date_Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and
(b)( 1 ) and the at
(b) (1 ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1 )

ot'!!!Pll!'JdfilI!!L , ! !I!)(, PYI!!Y

~EeR:ET""REL YO t:l5A, f'o'EY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submit" bullon above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information. please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified G'E8RETNREL. and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew PosWon

'--____---'1 ,--I---,IIL-__--II IL-____---'I L-I_----'

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your personal information will remaill completely private, and is
requested (or pote-ntial future debriefing purposes only. Alltntet and Ops addressees have signed confidrmtiality stJtements f()
/J(otecl yow identities and the in formation it! these reports.

Dote (mm/ddl)ly)
~ - -
Time of deleclion L...-D"'a-y'"'/""N""ig-:"h""
t --' Side No. L...--:B"'u-
II Mission DescripOoll (CAS, BFM, etc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

L-...::-~-:--;,---II I.....:::--:-:~-,I D
Geographic location Contocl Latitude NIS
1. . ;:1~--:-.-.:-,I D ,;: -:1;-:-:-::-:-:-,11LO::b:"'i-ec":'I-;A/~tit:"'''-'de...J11'--::7~==-'
ContlJct Lon gitude EM! Platform AltItude Wind Oir / Wind Speed
(Ex: W-72 IA) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000) (01 Contact All)

Pleas~nt to determine a Lat I Long tor tile contact at mitial (Ie lection. We recommend
tlsing" o referef100 the sensor-derived bearing and range relative to tile bullseye you had Was the contact moving? I
in lise. If tl1al met/lad is not (Jvllilable, lillY reaso,1<:lble de rivation of location will work, but
please be as specffic as possible and make a note in tile comments section. These locatlollS
may be used to clIe other means of trac/(ing.
(Ex. 090/15) L.._ _ _ ..J

(b) (1) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in Markings:
"Group": Wings/Airframe :

(t))(~L _ .. App.,.,nt PrcipulsIOl1: Reflective:

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
PnI,m'n a (b) (1)
(b) (1)
the same or a similar
other details were

Don" use the purple "SUbmit" burton! Save this form with filename "Date_Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b)(1) , nd the at
(b)(1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b)(1)

disola,v tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
;:,qua'ore,n intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository

4!5!!eft!Thft!!.L l"e eJ!A, rl"ef

Please do not use th e [.lurpl~
s:e~:':T, -REL TO !!I:'A, FeEl "submit" but\.on abo.. .;! Sa','e <lnd
email 1h1: cOI'\ptete tile manuatiy
Range Fouler Reporting Form ( ~ee be:o',v),

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," pfease report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

(b) (6)
This information Is for contact only. j all reports of identifying informa1ion .
Ab:iolotely no idemifying mformatio!? 0'- .squClcfroll will be recordfJo fo r l1nalysis.

Date (IrvnirJdlyt) lune '" dato C\lol\

Cot>tIlC/ WOJ1Mg Arse

jttrmm-ss Z}
Day I NK;hI

COI'I1tCI Ullj[i./M MIS OcInIDcIl ollgilllde EiW

eon/ocl A/I~tJdo Itlnd Dif 91

(Ex-W. n tA)
f>le8se attempt 10 de/emllne •

Lat I Long ('" tile ronf8cl QI irli/illl OOl9ctKl/l W8 f6Command

lEw: 22000) Coolacl'M
(f:rom} "",'
lI~ng_1o rIKwVlc9 ~!;6/)sor.4eJi\le(t Oewmv Slid r'fI/IIJ rolalrva 10 1!18 t1!i!W!ye yoo lmd Was tM c~mTiJCt moving?
use. If 1119/ IfMI/lOd i¥ n<H ~~tJilol:Jle, aJ!f IMSOIIIlbl" derillnt;QfI oJ lac,Hillfl will "..",/1:, btA pIfImlll

be as sp(K;iflt; 8~ /Xl.o:slbJ9uHd make G Il()le in (IIf ccmmenfs SflClIOfI TMse Ioct1/JOflS may Ile
vsed 10 we oIt1Grmoons oftral.1ring.
(Ex. 090115)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 )
Please check ell that apply:

# of Contacts in HGroup":
(bill) - - - ..

(b) (1 ) 0"'' '

Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not fnclUded in questions above.
(b) (1)

Additional Aircrew in section for event: (b) (6) USMC 'D'QPilot (Now LtCoI.)
as section lead for event).

at at the above range turning Inn,",,,,

20 clock of platform at 5 degrees low at an unknown distance

purp/e~~!!!.!!:!.~::!.Save this form with Menama "Date_Squadron_RF,p(jf" and email

II (Also in the global), For troubleshooting, call

Thank you (or your time. PIe . /I . ! . • .s are ripped (or the entire time of interaction and
.aved as a ,wmv (Example _' (b\(l) Squadron intel personnel shall upload those riles
I link.
SEe~EF; , REL 'fa 1.>1:3,.., f\ E'I'
(b) (6) merged fight to right with the unidentified object and subsequently lost visual past wing

~~!" visual and attempt to

, in the souther.n oHmJ.) and requested a tum 10 the north

" Flight iead Was ' •.

Descrip~lon Of object:

Location and speed of object:

at time of observatiorL

There is HUD fOotage of the Video at the time of observation hCMIever the
video is too large to send, P1ease provide an alternative to submit the
video for analysis.
Please 00 not use th~ purplE;
"submit" button a!lol'e. ~ja '1:! 3nd
email !he cQnlple:e fil l:: manuall:.'
Range Fouler Reporting Form (!;t?e lJeio',q .

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one ·group ,~ please report each on a separate
fOITIl for dala collection purposes . You should receive a response within 5 business days,

",," SIPR Email Adaeu

This information is for contact only. aU reports of identifying information.

Abs.)iutr:JIy riO IdentifYing mformafion for aircfew or squ8(lron ~v;f{ be reconted for ~na/}'si$ .

Dote (mmkkJl'yyJ Tame of dIItection

{hfI:mm ,ss Zj
Day l Mghl Bono iIII

Co"tOCI Working Area Q:W8Ct LnOMa NIS ConI.lcI LongifudfJ ,s.-t.\'

eM/oct AllitlJda A/litudD
(Ey W-72IAJ (DD-MM:SSJ (DD:MM:SS) (Elf: 220(0) ec..ffiJnt?

PieIlSfI $I.ff1mp/ to t1eWrmillfl • till/Long fa !Jw cootOCllJllnil,.DI dehiClior/ Wll f /tCOmmend

1lSi1lQ~IO Felef&fl ce the $Msor4~tillfld b8WIFIOJ at)d FIJIIfItI lli1laiNfI 10 /he btdIs8)'t1 l'QlI hlJd Wa.s tf!e contact moving?
in 1lSe7ili0J FlKHOOd Is not a'lflIl.J~, any re~so,....cnc derlwJliofl O//ac.allofl ...MOIt)fk, bIA phmsB
t'E' as sp<Jcifir. as possible QFId FrJiJKe " nalfl in /htJ eom:ments SfIC1lOf1 IocllUofls 1M)' blil D{rflCtionlSpHd
uud to ~1.9 nt/lilf meNlS of t~r;Joflf},
(Ex. 09(115)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please check all th:a:t::~:~

# of Contacts In HGroupH;
(b) \' " )' - ; ....
(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not Included in questions above.
Approximate date:
The following is an actual report that does not exactly
software. U " In I detected 3 range foulers

Thank you for your time. PIe -

saVN as a . wmv (Example: (b) (1)
- : II dl I . . -s are ripped for the entire time or interact/on and
, Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
SEeREr::REe TO U:=.... . Fe LV

diameter. After II acquiring il I

went through the exact same sleps,
followed by to be the same shape and size. I then set up
for another run in the same direction to see if they held that ,I
was low on
checked the tapes
time there was no one interested in
PIi!.1te do nol U5i> ,hf; purrl ",
EEeRCT;,ne:t fa .;a.... I'VE!' -submit" blrt(on abo-l e o SLl·,(, <I'"1d
e:nllil th.;- cumple-li.' til~ nlilnua:iy
Range Fouler Reporting Form iS CI! bet(l·.\·,.

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one ·group,~ please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

SIPR EI7I8II A6diess

(b) (1 )
This information is for contact only. all reports of identifyjng Information.
,cbsollltely no i"i~l!tif'lI'1g mtorm<''IfiO/J for aifcrew 0 1 squadron will be rf'corded for fI/1a'y.'~is.

DM. (n~)

Con/l)~ WttIk.rng
TIme o1l.jetet:lioJl


COIifI)(J Lell1l1l11 NlS

Side No


(fll" W·72 IA) (00 l.'M:SS) rOD.MAI·SS) (ET~ 220(0) ConS/en! ?
PItt. ~ Me/IWt 10 !J$19f~ 0 La! I Lono lot Ihe COIIfact at lIliIi~1 deWctiofr We ffcomm&nt1
II~II "IO I"enlflce /Jill SfJI)sor~ ~inIlDnd flJng9t#JI1IWf 10 IIIfI'D/J&IJye you harJ
Itl use Ifthe/lIMIIJtod if not R ~, any ~lIltlhl ~rivQf<Orl of loCO/ian wilhl urt. bIA pie.,.
bfI es sp«ifIc ., po.uibltt Ifl)(/ matI I mI. In IIIIt CCIt1ImOll(s sociIon T~ /oaJ/IIYU lI).1y be
IIS10 /0 cuo 0/IN1r meallB oIlrOd-!Ilg.
(E• . 090115)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 )
Please check

" of Contacts In ·GroIJP~:


(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction In your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to Include any detail not included In questions above.
hat encoontered
Sho,uliid be able to find It), was tracking an object
asked us to take a look. We found it at
stationary. We could not

form with filename ~Date_Squadron_RF. pdr end ema;1

(Also in the global). For troubleshoot/fI(}, calf (b \ 1 ,

Thank you (or your tIme. PIe :

&8ved as a .wmv (E;,.,nple: (b) (1\
.. s are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
Squadron Intel personnel shall upload those files
link. -.e_""'....__
Te d8-'"""
-aEe~n, . ftEt . r'e .......
Please dr, not usa the Jlur pl~
"sub/1l;\" but10n iJ. wve . : ' a'lt'. .:me
email the ClJ.";"liete filer:!;;;;y
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see be1m...,

Please complete this form to the besl of your ablllty. If you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

R"'" S/PR Emilil AddtlIss

This information is tOf contact only. !IDIUIsanitizes all reports of Identifying information.
A!Js~liu tely no ide(l(dpn~1 in formation for aircrew 01 squad:OIl IJ:'if! I)e 1 (~c{)(tje(1 'O J ai1alysis

D6t~ (mm/dcVyy) TIme of dotBcliofl
(hh:mm :5S Z)
Doyl NirJlII 4~ssioo o.~r;tip/JoI, (CAS, BFM, etc) ..
CoIliij(;t Wo,"A-ingAmo Coo/acr LMtute IUS Con/aet LCflgiluoo F.M' e MIl/a AIIItUde AIfiI.r.II1fI W/tId [)ir III
(Elf: W-72 rA) (00 MAtSS) IDD MM..~SJ (Ell. 220(0) CMslIlnrl Coo/8c1 All
Plea" li1leil~rlo rJulermlfl/# ' LIlII LDIIQ tor tiN ~OI?/a."/ al inIIi<// ool~ We "'~J7/{/nd
llsiut} ~ f9f91f1T1Ce lneJeilsot.mI'fjdb6aringQ I!d ranoe releWe /0 IlHI lxlllNre )'Oll had w,s me contact fTlQlllng?
if, use. I. {J)(J/ IneIhOO is tJOl tNfl/luble, lilly rfl3Sootlbfa c1eIwIItlOl' or IoGaIlOl> wll \1'011<. hut p!ouse
be IlS specific liS pOS~ mid IIIolkv iI lIor. in /h9 c"~lis sec/ion. JboSII /oc"'/OfU nIOy be Dir9ctJon/SpeMI
US8d kI Clie Olhf1f moons of trdckmO.
(Ex. 09011~)

(b) (1) (b) (1) Please th::a~t, ~:;:~

# of Contacts in "Group":
(b) (1)

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possIble. Please be sure to include any detail not Included in questions above.
(b) (1 ) UAP, apepar (b) (1) Visual recording with
9 gog • gainstlens. video included.

form with filename "Date_Squadron_RF.pdf" and email

in the global}. For troubleshooting, call (b) (1,

Thank you for your time. Pie .

savttd as a .wmv (Example : (b
, . ... ..- ' s are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
Please do not lI~ ijX' purr ;£,
scem::T. r::...:.. .0 US", rV2Y ~'subrn rt"
b'Jttvl1 aM'l e s;:w;> nna
email thecomp te:.:!fi~rr1 a nu<.l!ly
Range Fouler Reporting Form (se..: beiO'_. ).

Please CC1mplete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days .

Lusl Nilm6, ;;rSl N81M SIPR EmDil ArAAess

(0) (6)
This information is for contact only. •" nitizes all reports of identifying information.
AbsOlutely IlQ idennfj/mg information for aircre w or sqiltl clron I'\·i ll be.- re corded for analysis.

D.JffI (mmtlOW) n m. 01Ofl!8cIion Do)' .' Nigh( IIiIIII
(r,'\:II\ITI;U Z) '""" Ui$.SiOn DescriplJ(m (CAS. BfM, ele)

COll/act WOrkinl1i'1ro.:1 ConMet L81iMe ws Conlilcl l.oIIQil~ EN .. Conlllr;! AHi(ltde Atl~oo.

It.,: W.72 IAJ (DD.MM"SS) (DD.MM SS) (Ex. 22000) Constant?
Pleas!Si..fIPl /0 de/llmline Il till / (001) lot IIIB oonIOCI 81intIial del~ctioll. We IVCOfflmend
using,,-o leN!refICfJ filII sermor-.demred ooatlllg '()(J r,nge ril.s/.ive 10 /he nwsaye YOli fl()(j WiiI$ th' comact moving?
I/) use. H rha! melllO(J Is 1M avarl!l"bl9, ony . 9/ISIIIIIIb1l (MfIVIl!ion of lII.:.t(iOII wi'l14"01k, blJl pJeB SIt

00 IH specific ItS pas.stb.'~ onrJ make III)Q/tl in the Cf!mmfln/s wNlO/! nt.$' /orolions IllilY /)9
lIS(JrJ 10 cw ollie. means o(U8C~Jng.

(b) (1)
# of Contacts in "Group":
(b) (1) Please check all that apply:

(b) (1: . , ....

(b) (1 )
Please use the field be/ow to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any defail not included in questions above.

form with filename "~~:;;:'~;~~~::;j~;t:~:,'

(Also in the global). For

Thank you for your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as iI .WI"V (Exa,"ple: Squadron intel personnel shalllJpload those files

• " I!Ct\e::j)J)(t":E '1'0 USA. it!! I

-OCCRET:;REL 1"0 1:10A, f'tlE't
P!e:ast? do not u:;c 1M p Ul p!~
9ECREr;.REl. TO U.:II\ n'F"t ' subl nil" b,jft(lo abo v~ . Sa ve :find
emai! the con'p idc flie 1'""1(;l(iuaily
Range Fouler Reporting Form {~ rKki~\'i.

P!ease complete this form to the best of your ability. !f you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

&juadran S/PR EmlJll Address CtIlW P06!liofl

This information Is for contact only. till.

sanitizes all reports of identifying information.
Al)sofutely neo id..-:ntity';''19 in formatIOn for airCrl)lV 01 squadron will be }ecordtJd for analysis

Date (mmlrJ*) 11m8 or detoc1lor1 Dar I Ni!}h/ BIIM

(hrUfl lT'SS ZJ

ConIOC/ WoIJong Area COllf(lC{ LSliM4 NIS 0¥IIad LOIIgifuda EM Callt()Gf Alfilude Win d Du 41
/E.w· W·I] fA) (DDUM;C;SJ (DlJ.MM·SS) (Ex. 22 0(0) CC1I1lacl All
~1Jr.e Oifempt /0 determine II Lift I L ong (Of f116 COOIilCf SI ini1f1Jl dIl!&e!iorI We ff!CQtllfflf/nd
using _ t o '&(/I(e",,9 !!1e I;IJflSor.d6nvcd b...artng and l/fflge mlll/Ne/o the tw/l;!~)'9 you Imd Was the conttld meV/ng?
in ~se If fIIal lT)&{llod is I/O/ iJV1<Hnblv, &flY re~ $OIIiJbloe dt/fJ.iu~on of IaaJliOfl !WI work, buf ,>iflIlSII
be m; sPtlcif"1<; fI~ pOSsibW OInd nliJke a no/II iII l~ . comment~ SI)(;/JOtJ. TI1"11l1ocd!i(lflS may b~
use d 10 Ci.I8 O/her looao, of trlJ~ktng.
(& . 090115)

(b) (1 )
Please check all that ap"Iy:

# of Contacts in "Group":

(b) (1)
Please use the field below fa describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(0) 11)

,. .orm with nlenama "Date_Squadro"_RF.pdf" and emsll

it (Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b Ii i)

Thank you for your time. PIe

saved as a .wmv (Example: (b) (1)
. '. . . s are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
t th • ., ltd t this link .
9Ee~ETi, REt Te J~;d(, A'L'I
(b)( 1 )
Pleas" do not u se- the purplE'
"submit" buttor. above,. S.::!Je ~ nd
@rTI4ilti18 complet.:! fi le tr1enuaiiy
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see> beio·N).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave Ihe field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response with in 5 business days.

LfISl Name. Fitst M1fIIf1 SlPR Email ArMr,:S

This information Is for contact only. lIDI.Msanitizes aU reports of identifying information.

/\bsolutely /10 id<?lltifying in form ation for <1ircrcw ClI sql1adroll wili be recorded (01 Analysis

Dnts r~) Time of dotoction
lJ;Jylfllt;hl Mi~Gioo DoscripllOfI (CAS , Mil. ere)

ConlfJt;/ WOIAifIg Area Conr8~1 L6fJfUte fUS COIlt11f:t Longitude FAY Coolact AJliI!XkI Kflld Dir 01
(E~.' W·72 1,10) (DO·"'.M.SS) (DD.AfU:SS) (Ex.22000) Coo/a,! AJt
Please atlHlIIf/l /0 de/llrmine a Let Iloo9 fvr IfII' COO/BCI at il~t'al fJetP.c1iofl. W6 re rommen rl
using ~() IOlrHeflCl/1Io Sefl!.iCHleflv9(/ OHIHII,I' and rangtl re0f1VO /0 Ille OOfisqyv YOIl hOrl Wa:; the con/IICt mwlng7
'" 1ISfl~1 medlOd ~ not (N~. any f9JJSO(I;Jt1/fJ rlerivalJot! mlol;(JIi()ll wiR lI-1J!k, bul plflJ.o.s
~ as ip~lfic G.'IpldSlblc ond InaJie a 110 /6 JII th'lXWImen(s S«l/Ofl. Tllese kx:8lioos 1n8y ~
U$/HI to "ro oIhor ",eM,. of flflClriI)f1.
(Ex. O~f5)

(b)(1) Please cheCK all that apply:

# of Conrect~ in ~G roup ":

(b) (1)
(b (1 J
- -- -
(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail 8S possible. Plaase be sure to Include any detail not included in questions above.

display· information taken from border hugger videos

. form with filename "Date_Squadron_RF.p/!.f" and email

it (Also in the global). For troubleshooting, caJl

Thank you for your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a .w'"v ,(Exam,p"': Squadron Intel personnel shall upload those files

SEeRt:TI,REt 'Fe 1::eA. foE',

SECkE lii'U~L TO tJSA, POEt Tracking Number (Internal Use OnIyIIL...______- '
(b) (1) PleasQ do not USt 1M p.wpIQ
"submit" button abo'ooa. Save lind
Range Fouler Reporting Form II!mail the complete lill manuall)'
(we belo-w).
Please CQftC)Iete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested infolTJlatJon, please k!2Ive
the field blank. If there was moJ1:! then one "group," please report each on a separate fann for data coMedicn
purposes. Please recognize thai this fann is dassifled SECRETJlREL, end treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Namtl, First Name! R8iK SqU8dron SJPR Email Addrl158 Cr8W Podiotl

'--_ _ _---'1 1 1 ~'-1-1_--,1 ~,-'-_ _---'

UA,ItTF wnltlz.. all r.porta 0' IdtnttfVlng Informatlon. YOIII'" person,' fnklrmilfiofl will remain compleletjl private, and 1$
requested fOf potential rulllro debrienng purpo$E'$ only. All Intel and OpslK.k.ltvSSHS ""lie signed conrirkntialily statemonfJ to
prorec;, youridentilles and die InfonnllC/on ililhese reports.

DfJt (m~ Tine OC de!&dion
II lWt I Nir/If
II Sid1 No.
(hh:rrm:n Zj

COIIIlICr LflituI»
ws Conlact~
10,1 II 1.1
W!IId Dir IIMnd ~
(E,,: w_n fA) (DD:MM:SSJ (OO:"II.:S5) (M CodllCl Ail)

w•.s I'M cotI!act moving? [

Dlreclio~&d :=====~
(Er. Q9OfIS)

Please check alll'hal ap,pIy:

# of Contacts In

t;~ ____ ~ ••

(b) (1)
Please use the neld below to describe the contact and what happened in YOlK own words winl as much detail as
possbie. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

, " Ih filename ''Oafe location Squadron_RF.pctr and

11.;. I"" ,1b11 1 ) . • It!e Ib ) (1)
(b) (1 ) BoIh in the globaQ. For ttouble!hooUng, cafl
Thank y<lU for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire tme of Interaction and saved as
a .'MnV (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall uplo8d those files to the repository
locate<1at this link.

8EBRE'fHREb: Ta WB", FlJ&¥


similar (b) (1)

until track. was lost
Please do not use the ptJfpie
' submit" bllttrJll ;;lbc."(l-. SOl'e and
Em<:lil the c:ornp(e:e hJ~ manually
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see bei0vv)

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information ,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one ·group,~ please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response INithin 5 business days.

SIPR EmafJ Ailill1'SS

This information is for contact only. MB'.anitlzes aU reports of identifying information .

AfJsoiufefy flO identifying information for aircrel\i or squadron will be recorded for analysis.

ft.)m. Mig
Clute (mmlddlry) rome of deteC1ior1 Dayl NlgI1I

Coo(rn;t W<>1ting Atea CMliJel La/Jfl//fl NIS COlI/act ~oo &w Alti/udo WmdDil91
(E~.- W_72 fA) (DD:MM·SS) (DD_MM:SS) Cooslllnt~ Coolad All
P~l.Is' BIT!t!!lJlf '0 deI&rmil1'lll L8I / LOI'IfI /()( fIHI CMIIICt III i"ilill! doted!on_ We rewmmend
1I$i1I1":O (6fflfor/Ce tho SOOSOf.(16rivod bewlI1l1 and rsf/fJ'l ~iw to file buIls8ye YOIl h8d Was the contact moving?
I!'l llse_ If tlHJ1 ,rt9/hod is nDl aV;JiIobJ9, "" Y rwsonablo derwlloon at Iooo:Ion JdI WIX/(, but pIoo$e
_ _od
/Jo& os SPecdk: flS possibW and mMlI a rooI~lIIlt!~ comments NCOOiI_ Th6se Iocalions may be
!/Sid 10 cue OIMr meM$ of ~Mg
(Ex. 090/15)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 )
that app,ly:

# of Contacts In ~Group":

(b)(1) . . . ...

(b) (1 ) A,••"", P,,,,"I'~

Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
uObservation from the TACCO on the UAP ;

was they were atg.,. .

Definitely not an altitude for that type
then finally documented with the handheld. Estimated distance is
Looked at it through binos and
and beyond being as they were
piCking up atc in the vicinity at that number, but not the object of interest,"

-Hera's a video of it: :1:1\(1)

form with filen ame "Date_Squ8dron_RF,pdf~

(Also in the global). For troubleshooting,

Thank you for your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved 8S a .wmv (E:<alnp le: Squadron intel personnel shaf/ upload those files

~E:eRE"j)REt fa 1;8"', F,fei'

Please do i'K't use the pvr;:>le
3ElFtET,- REL Ttl !::IS.... ru2. " \Ibmit~ hutlCln abo'Je 5:1"{f.! ,md
email the complete tile m.::Jnva!1y
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see below;,

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes . You should receive a response within 5 business days.

This Information Is for contact only.

- Iuss Iwo Jim. I
SIPR Emotl Adli"ClSS

all reports of identifying information.

AlJsl"J/u!ely n(l identifying information squadron will tJe re corded for analYSIS.


C.ontllct WorA.i1lg Alw

(hh:mnl'Ss Zl
Day l NighI

COIIf~ct U!JIlIl' HIS Coo/ad / 0fI!iIIJdI 6W


Coof8Ct AllillJd& AIMvde

8F14, .'el

(E~ ' w.7;I fA) (OO·MU·SSJ (DiJ.A!M·SSJ (EJr. notXIJ CotIS/4III' CMkld AIl
Pleas. 1lt~1 /Q iX'twm!II. a ta! I tong for ItM COfllaCf rIl inIooI deMdlon We ~ltI1d
u.vngJaro lef6!.nce /he SMIstN4e/itIetJ bflant19 Clf'!Q rVll/l' f~iwt to Ill. tIU!s.,...
J'CIU fMId W., tfrf OXItKt moving?
1'1 use. If IMI method " flOC avoBobJo. lilly re.asoro3Dlli dtfMlllotl 0I1iJrol1CHl Idf ~ /)j,1 ~au
be liS $f)fIdffC a'O po$$1Mr .nd I1IW!O 0 I!O/e Vllh, CCIIIfIlelllS uoctG'l. 11!ese IocIHIOtIs 17»)' ~ 8 Olr.ClionISpe~
IIS8d 10 CUll O/tlGr "If"'"oi /llCkIng.
rEl(. G9G1f5)

(b) (1 ) Please ch,e c,

Please use the field below to describe the contact and any jntefllcrion in your own wordS with as much
detail as possibfe, Please be sure to Include any detail not Included In questions above.

e..,(Cise TAO called actual event for unknown

had no VIO of target.

reported a quadcopter drcme' with

reported VAS then disappeared from view heiidi,rg

form wffh filename 'D,tt.__ S'IU"d,·on_R'F.p

(Afso in the global). For troubfeshooting, call

Thank you for your time. PIe - - , ; • '..0; S ale ripped for the entire time of interactIon and
$aved 8S a . wmv (Example: (b) :1) ,, Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
• I " f '. _• • :,. • .
Is link. -SEe~E'Fl
_,,_""',_ _~"""~.­
REL Te tlM, P/EV

a. Did the UAS penetrate a Restricted Area?
b. Was the UAS deemed a threat? NO, however the UAS posed safety of flight concern because
the incident occurred in close proximity to the ship during flight operations. Threat
Mitigation? N/A
c. Any/all C-UAS equipment used: NONE
d. Was the UAS engaged with EA? NO
e. Assessed jamming effectiveness? N/A
f. Times of all FAA notifications: None
g. Specific Mission Impact: UAS posed safety,.ht
h. Amplifying info: UAS headed outbound from'
at an altitude above sea level
heading • .
Pleas e do not U!)~ tho pl:rpk
"submit" ouHon abO"Je. S!lVE: <;lnd
em~il the comp i~te ~i:e mal'\u<liiy
Range Fouler Reporting Form ('i~e beIO'N)

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

llld Name, Flrsl NOfIlIJ RM" SJPR Erooif AddrMS

This information is for contact only. ii all reports of identifying information .

Absolutely no identifying mformatlOIJ for aitcreiv or squadron wi!! be recorded fOI an" lysIs

Dille (mmldd/y}1

Con/eel Wa'\:lIlg Ame

111000( detection
{tlh:mm:ss IJ

C(jI/IIICllg#Mt NJS CooIBcr Loo¢ude


EM' Cantar;/ AHituoe A//IIu4e WlM Ott 111

(E •. W-72 fA) (DD:MM:SS) (DD.MM·SS) (h. 22000) COntt,ntJ Conlad Ar
(From )
Pleflse Blt9mpl to d~lrtmWIft a l M I LQf1g for 11111 CCWiJdlll mal OOIaclion. We recomtrJfllld
usklgllllllro referenoo '~ Uf/SOf-a.r/Wfj ~ring 811'(1' rOOj1l< N1/etiv910 the bulse~ ~1tod Was the con/aet moving?
II! IIS!I. If /1111/ m~/llCfj II; /!Of 9VJ/fo/Ji$, e/1y rea~ble denlfillion at Joclllion willl'.-ork, buf pIea~
De as ~ as possilJle Dfld malt> Il 0010 /111M ~O!l1/!7OO!l$ S«"lion. Tf)e.w /ocmions may /)fJ
used 10 CVfI other Il'If!afUi <JI tr.KkJng.
{Ex. 090115)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1)

Please check all that aPl>lv:

# of Contacts In ~Group":

(b) i,l) . , ,,,.

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
deta il as po~lble. Please be sure to include any delail not included in questions above.
;ran system (UAS) while transiting north on the surface
location of the occurred
,jght'ed a UAS

to hover and mc'n~or

. . . . ., ' "' .......... fi ......,c" oj hoi" ... ", I . . . . """ "" f""
form with filename O.'to•• s,quaciroi~
it (Also in the global). For troubleshooting.

Thank you for your time. are ripped for tha entire time of interaction and
saved 85 8 . wmv (E"aJnp le: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
' , •• •4 ••••• • ' ••

(b)( 1) sceFU:fJil'tEl fa USA. r 'oE t


unknown surveillance.
Please do not use the purple
SCCHUi,'R:LL TE. :;3;\. rYE" "submit" buUlln :lbov~. SO\;£O >Inc!
('maN 1I1~ comp!ete file nlanuQliy
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see b",iO·""'1.

Please complete th is form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information ,
please leave the field blank , If there was more than one "group,~ please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

SJPR Emui/ Address Crew Posltiofl

This information is for contact only. gd'.anitizes aU reports of Identifying information.

Al)soJutefy no Ide"tifying in formation for aircrew or squad/on 'l/i/I fJ e recorded fo ~ analysis

Dilte (mmldrJlyy)

C<>fllw;/ w~ Aroo
lmII of IIIU1(li(1"
(htnnm:ss Z)

Day l N<¢tI

Lofl1U:. NIS Contact /.oIIgmKIfl bW AIliII!d6 WNldOJr 81

(&,' w_n IA) (DO:MM'SS, (OD.MUSS) CCJNllanl! CcrIlacl A~

Pl9ase et~ /0 dflrermtMI ;) L81 / LcYID tor,,.. COIl/oct .1 initial lletedull We 1'PCO/7ITlH/I)d
u$ing~ fe(errJllU! tho SM80l.dollV9d beming I3(ld 'Bllg~ 111I1lfN9 /0 /1111 bIJIls~ you hod

Was the r;ont~er moving?

in U&fl. If 1hiJ111lfl1hod is not avoilob.le. 8IIy ($/}S() (IiI1lJo d()fi~1XI of Ioc.;rron wiI work. but plM~
~ liS ~IC lIS pDSSibl8 fllld ma.'" Q noll! itIllM commM/s sedIoo. rhpsv loc:.:tIioos rodY l>B
uud to ClW othfJr merms of trltCklnQ.
(Ex. 09CI1 S)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1)

Please ch,ec~ af! thar apply:

11 of Contacts in wGroup":
(to) (1) .. ...----

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
deta il as possible. Please be sure to include Bny detail not included in questions above.
[(QU'.IR white for hot.

form with filename

(Also in the global). For troubleshooting,

Thank you for your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those fifes


Please do not use the- pUrple
eLel~Ef"Ft:L TO US." . P'oCI' "submit" blJttO!\ abo"..? Save and
email the complete fII~ manually
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see below).

Please complete this form to Ihe best of your ability. If you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank. 11 there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

SqUQriron SIPR EmIJil AdritfnS Cr&w PosiliOll

This information is for contact only. all reports of identifying Information.

Ab.'wfutefy nD ide ntifying lfiformation fo: aircrew or squadron wfff be recorded (O f anafysis.

Dole (tniIIII1<Vyy) TIme 0( doIedion

Dlly I Nigl7l s,'''', /JI4$1Of1 Description (CAs, BfM, tift) IiIIII
eom;:CI Ww.\:mg Aroa Con/acl Lo/lllJle NIS CoolDd LonlJlfudlt EM' Conlnc! AJlI/IJde Wil>dtN el
(EI W _72 fA) (OD:MM:SS) (DfJ:MM.SSJ (Ei<r 22000) Cooled All
(F _
PleaSUJ1£/IlPl fO <1&ftflTIVIfI a Lat I Long fvf fh8 COtIl8(/ fJl initial (1B/edian. we ,eCOOlllWltlri
using~clleh!tence /If(! liensrx-derivlild ~ing .1Il !6<lge relalrve to l1I8 /1Il1I$eye jIOII hl;Jd WS8 fna eMtltC1 moving?
in IJSIJ. If I1laJ melIlO(/ is !'lOt aVililablfl. MY rB6$Of11llJ1e GellllaODfl OIlr.;oc;wKJII "odI work, bill plea~
IJ9 liS spedfic as POSSible Mri ms.\:, a l'QIIa mille comm8l!ts $SC!iM . TheS/lloClllions mey be
usfid 10 QJ(J other mflOllS or If&cJrmg.
(Ex. 090115)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1)

Please check al/ that apply:

# of Contacts In "Group":
(b) (1,

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

object moves around screen.

pU/'ple~'E!!?i!E!::!!::~ Save this form with filename ~Oate_Squadron_RF.pdr' and email

(Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call

Thank you for your time. ..sare ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as /I _wmvv ~~;;:~~ Squadron intel personnel shalf upload those files
to the !!f!!.~'2' ~
"!H!e~I!",,(n r
Te !'!Ie... , i'CV
Please no nol use th= purplE-
rsutcll'lir' button above. Save and
~ma il th e cornpl'!te file maou3:iy
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see belO·II'l.

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "g roup ,~ please report each on a separate
form tor data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

UtrJ N~roo, Flfs/ foIam~ SquarJrDfl SIPf"l Email Address


This information is for contact only. _ s a nitizes aUreports of identifying information.

Absolutely 110 identifyiog informatioa for aircrew Of squodron wiff be reeo/decl fOf analysis.

DDle (rrullldr¥yy)

Cmllad Worlrmg Aroo

Troo of ootedloo
(ht1:mm:ss Z)
Doyl Night

COfltlJf.~ UNIMe NlS

Sid9 No.

Coo/eel LoorjllJdfJ EIW

M'$$1{)l) Descriplion (CAS, 8Ft!, ,Ie)

COtl/.:Ict AIllude Allitude WiI)O" Dif ~I

(Er ' W. 7l/A) (DD:MI.I:SS) (DD."MM:SSJ (E~: 22000) COI1!lallt? comfd AI
= . , 1 0 drKllm'IifIe tI Lall Wng (at lIIe CO'IlfJct 8I.1IliIio1 wlec/oIl. Wa rl1Cf)ffil/1ell(1
f8frmmal /he Ii1/!f!Irot"-detfwd be'lllllg and tange t9l/Jlive 10 JhelxJ/fsey. )I0Il hod Was ltle COIItact mo'lillg?
.. uw. ~M1d is mllJl'tliIalm, IJIIV I Q8s.onDtw OO,wiWwI of IocaflOO ","III wotJr. tid ~
be as SlJfC6Ie as po.ssiD!9lJf1d m8IUJ S IlOlit in /h& CO/HtIl8lJ(s sectioII lOOse IcJciJIIoIIs mor De
IIUrt /I) CUOfJ OfIler mean-s oI lfaciling.

(b) (1) (b) (1 ) ROUnd Mwing

# of Contacts in "Group":
(tJ)(1) ..

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
IR white for hot.ttBll0bject

Don1 use the purple "submit" button} Save this form with filename "Date_Squadro"_RF.pdr" and email
it to {b, ( 1) (Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call (h 1 ( 1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure a/l display tapes are ripped for the entire time of Interaction and
s8ved 85 8 . wmv (Example: . Squadron inlel personnel shell IJpload those fifes
~",,~!J' located at this link.
, "F~oEe'.....
Please do not us!:" \he POlp!t!
"su bmit" button above. Sal!';' and
emaH ttle compl.,te lile manually
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see helow).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. 11 you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one -group: please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

This information Is for contact onty-.

- SJPR Efflai A~ 'S$

all reports of Identifying information.

Absolutely no Identifying if1fo rmaliorl . or squadron I/ Jill be re corded fat analysis

Dote (mmlddIWJ TlIMofdl\&dori Doy / ~ Sioo No IlIIII

(M:mt\'1:S.5 Z)

Q)1I!~c:t War~ At'" ContlC< L~~UIlI NIS Contact t.ongiMJe EtW
(E~. W_72 IAJ (OO ·MM·SSj (DD:ItIM:SS)

PleIt5e Itlle!!lPllo dal8fmlnfl . L.II LOflg fat /J,. contact /Jl inifllt1 r1BreCfion. We mcommMrJ
umo lliZllillolliferaflCll!/li SMIlOf'4«Ned ~ UIKI t/ttlif'!! relalNe rolhebu/ls.Dy!l you .~,~
In USII. II """ /I'IIUtIoO is I!OI wei/;,IW. II!)' rNSOMbJt d¥/vlt/ion ~ /ot;ahan WI1I WOIi, but p}iu51
bfluspM;bc as possible ollCfIIJm , a nohl '" Ule comments S«I'Ol. Thestl k>cdions m.ty b,
used /0 ClIO olhe r moollS oIltacMl{J.

(b) (1 )
# or Conr5CrS in ~Group-:
(b) (1 ) Please check all/hat apply:

(0) \1 ) . . : :0 .

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to dascn·be the contact and any interaction In your own words with as much
detalf as possible. Please be sure to Include any detail not included in questions above.

~DriiiatiOn taken from videos

pUipl. "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Oaf8_Squadron_RF,pdf" and email
it in the global). For troubleshooting, call

Thank you fOr your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaclion and
saved as a _wmv (E<alnp le: Squadron in lel personnel shall upload those files
eeel tE¥•• REL f@ !!!Ie,.;. F'. t!: r
Pt~ase do not use the purp ie
OECRcr::REL TO tiS,.., rYE", ~suh mif' bur.<:)1"1 abc ....... . Save aM
email the compie te hie manually
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see below)

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank . If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

SIPR Email Address

This information is for contact only. all reports of id entifying information.

AbMlutefy no id~l1t1."ying '" lfoi<m"U" ii or squadron wiil be recorded for MRlysis .

mw •
Dale (1IlII'II!1cVW)

ColI/eei WorkIng Aroo

Time of date~
(M, mm:ssZ)
Day I Night

CQlllocl l alitUle I>VS CooloKf (OtIIjI!JCI& EIW

ConIOCI Altitude A/!it'udfl "'-"<f DiJ ~t
(& W-71 IA) (DD:WI.SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex.22OOOJ COns/ellt? CcilladAh
F'I~B~ to IJeletmme a Lal I LM!J lor me coofiJd 8l ",,"tie! r:l6kKtlOl/. W8 fftCOtJImt/f'ld
U~fl/)~ refIMVI1C8 llie S8nsor.dtJtM!d belll!ng orwJ range rNtlVllo tOO 00Ib0y& you h(Jlj w.." the t:OI'lta cr moving?
in uw. If Ihs/ melllOd is not aVllrlalW, MY I'(UJsoneLo/e derl'v81io11 01 /Cell/ion will wror.-. but pIN"
be as 5p6Cif"1C as pouilJllf and rrnJIre (J notq 1/1 ffIC mtrmtlnts section. rneH /ot:atifJns may be O/~ctioniSpud
!JSI.Id ID CUe afJ/1K meons 01 VlJQtlllg.

(b) (1) (b) (1)

Please check al/ that apply:

# of Contacts in "Group":
,b I ( I)

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to descrIbe the contact and any interaction In your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to Include any detail not included In questions above.
Information from

is f,,,m with filename "Date_Squadron_RF,pdf' an(j email

(Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b )( 11

Thank you tor your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a .~~~~~~
Squadron Intel personnel shall upload those tiles
'0 ~
SlEeRE'FfIREL TeI:l9", F'.'EV Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1-1_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please de not use the purple

"submif' button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purpcses . Please recognize that this form is classified~EeP'(!!l'))P'(!!t, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rtlnk Squadron S/PR EI7J8i1 Crew PosiUon

~--------~I ~I~I ~I ____~I ~I________~I I~ __~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying information, Your personal information will remain campl.rely private, and is
reque6terJ lor potenti., (uture cleOrioflng purposes only. All tnte' and Ops addressees have sIgned confidentiality statements to
protect yow Identities {lnd tlJ e ;lIfOtrn;,tUon in these reports,

(b) (1) I (b) (1)1 '---::---c~1 c:=:J I II I1-1_...._..--'

Dale {mm/cldlyy} Time of detection
(hh:mm:ss Z)
Day I Night Side No. L..--"'B:"u-no
--.J lvIission Doseription (CAS, BFM, ote) mw
N';s ~I~~~I[]I~~I~1Object
Geographfc location
COlJllJct Latitude f Contact Longitude EIVV PIBtform Altitude AIritllde Wind Dir Wind Speed
(Ex: W·72 tA) (DD:MMSS) (LlD:MM:SS) (Ex 22000) (at Contact All)

PleasMiU1pt to determine £I Lat I Long for tile contact at mitial detection. We recommend
lIsing to relerence tl1e sensor-derived be<:}{ing and range relative to tile bullseye yOII hflcJ Was the contact moving? I
in use. If that method is not aVDjJ~1ble. any reasOfJi:Jble derivation of location will work, but
please be as specific as possible fJnd make a note in tile comments section. Tflese locations DIrection/Speed
mlly be ilsed to CliO other moons of (mcking.
(Ex. 090/15) .

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in Balfoofl-sllDped,
Olll.r Shope:
(bI11). .. Apparollf pre,pu/s/Of).

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

IUclcUI11elnt filled from FAA spreadsheet:

shaped UFO operating [lSJIUIbelow proceeding in the opposite direction while W bound at
eVclsi~'e action taken.

purpl'e "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF,pdf" and
the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interac!ion and saved as
a .wmv (Example: intel personnel shall upload those files to the repcsitory
located at this

tJi8RMtiFUiL T8 W8;\~ FIEY

(b) (1) SEtHEr,il.ere""
Please do not USE the pUl pie
"f'; utfflif burton abo" e-. $ave and
email 1112 oomplete me manually
Range Fouler Debrief Form (5e~ b(,!iow),

Please complete this form to the best of your abllity , If you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank , If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes . You should receive a response within 5 business days.

Renk Crew PmifIoo

(b) (6) 0-8 (b)(6) Other
This information is for contact all reports of identifying information.
Absolutely n;; identifying inf,,,,,,at,ioll o r squadron \:'iJI be re corded for analysis.

D~ (IIIfrl1(1df»'1 TIme or detl/dio/l
Ihn;mmss Z)
Dfly I Nigh! -S4deNo. Buno
Putting out dogs
.t.IiSS1Otl Dest:tip11ol1 (CAS, BFA-!, etc)

Vo1nd Oil ,,1

Coo&act WaIfiI'lg A/DB
(Ex__ W-12 IA)
COMIc! LaliM&
fVS CotIlCct I otlf#ude
EM' CooiIlCl Altitude
/Ex__ 22000)
CMSUJnt? Ccntact AJt

PI"fi2.JlJ1!!!lPl'O (1e1f!flllitHJ a (.ar / Lana tor UI8 coofilcl al itH1ia1 dqt«:1bn. We reCQInme oo
IIsmgJ8llllo 'el fJ(()(Ice tile unsor4/lli'. ed beoo<Jg and ronllt' re/illili' 10 tl1fJ b~". y<lll had Was tr.. contact moving? . .
in IlH. ff l l18l lfM1hoO ~ 1lQ' lIr eil/lbioil, M y re~e a'00IIU~ oIlociMlOn WiI/.,nrk, blA please
00 as .o;pflU.; IJS pos~ und mal«) 8 nole in 1/1/1 eonmeJ'lols s9CfJO<> Thfl SJI~toom; mIl~ 00
usOO to C/Je O/tPIIr mHIIS of Imc1OOl1,
(Ex. O!}O/15)

(b) (1)
It of ContBets in "Group":
(b) (1) Please check a/l that appfy:

(h):1 ;

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interacfion in your own words With 8S much
detBII as POSSfble. Please be Sure to include Bny detail not included In questions above.
AtflDlQ.v.rhile putting the dogs out in the backyard in the (b)( 1)
noticed to the East an object flying North to South at a constant speed. My guess Is It was about 1 mile up
and about 3-4 houses to the East of me. It so no reflection was seen . It was roundish but
seemed like there we re some protrusion at the top. where It started It's path ,
because my home is about 5 miles directly South I figured 1 better put In a report
so you had the data point.

form with filename "Dat"_~lq''''~''Jn__RIF.F

(Also in the global). For troubleshooting.

Thank yo u for your time. are ripped for the entire time o( interaction and
uved 8.s a .wmv (Exemple: Squadron intel personnel shall upload those fifes
PlEase do not us.;t lhe porp:e
,"3Eet';!f"ftEt fa tid", r. ! ', ·submit" bvtton above, Save and
1;!nlail lhe cvmplett! file mal'1uOl!ty
Range Fouler Reporting Form (se~ below),

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank . If there was more than one ·group,~ please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

Lasl Name. FtfSt NI1IT19 SIPR Em.:riI Add/1/SS

(b) (6) (bj (6)
This information is for contact sar,iti:,es all reports of identifying Information.

Absoiulely no identify;,';g "'~'m,).tio;' 01' squadron will bp recorded fot an<tlysis

Dat" (/I'oI11otkV'fY) T!mII 01 dolocliOll Day I NIf/h' MI~~ion Dexri/:Jliofl (CAS. BFM, el[;)

CnnI8'cr 1t00dr.v Areo Conl8cl L00Wt9 WS CDnlllCl LoojJitude EM' COO1~CI AltiTude AJljh/de WtI'l(1 Dir~
(£;'1: won IA) (DD:MM'SS) (DO:AQt SS) (Ex.: 2lOOO) Cons/onl? Coolsci Aft
Pl6B~ 10 c1e/!lfm/oo 0 Lal/l Ollg (Q(" thl/ COi1!aC1' til in!!).1) c1elllCflOn We fe COtlltl'l8i'1d
USlIl!l_Orefflrenw /htl Wfl 5OC4Iffl~td 008ringMO rang8 re/8IiI!, to the b;.~)'(lu /l11c1 Was the contact moving?
in use. If !hel me/h{)d IS ""I ~v(!dfJbM. "'Y r&iJ$OII!Jbi5 c1eriViJ OOll of ~lion !'riC IC.~. bul pie,,.
t» as s[JfJclfle as pos5Ibie lind make It note In I~ comments SflCtlOl!. f hew /owlions mey ra D/J.ctio~d
IJW(/ /0 cue otl1et "ttI&'l~ Of Iro<;kJt>g.
(~,. 09fl115)

(b) (1)
# of Contacts in "Group~:
(b) (1) Please check al/ that apply:

S<p~ .

C)) (1

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to descn-be the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail 8S possible. Please be sure to Include any detail not included fn questions above.

from (b \ 1 ) Today (h) (1) various members of

my s • . {b){1' I . d multiple observations of mysterious track fires which
match j near (b,(11 So far, we have had three separate aircraft detect
objects on radar during the day today during different at least five different night events. The write ups are
similar in nature ,

(b) (1)
form with filename "!t' and email
(Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b ' 11 ,

Thank you for your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved 8S a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files

eC8I"lE'H1REL f8 e8l'" pvc,:,

, 9ECRE'flfRet TO U9flt:, FVEV

even with close merges and they appeared to have

a few screen shots from my aIrcraft which was the
thlfd observation today. We have all the video saved, but as you might imagine the files are
quite large. Let ~e screen shots or smaller video clips, The days fly
Wlndowwasfrom _ _ . Here are some

Weather: Scattered cumulus 2-5k AGL, not significant

Bullseye location: (b) (1)
Ple<lse do not use the purf"'le
"submit" buttOil above Ssv~ and
email the complete liie manually
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see belo·,y).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have tJ1e requested Information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group,· please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

S1PR EmiJjI Address

This information is for contact only. i aU reports of identifying information.

Ahsoiurely no identifying i,., fo:mation (or aircrew 01 squadron wil! be recotded for 3fJ8lysis.

DlI/f! (I~I
Tlmll of dewctlon ();Jy l Mghl ~fission DescriplKMl (CAS, BJ=M, ale)

UNIfnct Working Aroo COntact UJ1iMe NIS CotJlad LongiWda &W COi'IIact ARJturj,] W ilde Wind Oil 01
{Ex · W .721A) (OO MM:SS) (OD MM.SS) (Fr. ~~OOO,l Constant' COlltact Al

10 de..!~;) Uitl Loog for tile contact 01 inItiaIcJelection. WI" nlCIlIM!I)nd
10 ItMreIICtI lhfl SMSOt..(Jcrived bowilll1 11i1d f flllflfl reI,tMt /0 lIIe tlUIlse)'D ynll tlOd Was th~

COil tact mclliflg?

in 115f!. Ill er /JlfJlhOd IS no/ al'mlobl9, flny IIJf!ro<Ii1bffl clefWal1()11 of IOc6tion 1\0\'1 14M, oot p/e;Jsv
be li S S()Od"IC ItS ~" Dnd malt.f 0 /l'Oktlli tiN commen!s sedlOJI . 111_ foMllons tnlly be D/,.,liofIISpeed
used III cue 0 111« IIIf1Ii1lS of !
(Ex, 09(15)

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 )
Please check atl that apply:

#. of Contacts in "Group~:

(b) (1' (Ch~ck all that apply):

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your O"'Hl words with as much
detai! as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
small object appears black in IR.

form with filename ~Date_Squadron_RF.pdf" and email

(A lso in the global). For troubleshooting, call (bj( 1)

Thank you for your time. are ripped (or the entire time of interaction and
$aved as a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
to the repository located at
3~e~l!T, ifit:Et f8 !!1M . fVE <'
(u )(1)
(b) (1) Please do not use the pUl pl€'
"submit" bu tton abo'/e. Sa-.,e and
em;])) the comph::tlt fi le rnanually
Range Fouler Debrief Form {see bel(lw}.

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group: please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You shGUld receive a response within 5 business days.

SJPR Email AddrB$$ Cfll lV PofitJon

0 -3 (b) 16) Pilot

This information is for contact only. all reports of identifying Information.

Abso!utely no idonti(y'in~( i"/'Jlm,/i,)" If/HI be (;;,c orded (or analysis

(b) (1) Day (b) (1) No

Oars (nvrr.udl)oy) Tl/h8 0/ del9Ction
(h/!:mm:$S Z)
(b)( 1)
(Ex_ W-T? fA,
(b ) (1)
Contact L8bMe
Coolffd /..DJIgillld9
w tI!1DP
PI'i1Sff 1lltllfflP/lo d&1/lrm~'>6 ~ lal / l (JllQ for Ih8 contnc/llIlf1/lr(lJ dfJllV:tiol1. Wa f& romtJlfrHi
using~o refaff#)()$/11t1 oonoc.HJ8Imd /:lea't/ljJ and ronge rr!flNalo IIIfI ~ you IUtd
Contact Allitude
(Elf 210(0)

~ Di,at
Conl3ct All

WQS thfl contact m OVIng? _


/II use. If /frat wI/thad 1$ not a~'f)ilab/9, any ro(lsonobkl OOrivatiD(l 01 /OI'.::1tion will work, blJI pleaSIJ
/)f /l$ 5pfIcif!c ~5 poss!llle a nd mal!a il noIe in the comments section. T/I,Sft /OufiOils may bo
U$Sd 10 CUll ~ll8f meDnS ofU8W!g.

(b) (1 ) (b) (1)

Please check af! that apply:

# of Contacts in "Group~: 1
S/Jrfllf• •

(b) 11' Check an that apply):

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction In your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.


Don't use the purple "submW button! Save this form with flfename "Date_Squadron_RF.pdr and email
It to (b) (1,r (Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call

Thank you for your time. are ripped fo r the entire rime of interaction and
saved as a ,wmv (£:<arnpJe: . Squadron intel personnel shalf upload those fifes
to the repository located at
(b((1 ) 3EeI'tE1JfIQ ef6 ~Il
Plea~ c1 0 not use th e purp!!:
8ceRET.\jlOFSFU' "subrnif button above. $ .. ve and
em.J1l the complE:le file manual;y
Range Fouler Debrief Form (sc o? b elow).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one ·group . ~ please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response wflhin 5 business days.

l ost Namo. Fnt NIJI~ SIPR EIOOII A/Mr6S5 C/eII' PoolNCJ()

(bl (6) 0-3 (b} (6) WSO
Th is Information is for contact only.- ' anillzes aU reports of identifying information.
Absolutely no identifying infon llatiot/ for aircrew or .<;qu;u lron will br: f eCDrded fOl analysis.

oml) (rnmId<Vy)'}

COtIlIld WorkVIg AIw

Time at fI&locIlm
(1Ih.IIn':l' Z)
~y I NIghI

Con/Bet llllitule

sm No.

Cootacl Lo/lg!lurl'

Conlem A6/tude ~

- 130
(u W_72 tA) (OD. MUSS) IDD.W SS) (EIt' nGOO) C«r1WIt> ",...
PIN~ 10 dehlrmint • L ~ t I Long lor Ille ~ ar iMJfll dflomoo. WI! rtCMlmIIfI(j

usmo ~ ,. (_. me 5aIISOr~ o.Mlf1Q &fId fTNIge tvliiINe 10 ~ ~ you twt Was the contlle: movmg1 •
., use r 1h4i! "lfIl/roa ~ {!()f JIIet/aWi1, .tf1Y IU.$OOOC.Iit dofJ\'IlI1tIn of ~00f> IIIdl ... ~ but pIoo~
btr 11$ ~ ' " pouif>le 0fId /l'l$ClII
UMd toeu. ~~ at trodNlg
tJOM"' llie conlllHMtS $t1dxJn. n J9$1lt ~ m9~ tw

(Ex. 09O/f 5)

(b) (1) (b) (1)

Please chec/{ 8(/ thet apply:

# of Contects in "Group": 1
(b) (1 )
Please use the field u low to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as poss/ble. Please be sure to include any deta il not Included In quesrions above.
UAP was detected on

Don~ use the purple "submit" button! Save th is form with filename ~Datlt_Squadron_RF. pd'" and email
It t (Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call (t. \ , 11

Thank you for your time. Des are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
$Bved as a .wmv Squadron Intel personnel shall uploed those files
to the repository this IInk_
, t: 1 ( 1
SEeRE'flfREL 'f6 \:fSA, FVEY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' I
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above . Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information. please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is!8~i!TN~i!I! , s.ld treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lost NOrmJ, FIrst Nome Rank S/PR Email Addre.. Crew Position

(b) (6) • 10-3 (b) (6) Ipilot

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your personal information will rem./1I completely private, alld is
roC/vested fo r potential fUture debr;eflng purposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have signed conndentiality st':Jtelnents to
protect your Identiti es clnd tile io tonll 3tion in these reports.

(b) (1 )
08t8 (mmlddlyy)
(b) (1 )
Time of detection
Day / Nigllt
(b) (1).
Descriptioll (CAS, BFM. 8tC)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

-.---JEJ [D[lBuJI
EIW Plalform AttitUde
Wind Oir I Wind Speed
(E.: 22000) (81 COlltact Alt)
Please attempt to determine a Lat / Long fortlie contact ot initial detection. We recommend
lIsing Ellilo reference the sensor-derived bearing and ,ange relative to the bullseye you had Was the contact mov/my?
in use. If that metllod is not 8vlJillIble, any reasonable derivst;on of location wifJ work, but
please tJ6 as specific as pos!;ib/e and make II note m tile comments section. These locations
moy be used to cue ot/Jsr means of tracking. Direction/Speed 1193/20
(Ex. 090115) .

(b) (1) Please check all that ",,,,,/,,.

# of Contacts in

Apparent P'OI'"ts"oll:1

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

with filename "Dale Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b ) (1)
Thank you for your time. Please .. n·. ",·" ~.playtapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this

!!~e~!1'I1Iu!t: Te tlSA, P\'!!'I'


(b) (1)

This form does not accept proper coordinates in line 3. I cannot input MGRS nor any
accurate coordinate formal. Additionally, the link to upload video on this form does not
Please do not \I'>e tile purple
SEOR[1i'iREt TO USA, rYE'!' "submlt" burton ;:)bove Save and
emai! {he complete file manUi11ly
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see below).

Please complete this form to the best Of your ability. If you do nol have the requested Information,
please leave the field blanl(. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

R... SiPR Email Ar:1d~ Cfl!W PvsiltOll

(b) (6)
This information is for contact only. all reports of identifying information.
Af)soiutf!ly I/O idemifving infO/mation or squadro ll wi[{ lIe rec<)rded fo! ana!y.siiJ _

(b) (1)
Dafe (mmldtjfyy}

COllfacl Working Al8a

(NU flm:ss Z)

COI!IIlCI Utll1!1le NIS

Side No.

Con/act LOIJOiI!iC1l &W

Mi~.'lioo Dllecnption (CAS. BiN, IIlc)

Contact Altitude At~'IOOIJ WitJdDirlit

(Ex. W-72 fA) (DDMM'SS) (DD:MMBS) (Ex: 22000) CWlslanl? conract Ai!
P/~~_ ta delermine II Lat I
(Ofig fa ltwI COflIBCt III tfH/K1l detec/1rJI1. We rl1comlTlend
!lW!~ ., IlJferenoo lhe Sllnsar.m",~1Id beamgand range lela1NIi to lIIe/:IIJJtooye yw tMd Will tlIe conract TOOvlng?
III 1Wl. If Ih&! JOOJIIott is 001 lJVullah1e. 811)1 ,ooSlJllab/9 dotivolion Of /ocatiol! III"i/1 work. b!A p/fJose
be as $pKIfIc as pQ$slbl9 find !>Joku a noM In IJIe commen!" secliOtl. Thew Joclitions iMy be O/rKt/olYS~8d
V'"..e<J jo WI! rXl_ rml llI'IS of trad:rng.
(Ex. 09tl/15)

(b)(1) (b) (1 )
Please check-all that aPJ"V:
# of Contacts in ~Group":

i~)i':"L_ = . . ...

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Pfease be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

on JWICS, but t am having
observing a _ _
switched their focus to
UAP appears to be
some type . There's some video I '
Qbi,er,ed before in my years coworl(er that is a he
also said it is very unusual to have any to thai kind of standard."

farm with fifenama ~Dat._Squadron_RF.p!!'r and email

in the global). For troubleshooting, call (t \ ( 1)

Thank you for your time. ~~~!!e!!." .3f. ripped for the enlire time of interaction and
saved as a .wmv (E<./npl.: Squadron intel personnel shall upload those nJes

SE6F!E1WREt T8 U6:':. FV['t

(b)( 1) Please do no! use Ih(! purple
", ubmW button aCoYi' S "f,'t- itnd
emaii lhe complete l il ~ m.lnuo!ly
Range Fouler Debrief Form (see b elc>w).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. if you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one -group,- please report eaCh Ort a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

/.4$ N.!1N, Fin! N_ A.:WI" SquodIOO SH'R EmIlI Add~ Clew Positioo
(b ) (6) 0 -3 [ti)JQJ! WSO
this Information is for contact only.' i . ' . nitizes all reports of identifying Information.
Abs01utely 110 identifying information for aircrew Of squadron will be f f1(;Ofde d for analysis.

(b)( 1)

(b) (1)
1_ _
~ oll1etocticn
(ht1:mm s§ 1.)
Day l Ntyttl
_ @'un
Sids No BUf!O
- 'M,IIN o

\D) ~') N W
ClNIIIICI Workil'l" A rM
lEI W· ]2 fAJ
COO/lJct L~r;turll
HIS Coo/ad Lemg/tlJ(J,
lJW Conf()(;/ AII~udo
(Eli 22DOO)
Coo~t? """
"'~ (0 dettfmitM II Lilt I L~ '01 UHf cot7I;td /)/ h1ioIl»IlJ(;llOO. We ~
USIIIg (oftNefIU tt>e .wrlWl.wmw b$/I.tftJg 11M rlllll1Q 1'lI/DINe II) 1M IJUIbIj" )'I)l.IlltJd Woo the t ofltlct moving? No
..ioIlJUJ. ltt« '''01Il00 If t!OI aveilIJOIB, ."y fNSO/IilbJe derMlllOllof /oCOlJO(J will wott, tJ /A pl9 l se
00 OS tpff;4Ic os pos$ibJe !IIId fMJo, .Il0l, 111 fit, commants~. T/lt,st Irx:BtitJrIs /My OIJ
"sed 10 c.... 0""'- me"&'l3 of VI)CJt~. Dk~8d NIA
(EX. OQ CVt 5)

(b) (1) (b) (1 )

Please check all that ap!lly:
1# o( COIItsct$ in MGroup ": 1
\ ; ( , .,

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact end eny interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any derail not Included in questions above.

FROM (b) ( , )

S "->em with filename "Date_Squildron_RF,FX!..r and email

in the glObal). For troubleshooting, cell (b) i1)

Thank you for your time. diS/liar la,,,,s.,,, ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as .wmv (E"an,p!':
B Squadron intel personnel shall uploed those files
to the repository loceted at
','IlEBRE1'IIREk'F8 ij8A, FVEV Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -I

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information. please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group." please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified ·SEOREfItREL. and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information . You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Rank SIPR Email Address Crew Position

10-3 (b) (6) _ Iwso

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Informallon. You, personal informatioll will remaill completely private. and is
reqlli'sterl (or potential fuW re debriefing purposes only. AII/nrel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements to
protect your ident.ities and the ilitoflJlati<.>n In these reports.

(b)(1) I (b) (1) • IDay

ODie (mm/ddIyy) TIme of detection Day I Nig1>t
(hh:mm:ss Z)

- '-
liC'":'O-C-."'tio-fl- -l '--:::C-oo'":ta-c"'t:-L.-:u""/U,":de--lNlS L-:c""o,-,,""
EIW Platform Altitud6 Object Altitude
Wind Dir / Vv'ind Speed
(Ex: W 72 tA) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 220(0) (at Contact Alt)
PJeas. tef )pt to determine a Lat / Long for tile contact at initial detection. We recommend
using · 0 reference the sensor-detjved bearing <md range relative to tile bullseye you had Was the contact moving 7
In /lse. (fJat metllOd is not available, allY reasonable derivation of locatjon wt11 work, but
ple(lse be as specifIC as possible and mlJke D note In ,IIe comments section. These locations
Direction/Speed 1
may be lJS8d to elle aUler means of tracking.
(Ex. 090/ 15) ...._ _ _--'

(b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

(b)(1) (b)(1)

# of Contacts in
OIOOf Shape:
Apparent Propulsion:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above .
• (b) (1) rom the
aircraft identified
and -2 were object a combination
aPI)eared to be relatively stationary. At the object's altitude. the wind
not appear to have any visible control surfaces and nfF,<pntpn
@III I observed what to be a

Don't use the purple ·submlt" buttonl Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and
(b)(1) , nd the at
(b) (1 ) Both in the global}. For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

~plalY tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv tEl(annnle' Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1)

object appeared to be_

before RTBingc As we RlW
aftltude roughly spread
reported the observation and location

Location data for ~he interactions:

(b) (1)
Sl!CftETiikEL (0 dSA, P 02 i Tracking Number ((nternal Use Only) 1

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above . Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information. please leave
the field blank . If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recognize that this form is classified ~Eef'!E'fIl'f'!EL. and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information . You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Las' Name. Fi,st N8m;;;e_ _ _--, Runk Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew POSitlOIl

(b) (6) 10-5 [tUM (b) (6) 1Pilot

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Yotlr personal information will r.main completely private. and is
naqoestacf for potential futu re deb(i€' rrng pUrposes only. All Intel and Dps addres sees have signed confidentiality statements to
protect your identities and the ;n(on1lation in illese reports.

(b) (1). IDay I(b) (1). (b) (1) •

nme of detection Day I Nigllt Buno Mission Description (CAS, BFM, .tc) _
(hh: mm:ss Z)

(b)(1) • ~
Conlacf Latitude MIS Wind Oir / Wind Speed
(DD:MMSS) (Ex: 22000) (Dt ContDct Aft)
PleDsr .t to determine a Lnt I Long for the contact ar initial detection. We recommend
using • reference tile sensor~de lj ved bearing and (ange relatIVe to the bullseye you had Was the contact moving 7
in use. If tfmt metllOd ;s not availc1ble, any reasonable den"vation of loc..ltiOl1will wOlk, bot
please be as specifIC as possible Dl1d make a note il1 the comments secaon The se focallOns
may be used to cue otller meaflS of tracking. Direction/Speed 1180/350
(Ex. 09011 5) .

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please check al/ that <on" tor

# of Contacts in
Ofller Slulpe·
(b)(1) • Apparent Propulsion.'

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

(b)(1) (b)(1)
• •

pUlple "" ",hrrlh" b utton! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and
the t
in the global). For troubleshooting, cell (b) (1 )

tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
"'qlJclalfon intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository

SeeftETi1REL "Fe tJ!A, rVEV

Please do not U S~ the purple
• JEeHl!fllREl 16 USA. fH: I "submit" button above. Save ilnd
~n:a il the CQmplete file manUJTIy

Range Fouler Reporting Form (stoe below).

Please complete this form to the besl of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group,Mplease report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days .

Roo' Clew Posirioo

(b) (6) 0-4 (b) (6) Pilot
This information is for conlact only. aU reports of identifying information.
AiJsoiu rely no identifying ill forma ~ion Ol sQuadroll will be recorded fOI lm=ly sis

DOM (mm/rJdfyy) lime 0( detection
(hh:mrn:ss Zj
Da}!/ Niglot
- Minioo DoIs~ (CAS, BFM, &lC) ..

N W (MIll. Ytlnd Dir at

COOtact WorAtng Area Cot!tllOI (llliMe WS COfltac( (0IIqI/U(J& &W Contoci AIIitudll AN.JJCl&
(/::"1:: w·n IA) (DD :I.IM.SS) (DD:MM.SS) (/::"~_
noorJ) Goo.'i!8llf? Comad Alt
F'tvase lJJtetnpf '" dafSimme aLai / LMQ fr)r me COIItoct allnil;al riflflCl1Of/. We rec«n/Tltllfld
~ng _(I ro!elt<!ett IIIfI sensor4etiwd b(J~IVI!l arKfrUflg8 18I~I~"9 III Ille bWisotc you fIOO Wa$ the contact morlng7 _
In [119. Jf ltJa/ m&l/l()(11$ Illll 8vf/illJfJle, any rtl8SOfl.1We de rivallon d lOCatbn tti1lltU11, bu/ pleSs.
bg as "POCflC 8& pasSIb~ and millce 6 nol9 ill II1(1CQ/T1(OO(lts ~ These /Or:tlfiom may bg
IIWfi to C[lB ~h<K _ 8 01 rrac!fin<;. f;:::'~ .2M

(b) (1 )
# of Contects in "Group": 1
(b) (1) Please check all tnat apply:

ib) (1 ) (Check all that apply):

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words With as much
detai/as possible. Please be sure to Include any detail not included in questions above.

that these weree;;~~
Email answers from ~ to his reco.llectlon,
color appeared (b)l l) waSri'i troLwleUpioacilng video but will try

pu'·ple "submit" button! Save th is form with filename "Date_Squadron_RF.pdr and email
(Also in the global) . For troubleShOOting, call (b) ( , )

Thank you for your time. E!i!~!X.!2f~s are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a .wmv IE.,.,,,p'!.: Squadron Intel personnel shalf upload those files

9EEREl;/FKl fa t::I9". F\'E\,

Please do not use the purple
(b) (1 ) '9 --:-JREL'tJOfElFHI "submit" bUttOl1 ab'Yle _ Save and
email the compiett file manua:iy
Range Fouler Debrief Form (5ee beio'N).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested Information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

Rail/{ SIPR Email Addr9ss Crew posirion

(b) (6) 0-3 B (b) (6) Other B

This information is for contact only. ~!;~~~i::~ all reports of identifying information.
AbsolutfJ!Y no identifying intOi".'i73tion -;:; or squadron ",;i/l t!e recorded (or analysis.

Dare (mm/dt/lrr)
(b) (1 )
TIme of detection
D.1Y / Mght
B.'" go,
Side No. Buno Mi~cioo Des~ription (CAS, BFM, et~)

(hh:mm:ss Z)

NB EB [I!). B
Coolect Wocking
(El. W_72 fA)
Af8~ Contact LaliMe
(DD:MM-SS) '" Contact Longitude
EM Coo/ae/ Anitud9
(E,,_ 220(0)
CM/act All

I_l B
Ple81UijiP/ 10 de/ermine 11 Lat! LOll\} foc /M coo/act al illlfiaJ detection, We recommend
1Jf;in{} 0 re.ferenclllhe sensor-derived bearing and fMge mlalNe 10 I/ffi bullsoyo yoo hari Was the contact moving?
in use. If thai method is 00/ availabl9, any {{)Hsonablo deriVJJtion of IJJallion w~1 work, but plaase
be as specifIC as possible and max€! a note in the oommeo(s section Thfmt Jcx;B/ions may be
UWu /0 coo O/lllt( J))91l1!S oflraciuTIIJ_ Dil'9cti(}{J/Speed 200/100
(Ex, (J901IS)

(b) (1 ) Please check a/l that apply:

# of Contacts in "Group": 1
El (b) (1)
(b)(1 ) (Check all thaf apply):

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above,
in the (b)(1)

(b)( 1) SIPR: (b) (6) SVOIP:

form with filename "Date_Squadron_RF.pdf' and email

(Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b)(1)

Thank you for your time_ are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a .wmv (Example: Squadron intel personnel shall up/Dad those files
to the repository located at this link.
(b)(1) -5ECRETJt;OFORf4
Please do not use the- purpie
"submit" button above, ·Sa\le i:lnd
emaillhe cOfYlplete liIe rnall~aliy
Range Fouler Reporting Form (s\O~ llelow)

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one -group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business day~.

SIPR Emoil Adrimss

(b) (6) 0-3 (b)(6) WSO

This information Is for contact L;;~i~i~~ all reports of identifying information.
Absolutefy no idofltifring infOlmation a;;;::;;ew or squadron \l/i/l bo recorded for <:1ni'l /),sit;. ,

llijiil. (b) (1) Day .. (MI. (b) (1) No

DaI. (mmlrirityy) T!tOO of d.I8C1ion
!l'1h:IMl:SS Zj
Da~ 1NighJ. Side No, B UllO UIs:;/oIt Dfr.;r;rip/tOII (CAS. SFIJ, ele) I11III

1M. N ( 0) (1) W [!i)JUJ_ UNK

Q:InIacr W1Jfking Neo Cootocl La riiUlfl NlS Cootacl Longturill EM ConrDCI M~uds Wmc1 Dit or.
lEt W·72 IA) (OO:MMS S) (OO.MM"SS) (fJ. 22000) CCIfllocl All

P1ea~mot 10 detelmlll9 II Lilt I Long fa lile COOI:X:I 01 iniWJ ooleC/lotI. We reQ()trI(I1enc1
1J$in9 ~IO re/e(~nc81he sensor .riI/ed Cerilg and llII1tJ8 IBIIl/NIt to me O!.<I::Ilye yrw hod Wes the contlrct moving?
In use. If Ihllt mt)111Od is no! BV8iml.lhJ, any /O(lSi.lllllbl€' c1eIIvalion of /oc.lrlion wII ro"O/"/f. /xl {JIIe:lSC
t>fI D~ ~ ns pCssib1v end make a nole m /11fj oonnn9tltS $8CIioo. TOOS9 .t>cO~OI1s III4'Y ce
used 10 CV9 OI/IB{ rM&'IS of Ir~.
(8. 09fJ/1 S)

# of Contacts if) "Group~: 1
(b) (1) Please check all that apply:

,b) (1 I Ch~ aH that apply);

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own wlJrds with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included In questions above.

lron_'~F.~,!: and email

in the global). For troubleshooting, cal (b ) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved aa a .WI"," (Exa,'1Iple: . Squadron Intel personnel shaff upload those files
eE6RETifFiEt fa 1:16...., rYE\'
seel\~'nR!:C ro USA, r O!O"j Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 11-________-'
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified-6EeI'lETh'I'lEL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

10-2 tmJDI (b) (6) lother

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your personal inf"rmation will remaill completely private, and is
t't?qu€stt?d for potential future debriefing purposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have signed conndentiality statements ro
protect y Dtl t icieotitip-,s and tile iuloffllation ill rllese reports,

(b)( 1) I IDay
Dote (mm/ddlyy) Time of detection Day I Nigl>t
(hh:mm:ss Z)

(Ex: W·72 1A) (DD:MMSS)

NlS ~;-'~
(DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000)
Wind Dir I Wind Speed
(ot Contacl All)
Please attempt (0 determine 8 Lol I Long for Ille contact Dt initial detection. We recommend
lIsing [tDJIDo reference tile sensor·denved bearing and range relative to tile bullseye you had Was the contact moving?
ill use. If tllaf method is not tlv£lilable, any (fJ()sonable derivation of localioll wOlk, but
please be as specific as possible and make a nole in tile comments section These locations
may be used to we other me,JI1S of trocking.
DIrection/Speed 1266T
(Ex. 090(15) L._ _ _ ..J

(b) (1) (b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in Balloon·shaped.
"Group": Wings/Airframe .
OIlier SlIap9:
(b)(1) .. Apparent Propulsion -

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail CIS
possible . Please be sure to inclUde any detail not included in questions above .

No IFF attempts
co-altitude with at

Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and
the (b) (1 ) at
in the global). For troubleshooting, calf (b)(1 )
Th an k you for clIspl21Y tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at th Is

9ceRETHREL TB 1=I8A, P/E'!

Please do not use Ihe P ;,)I pie
" ~lIbrn it" button abow.', Sav,.. Rnd
ern:.lil the oofnjJlele file manually
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see bel" ..,).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one -group,· please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

SIPR Em&ilAddr8Ss
(b) (6) 0-3 RX-g (China Lal (b) 16) wso
This Information is for contact only. ~an ltlzes all reports of Identifying information .
Absolutely no Identifying info rmation for flircre.·.J or squadron wffl lYe recorded for analysis

1IiJRI. Day Ii1Ia @• • (b) (1) No

Date(~} TIlMofdotoctiOn ()gy11Wghl Si~No. Buoo WS$IOO D&saiplK!l"l (CAS, BFM, ele) II!IIDl

(hh: mm:~$ Z)

r• • N w IIiDIIII 150 10
CDnIa<.1 WorkjnQ AJI:lD COOtetr Latitute ws C<>.1/ocl LOIIgilud, ew ~nlact Antllldo
(Er __ 22000)
AN.... WlndDlf Dt
COIlIllc/ All
lEx: W·72 fA) (DDMM.SS) (DD.-MM:SS) Conil9flt?
P/H'if!P/ to determil_, tat I Lon!] for liIe COilIIId &I iMll1I deledion. We r"COI1Ifllf(ld
!lWlg II refer(Jfl~ thll sBI'Isor-Clllriwd bearing and range relatr.-e 10 Ilte /x:/IS8j'9 }'OII1'I«i W.n the conrad moving?
If! /.JSf/ J mQt fJlf/IIQd is ~ avtJIlllbkl, My rt1GSOOJbie deriYalKJll Qf Jocftliolll'l:il WOt;\', but P/MSI)
00 GS ~'IC Il$ possib18 and m8l<.1 e 1)()/81111ht1 comroonl:; S9C1irJn. T/le$e maOOns mBY be D/rKtionISpHd
used 10 (Ufl OI/HII me&ll~ 0{ tracJunQ_
(Ex. 090115)

(b) (1)
# of Contacts in "Group": 1
(b) (1) Please check elf thM.:t:;~:

(b)( 1)
--~ ~-

(b) (1) ReflechWJ:

Please use the rreld below to describe the contacr and any interaction In your own words wlrh as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to Include any detail nor included in questions above.
our nose. OU f Jet was at It)(l;
merae with the radar contact.
Offi cer i up

with filename "Date_Squadron_RF.1K!t::. and email

I(AI,oin the global). For troubleshooting. csll(b)( 1 )

Thank you for your time. ate ripped for the entire time of interaction and
.aved as a .wnw (E;,.,nple: Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files

!lEaRET,fREt Tel:'J~". FfEY

Please do not use the purple
SECRETHREL TO 61gA, FVEY "submit" button above . Save and
email the complete file manually
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see below).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

Last Name, First Name Rank SIPR Email Address Crow Position

(b) (6) 0-2 (b) (6) Pilot

This Information is for contact only. [mmJ;anitizes all reports of identifying information.
Absolutely no identifying information for aircrew 01 squaclrolJ will be recorded for analYSIS.

_ ra_
Dot. (mmlddlyy)

(b) (1 )
Contact WOf1(ing AreB
Tim. of detection
(hh:mm:ss Z)
Day 1 Night

Contad Latitute
Side No.

Contact Longitude

.N. _
Mission Description (CAS, BfM, etc)

Con/act Altitude Altitude


INfnd Dirar
- N/A
(Ex: W- 72 fA) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000) Constant' ContaelAII Speed
Please attempt to determine a Lot / Long for tha contact at initial detection. We recommend
uSinYIUIIIIJo rafarence tha sensor4en·ved bearing and range relative to the bullseye you had Was the contact moving? . .
in USB. If thet method is not availoble, any reasonable derivlllion of 10000lion will work, but pleaso
be as specifIC as possible end maJ<e a note in the comments section . These locations may be
used to Cue othor means of tracking.
Direction/Speed 270/15
(Ex. 090115)

(b) (1 )
# of Contacts in "Group": 6-8
(b) (1) Please check all that apply:

(b ) (1) (Check all that apply):

(b) (1 ) Other
Apparent PrOl)uls;on

Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not inclUded in questions above.
DepartingWJlll)as -2 east from the field to
proceeded through
location listed above.
acquisition we detached from our
the track we qUi~'D;led up I (pilot) noticed 6-8
field of view of theIli.!!__ through the location
and briefly lost contact of the objects. This is all happening just south us heading east.
r:;•• ~e,.~.i~.•~ __. __ the
.~~ .
we quickly turned around to the
-.. . , .... n ..... tho "h io,..te- ~",., h,,+h .... ill"\. ~",.{ "'~,..
to the west our
""tiro" ,.,."dtinto It:. 0\ ,..hiQ"'+eo

DUCl~Ofl! Save this form with filename "Date_Squadron_RF.pdf" and email

(Also in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a . wmv (E)ran7DII~: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
to the repository IUliclltlU

on the objects and both pilot and wso noticed multiple (6-8)
Pii5Ce;e;JTng to the west in the field of view. At no longer had
. We maintained an I we lost contact
circled the area 2 i with no luck
before proceeding on mission. Due to the fidelity of size of the
objects. If I had to guess roughly (b)(1 ) however (b) (1) in
Piease do noi use tile purple
SECRET/iRE .. TO USA, F'IU "submif button above. Sa\ie and
email th!;< compiete file marJuafly
Range Fouler Reporting Form (see beiow).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information,
please leave the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You should receive a response within 5 business days.

Lest NIlI1lfl, First Nanlfl SIPfi. Emerl Addmss Crow Position

(b) (6) 0-3 (b) (6) Pilot

This information is for contact only. ~~~s
all reports of identifying information.
Ahsolutely no identifying Information for fjircrew or squadron lv/Ii be mcorded for analysis,

[lUll. ttBIII
Date (mmlddlyy) Time 01 detedion
(hhmm:~s Z)
DlIY! Night - Side No. Bunn
-MissiOll Description (CAS. BFM, elc)

COIltact WorkinU Ar<'lI Gonlact LaUru/e NIS Cootoct LonQiturie &W
Al/Jlude iMmj Dli at Wind
(Ex.- w·n lA) (DD-MMSS) (DD,MMSS) (Ex. 22000) Coos/ant? Coo/acl All Spood
Ple~se aI/emptio delijflllill6 a Lot! LOflg tor Ihfl GOOleel III IniUel detection We recommend
usindmlDlo reference lhe senso{.(jerived bfHJring and range relative 10 the bullseye you Il&rl
in uSe-rrtliZt mell/ori is fKll (Noi/oble, any I'8llsonable derivillion ollr:>Clllion wi/! Wll~. but p/08fJe
Was the cantact mavlng? III
be IlS specifIC IlS possible onri moire a note in the commenls soclion The~ Iocalillns may be Direction/Speed
used /0 cue oilier meMS Df tracking
(Ex. 090/15)

(b) (1) (b) (1)

Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in "Group": 1
(b) (1)
(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and any interaction in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
assigned a test mission to work with

'em,me "Date_Squadro"_RF.pdf" and email

For troubleshooting, call (b)(1)

Thank you for your time. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a .wmv (E,.rnpJe: Squadron intel personnel shail uploed those files
to the repository located at
getting closer to t h i p ' the pilot
was at the closest to the I
the Ime was
This location
At this

, the pilot estimates that the object

attempted to record the visuals with the
record properly and no video was obtained. continued on the test route
for a very short time after the sighting and had to return to fuel state. The
at the time was . The sighting was i to
to inquire it there was any known traffic in the loe,ation,
no other in the restricted area near the seconds
later they had a unknown object that was in general location
of the object recorded the location and time and
location provided was from the
and there is high confidence in
i regarding this incident The weather was
such that meteorological conditions would not have negatively affected a visual description.
eEeRETHREL Ta I:IS.... FVEY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there w as more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recognize that this form is classified'@E6f':Evh'f':EL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lost Name Firs;:.,:.:;
Na::.m:;:e:....-_ _- . Rank. SIPR Email Address Crew Position
(b) (6) I Other I (b) (6) IOther

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your personal information will remain completely private, alld is
t"equestod fOf potential futu re debti€>fing purposes only. All Intel and Ops :ufdressees have signed confidentiality statements fO
protect yow identities iJnrlltl~ illfOlTnalion in these reports.

(b) (1) I (b) (1) I I...-IDa..:...y _--,1111] [lUQ]

Dal. (mmlddlyy) Time of detection Day I Night Side No, Buno
(hh:mm:ss Z)

.. U..I~----II[(UQ' I~ (b)(1)
Geographic IOCBlion CeIIlacl Lalilud. NIS

ConlBel Longllude
EIW Ptalform Alliludo Wind Dir I Wind Spood
(Ex: W·72 f A) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM.SS) (Ex: 22000) (al All)
PJeas~pt to determine 8 Lat / Long for tI1e contact at initial detection. We recommend
using YIIIIo reference IIle sensor-denved bearing and range relative to rile bullseye you IJad Was the contact moving?
in lise. If tllat method is not available, any reasonuble dertvatioll of locotion will work, but
plesse be as specifiC as possible find make a nole III tile comments section. These locations
may be used to cuo other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090115)
L._ _ _ ...I

(b) (1 ) Please check all that JON"" ·

# of Contacts in

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

located over the
in an attempt to intercept

o h • •I • b ·"b IS th · " with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and

. ,, ; , . . . (b) ( 1 ) ; nd the t
(b) (1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )
Thank you for your time. Ple.~se ensure displalY tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: in tel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link.

tSE8R£TNRELsr, We lt, FYE),

.. @::EOFtFR/FilEt TO U8:?, F¥EY
BE8RE'I'IfREI:: Ta tie". F'.'EV Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1'-________-'
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above . Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information , please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recog nize that this form is classified 8 EeREl'/i REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 bus iness days.
Last Name, First Name Rank SIPR Email Address Crew Position
(b) (6) lother I (b) (6)
-- - - - -

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information . YOUi personallnformntioll will remain completely prIvate, and is
rt'-'que.t; fad lor potent!\lf futorc d b;ieflfffj pUlposes only. AIIIMel and Ops addressees have signed conndentlality statements to
protect yow Identitie s alH.:1 the ilitOtf1l3 tion 111 tlll:se reports .

(b) (1 H (b) (1)1 loay

D.te Immlddlyy) Time of detection Day I Night ~~~~I~CAASS.,EB~FMM~,.~IC~)~ WIllE
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Conloct Latitude
I~ NlS
Contoct Longlfude
EJ QUIll Imu]
EIW Platform AlbtucI/J Object AltitucI/J
Wind Dir I Wmd Speed
(DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) lEx: 220(0) lat Contact Alt)

Plea s~pt 10 determine a Lst / Long for the contact at initial detection. We recommend
lIs;ng LWlllJto (etereocs the sensor.-<ierived bearing and range relative to the bullseye you had Was the contact moving ? I
in use. If fIIat method;s not Dvailable, any reasonable derivaUon of location will work, but
please bo as specifiC as possible and make a note in the comments section Tllese IOClltions
may be used to clIe at/lsr moans of (rocking.
DIrect/on/Speed I
(Ex. 090/1 5) L._ _ _ ...I

(b) (1) Please check all that apply-

# of Contacts in

Apparent ProlrJUtsron.

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
·possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

with filename "Date Locat/on_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those file s to the repository
located at th is link. (b) (1)

:!e:CP\!Tnft!LTO USA t P'O\!i


i that the 0p~~~~:t@

{airspeed was al
objects were j
8EeRE'r....REL 'Fe tiS", F':e'{ Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --1

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified " ~EeR:ET)}R:EL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First N:::ams:::.:. _ _ _- . Rank Squadron SJPR Email Address Crew Position

(b) (1 ) Iother I am (b) (1 ) lother

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your pE.'fsonaf information will remain completely priva.te! and is
r&t;/H.! s1ed for pOhmti3t fmilre (fet.lfiMiIl9 purposes only. All tntef and Dps addressees have signed confidentiality statements to
protBOi. Vow i(lenliti E,'~; and til e ;n !( )IIJJ:;Hi()r! in these roports,

(b) (1 )
Dal. (mmlddlwl
(b) (1 )
TIme of defection
Day / Nigllt
11111 (b) (1). (b) (1 )
Sid. No. Bllno MiSSJOn Doscnplion (CAS, BFM, .'cl [mIll!
(hh:mm:ss Z)

(b) (1) • (b)(1) • ~ ~ PDI.] 1[tuQ] ~~,..,......,--l

I L...I
Geographic locatioll Contad Latitude NIS Conlacl Longilude EM! Plallorm Nliludo ObJecl AWlu"" Wind Dir / Wind Speed
(Ex: W-72 tA) (DD.MM:SS) (DD:MM:SSI (Ex: 22000) (at Contacl All)

Please attempt to detennine i.l Lat / Long for file contact at milial detection We recommend
lIsingWJm to reference tile sensor-deriveci bearing and (rJi)ge relative to the bullseye YOLI /lad Was the contact moving?
in lise. If that method is not 8voiJable, any fe IJsOfwble derivation of lOCution will wOlk, but
please be as specific as possible Dnd make a note I/) tile comments SeNlof). Tllese locations
may be used to elle other means of tracking,
Direction/Speed lup
(Ex. 090/15) L.' : -_ _ ...1

(b) (1) Please check all that

# of Contacts in Bal/oon-s/lEJped:
"Group": WingsiAliframe:
o ther Shape.-
Apparent PfOpllfslon:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above. .

D h • •I " b ft"b s h' " with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

- II' ... ,(b)(1) nd the t
(b) (1 ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a wmv (Example: ::;quaIJro>n intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at th is

· · 8!!8Fl@1/!UEL T8 1i8", P¥!!V


they were unable
SEeRETHREI:: TeI:l8,,", rYE\, Track ing Number (Internal Use Only) 1..1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --1

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability_If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank . If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recognize that this form is classifiecH3EeR:El'J¥R:EL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Rank SIPR Emoll Address Crew Position

lother I (b) (6) IOther

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Infarm.tlan . Your personal informalion will remaill completely private, and is
I ~Cf(If1Sre cltor "otC'lltIM fut:.u E! d r l,u if'fir!(j purposes onfy. AU In/p-I and Op.s addreSSeE's have signecl confidentiality statements to
protect ytwt ideulIJies ~l1Id thp. inro/malion In these reports.

Dot. (mmlcJcVyy) lime of detection
Day / Night
Sid. No.
(b) (1) .
Buno '-:M':'iss
"" -;o-n-:(c:::A':":S::-,":S:::F':":M:-
IINO ttmil
, ."':/"':C)-'
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geograpllic location
I ~~I~I~~II~~~~~
Contact Latitude N/S Contact Longitude Platform Alfltudo Object Alritucle Wind Ok I Wind Speed
(Ex: w-n 1A) (DD:MM:SS) (DD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000) (Dt ContDct All)

Please attempt to determine D La t I Long for tile contact Dt initial detectIOn. We recommend
USing ODIIIJa referen ce tile sensor-detiVe{} bearing and range relDIlve to the bullseye you /)CJd
In use. If that me/bod is not CJviJilnble, any reasonable detivtJtion of locDilon will workJ but
Was the contact moving? I
please be as specific as possible ('md make a note in the comments section. TlJese locations
may be used to cue other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090115)
_ _ _ _- - '

(b) (1) (b) (1) Please check af! that apply.

MovlfJg Pmts;

# of Contacts in
Other Shape ' Opaque
(b)( 1) .. Apparent Propuro:lOiJ' Renective:

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above. .


liOt.ible,sho,oting, calf (b)( 1 )

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all ~plalY tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example:
located at this
intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository

· :s~e"l! i liRa TO bSA, f ut!i


not deviate from the training mission in an attempt to establish visual acquisition. Source
tracked the unidentified object for approximately (b) (1) and believed it to be a
real object rather than a radar anomaly.
BE8RE'FNREL 'Fe 1:11;1>'. P"o'CV Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) IL...________-'
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified 8EORETh'REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Name Rank SIPR Emaif Address Crew Position

lother I (b) (6) IOther J

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of identifying Information. YoU! personal informelloll will remain completely private, and is
t f:qlU;StEld (Of potelltial fUt ure dNJriM7ng purposes only. Aft/ntel and Ops add,essee.s have signed confiden'tiality' statements to
erO(Bct y ouri~1entW(} s il!l~i tire ill fo!ma£ion in these reports.

(b) (1) IDay I aJ (b) (1) (b)(1) •

Time of detection L...-D::-a-y~/C7N:;-i9C7,)7"t- ' Side No. &lnO Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

(b) (1)
Geographic /ceQ/ion
• (b)(1)
COntact LDtitude
• EJ NIS Contect Longitude
~ [lUg IItmIIl ~"....,.,."...=---"'--'
Platlon" AlUtuda Object Altffude

Wind Dir / Wind Speed

(E.: W-72 1A) (DD;MM:SS) (DD:MM;SS) (Ex. 22000) (at Con/act All)

PJ~8. . .t to determine a Lall Long for the c.ontact Dt initial det~ction. We rflcommend
usm· 0 reference tile sensbr-clenved bearmg Elnd range relatIve to tile bullseye YOllliad Was the contact moving?
ill use. If U1Dt mefhod IS not (JvailnbJe, any reDsorJable r/eriWJtion of JocDtioIJ will work, but
please fJe os specific as possible ond make a /Jote in tile comments section. These foc[J liollS'
may be /lsed to cue other means of (nlGking.
(Ex. 090115)
L.._ _ _ ~

(b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

Moving Pans.'
# of Contacts in Markings:
"Group": WmgsJAnfmme: TrfJnSlucent:
Oil1e( Simpe: Opaquo"

Ap/lflI"Of11 PrOI"ltiS'01l Reflective:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

Don't use tile purple "submit" burton! Save this form with filename "Date Locat/on_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b) (1 ) ndthe~t
(b) (1 ) 80th in the global), For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (FlrMnnlp.· intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
10Gated at

·sCeFtETNREL TB 1:19A. F'r E\,


COi~~:!.the airspace manager, reporting a range 'O:~~:):~

location. rI:Da maneuvered the aircraft in an effort to re·,actl'el
the unldentifie"dobject, but . Source cOlldLlcte,d
incident and landed aircraft at
t!il!e~!!TilI\I!L TO tlSA, 1"tI!'. Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1

Please do not Use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the co mplete file manually
(see below) .
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified~EeRE'fiIREt , and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

I Other I tmDII (b) (6) IOther

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. YOII" personal illform,1tiol1 will remait! completely privata, and is
req ut!5tE:r.f f!.ll pOlellH,,1' futu(f' d .b tierif/ Y purposes only. AII/nlel and Of's Mfdressees hf'1Ve signed confidentiality stntermmts to
p rotect Vo w i(ierlllties nnd th e iltfm fll al ion in these reports.

(b) (1) 1 IDay (b)(1) • (b)(1) •

Da'o (mm/dd!yy) Time of detection Day / NigM SidoNo. SullO Missioo Doscripoon (CAS, BFM, a lc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

(b) (1) _ (b) (1) • ~ (b) (1) • ~WJlm 1

Geogr8pJlic locntion Coolact Lamude NlS Contact Longitude EM' Platform AllitUde Object Alli/ude Wind Oir / Wind Speed
(Ex: W-72 1A) (DD:MM.'SS) (DD:AlM:SS) (Ex: 220(0) (al ConlDct All)
PleBs~pt to determine a LDt / Long (or the contact at inWal detection. We recommend
lIsingllllllio reference tile sensor-derived bearing and range relative to the bullseye you had Was the contact moving? I
in use. If that met/lod is no/ 8V(1ifable, Dlly reasonable derivaUofl of locatiof! will walk, but
please be as specifiC as possible and make a note m the comments sectiOn. The se locatiolls Dlre clion/Speed
may be used to ette other melitiS o( tracking.
(Ex. 090/15) _

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that "n,",,'

# of Contacts in

(b)(1) .. Appnf ent Propulsion.

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

an area roughly
:oo,rdinated with air operations
began descending below

with filename "Date Locat/on_Squadron_RF_pdf' and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
;:,qu3lOfQlnintel personnel shall upload those files to the repository

3!eftE"?lJ~!L Te treA t ry"!'s'


to conduct a (b) (1 ) , slowing from approximately (b) (1 )

~C~I2":'2 through the clouds. source observed


vector and
(b) (n
,~ !e a ~edo not ust' the purple
,",LCI':~. 1) ,1\!!t. ,6 "SA , ~I!!!'" 'submil ' N ltbn .:l!)ove. S"",'e and
(' ma il lh~ compi€le fi i(, rflanua!iy

Range Fouler Reporting Form (sse b t':I':lw ).

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not Ilave tile requested information,
please leave tile field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate
form for data collection purposes. You sllould receive a response witilin 5 business days.

SlPR EnlCi/ Addl68s Crow i'ol;!riron

(b) (6) 0-3 (b) (6) Pilot
This information is for contact only . £GJIQ_sanitizes all reports of identifying information.
lIMo/wefy no identltvillfl1lltfwflatiofl (or aircrew (J; squadron vliIi be recorded for i;nalysls,

(b) (1)
Defe (fMl/dGW.J
(b) (1)
r me of doI6dion

Dll), I Wigfll

- &00

Mis&kltl Descriplioo {CAS,

mplI IIIIl
BFM, elcl


- 60
ConIuct WOrt1ng Mil
(& : W.12 lAJ
ConJocI /;ItlllAe.
N/S Con/acl Longifjl~
EAV Contact I!tII.WIkl
Win r1 Du at
P/(uJS8 III1M1l/1f (0 dfl/grmioo a Lit I Loog fOl 1M (('){ltDcl at Ii)oIlaJ detK-riofl We recommend
llsing ~'o reffJrfl{1W rhe setl SO'..(fen'W!d beSTing 9fK1 (BIlge re/fllflle 10 lJI B bull,rIYfJ WU /)Ilr1 We! In. COIl/act trlQu/ng? ~
II! usc If tIIi1t meUlOd <s 1JIJ, availllOle, afIY rwsonstolt dIHMlliCJn oIlDCCf/Qfl wiI/ wort. bIA D/It(J.<";$
be weriflc a s PIU$Ib/f fJm1 meb a fIOI.9 in tile ~s sectiOn. Thss& IocatJoos m8yll, DirectionlSJXNd
lind to ,"ue of/I&( mNll' 01 Imeting.
(E~, 090115)

(b) (1) (b) (1)

Please ch ••ck

# 01 Contacts in "Group~: 1
Check itll that apply):

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below 10 describe the contact and any intera ch"on in your own words with as much
detail as possible. Please be sure 10 include any detat1 not included in questions above.
WOn,.Hed at Another contact spotted at (v) (',
Possible the same contact tIlat moved south , Unable to track contact to second location.
Contact appeared to be a hanging from tile

form wIth fI/e"an>'

(AlSO in the g lobal).

Thank you for your time, are ripped for the entire time of interaction and
saved as a .wmv Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files
SEeRI!fJiftEL 10 CiS., F\ E i
SEeREl'I/REL 'fa t:JSA. fVEY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information. please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes . Please recognize that this form is classified ·SCORE'fhiREL. and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~------------,I ~I~I I~____~I ~I ________----'I~I______'

UAPTF .anltlzes all reports 0'
Identi'ylng In'ormailon. You,. personal information v.iII remain completelr private, .nd;s
H''tuested for (WIP.IJtidi ftltllre c1ebriefil:f/ pl.Jrposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statpment5 to
protl-'t;'f yow irJentltit's iHld fll::, ;lIh1tma1i()il ;11 these reports .

Date (mmIdcVyJI)
m ~of:-de:-:-t.~ctio
n Day !Night
ICJI Side No. '----:B:"'U-n o--
-' Mission Descriplion (CAS, BFM, etc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

~~ __~I~I____---'I[J~I__~---'I[]~I__~I ~I__~I~I~~~---'
Geographic locatIOn ConrlJct Latitude NlS Contact Longftude EM Platform AllJtude Object Altitude Wind Dir I Wind Speed
IE. W-721 A) (DD.hiM·SS) (DD.MM_SS) (EK' 22000) (at Contact AIr)

Please flrtempl to deten)]me a La! I Long fOf /lie COfltflct at tnitiOlI detectiofl. We recommend
{/smg DDJll)o reference Ille SGflsor-delived benring ·and range relative to the bull5eye YOlf Ilad
"' lise. f{ (hot rnotllOd is not avai/ab/e, an)' IBDsollDbfe derivation of localion will work, bUI
Was the contact movin g ? I
please be DS specific DS possibJe and make tJ note /II tile comments sect/on. Tlle se locations
may be used to ctle other means oftrtJcking.
(Ex. 090/15)
_ _ _ _..I

(b) (1) Please check all that apply:

Round. 0 Moving Pans: D
Square: 0 Metallic: D
Balloon-shaped. 0
# of Contacts in Markings: D
WmgslAit1rome · 0 Translueant 0
OIlier Shape· 0 OpaqU8: 0
Apparent PropulSIOn. 0 Reflective · 0

Please use the fie ld below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be su re to include any detail not included in questions above.

with filename "Dale Locarlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for rli~nl"v tapes are ripped for the entire lime of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (E)(annpl,e: intel personnel shall upload tho se files to the repository
located at

9£eRf7P;i'FtEl T8 1:18". PrEY

'''SECRETI/REL ,"0 USA, n1[S
-SEeREl'IiREL TS 1:18", F'tEY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.I

Please do not use the purpl~

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information . please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified'·e>!:e~!:f)j ~!:L, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should recei ve a response within 7 business days.
Lest Nome, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~ ________--.l1 ~I--.II ~I____~I 1~________--.lI~I __ --.I

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Inform.tlon. Your personal inr,,'mation will remain completely private, and is
f e Cjue 5 t~d rOt potfm tiaf fU~(Jre debf frding purposes onlV. AU 'ntel and Ops addressees have Signed conftdentlality statements to
proteci yow i(/cntiti~s and rl uJ ;nrOt matiOlr in these reports.

(b) (1) I
DDt. (mmlr1dlyy)
n Day I Ni9111
Side No. ' - - - :B:"un
- o- - - ' Mission Description (CAS, BFM• • Ic)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Geograpllic location
Contact Latitude NlS
__ ~I[]~I
Contact Longitude
EM' Platform AltItude Object Altitude Wind Dfr I Wind Speed
(Ex' W- 72 1A) (DD:MM:SS) (DO.MM S8) (Ex: 22000) (al Conlact AIt)

PleaSgjmt to determine ntHt I Long for tile contoct at initial detectioll. We recommend
lIsing · a reference tl1e sel1sor-clerived bearing and rMlge relative to tile bullseye yOll h.Jd
ill £/se. If lllar metllOd is IIOt available, any reDson!lbfe derivation of location will work, but
Was th e conta ct moving? I
please be as specific as possible and make D note ill tile comments section. These rocations
may be ased to cua other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090/ 15)
L._ _ _ .J

(b) (1) Please check all that apply:

RounrJ: Movmg
# of Contacts in Balloon-sllaped. Markings:
other Shape.'
Apparent Propulsion:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

with filename "Date LocatJon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: ~~~In intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link.

9EeRETflREL Te USA, r v ev

i I had visual on one

was conducting aCIDIO
Environment was too
CIf';U"" pattern continued through

(UI0059Z: a«lu,,'eo as track on the

horizon ap li;;;;;;;;;a;;;lY
(U) 01oaz. turned course 090, while multiple sUAS continued to be reported both port
and STBD Side. At one point 3x UAS were visually spotted. They maintained the same
flight pattern throughout.

-t"l' 0227Z: (b) (1)

(U) ,=~",uc,u,=,
continued her !
throughout iin,teraction:
,tinuollS night path, Very
sightedftracked at any given point in altitude to
~~e/l:l!'l li!t!!1: TO 1:1:,"', " '9!! I I racking Number (Internal Use Only) 1

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above . Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is c1assified ' ~Ee~Efj} ~E!L , and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Addrass Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~I ~I ____~I ~I________~I I~ __~

UAPTF sanitizes all rapons of Identifying Information . Your personal illformatioH will remalll completely prIvate, and's
req llestect fOf potentiaf futtU 61 d e /) ri~ fin rJ parposes only. AI/Intel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements to
fJtoteC [ yo III' idt;.if{Wes fwd til ilf ror(llO!!on in tHese reports ,

Oat. (mmlddlyy)
L,:,-------II I
Time of detedion Day I Night
II Side No.
oo- - 1
II Mission Description (CAS, BFM, elc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

~~--II D
11.-Conroet LatitUde N/S
,- :1:------:---:;--,,. . . 1 D 1
Contact Longl1ude EIW '=
'-"-" ""A""U/:-
1UDlUl 11.-1~~.,..".---,--I
'I'-'dJe Object Altitude Wind Djr I Wind Speed
(Ex: W.72 fA) (oo:MM:SS) (Do:MM.SS) (Ex: 22000) (at Contact All)

PleasUJIJJitJJPI to determine il Lot I Long for tile contact at milial detection. We recommend
lJsing - " ;0 reference the sensor··c/er;ved bearing ;J(Jd rfjllge relative to tile bullseye y OIl had Wa s Ih. contacl moving? I
in use. If that method is flot Dvaif8bJe, [Jny rem;oJ)fJble derivlltion of location wifJ work, bul
please be as speCific as possiblo and make [1 note in llle comments section. 7fJ9Se focElUons Direction/Speed
inDY be 1I5e<ll0 clIe off/or means ortmcking
(Ex. 090/ 15) .

(b) (1) (b) (1) Please check all that'" n,,",.

# of Contacts in

(b) (1) .. Apparent PfO,Du'sion.

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) ( 1)
(b) (1) (approx. 10 nautical miles SE of the (b) (1)

Don't use the purple "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b ) ( 1) and the~t
(b ) ( 1 ) 80th in the global). For troubleshooting, call 301-669-2350.
Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: Squa,dro,n intel personnel shaH upload those files to the repository
located at this link,

SEeM tHR:El Te IdSA. FVE'f

-eE8RE;;t/REI:: f8 1;8;;, F't'E¥ Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submif' button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified"®E@i!RET1IREt, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~--------~II~~I ~I____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of identifying Information. Your personal infcrmatiun wUl remain completely private, and is
ffoq-W;'(itl?t:1 fo r p i>tenfi.;;( future t;(rb ri0 l illg purposes only, All Intel and Dps addressees have- signed confidentiality statements to
proU].c:-! ymlf ide!1U tl~ s- !llld tf!~ fnf'orrlltaion in these reports.

(b) (1) I II ICJI II II'-""~!I!mIL'IIr.Un11...J

Oara (mmlddIW) "'T"'im-e-o""r""d'"'et'"'e""ct'"'io-.J
n Day I Night Side No. '---:a::"u-no--.J Missio!) Oe.cliption ICAS, aFM, etc)
(hh:mm:ss Z)

II ID ,- ;-:1-...,--:-;-~I D ,;: -:1~-.'I '-: 71~-:-,IIL--:-:W:::IIl~d-;:D::ir-:/':':W:-:::in::d;-;s~p::ee':"d-::-.J

'-""G::"e-o-gl':"iJP-I'"'J/C-/~OC-""'tiO-I-)-''-O:::c-on'":/.-c'''t':"La'":/,':"·/U':"d'"'e-' N!S Contact tongitude EI\IV P/[Jtform Altitude Object Attitude
(Ex: W-72 lA) (OO.MM'S8) (OO:MM SS) (Ex' 22000) lar contact All)
p/~[Jsreiurt tD determine D Lat I Long for tlJe c.ontnct [It initial det~ctiofl . We- recommend
uSlf)g • the sensor-denved bearmg and r[wge relative to the bullseye you !lad
0 reference Was the contact moving? I
in use. If tl1al mel/JOd ;s /Jot llvailc.lbJe, any leflsonable derivation of IOGotioll wi!! work, but
please be as speciftc as possible (Jlld make a /Jotla in tile comments section. TIJese locations
may be lIS8d to cue other means of tracking. (EX. 090/15) '-
_ _ _ _--'

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please check all that aDIJ/V'

# of Contacts in

(b)( 1) (Check all that apply): Apparent P

' ,"'PI"io;o/):1

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
enc:oUntered multiple 10-15 small UAVs.

with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at th is

Qi':"!!Cf\ZTAttzt 10 dCA, i Ofi

!Ee~ETlfI'U!L fe ~e,.", PYEY Tracking Number (Intemal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...1

Please do not use th~ purple

"submit" button above_ Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form emaillhe complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do nal have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group,~ please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified ::tEe~ETIfp;:Et, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 bUsiness days_
Lest Name, First Name Rellil Sq!ladron SIPR EmBil Address CJfJ'W Position

(b) (6) !0-3 El (b) (1) (b) (6) ...

UAPTF sanitizes aU reports of Identifying Information. Your personal information will remain completely privare, and is
reqll':ste(i for po/enUM fmu(e debl!efillg "urpos~.~ only. AlIllltli!l alld Gpo; Ilddlf'~Sees llavli! signed confidelltiality 51iltl."ments to
protfCl your id~"ritie!i 1l!1(1 trw in/omlJlioll in tfles~ rep oris.

Dale (mmldli/yy) Time of detediQn

Goograp/iic Iocatkm
!Day Day I Night

COII!;Jr:( LlJlilude NIS

ElIRlSide No.
(b) (1).

Con/act LonDitude

- El

(n, W.721A) (OO.MM-SS) (DD:MMSS) (Ex: 22000) (al Collloct Att)

PlellsJ.i!JlIljPt!o delermil1fj II Lall LMiI for Ille cOlI/act al initial dete~/ion_ We recommend
lISl~O reference the !if!()SOf-eenved bearing alld range re/aWe 10 the bullseye yoo had Was the cOlltact moving?
in use. If thaI m~ is fIOlllvailflble. /JlIy reasonable detivation 0/ lorelifm WIIJ 1IIfIf1!, but
ple~ be as specifIC IlS possible Ilnd malle 8 note in IhfJ commrmts ~octi<m. TheS() Jocalioos
mey be used to clie olher moons ofrroding DimeUM/Speed nBO/200
(Ex. 09(115) L
(b) (1 ) Please check alJ that apply:
J./ound [l] MOVIng Parts_ 0
Square: 0 Metallic- 0
# of Contacts in BDlIooo-stIfJped. D Merlcings__ 0
WingSAh1ral1le_ D TnmslUCfJnt. 0
Otllf/f Sl!a~ D Opaque, D
Apporenl PIO(Julsioo_ [l] Refler;/;"'o D

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

Don't use the purple "submit" button! Save this form with and
( II ) ~ nd
(b) (1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, calf
Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interactJon and saved as
a .wmv (E:<arnple: ~UB<<ron inter personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at (b) (1)

BE8RETHREb:"'F8 W8.', rYE\,

3!eft!,."ft!L Te tJ~, P'Y'!'j' Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 1'-_______--'
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button Ilbo~ll, Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below)_
Please complete this form 10 the best of your ability. If you do nol have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified'SECRETHREL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified govemment information, You should receive a response within 7 bUsiness days,
Last Namt3. FiTSt Name Rank SIPR Email Address Crew Posirion
(b) (6) _ 10-3
UAPTF sanltlzBsl1i reports of Identifying Information. Your pelsorl,jJ informMion will remaIn tompl@!eJyprlvate, arid is
u,q!lested for potential future debriefillg purposes only. Alllrltel ~nd Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements to
pretect yOUl Identities and tile informatiof! In tllese reports.

(b) (1) I j(b)(1) I IDay I_I (b) (1) _

Date (mmld<:t'WJ Time of de1ection Doy ! Night Side No =,:----'
L-""'cm Mission 08scriplion (CAS, BFM, elc) ...
(hhmm:s5 Z)

Goograp/Jic localion
Os. c.,1===-,1 D [W.II
Contlld oliluds
[IUUJ 11",,27c.;,:O',;:;40,=:==-,
,.., f:onlnCI LOI1f1llude EM' Platform Object Altitude Wlild [)ir; Wind Speed
(E~. W-72 1A) (DD:MM'SS) (DO.MMoSS) (F~.· 72000) (et CDlllacl All)

PIe8~IIO delermine e Lei! Looa for tile conteClel in~ilIl deleelion. We recommend
usitlg\ljllUlo raf9r9nce 1M sen~-$#jyed beering 800 range relative to the bullseye you Illld
in uso_ If thai fTIfIllIod is not available, My reasonable oorivalion 01 kJcIJtion will work, but
Was the contact moving? a-l
p/00Sf! bs as sp&eiflC as pOssible and maktt eoote in lhe comments sec/iOl1. These Iocalions
may b9 uStKJ Irl cue oilier II/68IJS of/rocking D' tion/SpHr/
I 09010, 1

(b) (1) Please check all that aPl'/Y:

# of Contacts in

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include eny detail not included in questions above.

with filename "Dare Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
in the globaf), For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for Ihe entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link.

BEeRE"'FHREL"'Fe !:leA, FYE¥

SEeRoETilRoEL 1"e tlSA, F¥E'j' Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) .1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button 21bo\le. Sa\l!! and
Range Fouler Reporting Form emaillhe complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one 6group, please report each on a separate form for data collection

purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified'3EeftEliYREL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response ,vithin 7 business days.
SIPR Eme~ AddrfM& Crew Position

IOther I (b) (6) IOther

uAPTF sanltlze1l all reports of Identifying Information. Yoor ~rsDnallrlformiltion will remain completely private, alld Is
requested (Dr potentiill (utl.!re debriefiltg purposes only. All /ntelllnd Ops arldr!!s.';ees ho'lve signed cOllfidllntlality s/<Jtllments to
protect yOUI identities and tile Information In tllese reports.

(b) (1)
Time of detection
IDay 1111
L:..CD".OyC;~NCiOhC',--' Sido No
(b)(1) _
Mission Descn'poon (CAS. BFM, etc)

(b) (1) • (b) (1) • ~ (b)(1) •

G1JD9f8phi~ Joel/lion COillect LBMude NlS COillact LOOf}/lude
(Ex. W-72 /A) (oo_MUSS) (DDMMSS) (Ill <An/ecl All)
Plens~plla determim a Lilli Lona for 1M co%ct tlI initilJl detection. WEI recommend
using_a ro(fllllnce the sensor·deriwJd b9llring Ill/d rilllQe reI1lti~() /0 the bul/seye you had Was tile contact moving? I
in use. If I1ml ms/hod is IlOlllveilable, 1111)1 reasonebl" drmvlliion uf localiM w#l wariI:, bill
pleas" be as speCfflC 9S possible and nwke II note In the comlnfmls S6'C~on. TilesfI/oc91kms Direction/Speed
may 00 used to CUf/ oll!(~r means of tmcJ:ing_

(b) (1 ) Please check allth"t app,'v:

# of Contacts in Balloon-sll(lpeci.

Apparent Propulsion.

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what nappened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not induded in questions above.

Don't use the purple "submit" button! S8ye this form with filename "Date LocBtlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b} 11) , nd the at
(b)(l ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, calf (b)(l)
Thank you for your display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
•.wmv (Ex"mplle, intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at


despite i , the In relatIvely the
same area ct tM course of their observation. specUlated object was not
with the Wind because its pO$ltion would a;a:ng.>o significantly during the roUghlV.
of observatfon.
SEBRETdREL T9 1::18;'. F'rEY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) IL...._______...J
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified 8EOREH'REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Nam9 Firs;,;
tN" '8:;;m,;,:e_ _ _- , Rank StPR Email Addrsss Crew Position

(b) (6) IOther I (b) (6) lother

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying information. Yow personal information will remain completely private, and is
requested for potentia' futu re det)riefillg purposes only, All Intel and Ops addressees have Signed confidentiality statements to
pI otect your identities ami til e in ff)twatiot} in these reports.

(b) (1)
Date (mmlddlyy)
I (b) (1) I
lime of delection
Day / Nigllt
1II1II (b) (1)
Side No. Buno
• (b) (1) _
Mission Dosctiption (CAS, BFM••tc) _
(hh:mm:ss Z)

(b) (1) •
GeogropJlic Iocotion
Contact Lstitllde
• EI (b)(1)
N/S Cootact (oogilOOe
• o EIW
Plettorm Altitllde
I Wind Oir / Wind Sp88d
(Ex: W-72 tA) (OO:MM:SS) (OD:MM:SS) (Ex: 22000) (at Contact All)
PleaS_ f P r to determine 1I Lat / Long for tlle contuct Dt 'mliM detectiofl. We recommend
using • to reference t/IB sensor-dellve'l beBring and mage relative to the bullseye you bad Was the contact moving? I
in lise. If tllat met/wd is not ElvDiJable, nny reasonable derivation of location will work, but
please be os specflic as possible and make a note III the commellts secilofl. T/lese locations Direction/Speed
may be used to we other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090/15) .

(b) (1) (b) (1 ) Please check al/ that apply:


# of Contacts in
Other Slwpe:
(b) (1) • ApfJorefl/ Prol"lIs.loll:

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

Don't use the purple "submit" burtonl Save this form with filename "Date_LocaIJon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b) (1 ) , ndthe ~t
(b) (1 ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting. call (b) (1)
Thank you for ~plalY tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: uadron intel personnel shaH upload those files to the repository
located at this

~~~that the mission

aerial ran!,. ~
· ~!eftl!'FJ\!'!t: Te \:IliA, f'U ! 'j Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) II-________ .J

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above, Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below),
Please complete this form to the best of your ability, If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank, If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes, Please recognize that this form is classified'BEElREl'HREL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information, You should receive a response within 7 bUsiness days,
Last Name, First Nom;:,
e _ _ _- , Rank SIPR Email Address Crew Position
(b) (6)
lother I (b) (6) IOther
UAPTF sanitizes ail reports of Identifying information, Yotlr personal information will remain completely private, and is
reque sted for potential future debriefing purposes only, All Intel and Ops addresSfles have signed confIdentiality statements to
}J,otec:r yow identities and tile illform:ilioll in tflese reports,

Date (mmlddlyy) lime of delection
IDay Day / Nignt
Side No,
(b) (1) •
(b) (1) _
MIssion Description ICAS, BFM, etc) WlIIIl
(hh:mm:ss Z)

(b) (1) • (b)(1) • EI (b)(1) • ~ [mIP) ItCUDlI 1.-1~~"."...--,...J

Geograph;c locatIon Contact LBfftudB N/S Contact Loogitudo EIW Platform Altitudo Objoc/ Altitude Wind Oir / Wind Speed
IEK: W,72 1A) (OO:MM'SS) (OO:MM:SS) (Ex 22000) (Dt Contact AIt)

Pleas~~fJJpt to dele/mine D Lot I Long for tile contact at initio/ deteclioll. We recommend
llsingWillo (e fefence the sensor-derived bearing Dnd range relative to the bullseye you {lad Was the contact ~o,,,;'''>7
in use. If lila! metlJOd is not available, lIny reasonable clerivation of location will work, bUl
please be as possible and make a flote in tf)e comments section TlJese locations
may be ilsed to cue other means of tracking.
Direction/Speed Iup
(Ex, 090/15) ,-,~_ _-I

(b) (1 ) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in 8alfoon-sllaped.
"Group": WingS/A/drame:
Other Shape.-
(b)(1) .. Apparent PropUlsion:

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible, Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above,
'ep<Jrte,d that, on a.
SClleCIUI<.o miSSion was to
at apl)fo:~imate,ly

Don't use the purple "submit" burtonl Save this form with filename "Date LocatJon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b) (1) and the at
(b) (1) (Both in the global), For troubleshooting, cal (b)( 1 )

!ill!pla,y tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
"'qua·orcln intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository

·iJESRETHREb: T8 W8A, rvE'!

OESRETSrtEb 1'0 US"', f"cl'E;'

(U) Source completed mission without further t'lciderrt.

3EeREiiVREL T6 1:!9A, F~'EY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) 11-________-'
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified SEGRETh'REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Raok Sqlladron SIPR Email Addrass Crew Position

(b) (6) _ lother I (b) (1)

-- - - -
• (b) (6) lother
UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. YOllr personal informAtion will remain completely private, and is
requeste" for potent;;,1 filtH'" (/eIJriefing purposes only, All Intel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements to
protect yow ici811tities ~1nd till? information in these reports,

Dale (mmlddlyyl Time of detection
· INight
'--":::oo-y-/:-:N':'lg-'/,7t --' Side No.
(b)(1). (b) (1)
Buno Mission Descriplion (CAS, BFM, elcl

(hh:mm:ss Z)

(b) (1)
Gaogrophic location
• (b) (1)
Contact Latitude
• [[] N/S Contact Longnud8
EM' Platform Altitude
Objecl Altitude
(Ex: W-72 1A) (OOMM:SS) (DO:MM:SSI lEx.' 22000) la/ Contact Aft)

Please attempt to determliJe J Lat I Long for t/)e contact at initial detection We recommend
using[IDllIJo reference lIle sensor-cJerived bearing and range relative to tile bullt.eye you llad
in use. ff tlmt method IS not [lvnilat){O, any reasonable derivation of location will wOlk, but
Was the contact moving? [IIQ
pletlse be <JS specific as possible and make a note 111 tile comments section. mese locatiom; Direction/Speed 1
may be used to cue other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090/15) 120
....._ _ _...J

(b) (1) Please check al/ that apply:

# of Contacts in

(b) (1) Apparent Pr(,put"io/l:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
aircraft info:

Don't use the purple "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date Loc;atlon_Squadron_RF,pdf" and
(b)(1) , nd the at
(b)( 1 ) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, c;all (b) (1 )

Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv Squal:tron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at



the (b) 11) ,

! (b) (1) ,Ib) (1)
(b) (1)

..........(b)(1) - •• -. _ . . . . (b)(1)
(b) (1) EilIIiI11!ml1!l-' (b Ii 1 )
(b) (1)
(b )(1)
(b) (1 ) (b )( 1) 1i!lI'!ll.;m.ilIl!!!il!Il!llIJmI-ril.!I;-!illIHi'!Ill1Il1-1li-IilIi-m-ilI!I!. - •


airspace m"na'ger,
n:~:~:~ blo.,in, from West to East at
a moved from to East, although

j."';orcted by one of the [tD'Mbut was not able to be

provided a Teport. The following pertinent data on the
from said report.

Recall b"sed on[IDIUltapes,RiJlQltapes lost

3!el\!ThPtI!L TO t:l3A, ro! , Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...I
Please do not use the purple
"submi!" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not ha ....e the requested information, please leave
the freld blank. If there was more than one "group,· please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classifiedoSE8Jii1;Eli¥JitEL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified go.... ernment information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lasl Name, First Name Rallk SIPR Email AdrJress GrewPosWon
(b) (6) _ lother I (b) (6)
UAI'TF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. Your peofsonal ir!formal;on will remain completely private, and is
,,?quested for pOleul/,ll future detJrieofill9 p(jrposes only, All Intel alld Ops addfPSSeeS hal'P Signed conridentiillity statements to
prutect yow id~nlities Jnd tile luro/malion in fhese reports.

tIDNl1 IDay (b) (1) I (b) (1 )

Dale (mmlddlyy) Timo of dotedion C"'D~,yC;"N;;'i,""7,...J Mission Dt:JscripIion (CAS, BFM, elc! _
(hh:mm:s5 Z)

(b) (1)
GliJO!}Taphic locotion
• (b) (1) •
Contact L9/iri.JdG
(b)(1) I
Contact Longi/ude
o (!DIm 1[11101 II
EIW Platform AlliliJde
(Ex.· 22(00)
ObJed Altitude Wind DirPMnd Speed
(b.· W-721AJ (DD.MMSS) (DD:MMSS) (8/ Con1acf All)

PI~a~t ro delermine (J Lar I Long for I/le contact at inilia/ de/action. WEI fet,;Qfflmend
vsinglltMlllo refer9IlCB the sensor-denil6d bearing alld fllllfJfI fIIla/Ne to the bullsBy& you hiJd WJIS tile contact moving?
in use. If IMt mellllXi is no! /Jv/Jil~b1f), ony [fJOS()fJOb/e dedvfltlDn of localiori Will WOIk, bu/
plea~ /)9os specific as possibla and maJre e nolein Ih8 comments serno/l. Th8sa Iocatio!!!s
may be used /0 Clle OIhW means rJllmc/(ing.
(Ex. 09(1115)
L._ _ _ .J

(b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions abo ....e.


purpl'e "submIt" button! Save this form with filename "Date LocBtlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b)(1) ,t
in the global). For troubleshooting,

Thank Y/cD~U,:~~;~u
iPh.y,"[)e. are ripped for the entire time of interaction and sa.... ed as
a .WTTW (I intel personnel shaU upload those files to the repository
located at

3I!e~!T;;~I!L Te tI!iA, r. I! ,


(analyst note' 1ol1ow up with yielded following Information: wind speed at (b) (1 ) was
30 KNOTS at 255 d~ees,
't1EeKETHftEL le tie", FVe:'( Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) L I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button abol/e, SaVi! and
Range Fouler Reporting Form embilthe compietefile manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group, please report each on a separate form for data collection

purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified..flEGRE"'FHREL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
L8St Name, First Name Rank SqIJ8dran S/PR Emllff Address

'--____---'1 1-1-----,I 1-1__--'I 1-1____--'1 1-1_----'

UA.PTF sanitizes all reports of identifying Informallon. Your personal jnformalion will remain c{)mph~!e{y private, and is
requesred ror potential future debriefing P(lrposes only. Allinlel and Ops addressees have signed c;onfident/allty slatemenlS 10
protecl yow idellfities and Ihe- information in these repor1s.

(b) (1)
Dale (mmto'dIW)
LT"i~-,CICdC"'-"~ti·-oo" DIJy / MOh!

'-;;::,=::::::::::--,11L-;;:::;::=:--,1 Q ,-; 1=:::;:::;::-,1 D I

Gfiograpllir./ocallon Contacl/.1llilude ..,,'"
101SidfJ No '--"1300=':--'

Conlact Longitude EM!

(b) (1 )
Missioo Descriplioll (CAS, a{:M, al!:)

Plafform Allilude
II Ollj&c;f Alli/ude
Wind Oir /Wind Speed
(E)(: W.72 /A) ([){),MMSS) (OO:MMSS) (1;)(: 22000) (81 ContJJct Alt)

P/6as~t to determine a Lilt I Long for tl19 contad 8t 1fIi1.i81 detection We recommend
l.ISinglUlllllo reference tlW sensor.Qflllved be8ling 8nd fBll)]9f6/afive/o {h8 bullseye you had Was the cOlltact moving? I
in /,Ise if/hilt mo/hod is not DVai/able, allY reasonalll9 wtiVilUoll 0( lIXalion will WOfk, bl.ll
plefJ~ be liS s~Clfit; fJS possilJJe and ma~e II 1I0le ill /he comrllfmls SDcbofi. Thllse locefions
may 0fI used to cue oIher meallS of tracking_

(b) (1) Please check all thalt a.DDlv.

# of Contacts in

Please use the field below to describe and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

1on_~lu ••Wo.n_'t~"dr'and

gIo5iilf 7'Oi'1i'Oiiblosilootillg, call (b)(1 )

Thank you for are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (E,.,nple: ~~=!!.on intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at

~!CkE J;;kEl TO tI!A, "OE i

8EeFtETIYI\EL T8 \:IS", F'lE\, Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified SEEl REl':¥REL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~____----II ,--I-->1 L.. I__. . JI 1-1____---'1 1'---_--'

UAPTF sanitizes .11 reports of Identifying Information. Your personal information will remain completely privata, and is
fE'questecf (or potential future debrieflng purposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have sIgned confidentiality statements to
plOcect yow idelltities and the infofHl.Jtion in these reports.


Geographic IOClJrioll
(hh:mm:ss Z)

m of:-de:-:-te-'ct'-io-'n Day I Nigllt

CO(1tllCt LDtitude NIB

Side No. '---:S:-u-no- - . J

Contact Longitude EIW

(b) (1 )
Mission Descriplioll (CAS, SFM, etc)

Platform Allitudo Object AltItude

Wind Dir I Wind Speed
(Ex: W-72 fA) IDD.MM:SS) (DO:MM"SS) (Ex: 22000) (8t Contact All)

Please attempt to determine a Lot I Long for tile contact Dt initial detection. We recommend
using Ui1Jll)to (eference tlie sensor·denved bearing and range relaiNe to the bullseye you/wcl Was the contact moving? I
in use. If tfJDt me/Ilod is not available, allY reasonable dorivation of location will work, bul
please be £IS specific as possible Dnd make II note in the comments section. TlJe se loCMIOIlS Direclion/Speed
moy be used to cue other me£lns of tracking.
(Ex. 090/1 5) .

(b) (1 ) Please check all that Hn,rJfV.

# of Contacts in
(b) (1 ) A"".,ent pro,pu/sioi,:1

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include imy detail not included in questions above .



with filename "Date LocatJon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1 )

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of inieraction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1 )


SEeRE'FNREL 'F8 ;;81\, F'rE\' Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---I
Please do not use the purple
"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there w as more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is ciassified '8EOFitEliYFitEL, and treat your inputs as you w ould any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Noms, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Emaif Address Crew Position

~________----II ~I----II ~I____---II ~I________----II ~I__----I

UAPTF . anltlzes all reports of Identifying Information, Your personal informatioll will remain completely private, and is
requested for pot~mtlal future debriefing purposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have signed conndentiallry statements to
protect yow identities nod th~ information in these reports.

(b) (1)
Date (mmlrldlyy)

I 1....------11 I

Geogropllic locatton
Time of detection
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Contact Latitude NlS

Day 1 Night

Contact Longilucle
I c:::.J 1..-1
Side No.


EIW Platform Aftitude Object Altitude

(b) (1)
Mission oeseripUon (CAS, BFM, etc)

Wind I Wind Speed Ojr

(E,: W. 72 1A) (DD.MM.:SS) (Do:M.M.·SS) (E,: 22000) (al Conlact Alt)

Pleas~lpr to detemllne iJ tat I Long for the contact at initial detection. We recommend
lIsinYWJIWo reference tIle sensor-derived beariflg and range relative to the bullseye you l)ad Wa s the contect moving? I
in use. I( UIElI method is not Dvmlable, any reasonable (lenVation of location will work, but
please be as speCific as possible lJnd make a note in tl1e commonts section. Tllese locations
may be used to cue other means of tracking. (Ex. 090I t5) L._ _ _ .J

(b) (1) (b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

Moving Pans:

# of Contacts in
Other S/ "
(b)(l) .. Apparent PropulsiOh:

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.
(b) (1)


Don't use the purple "submIt· button! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b) (1 ) , nd the at
(b) (1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all t:!!.Spla,y tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
(El(arnoll e· intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
this link.


eEeRf1H~EL Te MeA, rYEV Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI________ J

Pl"!lse do not use the purple

"submit" button abol/e. Sal/e and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the comple!efile manually
(See below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information. please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group.· please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified eEeR:E1"f/Fl:EL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days,
Last NIIme, Fils! NIJI1l8 /-IlIIlk SquarJron S1PI-I f:iI1ail AddrfNl~ Crew Position

"--____-'1 LI----,I LI_----'I 1"--___---'1 LI_----'

UAPTF sanitizes all reports Of !dentl!'ylng Information, Your personal information will remain completely prlvafe, and Is
requested for polenl/al fufur~ debriefing purposes only. All Intel ;lnd Ops addressees have signed conridenUality statements tn
protect yOU! identities and the information in these repons.

Dal9 (mmldri'yy)

Geograpf1ic loc8tiorl
{hh:mm:ss Z)



101L_-;;:::::-_-l (b) (1)
Side No

Coot~c/longitade FIW
Mission Description (CAS. BF"{ elc)

Pia/form AlJitude Obiect Ailitude

Wind air / Wind Speed
(C~ W-721AJ (DD:MM:SS) ({)D.MMSS) (1::~. 22(00) (at Con/ad All)

PleaS.Pllo delfmnine a Let/Long fort/Ie cooled e/ initial rlfIteclioo. We rflCOO7m9nrJ

using to re{ererlce the S81)sor..derived b98rinll ~!ld range relalive to the bullse~e you had
in USfJ. I{ thai ma/liorJ is nol nveilable. fI!IY reaoorwbla derivation of IocfIlion will tIIOr~. but
Was the contact mOvlng7~1 ===::;
please be DS specific es possible find m<J~e ~ 1I0ie In Ihtl comments section TII9SIII0I.'iJlions
may be US9rJ /0 CU9 ofher !1Ifl8llS of tracking.
(Ex. Q9011~J
_ _ _ _-'

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please check a/l that apl,ly:

# of Contacts In!lJPfId.
"Group": WlnI]s/Airfrem9.

Check all that apply): ApPtJrenl Propulsion.

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

filename "Date_Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
(Bclthin -the~""IiF. For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank yau for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1)
'seCR!'!""!!!' TO dSA, I VI!! I Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) L.I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

Please do nal use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified 5l!eP':I'!TiI P;;EL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lsst Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

~--------~I ~I~II~____~I ~I________~I~I__~

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. YOllr personal inform<1tion will remain completely private, and is
reqll ~ 'te(/
for potential futu f f deuriefillg purposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality sfatements to
pro tect }/NU identities ami tile infDrt l!atiofl in t/lese reports.

_I I
Da'o (mmlddlyy)

Geogmphic (oention
Time of detection
(hh:mm:ss Z)

Contact Latitude NJS
II Dey I NiglJt

Contnet Longitude
Ic::=J 1. . . ._--' (b) (1 )
Side No. BUno

EtW PIDtform Altitude Object Altitude

Mission Doscription (CAS, BFM, otc)

I Wind Speed Dir

iEx: W-72 1A) (DDMM:SS) (DDMM S8) (Ex: 22000) (D' ContDct AIt)

Please attempt to determine D Lat I Long for tfle contact Dt initial detection We recommend
lIsingmillto reference the sMsor-clerived bearing and range relal/ve to the bullseye you hacl Was the contact moving? 1
in use. If tll0t met/wd is no/ avai/tJble, any reasonable derivation of loca tion will work, but
please be as specific as possible and make a noto ill tile comments section. Tlwse locations
moy be used to cue other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090/15) L._ _ _...I

(b) (1) (b) (1 ) Please check all that aDlJlv:

Round; Moving Parts:
SQlIflfe: Mota/he:
# of Contacts in Balloon-shaped. Markings:
WmgslAirframe: Translucent;
Otl1er Shope: OpaquQ:
(b) (1) .. Apparent Propulsion: Reflectlvo:

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sLire to include any detail not included in questions above.



Don't use the purple "submit" button! Save this form with filename "Date_Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf' and
(b)(1) , nd the t
(b) (1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for Qj§plslY tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example ;:squaarc'n intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link.

5EeRETliREL 1'6 IdSA, FO

3!!e-~:!:TIIPtI!L TO t:J3A, I'¥!'!'I' Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) L I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

Pleilse do not use the purple

"submit" bUtton above. S<!Ive and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see b~ow),
Please complete Ihis form 10 the besl of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. Ifthere was more than one ~group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize Ihat this form is classified"3Ee~E"1iiREL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Namfl Squadron SJPR Email Addrvss Crew Position

'--____--'1 1-1---,I ,-I__-,I 1'--___---'1 ,-I_--'

UAPTF sanltizH all reporte of Identifying Information. Yo!!r persona/Information will remalll compll?tely privatI?, and is
reqw•.>ted for potential ruture debriefing pllrpOSl!5 ollly. All Intel ilnd Ops addressees nave s/gnl?d conf/dl?n!laliry statements to
protect your idellt/lies and tile inrormation In t/lese reports.

(b) (1) I II II I I'--"/300:='--' (b)(1)

Dala (mmJrJd/yy) LTIO,mC,C'"'"dC"C"O,,,,,--' Dl:Jy ! Ni!)hI Side No MiSsion Description (CAS, BFM, elc)
(tlh:mm;ss Z)

. , Conla[t
1===-,1 D I
Longi/iJde Flo.....
Af!j(iJd9 Objed Altitud~ '-'"''',::''''00''-,,,,.,;;'=""'-8",'""',.-'
(E)L W_12 fA) (DO.MUSS) (DOMMSS) (£1:: 120(0) (9t coot9C/ Aft)

to delerminr. a Lal! Lon!) (or rh~ conlaclel initist dflleclioo. We recommend

tJsmlllllllllto referrmce ml!senWf-Cefl~d Maring and renf}f.l role/lYe to m9 blills~y9 you had Was the oonla!:t moving? I
in USB. I.' lIIal mellm is 001 available, !lny milsonuble derivation ot location will war/\: bllt
p/flaoo be I.IS specific as {l<JssibJe una ma~e a note in the comm&nls wetlon. Tilese locatioos DlrectionlSpeed
msr be used /0 cue orner meMS of trocJlinfl.
(Ex. 09CV15) _

(b) (1) Please check aI/ that apply:

# of Contacts in

(b) (1)

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to inClude any detail nol included in questions above.


with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF_pdf' and

(b) (1) at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b)(1)
Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of Interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link, (b) (1 )


8EeRE'fNREI:T8 108A, F't'EI' Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) Ll_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --I

Please do not use the purple

"submit" button above. Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified ·~ ~e~~fli ~~L, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information . You should receive a response within 7 business da ys.
Last Nome, First Name Rank Squadron SfPR Email Address Cl ew Positiof)

~________---II ~I---II ~I____~I ~I___________II~I_____I

UAPTF sanitizes all reports of Identifying Information. YO"I' personal informatioll will remall! completely private, and;s
reques ted for potetltii11 fLlttlrp debriefing purposes only. All Intel and Ops addressees have Signed confidentiality statements to
p ro t~ct your identitip.s ami llle information in these reports.

Geograpfllc locatIOn
'":T::'im-e- "o':f"'d"'et:e"'
(hh:mm:ss Z)
- co"'o-'
n Day I Night
Side No. '----:8:'"U-00---'

'---__-----'1'--1__,. . .,----11 D . . . ,1__---::---11 D ,:--1__--'1. .,. .1~-,I L-l~~.,."...-,--I

Contact LatitUde NIS COMlict Longl111de EM
(b) (1 )
Mission Description (CAS, BFM, e lc)

Plal fonn Altitude Object Altitude

Vv'ind Oir / Wind Spee rJ
(Ex: w·n tA) (DDMM.:SS) (DD:MM.SS) (Ex: 22000) (at contact All)

10 dr}lermine D Lat I Long for the contact at initiAl detection. We recommend
0 reference tfle sensor-derive d beafl'ng and mage relat/v~ to the bullseye yot/lwd Wa s the contact moving? I
in lise. If IIIDf melhod is nor available, any reas onable derivation of location will work, but
please be as specific os possible [llJc/ make a note in the comments section TlJese locatioIJs
may be IIsed /0 eua other meOIJs of tmcking.
(Ex. 090/ 15) L._ _ _ ...I

(b) (1 ) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in
(b ) ( 1) Apparent prolDuls>on:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.

.pdf" and

trotlbleshootin'g, call (b)( 1)

tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
Squa1droln intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository

. 3!e~!T;) P\!L TO t:lSA, , v!y

'~ECI<E'''''EL ,e tie., ,y!!.,. Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) [L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

Please do not use the purple

·submil" button abo'.e. S!!ve and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If yOU do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one ~!iilroup," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified ;!;l!el':!!liJ !tEL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, Filst Name Renil: Squad/OIl SIPR EmlJil ArkJress Crew Posmoo

'--____---'1 ,--I-----,I 1-1__. . .1,--I____---'1 1-1_---'

UAPTF sanitizes III reports of Identifying Informallon. Your personal if/formation will remain completely private, Bnd is
requested for polential f!lture debriefing purposes only. All Intel and Op_s aric/ressees 118Ve- signed cOIll'ldem/slity statements to
protect yam identitias and tile inronnat/oll ill these reports,

(b) (1) (b) (1 )

Dale (mmldd/JIY) ~T~"'-"'~'~'~"~'''~""" Day / MOM 101 Side No L-OBCooo-'---' ~ (
(hhmm:ss Z)

L===,--JI,LI==,--JIO,--I===-,10 IL-=:::::,I1-1==IIL-=0==::--'
- Gf/O{)Taphic location Cootael La/i(uoo N'S -conflict LOOf}ilude EM Piiifoon Alrilude ()bjecl Altitude Wind Dkl Wind Sf}&9d
(Ex' W-72 M) (DO-MM-SS) (DD.MU-SS) (Ex: 22000) (~t COil/act All)

Plaa~pt to de/ermine II Lal / LooO (Of /Ill? COf)/IlC/ at Initial de/action We recommend
usin~o Tefonmce 1110 oons()(.derivsd lJelllino and rrmQrt (9191/1;(1 to tll9 builseYfi you /lad Was the crmtact moving? I
in use. illhal mulliod is nDt avodablB, any 'Ifflsoflilbla derivation of location win work, but
please be as sper:iftc; os paSSiIJ/9 and rmIka 8 nate III the comments se~"lIOIl. TlJesa loca/ions Direction/Speed
may be used to we a/her ffl6ans of /racil:ing_
(Ex.OIJO/1S) _ _ _--'

(b) (1 ) (b) (1 ) Please cI>"ek all that apl,ly:

# of Contacts in

(b) (1) ••

(b) (1 )
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not induded in questions above.

with filename "Date_Locatton_Squadron_RF.pdf' and

the at
'Bo,th ,ini'heg,cibalj:. For troubleshooting, call (b)(1)
Thank you for are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (E,<.n,pl,,, ~uat""o intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at
SEeRETh'REL 1'6 USA, rVEY Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not use the purple

"submir button above, Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complete file manually
(~ee below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one -group, ~ please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified-8E8FtE1HFtEl, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lest Nem!.\ Firot Nllffie RenA Sqllurlron SIPR Email AddfliSS CrawPosWoo

'--____--'1 IL----li LI_---'I LI____--11 IL-----'

UAPTF senitiZIJS llll reports of Identifying Infprmlltlon. 'trwr per50nallnformatiOll will remain c;omplete/y prlvatll, ana is
requested for potential future debriMing purposes. only. All Intel and Op5 addressees haVll Signed confidentiality statements to
protec;f yow identities and tile irtformatioll in tilese reports.

~T~;~-C~fd~.~"~tio-"JII OilY INiahl

101L-~BC~::--.J (b) (1)
Side No Mission Description (CAS, BFM, etc) I11III
(IlI1:mm:ss ZI

'--__. . I LI_-------ll DLI_-------ll D I

Geogmp/liC;/oCIlIIQfI Contiild Liillilurie NlS Conta<:t Longilooe &W Pllltform AI/il(loo
II Object Altitude
II Wind Oir / y,jnd Speed
(Ex' W-72 IA) (OO.MMSS) ({)O.MMSS) (E .. ;>;>(00) (llt Contact AIt)
PkiiJs~1 /0 delerminfJ aLai/Long to( the ~onl'<.iC/ "I initial detection. We lecOffJmenci
usinglWllBo 'f1reronce Ihe sllll~o,·del1\led bearing alld ,;miJ'.! rolatm 101M bwiSllye you had WIIS the r:ontttc;/ moving? I
in use. If 111m marllOd is not a"O'Iilab19, My rollSOllub/e deri'lation of Iocabon wHi wort, but
ple6Sf1 be 8." sper:ific as possible eM mlfKa a tlola in tII& commenls secUon, These iowtiuns DIf9ctlonlSpeed
mey be used to coo olher mellns of lracking
(Ex. 090115)

(b) (1 ) Please check allth"t a'pply:

# of Contacts in
Wings!Aiffrllme "

Appamnl Propulsion:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not induded in questions above.

with filename "Date Locat/on_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
. For troubfeshooting, calf (b) (1 )
Thank you for are ripped for the entire lime of interaction and saved as
a .wnw (Example: intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this I

S!!eIU!'l'flft!L TO tlSA, II u!! I

"e!eft!l'J;"!L '6 1;'3;1(. r II!!. Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI________-'
PI~i'lse do not use the purple
"submit" but/on i'lbol/e. Save i'lnd
Range Fouler Reporting Form email the complele file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. Ifthere was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified-8EORETHREL. and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last N9ITIB, Fils! NumB Rank SquadrQJ1 SlPR Emai! Add/ass Crew Positioo

'--_ _ _ _--'1 <-I----,I L..I_ _-,I L..'_ _ _ _--', L..I_--'

UAPTF s",nlll:r.II:II1I1I report! or Identifying Information. Yow persona/ information will remain comp/erely priv.Ilte, and is
request<3d for potenllM rtJture debriefing purposes only. All Intel lind Ops addrfssees have signed r;.onfidenti~liljI slifements fO
prOler;t your Idelllilies and the information in tI!esc reports.

(b)(1) 1
Data (mmldd/yy)
L,----,-~I 1
TImo of d~toction OilY INighl
10 S~ No.
,--I-=c--' (b) (1)
Buno MisskJn D9scriplkm (CAS, BI=M, etc)
(hh:IOO1~5 Z)

GeOf/raphic location COil/oct Lolilude NlS Conlnel LonI)iturJe EIW P!ati'vlm Altitude ObjfKJ Alliluaa WInd Dir I Wind Speea
(£1(. W-72 tA) (DDMM:SS) (DDMM:SS) (£1(' 22(00) (at CoIl/ael All)

PI"~'ot 10 delermine a Lull Loog for /tre oontact al initiel rilliection We rer;omm~nd
using 0 rofetal!~B tha sensor4eriVfJa beetillrJ and renge rolative 10 the bu!lseye you hBd We, the contact moving? I
in use, ill melhod" IlOt aYBlrubie. lillY foosooobJe aerivetfIJl! of location IV/II work. but
please be a~ specifiC as possible Bnd make II now in Ihe commrm/s sedirJII. These localKlns DJrectlon/Sps&d
mllY be used 10 cu" other means of Imcking
(Ex. 09DI15)

(b) (1) Please check afl th"t a,oo/v:

# of Contacts in

Apparenl p"""",,,"

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.


Don't use the purpfe "submit" button! Seve this form wifh filename "D.,te Locatlon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and
(b) \1) . nd the at
(bl(1) Both in the global). For troubleshooting, call
Thank you for tapes are ripped for the entire time of Interaction and saved as
a .wmv ~~~n intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at
!e:eltl!'f,lftl!t 1"0 1:13:11:, po .'1:'\ Tracking Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .....J

Please do not use the purple

"submil" butlon above, Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form emailthecomplele file manually
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one "group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes, Please recognize that this form is classified elECREl'ffREL, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information, You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Last Name, First Name Rank Squadron SIPR Email Address Crew Position

L.....-_ _ _ _ --li L..-I----II 1-1__--II 1-1____----II 1'---_--'

UAPTF sanitizes all repons of Identifying Information. Yow personal information will remaill completely private, and is
requested for potential fature (/8!>riefing purposes only. Alllmel and Ops addressees have signed confidentiality statements to
protect YDW identities and rile iflformation in these reports.

Oat. (mmlddfyy)

Geograp/lic location
(hhmm:ss Z)

Contact Latitude
Day 1 Night

II Side No.

Contact Longitude

Mission Descriprion (CAS. BFM# etc)

Platform Altitude
II Object Altitude
(Ex W~72 IA) (OO:MM'SS) (DD'MM'SS) (Ex. 22000} (at contact All)

Pleas_pc to determine a Lat I Long for tile contact [Jf initial detection We recommend
lIsing to I'eference tile sensor-derived bearing and range relative to the bllllseye you fwd Was the contact moving? I
in use, If that method is not available, any reasonable derivation of location will work, but
pleuse be c1S fJpecific uS possible and make a note in the comments section. These locations
in[JY be used to clle other means of tracking.
(Ex. 090115) L._ _ _- - '

(b) (1) Please check all that apply:

Round: Moviilg Pf.llts;
Square,' 1i,1etal/le:
# of Contacts in Btllloon-sllaped. MfJlking$:
"Group": WmgS/Airframe: TraM/aGent.
Otller Shape Opaque:
(b){ 1) Apparent Propulsion: ReflL~ctivo:

Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much delail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.



Don't use the purple "submit" burton! Save this form with filename "Date Locatlon_Squadron_RF,pdf' and
(b) (1) , nd the at
(b) (1) 80th in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure ali display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: , Squadrol'l intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link. (b) (1)
~l!e~I!,-;}~eL TO U~A, ""!'!' Traclling Number (Internal Use Only) LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '

Please do not u~e the purple

"submit" button above_ Save and
Range Fouler Reporting Form eMaillhe cOMplete file MarlU!lIly
(see below).
Please complete this form to the best of your ability. If you do not have the requested information, please leave
the field blank. If there was more than one -group," please report each on a separate form for data collection
purposes. Please recognize that this form is classified '8E6RETf/REt, and treat your inputs as you would any
other classified government information. You should receive a response within 7 business days.
Lust N8ITJ9, First Name Rllnk Squadron SIPR Email Address Craw POSI!iOrI

'--_ _ _ _--'1 1.-1--,I 1.-1_-----'I LI_ _ _ _. . - I 1.-1_-'

UAPTF senllizes ell reports of IdentifYIng Information. YOlfr personal information will remaill completely private, and is
requested for potellt/al future debriefing purposes only. All Inlel ;''ld Ops iddresseE's /lave slgne<i conridenliality state-mont.!' 10
protect your identiliDs and the iuformation in these reports.

(b) (1)
Dato (mmldrilyy)
'=-.-:=-,I I
Time of detection
(Ilh:mm:ss Z)

Geograp/Ji<; loeB/ion ConloclI a/j/ud"
Dey I Night

ID &00 No.
1-1--;;::::---' (b) (1)

Con/act Loogiludo EIW

Mission DesWjJtion (CAS,

PJatiofTFI Altitude Ql¥!cl A/tiliJd8

B~M, elc)

Wind Oil I Wind Speed
(Ex. W.721A) (DD_MM:SS) (DD.-MM_SS) (Ex. 22000} (1IIContacIAlt)

ploaS\liUbllo dele(mi~ e Lall Long for tlle I:OOtucl at Initial Gletoctron_ Wo recomroond
us;ng reference the sensor.oorivod beanllfJ and Hm[}e relofiYa /0 Ihe bIJIlSOYB you had Wa.s tho contact molting? I
DI~~/on/Sp99d :,====~
in use. If tl,lll melliOd is nol QVlli/eble. any reosoollbla d6riYo~'on of locution will work. bul
please bo us spe<;iflt; as possible lind make /I nolo mlha OOfIlmflntS s...::oon T/leSB Iocalions
may be uood 10 Clle olller means ortroc/{ing.
(Ex. 090115) •

(b) (1) (b) (1) Please check all that apply:

# of Contacts in

(b)0) _ _ ~.

(b) (1)
Please use the field below to describe the contact and what happened in your own words with as much detail as
possible. Please be sure to include any detail not included in questions above.


with filename "Date LocatJon_Squadron_RF.pdf" and

the at
in the global). For troubleshooting, call (b) (1)

Thank you for your time. Please ensure all display tapes are ripped for the entire time of interaction and saved as
a .wmv (Example: . Squadron intel personnel shall upload those files to the repository
located at this link.

"wSeeftEqo,'''Et Te ~~JIt, FYE"

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