Bphar 705

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Institute of Bio-Medical Education and Research

Department of Pharmacy
Odd Semester, Major Back Theory Examination (2023-24)

Subject Name: Pharmacognosy-IV Subject Code: BPHAR-705

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 50
Note: Attempt all questions from Section –A, four questions from Section-B and two
questions from Section-C.
Section –A (1 × 10 = 10)
1. Biological source of Dhatura is……………………………………
2. Cinchona is belonging to the family…………………
3. Biological source of Tobacco is……………………..
4. Chemical constituents of Nux-vomica are…………..,…………….
5..Papain enzyme is used in……………………..
6. Biological source of Kurchi is…………………….
7. TLC is stands for……………………
8. Example of plant sweetener is…………………..
9. Digitalis is used as…………………..
10. Chemical constituent of Pilocarpus is………………….

Section-B (4 × 5= 20)
11. Write biological source, chemical constituents and uses of opium.
12. Write biological source, chemical constituents, cultivation and uses of withania.
13. Explain the production and utilization of digitalis.
14. Write biological source, chemical test and uses of hyaluronidase enzyme.
15. Write a short note on plant sweeteners.
16. Write applications of plant tissue culture.

Section-C (2 × 10 = 20)

17. Write biological source, chemical constituents, chemical tests and uses of cinchona
18. Write a role of medicinal and aromatic plants in National economy.
19. What is tissue culture. Write types of plant tissue culture and explain any one of them.

1. Datura stramonium

2. Rubiaceae

3. Nicotiana tabacum L

4. strychnine and brucine

5. improving digestion

6. Holarrhena pubescens

7. Thin layer chromatography

8. Stevia

9. Carditonic

10. Pilocarpine, Isopilocarpine

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