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The chart below shows the results of

survey about people’s coffee and tea
buying and drinking habits in five
Australian cities.

The chart gives some data about the total a coffee and tea habit consumer by Australian citizen in five
Australia area. The results were comparing about three habits, such as fresh coffee buyer, instant coffee
buyer and going to café for getting coffee or tea in past a month in the five cities including: Sydney,
Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart in the last 30 days.

In a month, everyone in all cities was less interested in consuming fresh coffee and chose consuming a
coffee or tea in café except Adelaide which prefers buying instant coffee with the total of consumers
nearly a half. The highest number of café buyers was dominated by Melbourne and Hobart with the
score look similar same around 63%. Fresh coffee as the least common purchaser with the highest
amount in Sydney was only around 43% and the smallest digit was about 34% in Brisbane. The middle
trader was the instant coffee happened in almost all cities besides Adelaide with the top score was
Brisbane with 53% and the smallest purchaser was Sydney with the number was about 45%.


In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

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