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The Effect of Hamstring Muscle

Stretching on Standing Posture and

on Lumbar and Hip Motions During
Forward Bending

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Background and Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine
whether stretching the hamstring muscles affects extensibility, as
indicated by straight leg raising (SLR), lumbopelvic posture, and the
relative amounts of lumbar and hip motion during forward bending.
Subjects. Thirty-nine subjects without known musculoskeletal impair-
ments of their spine or lower extremities and with tight hamstring
muscles (ie, SLR of 570") were randomly assigned to either a
stretching group or a control group. Methods. A three-dimensional
digitizer was used to measure lumbar, pelvic, and hip positions while
subjects were in a standing position and during partial and full forward
bending. Results. Straight leg raising and hip motion during late and
total forward bending were increased after stretching. No changes
occurred in standing posture or lumbar motion during forward
bending. Conclusion and Discussion. The results of this study suggest
that there is n o relationship between hamstring muscle length and
lumbopelvic posture. There was some indication, however, that stretch-
ing the hamstring muscles may affect motion during forward bending.
[Li Y, McClure PW, Pratt N. The effect of hamstring muscle stretching
on standing posture and on lumbar and hip motions during forward
bending. Phys Ther. 1996;76:836-849.1

Key Words: Hamstring muscle; Hip motion; Kinesiology/biomechanics,lower extremity; Lumbar motion;
Posture; Stretching.

Yenchen Li

Philip W McClure

Neal Pratt

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996 1
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othman and Simeone1 stated that postural or Toppenberg and Bullock7 examined the interrelation-
mechanical disturbances are the most com- ships of spinal curves, pelvic tilt, and muscle lengths
mon cause of low back pain (LBP). Certain (abdominal, erector spinae, iliopsoas, gluteal, rectus
postural".J and mobility4~hharacteristicsmay femoris, and hamstring muscles) in asymptomatic
be related to the presence or absence of LBP. Clinicians female subjects. Although they found no relationship
commolnly try to correct these postural and movement between pelvic tilt and lumbar curvature, longer abdom-
faults by prescribing therapeutic exercise. Stretching of inal muscles and shorter erector spinae muscles were
the hamstring muscles appears to be commonly used associated with an increased lumbar curve. Of the lower-
and advocated." extremity muscle groups studied, only the length of the
hamstring muscles was related to the lumbar curve, and
Cailliet2 contended that alteration of the normal rela- it was negatively related (ie, shorter hamstring muscles
tionship among the alignment of the spine, the position were associated with a greater degree of lumbar lordo-
of the pelvis, and the length of the muscles attaching to sis). Heino et a18 examined the relationships among hip
the spine and pelvis contributes to the development of extension range of motion (ROM), standing pelvic tilt,
LBP. Kendall and McCrearyQrgued that individuals standing lumbar lordosis, and abdominal muscle perfor-
with "flat" backs (reduced lumbar curvature) while mance. No correlation was found among any of these
standing tend to have short hamstring muscles. They variables. FlintVound that lumbar lordosis was unre-
presumed that short hamstring muscles rotate the pelvis lated to hip and trunk flexibility.
posteriorly, resulting in a concurrent reduction of lum-
bar lorclosis. They suggested stretching the short ham- Many of the tasks that occur during either work or
string muscles to correct the faulty alignment."(p~SHH-*89) everyday activity require trunk flexion. Forward bending
The effect of such stretching has not been evaluated. is a complex movement of combined lumbar and hip
motion. Short hamstring muscles, because of their
attachments to the posterior leg and to the ischial

Y Li, PT, is Physical Therapist, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, Republic of China.
She was a student in the Departmenl of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, Hahnemann University,
Philadelphia, PA, 19102, when this study was completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for her Master of Science degree.

PW McClure, PT, OCS, is Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Medical College
of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University, MS 502. Broad and Vine Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19102 (USA)
( correspondence to Mr McClure.

N Pratt, F'hD. PT, is Professor, Departments of Physical Therapy and Anatomy, Medical College
of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University, and Director, Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Program,
Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University.

This study was approved by the Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University
Institutional Review Board.

T h ~ snrtlcle was subrnitt~dJ u l ~5 , 1995, and wns accepted Februa~y27, 1996

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996

Table 1.
Characteristics of Subiects and Results of Tests to Ascertain Group Equivalence Prior to Intervention

Control Group (n=20) Stretching Group (n= 19)

Variable X SD Range X SD Range t P

Age (Y] 29.3 3.5 23-36 28.4 5.1 22-37 .63 ,535
Weight (kg) 63.8 8.5 50-78.6 62.5 10.6 46.8-89.1 .40 ,688
Height (cm) 1 66.7 7.3 149.9-1 77.8 168.7 9.4 157.5-1 87.9 - .64 ,528
Gender 9M, 1 1 F 8 M , 11 F ,879"
LBPHX~ 6Y, 1 4 N 9Y, l O N ,365"
"Probability valut- i r ~Mar~n-WhitneyZJ rc$t.
" LBPHx=histov of lotrr back pain.

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tuberosity, may limit hip flexion ROM. Several Method
authors"lO,llhave suggested that restricted hip motion is
coupled with excessive lumbar motion. Stretching short Subjects I

hamstring muscles to increase hip flexion, therefore, The subjects were 39 volunteers without known muscu-
may affect lumbar motion during forward bending. loskeletal impairment of their spine or lower extremities
Excessive lumbar motion would increase tensile loads on and with tight hamstring muscles on the right side. A
the spine and thus could result in LBP. According to subject's hamstring muscles were considered tight (ie, in
Cailliet,%hort hamstring muscles cause back pain due to a shortened position) if there was straight leg raising
their influence on lumbopelvic rhythm during forward (SLR) of 1 7 0 degrees.l3.l4The subjects had no current
bending. knee, hip, or back pain and were not engaged in exercise
programs designed to strengthen or lengthen the ham-
Mayer and associatesI2 measured lumbar and pelvic mo- string or low back muscles. Prior to participation, sub-
tion during forward bending using the two-inclinometer jects signed a consent form that informed them of the
technique. They followed the progress of a group of nature of the study. The subjects' age, height, weight,
patients with chronic LBP undergoing intensive ROM gender, and any history of LBP were recorded; these
training and concluded that subjects with L.BP had less characteristics are shown in Table 1.
overall flexion (65") than did subjects without LBP (122"),
with the percentage of lumbar flexion to overall flexion To ensure equal distribution of hamstring muscle tight-
decreased (63%-43%). After 3 weeks in the program, the ness, the subjects were stratified into two groups based
ranges of both lumbar and pelvic motion were increased; on their degree of hamstring muscle tightness as mea-
the percentage of lunlbar to overall flexion increased sured by the SLR test (SLR between 60" and 70°, SLR less
(43%-71%), whereas the percentage of pelvic motion than 60"). They then were randomly assigned to either a
decreased (57%-29%). Unfortunately, the details of the control group (n=20) or a stretching group (n=19).
exercise program were not described. Both groups were measured before and after a 3-week
Based on the studies described, standing lumbopelvic
posture has not been clearly related to muscle length. Measurements
Furthermore, there are insufficient data to determine Measurements of lumbar and hip position were obtained
the effect of hamstring muscle stretching on standing using the ~ e t r e c o m , *an electromechanical three-
lumbar and pelvic posture or the relative amounts of dimensional digitizer. Landmarks on the lumbar spine,
lumbar and hip motion during forward bending. pelvis, and thigh were located and marked with the
digitizing probe of the Metrecom according to the
The purposes of this study were (1) to examine the model shown in the Figure. The Metrecom software
effects of stretching on hamstring muscle length, stand- yields x, y, and z Cartesian coordinates of all digitized
ing lumbar lordosis, standing pelvic inclination, and the landmarks, which are stored in a file for subsequent data
relative amount of lumbar and hip motion during trunk processing. From these landmarks, vectors and angles
forward bending and (2) to determine whether there is were calculated to represent lumbar and hip positions at
a correlation between hamstring muscle length and
standing posture or between hamstring muscle length
rest and during partial and full forward bending accord-
ing to the model shown in the Figure.
and the relative amounts of lumbar and hip motion
during forward bending.

'Fan) Trrhnologies Inc. 125 Techi~ologyPark, I.ake May, F1. 52746

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996

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FuIl Forward Bending Partial Forward Bending

Model used to describe forward bending. L-1 =first lumbar vertebra, S-2=second sacral vertebra (calculated as the midpoint between two digitized
points on the sacrum], ASIS=anterior superior iliac spine.

Prior to digitization, the spinous processes of the first digitized and used to form a vector that was tangent to
lumbar vertebra ( L l ) and second sacral segment (S2), the lumbar curve at L-1. This same procedure was used
the right anterior superior iliac spine (MIS), the right for S2. The plastic apparatus was centered over the $2
greater trochanter, and the right lateral femoral epicon- vertebra, and points above and below $2 were used to
dyle were identified through palpation and marked with form a vector that was tangent to the curve at $2
adhesive markers. The examiner (YL) located the spi- (Figure). The points obtained by digitizing the greater
nous process of S 2 by palpating the posterior superior trochanter and lateral femoral epicondyle were used to
iliac spines and moving her thumbs medially to the form a vector representing the thigh. In the resting
midline of the subject's sacrum. The examiner then standing position, the ASIS was digitized and a vector
located the L 1 spinous process by palpating and moving was calculated between $2 and the ASIS. Subsequently,
her thumbs superiorly six levels above the subject's S 2 three angles were obtained by a computer program that
spinous process. calculates the angle between two vectors using these
coordinates. The lumbar angle was formed by the vector
A plastic marking apparatus with a point at each sup- at L-1 and the vector at S-2. The hip angle was formed by
porting base was made to improve digitization of the S 2 the vector at S 2 and the vector representing the thigh,
and L-1 spinous processes. First, this plastic apparatus and the pelvic inclination was the angle formed by the
was placed along the subject's spine and centered exactly vector from S-2 to the MIS with respect to the horizon-
over th.e L 1 vertebra. Both upper and lower points of tal. All angles were based on the sagittal-plane projec-
the plastic apparatus, which represented points 2.54 cm tions of the relevant vectors.
(1 in) above and below L-1, respectively, were then

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996

Hamstring muscle length was characterized using two epicondyle. The superior border of each patella also was
methods. First, the SLR method described by Ekstrand et marked because subjects used this landmark during the
all5 was used. With the subject positioned supine on a test of partial forward bending.
table, an inclinometer was placed on the leg 5 cm below
the inferior border of the patella in line with the tibia. Anatomic landmarks were then digitized as described
The examiner placed one hand under the calcaneus of with the subjects resting in a standing position. To
the tested leg while palpating and maintaining the knee determine the amount of lumbar and hip motion during
joint in extension with the other hand. The examiner the early and late phases of trunk flexion, the subjects
then moved the leg vertically until the subject first felt a were instructed to bend forward slowly into partial and
stretching sensation in the posterior thigh area. At this full forward-bending positions. The partial forward-
point, the inclinometer value was read. The SLR test was bending position was defined by the point at which the
repeated two more times. These three measurements subjects' fingertips reached the top of patella. The
were averaged, and the resulting mean SLR angle was subjects were instructed to "bend forward as far as you
used to reflect the hamstring muscle length. can while keeping your knees straight" to achieve the full

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forward-bending position. Subjects were asked to hold
Hamstring muscle length also was characterized using the partial and full forward-bending positions while the
the active-knee-extension (AKE) test described by landmarks were digitized. Subjects were permitted to
Gajdosik and Lusin.'G The subject was positioned supine move back into an upright position between the partial
with the posterior thigh held firmly against a vertical and full forward-bending positions. Digitization took
board that was attached to the table so that the thigh was about 10 seconds in each position.
stabilized at a 90-degree angle with the trunk. This hip
position was maintained while an inclinometer was Ecirly fonuard bendingwas defined as the interval between
placed on the leg 5 cm below the inferior border of the the resting standing position and the partial forward-
patella in line with the tibia. The subject then slowly and bending position. Latefornard bendingwas defined as the
actively extended the leg while maintaining the thigh interval between the partial forward-bending position
against the vertical board. The lower extremity not being and the fully forward-bent position. Totalfonuard bending
tested was maintained flat on the table. The range of was defined as the interval between the resting standing
restricted extension in the knee joint was measured by position and the fully forward-bent position.
reading the inclinometer (ie, total knee extension was
recorded as 0"). The AKE test was repeated two more When the subjects were in a partial or full foward-
times, and these three measurements were averaged. bending position, the same points were digitized as in
The resulting mean AKE angle was used to reflect the neutral standing position, except that the ASIS was
hamstring muscle length. not digitized in the partial or full forward-bending
positions. Changes in position between standing and
partial forward bending represented motion during
Procedure early forward bending. Changes in position between
Once each subject had read and signed the informed partial and full forward bending represented motion
consent statement, measurements of hamstring muscle during late forward bending. Changes in angle between
length were performed as described. Subjects were standing and full forward bending represented motion
instructed to stretch their hamstring muscles five times, during total forward bending. All measurements were
holding each stretch for 10 seconds as a warm-up prior taken by the same investigator (YL).
to measurement of hamstring muscle length. Stretching
was performed with the subjects positioned supine by To decrease the error associated with each Metrecon1
actively extending the knee with the hip flexed. The SLR measurement, the entire measurement procedure was
measurement method was used first, followed by the repeated by the same investigator in both pretest and
AKE method. posttest sessions. For each session, the average of two
measurements was computed and used as the value for
Next, subjects were asked to remove their shoes and that session. The intersession reliability of all measure-
stand comfortably with their feet about shoulder width ments was evaluated by comparing the average value
apart. Each subject stood on a piece of paper taped to from the pretest session with the average value from the
floor in the middle of the Metrecom measuring field. To posttest session for subjects in the control group. Twenty
ensure that all measurements were taken in the same paired measurements, therefore, were used to deter-
position, the outline of the subject's feet was drawn and mine intersession reliability over a 3-week period. Intra-
the subject was asked to stand in the tracings for each class correlation coefficients (ICC[3,k]), as described by
subsequent measurement. To facilitate digitization, Shrout and Fleiss," were used to examine reliability for
adhesive markers were placed on L-1, S2, the ASIS, the each measurement.
right greater trochanter, and the right lateral femoral

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996

The intt:rsession reliability values (ICCs) are presented while keeping the knee extended and the other lower
in Table 2. The intersession ICCs for the SLR and AKE extremity flat on the floor. To increase the stretch, the
tests were .99. The ICCs for the measures of lumbar and subject was instructed to slide the buttocks closer to the
hip postures and motions using the Metrecom ranged doorframe or to lift the limb away from the door frame.
from .79 to .95. The subject was encouraged to stretch to a sensation of
mild discomfort in an effort to achieve maximal stretch-
Stretching Regimen ing. After stretching was completed with one limb, the
The stretching group stretched daily for 3 weeks. Each contralateral limb was stretched. Each subject main-
subject was instructed in the stretching technique imme- tained a daily log to document compliance.
diately following the pretest measurements and also was
given written instructions. The regimen consisted of Data Analysis
slow, static stretching for 15 seconds, followed by a The equivalence of the stretching and control groups
15-second rest, 10 times daily. The subject was instructed prior to the study was checked by conducting indepen-
to lie supine between a doorway with hips positioned dent t tests on age, weight, and height and by conducting

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slightly in front of the doorframe. The subject raised one the nonparametric Mann-Whitney tests on gender and
lower extremity and rested it against the doorframe history of LBP.

A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used

Table 2.
Intersession Reliability Values (n=20) to examine group differences for dependent variables.
The MANOVA was used because the dependent vari-

Measurement ICCa(3,k) ables may be correlated. In addition, the use of one test
of significance for all dependent variables in multivariate
SLR~ angle .99 analysis, rather than multiple separate tests for each
AKEc angle .99
dependent variable in univariate analysis ( F tests), can
Standing lumbar angle .92
Standing pelvic inclination .91 decrease the probability of a Type I error. Therefore,
Early lurrlbar motion .85 Hotelling's T ~ which
, is a multivariate extension of
Early hip motion .88 Student's t test, was used for comparison of the two
Late lumbar motion .79 groups. Subsequently, F tests were used to compare
Late hip motion .85
group means for each dependent variable in follow-up
Total lurnbar motion .92
Total hip motion .95 analysis. The acceptable Type I error was set at PS.05.
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients also
IC(:=intraclass correlation coefficient.
were used to show the association between hamstring
" SLR=straight leg raise.
' AKE=active knee extension. muscle length and all other dependent variables.

Table 3.
Descriptive! Values and F-Test Results for Hamstring Muscle Length and Lumbar and Pelvic Angle in a Standing Position

Control Group (n=20) Stretching Group (n= 19)

Variable X SD Range X SD Range F P

SLRo angle (")

Prestretching 61 6 50 to 69 59 7 43 to 69
Poststretching 61 6 51 to70 68 6 59 to 78 14.28 <.OOlb
AKEc angle (")
Prestretching 38 11 20 to 53 40 13 15 to 65
Poststrekhing 38 11 20 to 52 28 12 1 1 to 47 7.95 .008b
Standing lumbar angled
Prestretching -14.0 6.1 -26 to -4 -15.4 8.8 -28 to 4
Poststretching - 14.7 5.3 -24 to -6 - 16.0 6.1 -26 to -4 0.53 .47
Standing pelvic inclinatione
Prestretching -3.2 8.3 -17to8 -3.1 10.0 -19 to 13
Poststrekhing -2.4 8.8 -18to9 -5.6 9.7 -20 to 10 1.15 .29
" SLK=srraight leg raise.
I' E.05
' AKE=active knee extension.
"Negat~veraIues represent extension (lordosis).
"Negative values represent anterior inrlinatio~~.

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996

Table 4.
Descriptive Values and F-Test Results for Lumbar and Hip Motion During Forward Bending

Control Group (n=20) Stretching Group (n= 19)

Variable X SD Range X SD Range F P

Early phase
Lumbar motion
Hip motion
Lumbar/hip ratio

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Late phase
Lumbar motion
Hip motion
Lumbar/hip ratio
Lumbar motion
Hip motion
lumbar/hip ratio

Results the ratio of lumbar to hip motion during early forward

The descriptive characteristics of the subjects in each bending. During late forward bending, group differ-
group are shown in Table 1. There were no differences ences were found only in the amount of hip motion
between the two groups in age, weight, height, gender, (P<.05). There was an increase of 5.1 degrees in hip
or history of LBP. motion during late forward bending in the stretching
group. The stretching group also had an increase of 8
Results of the MANOVA (Hotelling's M h for group dif- degrees in hip motion for total forward bending
ferences showed a difference between groups following (P< .05).
the stretching program (P<.05). Thus, in follow-up
analysis, univariate F tests were used to compare group Because not all subjects in the stretching group demon-
means for poststretching variables. Table 3 shows the strated increases in hamstring muscle length, we decided
descriptive values and Ftest results for SLR and lumbar to do a post hoc analysis on those subjects with increases
and pelvic angles in a standing position. There was an in AKE angle greater than 10 degrees (11/19). Paired
increase of 9 degrees in SLR angle and a decrease of 12 t tests were performed to compare pretest and posttest
degrees in AKE angle, both reflecting increased ham- values in these 11 subjects. A paired t test showed that
string muscle length after stretching. No change there was no change in standing posture after stretching.
occurred in lumbar lordosis and pelvic inclination in a There was an increase of 3.9 degrees (P=.026) in hip
resting position. The data relating to lumbar and hip motion during early forward bending. The mean
motion during forward bending are shown in Table 4. decrease of 2.9 degrees in early lumbar motion after the
There was no change in lumbar and hip motions, or in stretching period was not a significant difference. There

842 . Li et al Physical Therapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996 j
was an increase of 9.7 degrees in hip motion during late Table 5.
Correlation of Hamstring Muscle Length (in Active-Knee-Extension Test)
forward bending after stretching (P<.001) and a 13.5-
With Standing Posture and Lumbar and Hip Motions During Forward
degree increase in hip motion during total forward Bending
bending (P<.001). There were n o differences found in
lumbar motion during the late phase of forward Variable Pearron r
Standing lumbar angle
The results of the Pearson product-moment correlations Standing pelvic inclination
Early lumbar motion
of hamstring muscle length (AKE test) with standing Early hip motion
posture and lumbar and hip motions during forward Early lumbar/hip ratio
bending; are presented in Table 5. The correlations Late lumbar motion
between AKE test results and standing lumbar angle and Late hip motion
pelvic angle were not significant. A number of correla- Late lumbar/hip ratio
Total lumbar motion
tions between AKE test results and measured motions Total hip motion

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during fbrward bending emerged. The AKE test results Total lumbar/hip ratio
were correlated with lumbar motion and the ratio of
lumbar to hip motion during late forward bending. That
is, as hainstring muscle length increased, lumbar motion
and the: ratio of lumbar to hip motion during late
forward bending decreased. In addition, significant cor- same relationship was noted in our study, but it was not
relations of AKE test results with hip motion and the significant. These data d o not support Kendall and
ratio of' lumbar to hip motion during total forward McCreary's%ssumption that individuals with flat backs
bending; existed (F- .55 and .50, respectively). As ham- o r reduced lumbar curves in a standing position tend to
string m.uscle length increased, as indicated by the AKE have short hamstring muscles. It is possible that if we had
test, hip motion increased and the ratio of lumbar to hip included subjects with longer hamstring muscles (SLR
motion decreased during total forward bending. >70°), and thus had a broader range of hamstring
lengths in our sample, we may have found a relationship
Discussion between hamstring muscle length and lumbar curve. We
believe, however, that if hamstring muscle length is
Effect of Hamstring Muscle Stretching on Hamstring related to standing lumbar posture, the stretching group
Muscle length and Standing Posture would have shown a change in standing lumbar posture.
Both the SLR and AKE tests were used to assess ham- We are not aware of data that demonstrate a strong
string rr~usclelength before and after a stretching pro- relationship between hamstring muscle length and lum-
gram. ELoth measures showed that hamstring muscle bar posture in a standing position.
lengthening occurred in the stretching group. We chose
to use both methods because we were unsure which The degree to which the hamstring muscles act on the
method would be most sensitive. Although both tests pelvis probably depends on the knee and hip angles and
indicated changes, we preferred the AKE test because the inherent muscle length. Even short hamstring mus-
motion at the lumbar spine and pelvis is less likely to cles may be placed on slack when standing with the hips
influence measurement of the knee angle measured in a neutral position and the knees in extension; in this
during the AKE test. position, a change in hamstring muscle length may cause
no change in pelvic or lumbar posture. Therefore, this
The F tests indicated that there was no difference slack position may be the reason lengthened hamstring
between standing lumbar lordosis and pelvic inclination muscles caused no changes in standing posture. Another
in the c'ontrol and stretching groups. This finding does reason may be that posture is dependent on multiple
not support the theory that short hamstring muscles factors (eg, muscle length, lumbosacral angles, postural
cause posterior pelvic inclination and a concomitant awareness, motor programming) and will not change
reduction in the lumbar l o r d o ~ i s . ~ significantly with a change in any one variable. In any
case, these data suggest that lengthening the hamstring
The data from this study d o not support a direct muscles will not change standing postural alignment.
relationship between hamstring muscle length and
standing lumbar and pelvic posture, and the data agree Effect of Hamstring Muscle Stretching on Lumbar and Hip
with other research findings of no correlation between Motion During Forward Bending
postural alignment and muscle length.8.g Furthermore, Stretching the hamstring muscles resulted in greater hip
Toppenberg and Bullock7 found that hamstring muscle motion but did not cause less lumbar motion during
length was negatively related to the lumbar curve. The forward bending. In the 11 subjects in the stretching
group who had an increase in hamstring muscle flexibil-

Physical Therapy . Volume 76 Number 8 . August 1996 Li et al . 843
ity of greater than 10 degrees, hip motion during early low back dysfunction in a relaxed standing posture.
forward bending increased significantly after stretching. Thus, attempts to alter standing lumbar and pelvic
Because subjects were instructed to achieve the same posture for individuals with a history of LBP are ques-
partial forward-bending position, the total range of early tionable. Results of studies addressing the relationship
forward bending should be the same at both the pre- between spinal mobility and a history of back pain have
stretching and poststretching sessions. Greater hip been varied. Some r e s e a r c h e r ~ ~have
~ J ~reported
~~~ a
motion, therefore, should be coupled with less lumbar general decrease in spinal mobility associated with a
motion during early forward bending. Lumbar motion history of back problems, whereas Howes and Isdale"
was reduced in the same 11 subjects, even though the have reported increased spinal mobility. Our study
amount was not significant. Lumbar motion during total showed that a histo~yof back pain had n o effect on
forward bending also decreased in these same 11 sub- spinal flexion ROM. The number of subjects with a past
jects, although again the amount was not significant. history of LBP (n=15), however, was limited in our
One possible explanation for the lack of significance was study. In recent work, we compared subjects with and
sample size. These data, therefore, neither confirm nor without a history of LBP and did not find differences

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disprove the idea that an increase in the amount of hip between these &o groups in the amount of lumbar o r
flexion during forward bending results in a decrease of hip motion during forward bending."
lumbar motion; these data do, however, indicate a trend.
A follow-up study, with either more subjects o r greater Further research could be directed toward studying
increases in hamstring muscle flexibility, is warranted. subjects who have chronic LBP. Studying greater num-
bers of subjects who demonstrate a more dramatic
In this study, shorter hamstring muscle length was increase in hamstring muscle flexibility after a stretching
correlated with an increase in the ratio of lumbar to hip program also may reinforce and clarify our findings. O u r
flexion during both late and total forward bending. That method involved essentially static measurements. Future
is, shorter hamstring muscle length is associated with studies, utilizing continuous sampling techniques for
greater relative lumbar motion during late forward dynamic movement, also may provide greater insight
bending. into the effects of a stretching program.

Hamstring muscle length, however, was not correlated Conclusions

with total lumbar motion during full forward bending. This study has provided information basic to the under-
This finding is consistent with those of other studies in standing of the normal relationships between hamstring
which low degrees of correlation between hamstring muscle length, standing posture, and motions during
muscle length and spinal motion during forward flexion forward bending. This information can act as a guide to
were f o ~ n d . ~ J ~ clinicians when designing treatment programs.

Even though some of the subjects (15/39 o r 38.5%) had The data gathered in this study suggest that a 3-week
experienced LBP before the study, most subjects (24/39 program of hamstring muscle stretching (1) will not
or 61.5%) had no history of LBP. As a result, application alter standing lumbar and pelvic postures, (2) will pro-
of these data to patients with LBP should be limited. We duce greater forward bending as a result of increased
compared the pretest data for hamstring muscle length, motion at the hips, and ( 3 ) may alter the pattern of
standing posture, and forward bending motion variables lumbar and hip motion during forward bending.
between subjects with and without a history of LBP.
Subjects with a history of LBP had slightly tighter ham- References
string muscles, but there was no evidence that either 1 Rothman RH, Simeone FA. The Spirt?, Volume 1 Philadelphia, Pa: WB
Saunders Co; 1975:56-58.
standing posture o r forward bending differed between
subjects in these two categories. We believed that sub- 2 Cailliet R. Low Bark Pazn Synrirowre. 3rd ed. Philadelph~a.Pa: FA Davis
jects without LBP were appropriate for the questions Co; 1980.
posed in this study because most authors claim that 3 Willis TA. Anatomical variations and roentgenographic appearance
hamstring muscle tightness is a factor associated with of the low back in relation to sciatic pain. J Bonu,/oint Srris 1941;23:
posture and abnormal motion regardless of whether a 410-416.

history of LBP or current LBP exists.2~6 4 FrymoyerJM, Hanley E, Howe J. Disc excision and spine fusion in the
management of lumbar disc disease: a minimum ten-year follow-up. i
Spine. 1978;3:1-6.
Our results agree with those of some other studies.
Biering-SorensenlRfound diminished hamstring muscle 5 Mellin G. Correlations of hip mobility with degree of back pain and
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Followini: are two invited commentaries on "The Effect of to stretch to the point of resistance raise further questions
Hamstring Muscle Stretching on Standing Posture and on about accurate assessment of hamstring muscle length.
Lumbar and Hip Motions During Forward Bending." Certainly, the reliability reported by the investigators is
impressive, but the issue is accuracy not reliability.
Li and colleagues are to be commended on their interest-
ing article examining the relationships among hamstring I was interested that Li and colleagues used the measure-
muscle length, standing pelvic alignment, and motion at ments from the SLR to group subjects but did not use
the lumbar spine and hip during forward bending. These this same measure for correlational analysis. The second
relationships, their effect on function, and changes result- measure of active knee extension (AKE) was used for
ing from exercises are critical to substantiating the role of analysis, which the investigators explained by the state-
physical therapy in treatment. My questions and comments ment, " ... we preferred the AKE test because motion at
about this study pertain to the methodology and the the lumbar spine and pelvis is less likely to influence
suggested implications of the findings. measurement of the knee angle measured during the
AKE test." Such a statement suggests that the SLR was
One pui-pose of this study was to examine an assumption influenced by motion at these segments. If this is the
attributed to Kendall that short hamstring muscles will case, then the AKE should have been used to classify the
cause posterior pelvic tilt and a flat-back standing align- subjects or a correlation between the SLR and AKE
ment. Although the investigators classified their sample measurements would have established their relationship.
by using; the straight-leg-raising (SLR) test advocated by
Kendall., they failed to adhere to the guidelines she I am confused by the values in Table 4. The lumbar/hip
advocates for accuracy. She emphasizes the importance ratios for early and late phases d o not seem accurate
of using. a hard table, making sure the lumbar spine is when the means for the separate values are calculated,
flat, accommodating for any hip flexor shortness, and although those for total motion are correct based on the
holding the contralateral thigh down, while performing mean calculations.
the SLR..'(P~'~~-'") The methods described by Li et a1
did not address any of these important criteria for The lack of correlation between hamstring muscle
accurate testing. Kendall also recommends that the SLR be length and standing alignment measurements is not
taken to the point of resistance and a feeling of slight surprising. Such a correlation implies a vely precise
discomfort. Failure to stabilize the contralateral lower relationship between the length of the hamstring mus-
extremity to prohibit pelvic and lumbar motion and failure cles and the angles of the pelvis and the spine. Such a

Physical Tlierapy . Volume 76 . Number 8 . August 1996 Sahrmann . 845

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