TASK SHEET - Replacing Vent Pipes and Fittings

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Replacing Vent pipes and fittings

Identify and replace damage drain/waste pipes and fittings as per RNPCP Standard.

● uPVC pipe 2’ diameter
● uPVC coupling 2” diameter
● Solvent Cement
● Hacksaw
● Ball Peen Hammer
● Rugs
● Sand paper
● Paint brush


1. First, Locate the damaged vent pipe.
2. Measure and Cut the length of the damaged vent pipe.
3. deburr the pipe and prepare the coupling..
4. Apply the solvent cement at coupling and insert it in one end of the cut pipe.
5. Apply solvent cement to the inner part of the hub as well as the edge of the other side
of the cut pipe.
6. Insert the pipe in the coupling
7. Check your work and clean the excess solvent cement using disposable material.

Assessment Method:

Name of​ ​Trainee:​ ______________________________________________________

During the performance of the activity did the trainees perform according to the required criteria?

Criteria Yes No
1. Locate the damaged vent pipe.
2. Measure and Cut the length of the damaged vent pipe.
3. Deburr the pipe and prepare the coupling.
4. Apply the solvent cement at coupling and insert it in one end of the
cut pipe.
5. Apply solvent cement to the inner part of the hub as well as the
edge of the other side of the cut pipe.
6. Insert the pipe in the coupling
7. Check your work and clean the excess solvent cement using
disposable material.

For satisfactory achievement, all items should receive a yes response.


Name and Signature of Trainer

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