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Social network analysis (SNA) is a quantitative method to examine and measure

the interactions among people, groups, organizations, and other connected entities.
It can help to understand the social structure and behaviour of individuals and
groups, and how information and influence spread through networks. Some of the
applications of SNA are:
- Identifying the most influential people in a network
- Recommending friends to users based on their preferences and connections
- Targeting ads to potential customers based on their interests and behaviors
- Detecting fake accounts that try to manipulate or deceive others
- Recognizing hate speech and misinformation that can harm or mislead others
- Studying the dynamics of groups such as their cohesion, diversity, and leadership
- Simulating the diffusion of social movements such as protests, campaigns, and
- Predicting the outcomes of elections based on the opinions and sentiments of

Why use graphs

Graphs are useful for social networks because they can help to analyse and
visualize the interactions ,structure and behaviour of social networks
Graphs are highly useful for social networks as they offer a visual representation of
relationships between individuals or entities, with nodes representing these entities
and edges symbolizing connections. This visualization aids in understanding network
structures. Furthermore, graph theory provides powerful analytical tools to study
properties like degree distribution, centrality, and clustering coefficient, enabling to
easily understand the social network dynamics.
In our project we have used 4 measures of degrees for the characterization :
 membership (t)
 indeterminacy (i)
 non-membership (f)
 liberal (l) degrees
it provides better analysis compared to single valued neutrosophic graph, which only
considers the first three degrees , giving rise to better understanding of social
networks and better predictions

In our project, we have focused on some tasks, such as:

Edge classification
- Trust: Based on the four attributes we have labelled edges as strong trust,
uncertain trust and weak trust.
- Friendship: To show how strong the friendship is between two nodes in the
network , we classified edges into strong friendship , weak friendship , uncertain
friendship, liberal friendship.
Node classification
We have also assigned labels to the nodes to represent their roles in the network,
such as leader, follower, moderator, etc.
- Influencer: A node that has a large number of followers of any kind can be labelled
as an influencer, as it can have a significant impact on the network.
- Polarizing figure: A node that has a high percentage of both true followers and
rejected followers can be labelled as a polarizing figure, as it can generate strong
reactions from different groups in the network.
- Popular figure: A node that has a large number of followers of any kind can be
labelled as a popular figure, as it can attract a lot of attention from the network.
- Controversial figure: A node that has a high percentage of both true followers and
uncertain followers can be labelled as a controversial figure, as it can create
uncertainty and debate among different groups in the network.
Availability of data and materials : Not applicable , as only research analysis is carried out
used local survey data as mentioned in table.

Instagram Facebook Twitter Snapchat

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4

X1 (0.4,0.2,0.1,0.3) (0.5,0.2,0.1,0.2) (0.6,0.1,0.1,0.2) (0.5,0.1,0.2,0.2)

X2 (0.5,0.1,0.3,0.1) (0.7,0.1,0.1,0.1) (0.3,0.4,0.2,0.1) (0.4,0.2,0.3,0.1)

X3 (0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3) (0.5,0.2,0.2,0.1) (0.5,0.3,0.2,0) (0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2)

X4 (0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1) (0.8,0.1,0.1,0) (0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3) (0.4,0.3,0.1,0.2)

Requirement Analysis

Improved decision-making: By better understanding how social networks

function, we can make better decisions about how to design and implement policies
and programs.

Reduced risk: can be used to identify and mitigate risks associated with social
networks. can be used to detect social bots and spammers.

Crime prevention: identify criminal networks and to predict where crimes are likely
to occur. This information can be used by law enforcement agencies to prevent
crimes and to apprehend criminals.

Targeting ads, campaigns, or interventions to potential customers or beneficiaries

based on their interests and behaviours

Empower the participation and engagement of individuals and groups

Enhance the social trust among individuals and groups

Role of GNN

To label the nodes and edges in the graph, we can use a machine learning model
that can learn the node and edge features and predict the classes. Graph neural
network (GNN) can be used to encode the node and edge features into node and
edge representations, and then use an edge classifier to predict the edge labels
based on the representations, similarly we can predict the node labels also.

GNNs can be used to make a variety of predictions about social networks by

learning to represent the network as a graph and then learning to perform tasks on
the graph, such as node classification, link prediction, and community detection.

To use a GNN to make predictions on social network, you we first need to represent
the network as a graph. Each node in the graph would represent a social media
account, and each edge in the graph would represent a relationship between two
accounts. The edge attributes could be used to represent the strength and type of
relationship between the two accounts.

Once the representation is made your social network as a graph, you can train a
GNN on the graph. The GNN will learn to represent each node in the graph as a
vector of numbers. This vector will capture the information about the node's
relationships to other nodes in the graph.

Once the GNN is trained, it can be used to make predictions about the nodes and in
the graph.
Problem Identification and Objectives


 Identifying the different types of relationships between nodes in a social

 Identifying the different types of nodes in a social network.
 Understanding the structure and dynamics of social networks.
 Predicting the spread of information and influence through social networks.
 Identifying potential risks and threats to social networks.


 Develop methods for edge and node classification in social networks.

 Use edge and node classification to gain insights into the structure and
dynamics of social networks.
 Develop applications for edge and node classification, such as identifying
influential users, detecting communities, predicting the spread of information,
and identifying potential risks and threats.
 Based on the four attributes we have labelled edges as strong trust, uncertain
trust and weak trust.

 To show how strong the friendship is between two nodes in the network, we
classified edges into strong friendship, weak friendship, uncertain friendship,
liberal friendship.
 labels the nodes to represent their roles in the network, such as leader,
follower, moderator, etc.
System methodology

System Design

Data Collection and Preprocessing

The data collection and preprocessing module will collect data from social network
platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The data will be preprocessed
to remove noise and outliers. This may include removing duplicate data, correcting
errors, and filtering out irrelevant data.

Graph Conversion
The graph conversion module will convert the preprocessed data into a graph
format. Represent four degrees of membership: true (t), indeterminate (i), false (f),
and liberal (l). The liberal value of an edge can be used to represent the degree to
which one node trusts the other node. The membership value of an edge can be
used to represent the strength of the friendship between two nodes.

GNN Training

The GNN training module will train a GNN model on the graph. GNNs are a type of
neural network that can learn from graph data. The GNN model will be trained to
predict the trust, friendship, and role of each node in the social network.


The prediction module will use the trained GNN model to make predictions about the
social network. For example, the prediction module can be used to predict the

• Which nodes are most likely to be friends with each other?

• Which nodes are most likely to trust each other?
• Which nodes are most likely to be leaders or followers in the social network?
• Which nodes are most likely to be spammers , fake nodes


Accuracy, precision ,f1 score, recall

The system will be tested using held-out test and cross-validation to measure
accuracy. Held-out test involves splitting the data into two sets: a training set and a
test set. The model is trained on the training set and then evaluated on the test set.
Cross-validation involves splitting the data into multiple folds and training the model
on each fold. The model is then evaluated on the average performance of all the

Overview of Technologies

 NetworkX: NetworkX is a Python library for the creation, manipulation, and

study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. It
provides a variety of data structures and algorithms for working with graph
 igraph: igraph is a Python library for the analysis of graphs and networks. It
provides a variety of features for working with graph data, such as graph
visualization, community detection, and centrality measures.
 Scikit-learn: Scikit-learn is a Python library for machine learning. It provides a
variety of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and other
machine learning tasks.
 Keras: Keras is a Python library for deep learning. It provides a variety of
tools for building and training deep learning models.
 PyTorch: PyTorch is a Python library for deep learning. It provides a variety
of tools for building and training deep learning models, as well as a number of
features that are specifically designed for social network analysis.




These libraries can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as:

 Data preprocessing: Cleaning, filtering, and transforming data before it is used

for analysis.
 Feature engineering: Creating new features from existing data to improve the
performance of machine learning models.
 Model training and evaluation: Training and evaluating machine learning
models on social network data.
 Model deployment: Deploying machine learning models to production so that
they can be used to make predictions on new data.

Uncertain Profile Characterization on Social Networks using GNN


Social network analysis is a field that studies the structure and dynamics of social
relationships and interactions among individuals or groups. Graphs are a natural way to
model social networks, where nodes represent entities and edges represent relations.
However, traditional graphs cannot capture the uncertainty and refusal that exist in real life
situations, such as friendship status. Therefore, we propose to use a type of graph that can
represent four degrees of membership: t (true), i (indeterminate), f (false), and l (liberal). It
can be used to model a variety of social network phenomena, such as

• Trust: The liberal value of an edge can be used to represent the degree to which one node
trusts the other node.

• Friendship: The membership value of an edge can be used to represent the strength of the
friendship between two nodes.

For example, a person may be friends with some people, uncertain about being friends with
others, not friends with some people, or liberal about being friends with anyone. These
graphs can model these different degrees of friendship by assigning different values to the
edges in the graph and GNN can then learn to predict the membership values of the edges in
the graph and classify them into strong friendship, weak friendship, uncertain friendship,
liberal friendship.

Further the nodes can also be labelled to indicate their role such as leader, follower,
moderator. GNNs are a powerful tool because they can learn the features of each node
based on the features of its neighbours and the edges between them. This allows GNNs to
learn complex patterns in the social network and to make more accurate predictions

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