Lecture 9 Interest Learning Centers

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Various learning modes can be tried by the

Interest Learning Centers students since they do not have to progress with
Introduction the others at the same time.

This teaching approach requires 6. The students have the opportunity to work with
establishing an Interest Centered Classroom (ICC) a wide variety of materials including those of his
wherein the area is divided into various academic own choice which may be brought from the home
learning centers. There could be a science center, or community.
language arts center, math center, social science 7. They become more responsible for their own
center, and others. The science center can further learning activities.
be divided into a biology, physics, or chemistry
center in the secondary level. In some schools, a
biology center includes a genetics, cytology or Disadvantages
ecology center.
1. Rearranging and replacement of materials and
Located in each center are materials and
equipment may need so much in time and effort
equipment needed for simple investigations. In the
since there should always be a great number
case of a biology center the materials may be live
presented every time.
plants and animals, specimens, models, charts and
illustrations. Included are dissecting sets, 2. It will be more expensive considering the wide
microscopes, hand lens, and various containers. variety of instructional materials desired.
The materials and tools may be limited to those
3. Free movement from place to place may cause
that are needed for a particular unit in biology.
problems regarding time, effort and space
The scope of the lesson is made clear to allocation.
the students before hand. The time to be spent for
each segment of work is flexible depending on the
interest of the student. In some classes, the Guidelines for Establishing Interest
students may sign a contract with the teachers Centers
regarding the objective of the lesson and the time
to be spent in the center. To assist the setting up the learning
centers, here with are some points to remember:
Some schools require a certain amount of
time per week in each interest center. In addition, 1. Prepare a list of the instructional materials and
a project may be undertaken within the time equipment that will be needed including suitable
allowed per unit. substitutions at the beginning of the school year in
order to get ready with additional funds it will
entail and accomplish procurement procedures
Advantages required by the school.

This self-paced learning according to ones 2. The type and quantity of materials must be
interest offer a number of positive assistance. determined early enough. The choice would
depend upon the objectives of the lessons or the
1. The center, provides for individual learning. entire unit. Encourage the students to bring
2. Motivated by strong interest in the topics to be materials to borrow equipment which may not be
learned, new meaning and understandings are available.
easily achieved. 3. Request the assistance of experts in some
3. This strategy is success-guaranteed since special topics of interest. Some parents may spend
interest is the driving force. some time with them as they work from center to
center. Prior consultations with the experts will
4. The teacher moves around freely and assist help a lot.
each student in the learning activity.
4. A simple contract between the teachers and the
students indicating the scope of the lesson and the
approximate time allowance they will need should
be accomplished before the activity.
5. Daily activities and time spend should be
recorded and kept in an individual folder for
monitoring purposes. The student logs his
achievements in an individual file.
6. Assessment of students progress can be
facilitated by giving a short quizzes or written
7. Other teaching strategies could be employed
with interest-centered classrooms such as
independent study, constructing projects and
student research.

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