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GANDHI MEMORIAL HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL SECOND PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2023-24 SUBJECT: - MATHEMATICS (041) CLASS: - XII Time: 3Hrs M.M-80 Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them: (i) This question paper contains five sections A,8,C,D and E, Each s there are internal choices in some questions. (i) Section A has 18 MCQ'S AND 02 assertion-Reason based questions of 1 marks each. (ii) Seetion 8, has 5 very short Answer (VSA)-type questions of 2 marks each. (iv) Section C, has 6 Sort Answer (5A)-type questions of 3 marks each. {v)__ Section D, has 4 Long Answer (LAJ-type questions of § marks each. (vi) Section E, has 3 source based/case based/passage based/ integrated units marks each with sub-parts. ection is compulsory. However, of assessment of 4 Section-A (Multiple Choice Questions) Each Question carries | mark. aiif A= (ay) is a square matrix of order 2 such that (ay) = A,wheni#j 2 {iunen 2 then ais oh db a of abs if Aand B are invertible square matrices of the same order, then which of the following. a2. is not correct? (a) AdjA = |A|. a7? (b) det(A)~? = [det(4)]” a (aay = BA Ae (A+B) t= BA 3, If the area of the triangle with vertices (-3, 0), (3,0) and (0,k) is 3 sq units, then he value/s of k will be 4 {a)9 VIE) (3-9 (a6 B, yx0 The condition on p and q so that the minimum of Z occurs at (3,0) and (1,1) is (p=29 0 Up=t op=3q =a ABCD is a rhombus whose diagonals intersect at &. Then EA + EB + BC + ED equals to af (AB (2B (e) 24D For any integer n, the value of f"eS"""*cos3(2n + 1)x dx is (a) Ub} 0 (1 (4) 2 0 2x-1 Ve =2x 0 2yx|, where x € Rt is -vr -2vx 0 (a@x+1? poo {) (2x +1)? (d) None of these The value of [Al if A = ‘The feasible region corresponding to the linear constraints of a Linear Programming Problem is given below: Which of the following is not a constraint to the given Linear Programming Problem? fajxty 22 (b)x+2y <10 A Uiemy2t go sds4e (x-y st WF = 40+ 67 and 5 + 4k, then the vector form of the component of @' along Dis 5+ 4h, 873 yen (a) FQ3p+ 4%) A) (af 48) 19 oy 10 @ (> Gt 46) (G+ a) © scanned with OKEN Scanner a3. ana, as. a6. au. aus. a9. Given that A isa square matrix of order 3 and [AI {a)-28 (b) 4 (9-2? gr 6 ‘A problem in Mathematics is given to three students whose chances of solving it are 11 ten Pa respectively, If the events of their solving ‘the problem are independent then the probability that the problem will be solved, is i; (3 (oe wf? The general solution of the differential equation ydx — xdy = 0; (Given x,y > 0) ,isof form faay=c (xy = Cy? We Ce (ay =cx ‘The value ofA for which two vectors 2'—j+ 2K and 3t + AJ + & are perpendicular is (a) 2 (b) 4 (6 ware “The set of all points where the function f(x) = x + [xls differentiable, is (2) (0) {(b) (-,0) {) (2 0)U (0-%) VAT (-20, 00) ifthe direction cosines ofa line are <2 ,2,2>, then (@o » rs P72 p3kt0 = 2Q= L © scanned with OKEN Scanner 28. Evaluate: | *5dx,xe(0- 1) OR ag 2 Evaluate: {3 loge(1 + tanx)dx = & 4. Mas. a 7 7 et eevee gs Q29. Solve the differential equation: yerdx = (ye” + y”) dy, (y #0) on Pye a Ae SPA Seen = an ng ibe ata. (0 22) FE = Solve the following Linear Programming Problem graphically: 2 VEC Steme Mininneczax42y = 17? SECS), 08,4) 2h xy zo Subject tothe constraints:x + 2y 2 100,2x—y $ 0,2x +y $ 200,41 Perey soe ine epi) gquation: (costa) SFY 030. oR 2 Solve the following Linear Programming Problem graphically: Maxinve:te-r+2y, = £ OY the constraints:x > 3.x+y25,x+2y 26,20. Subject to ast. if (a+ bx)e! = x than prove that x P= Ga) Y) jy Zelg Cav Section-D at G1 ew) 3 ig answer (LA) type questions of 5 marks each) apply Ud ru CFP this section comprises of on yi = dax and its ition find the area of the region bones by the parabola a 2 2S pas rfeasanr = Fe" 7 nN x N defined by Q32, Using integra tausredturn, AS Let N be the set of all natural numbers and R be a relation or 033 fab) R (od) 2 ad = be forall (a,0),(c.d)e Nx N . Show that R is an equivalence relation on NXN. Also, find the equivalence class of (26), ie, [(2,6)). = 3-2, ed GP +f oR Show thatthe function f: R-+ (xeR + 1 < x <1 defined by A KR LO HSH feoye ct, rentoneora nd ontotncion, LOO = GIT gg’ ne . Bw osx! Pont 0588 034, _ Using the matrix method, solve the following system of linear equations: Zor yr, oes 035, Find the coordinates of the image of the point (1,6,3) with respect to the line. LED s b+ 2k) +A (t+ 2p + 3k); where ‘2's a scalar, Also, find the dis yf yok) i+ Also, find the distance ofthe image | 423 form the y ~ axis. Drs g PL A [eS | ae Bees Eh Ee, Art AAS, BAT DB x2A yu2dH zeSate Po GDI+ GA 24+G-193 © 2 ’ 2f[4=! Ce LCA AH, SAR) [bet 2 6 ke mil PHL Fro © scanned with OKEN Scanner of BE sh Wet a8 teas PEL VE ET Dictenee trom P-anh 2S 7ipqe > VSO & “x a ob -5P = Cw Da Cee gyVF een) © — Pa BB 1 Cre y 9 aeroplane is Ming along the tine F=AG—J +1; Where ‘2! is 2 scalar and ral pu (a+ R:where'y! is a 262342) another aeroplane is flying along the line 7° fe Cod) o+CIA4t)scalar, At what points on the lines should they reach, so that the distance between ented! them is shortest? Find the shortest possible stance between them : meta )Ca)+ CHW) ce BD + edd ote: ta) G2) z © pleases) (E > [PB Te omnis Section-E 7 This section comprises of 3 case-study based questions of marks each with sub parts 036. Reed the following passage and answer the questions given below: in an Ofce three employees shes, sophia and Oliver process incoming copies of a nie Ehs t O° Te ee certain form James processes 50 % of the forms, Sophia processes 20 % and Oliver the 222 PE) = Fy =F remaining 30% of the forms. James has an error rate of 0.06, Sophia has an error rte z, i> PLENE,) = PCE)» PEED 2322 oonandotwerhasanerorrateotoas, Ch? PCENE:. (LE)> 27,7 fo 2 trx004 a ag tistdonthe above information answer the fowing questions. 6 Ges PEE) =?" (i) Find the probability that Sophia processed the form and committed an error, PE 4 = Ee i iy PED ET PIE IT re {9-02 (Find the total probability of committing an erorin processing the forth. ee) PLE/E)* (ii) The manager of the Company wants to do a quality check. During inspection, he, 2— 0-06 + aout selects a form at random from the days output of processed from. If the form selected | xO“ at random has an error, find the probability thatthe form is not processed by James. ‘Bone i. = 40! @ CBJE> 2447 > eéfe) =o 7 La (iil) Let E be the event of committing an error in processing the form and let E;,£2, and E be the events that James, Sophia and Oliver processed the form. Find the value of es PCEqIE) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: A school conducted a survey of their school staff to find their beverage preferences. Each of them picked either tea or coffee as their first preference and with sugar or without sugar as their second preference.some of the insights from the survey are : i> PCSD = Len pCS/e)+PCIX POST) 60% of the staff prefer coffee. = O°F sors ofthose who peter coe prefer it with ete dente as ; of those wo prefer coffee preferit with sugar. = = ge, QD BE jor 3 Ok @ % PI= 1 p-B — Wkof those who prefer tea prefer it without sugar, (i) What is the probability that a person selected randomly from the staff prefers a beverage with sugar? (i) What isthe probability that a person from the staff selected at random prefers coffee given that itis without sugar ?@D CC) XPS ic) aaene! £ nena . Poe) x play + PNP) WHO) : (Uren ~ 0706 Fl ofe ot © scanned with OKEN Scanner t CE) = BER 4 9EPSI DS Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. ‘A medical drug administered into @ human body requires sometime to produce its effect. on the body, The amount (in mg) of a certain medical drug in the bloodstream at t hors after administrating the drug to an individual is given b the function: tt) +4,5t' 454t,0S t $10 I(g)2-3SPPOEITST 2M LiFind the rate at which the amount of drug is changing in the blood stream at 5 hours after administrating the drug ee aie g Vegjia tee OTST aga ahet et ¢ CD Fm, I ee SE IB 11.Show that the function C(t) is strictly increasing in the inte val (3,4)? 72S oR 11. The amount of the drug in the blood stream at which the action of the rug is max Is denoted by Cmax. How long after administrating the drug is Cmax attained? II Find the amount of drug in the bloodstream at the time when the effect of the drug is maximum.showyourwrk §§ CCQP= 270 PY oro) © scanned with OKEN Scanner Q- &:. Salar gf's Le ate a aA 2 RHAH, GEA, SEE ALES) Of) & L 4d Gin 2h, : a AB a= Cat) 04 Od-CU + Cadt2-3) 0 =Ta=%] 7 Pome m( a Cae? Bub pias & Ab wy Ree 2 => 297, 15) ° TG OF “SI ph FL os Cer CPE) T+ CHER BY Corfarry, a ao -/2 = 92 : x= Be yore, 2-2 oe 22 4 tee Ge ey) A hoterce 2 mye fron On Frs MD > [aE CR eS 3S SEEF C f gy AS ey eta © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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