Science Technology Nation Building

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brief historical background of science and
technology in the philippines

-Science and Technology in the Philippines began

developing before the nation achieved independence from
American colonization.
science in the philippines during pre - spanish period

Is embedded in the way of life of the people.

Scientific knowledge is observed in the way they plant their crops

that provide them food, in taking care of animals to help them in
their daily tasks, and for food production.

Science is also observed in the way they interpret the movements

to predict seasons and climates, and in organizing days into
months and years

They also discovered medical use of plants

technology in the philippines during pre - spanish period

Technology was used to build houses and develop tools that they can use
in everyday life.

They also develop tools for hunting, cooking, fishing and for fighting their
enemies during war or tribal conflicts.

Developed technologies in creating musical instruments.

the different archeological artifacts discovered in different parts of the

country also prove that the Metal Age also had a significant influence in
the lives of early Filipinos.
spanish period

Spaniards brought with them their own culture and practices

Established school for boys and girls and introduced the concept of subjects and

It was the beginning of formal science and technology in the country, known now as
school of science and technology

Learning of science in school focuses on understanding different concepts related to

the human body, plants and animals.

Technology focuses on using and developing house tools used in everyday life.

Life slowly became modernized, adapting some Western technology and their ways of
american period

established the public education system.

They improved the engineering works and health conditions of the people.

They established a modern research university, the University of the


created more public hospitals.

mineral resources of the country were also explored and exploited.

transportation and communication systems were improved.

they reorganized the learning of science and introduced it in public and private
university of the philippines
goverment policies on science and

Philippine government introduced and implemented several

programs, projects, and policies to boost the area of science and
technology .

the goal is to prepare the whole country and its people to meet
the demands of a technologically driven world and capacitate the
people to live in a world driven by science
the national research counsil of the philippines
(nrcp) clustered these topics into four(4)
1. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies
and Governance

Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without

adding to the curriculum

Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue

Developing school infrastructure and providing for ICT

the national research counsil of the philippines
(nrcp) clustered these topics into four(4)

2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial Research, Earth and Space

Sciences, and Mathematics.

Emphasizing degree, license and employment opportunities.

Outright grants for peer monitoring.

Harnessing science and technology as an independent mover of

the national research counsil of the philippines
(nrcp) clustered these topics into four(4)
3. Medical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ensuring full implementation of the Food and Drug Administration.

Creating an eduction council dedicated to standardization of

pharmaceutical services and care.

Empowering food and drug agencies to conduct evidence-based

research as pool of information.
the national research counsil of the philippines
(nrcp) clustered these topics into four(4)
4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry

Protecting and conserving biodiversity by full implementation

of existing laws.

Promoting indigenous knowledge system and indigenous

people’s conservation

Formulation of common food and safety standard.

Thank you!

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