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To the Learner:
We know learning can throw some challenges your way, but guess what? You got
this! With Self Learning Modules (SLMs) at your fingertips, overcoming those challenges just
got a whole lot easier.
What's awesome about these modules? Well, they got your back with integrated
themes and topics related to Global Citizenship Education (GCED). Yep, you heard it right!
From understanding diverse perspectives to diving into global issues, these modules are
your ticket to becoming a global citizen rockstar!
Remember, learning isn't just about boosting your skills; it's also about shaping you
into a responsible citizen of our amazing world. So, dive in, explore, and keep that curiosity
alive. You're not just learning for yourself; you're learning to make a difference!
You're on an incredible journey, and we're cheering you on every step of the way.
Let's dive into this GCED-SLM and conquer new horizons together!


Mark Athony E. Garcia, SHS Teacher II, Manaoag National High School
Samuel S. Pariñas, SHS Teacher II, Manaoag National High School
Aljon B. Fernadez, SHS Teacher II, Don Amadeo Perez Sr. National High School
Jessica D. Briones, SHS Teacher II, Manaoag National High School


Jocielyn P. Murao, EdD., Master Teacher II Edison R. Mendoza, Head Teacher VI, English
Ruth Ann L. Poserio, PhD., Master Teacher II Daisy S. Mayola, EdD., Principal IV
Edison R. Mendoza, Head Teacher VI – English Gloria I. Pernes, PhD., EPS- English
Jeanycris G. Ballesteros, EdD., Master Teacher II Lorna G. Bugayong, PhD., CESO V, SDS

Jeanycris G. Ballesteros, EdD.
Master Teacher II



This Global Citizenship Education Self-Learning Module (GCED-SLM) was created to
assist you in comprehending 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the world. The
flexibility of this GCED-SLM allows it to be employed in various educational settings in
cultural and intercultural exchanges and communications in Asian Literature. To identify rich
tapestry of cultural diversity among neighboring countries is a mosaic of traditions,
languages, customs, and heritage that collectively form a vibrant and multifaceted social
landscape. From the intricacies of culinary delights to the depth of artistic expressions, each
nation’s unique identity weaves into a larger regional fabric, fostering a harmonious blend
of beliefs, rituals, and folklore.
So, let's embark on this meaningful journey!
The Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) that is employed in this module is
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts, applying a reading
approach, and doing an adaptation of these, require from the learner the ability to identify
representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin America, and
Africa (EN12Lit-IIa-22).

Specifically, in this module you are expected to:

1. develop a cross-cultural perspective by analyzing and interpreting literary texts
from China and Japan to Philippines;
2. apply a comprehensive reading approach to literary texts, emphasizing critical
thinking and reflection on global themes and issues embedded in the selected
texts; and
3. adapt selected literary texts to new contexts or formats, demonstrating
creativity and an awareness of global literary traditions.


Directions: Before starting this module, test your understanding of the next lesson. Answer
the questions provided. Make a note of the questions you find challenging to answer so that
you can find the correct answers as you progress through the module. Write your answer in
your activity notebook.
1. What is the primary purpose of skimming in the reading process?
a. To thoroughly understand every detail of the text.
b. To quickly get an overview of the text's main ideas.
c. To search for specific information or keywords.
d. To deeply analyze the text for literary techniques.
2. Which reading approach involves reading a text in-depth, critically analyzing the
content, and often requires a slower and more thorough reading process?
a. Skimming c. Extensive reading
b. Scanning d. Intensive reading
3. Which of the following best describes scanning as a reading technique?
a. Reading a text word by word, focusing on comprehension.
b. Reading quickly to identify specific information or details.
c. Reading a text multiple times for in-depth understanding.
d. Reading a text with the intent to memorize it.
4. What is the first step in the typical sequence of steps for effective reading?
a. Skimming c. Extensive reading
b. Scanning d. Previewing
5. Which type of reading is characterized by reading longer texts or entire books to gain
a broad understanding of a subject?
a. Skimming c. Intensive reading
b. Scanning d. Extensive reading
6. What is a common reading approach for research or academic papers, where the
reader reads in-depth and critically analyzes the content?
a. Skimming c. Extensive reading
b. Scanning d. Intensive reading

7. Below is one of the famous quatrains written by Omar Khayyam and translated by Edward
"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it."
What is the meaning of the above short poem?
a. The past can be easily changed and rewritten.
b. The past is set in stone and cannot be altered.
c. The past can be altered with the right amount of effort.
d. The past is only a figment of our imagination.
8. What themes and emotions are commonly explored in Rabindranath Tagore's "Gitanjali,"
and how does his poetry reflect his perspective on these subjects?
a. Themes of nature, love, and spirituality; reflecting a deep connection to
the divine and a profound sense of devotion
b. Themes of political activism and social change; reflecting his commitment
to the Indian independence movement
c. Themes of urban life and modernity; reflecting his observations on the
changing cultural landscape of India
d. Themes of science and technology; reflecting his fascination with the
advancements of the 20th century
9. Shimenawa is a work of contemporary fiction that explores themes related to Japanese
culture, spirituality, and identity. What is one of the key lessons or themes that can be
drawn from this story?
a. The importance of cultural identity and traditions in shaping one's sense of
b. The impact of technology on modern society
c. The pursuit of wealth as the ultimate life goal
d. The challenges of interstellar travel in a distant future

10. One of the most famous poems from the Middle East is the "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Below is one of the famous quatrains written by Omar Khayyam and translated by
Edward FitzGerald:
"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it."
What is the meaning of the above short poem?
a. The past can be easily changed and rewritten.
b. The past is set in stone and cannot be altered.
c. The past can be altered with the right amount of effort.
d. The past is only a figment of our imagination.

Congratulations on completing the pretest! You've taken an important step

towards understanding your current knowledge and identifying areas for growth.
Regardless of the results, remember that this is just the beginning of your journey.

Lesson Writing a Close Analysis and Critical Interpretation
1 of Literary Texts applying a Reading Approach

Previously, you were introduced to several learning modules that made you feel
engaged in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines
encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and
traditions. Now, you are about to embark on a journey through the rich and beautiful
literature from Asia, specifically, from China and Japan.


Studying the rich literature of the whole Philippines, from Luzon down to Mindanao
just opened your eyes with the rich literature of our country. Can you still remember your
lesson from the previous quarter particularly the lesson about Flash Fiction? Let’s try!
Activity 1: Review Time!
Directions: Read the following statements. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
Write your answer in your activity notebook.
_____1. A flash fiction typically contains less than 1000 words.
_____2. Flash fiction is exclusively written in the romance genre.
_____3. A flash fiction does not bear the essential elements of a short story.
_____4. The paramount element in flash fiction is character development.
_____5. Flash fiction and short stories have no differences in storytelling elements.

Congratulations on a job well done! Now that you have mastered the previous
lesson, it's time to embrace a global perspective and immerse yourself in the rich
tapestry of literature from around the Asia, specifically, in China and Japan.


You have just finished reviewing your previous lesson on flash fiction. This time, as
you go through the next activity, you will be learned about the beauty of Asian Literature
and recognize its differences and multiple identities such as culture and religion.

Activity 2: SHADOWS OF LIFE!
Directions: Read the selection below and understand the diverse literature of Asia. Then,
answer the questions that follow.

Asian literature is diverse in that it showcases a selection of styles and themes, but as it
progressed over time, common ideas have been identified between the texts from the various
regions of the Asian continent.

Perhaps the most similar trait of all Asian texts is their religiosity and spirituality. Asian
literature is known to be a philosophical and contemplative art, pondering on major matters in life
such as our origins and our death: where we come from and where we go, how we come alive and
how we die, as well as how we should live in between.

Related to the spiritual feature, the involvement of nature is evident.

Besides these, Asian literature greatly talks about race, injustice, power, nationalism,
struggles, love—and in all things at all times, there are morals to be learned.

The most common styles in this type of literature are poetry or verse and dramatic prose.
Asian poetry is typically lyrical, as in it deals with the grand scheme of emotions. A sub-type of
lyrical poetry is the ode, which we can see in some religious texts. Asian poetry is also usually
formed in narratives or story-telling verses like epics. As for the proses of Asia, there are collections
of short stories, legends, orally transmitted sayings, and dramas.

Check In:
1. What are some common themes found in Asian literature, as mentioned in the selection?
2. What is the most prominent and shared trait among Asian texts, as briefly described in the
3. What is the appropriate approach that best applies in reading the text? Scanning or
Scheming? Intensive or Extensive? Explain your answer.

Great job! How did you come up with your answers? How were you able to look
for the answers needed? It is clear that you employed reading approaches. Let’s get to
know more about them in the next parts of this module. Let’s go!


Which of the following scenarios demonstrates the significance of reading in
expanding one's knowledge and perspective? Justify your choice.
a. Bella reads a thought-provoking novel that exposes her to diverse cultures and ideas.
b. Michael solely relies on visual content, such as videos and images, for information.
c. Sarah prefers audiobooks over traditional reading to enhance her understanding of
d. James relies on summaries and reviews rather than reading complete article in
academic research.
After doing the activity, what did you realize about the importance of reading? How
does reading unlock your creative imagination?
Reading is a superpower that unlocks new worlds and sparks your
imagination. Every text offers a unique experience, and there's no one-size-fits-all
approach. Whether you're an experienced reader or just starting, this module will
empower you to master various reading strategies. Are you ready to get started on
this journey? Let's dive in!


Skimming is a quick reading method to grasp the main ideas and
key information in a text without reading every word. It's great
for getting a general understanding of a piece while saving time.
Essentially, it helps efficiently preview written works.
Scanning swiftly finds specific details like keywords in a text
without reading it all. By quickly running your eyes over the
content, it helps locate information, making it handy for research
or finding answers.
Extensive Reading means reading lots of enjoyable material for
overall understanding, not focusing on every detail. It helps
EXTENSIVE READING improve fluency, vocabulary, and language understanding,
especially for learners, by encouraging consistent exposure to
the language and fostering a love for reading.
Intensive Reading is a thorough and focused approach that
analyzes complex texts in detail, emphasizing deep
understanding through slower reading, active engagement, and
sometimes note-taking. It's commonly used in academic settings
to grasp nuanced details and conduct in-depth analysis for
studying specific subjects.


After learning the different approaches to reading, what have you realized about its
importance? Are reading approaches useful tools to gain better understanding of what we

Understanding the different types of reading approaches is crucial as it offers a

diverse set of tools to comprehend, interpret, and engage with various types of texts.
Learning different ways to read, like scanning for key information or deeply analyzing texts,
helps us understand the world better. It's like having different tools to explore and learn
about important global issues. By using these reading skills, we can think more critically,
understand diverse viewpoints, and stay updated on what's happening globally. This
knowledge is crucial for being an active citizen who can discuss, share, and advocate for
important causes. When we understand various perspectives and have the skills to assess
information, we can engage in conversations and take part in actions that make a positive
impact on global challenges, like climate change or social inequality. Mastering different

Let's talk about your incredible journey into understanding various reading
approaches. You've dived into the world of skimming, scanning, intensive reading,
and extensive reading—kudos to you! Your willingness to explore these different
techniques shows a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for understanding that's truly
commendable. Let’s keep your quest for knowledge rolling! Let’s continue!
reading approaches empowers us to be informed, thoughtful, and influential in creating a
better world for everyone.

Chinese poems
with WHAT’S MORE nature, emphasizing the interconnectedness between
humans and the natural world. They often revere ancestral ties, portraying filial piety and
family bonds as essential. Resilience in the face of adversity, humility, and the pursuit of
inner reflection and wisdom are recurring motifs, emphasizing the importance of enduring
challenges with grace, and seeking personal growth. Additionally, ethical values like
honesty, kindness, and loyalty are frequently highlighted, making Chinese poetry a rich

reservoir of universal human values that resonate across cultures and time periods. Let’s be
acquainted with some of the great Chinese poems as we continue.
Activity 3. SKIM ME NOT!
Directions: Read, analyze, and study the classical Chinese poems, then answer the short-
response questions that follow.


What is the dominant emotion you felt after reading the poems? Is that emotion
true to all of us? Do you believe that the emotions you felt are also felt by the people of the
world? Let’s try to delve more as we continue! Let’s go!


How does the poem talk about
feelings like sadness or longing?
Last Night the Wind
How can understanding these
and Rain Blew
emotions help us understand
how others feel in different
situations around the world?
How do Li Yu's feelings in the
poem about longing and regret
help us understand that
How Can a Man everyone might feel sadness or
Escape Life’s Sorrow miss something from the past,
and Regret and how can understanding
these emotions help us be more
understanding towards others
who might feel the same way?
Does the poem make you think
about things that are important
Regret for Peony in life or things that don't last
Flowers forever? How can you relate the
concept of “impermanence” to
the problems of our world?

What can you say about the great classical poems of Chinese Literature? Did
you find it engaging? Interesting? That sounds great! Now that you already
embraced the beauty of Chinese Literature, let’s have another beautiful country and
literature to talk about and that is… the Japanese Literature! Let’s go!


Japanese literature serves as a captivating mirror reflecting the intricate tapestry of

customs and values inherent in Japanese society. Through its diverse literary forms—be it
haiku, tanka poetry, classic tales like "The Tale of Genji," or revered stories like
"Shimenawa"—Japanese literature embodies the essence of cultural heritage, societal
norms, and traditional beliefs. It encapsulates values such as reverence for nature, respect
for tradition, honor, humility, perseverance, and the beauty found in fleeting moments.
These writings offer profound insights into the aesthetics, ethos, and intricate values that
shape the essence of Japanese life and identity.

Activity 4. Scan Me!
Directions: Read and analyze the given text from the Japanese Literature, then complete the
statements that follow with your point of view.

1. Shimenawa is rice straw or hemp. It is festooned in some sacred landmark. The short
story is entitled that way because …

2. The setting of the story was in East Asia. Specifically, the setting was in Japan because
(prove your answer by extracting the text to justify your answer) …
3. Asia is known for having a closed family tie. The family tradition being presented in the
story was
4. The story shared a specific culture in the country. The culture shared was …

Congratulations! You are doing a great job! How did you find Japanese
Literature? It is interesting, isn’t it? Embrace the wisdom you found in Japanese
literature and the story of Shimenawa! Like the delicate strokes of a haiku, or the
enduring tales that span centuries, you carry the essence of strength and tradition


Having delved into the rich cultural heritage of Asian countries by immersing
ourselves in their literature, we have expanded our understanding. Continuous reading not
only strengthens our connections with neighboring nations but also serves as a means to
safeguard the knowledge, values, and skills we acquire from these diverse literary works. Let
us try to see what you learned so far.

Directions: Do a self-check on how well you learned the lessons in this unit. Write your response in
the given table.

I can enumerate various Reading Approaches.
I can apply the different Reading Approaches
I can describe Chinese and Japanese Literature.
I can explain the themes and features of Asian literature,
particularly in Chinese and Japanese Literature.

Directions: Construct a comparative matrix about Japanese and Chinese Literature. Read the
following guide:

Title: "Comparative Matrix: Japanese and Chinese Literature"


1. Create a matrix table with two columns and several rows. Each column represents
either Japanese or Chinese Literature.

2. Label the columns as "Japanese Literature" and "Chinese Literature" respectively.

3. In each row of the matrix, list various aspects or elements for comparison between
the two literary traditions. These aspects can include:

 Major literary works

 Literary genres

 Influential authors and poets

 Cultural themes and values depicted in literature

4. Include brief descriptions or characteristics of each aspect listed in the matrix.

5. Incorporate images or illustrations related to Japanese and Chinese literature, such

as book covers, portraits of authors, representative scenes, or cultural symbols to
enhance visual appeal and understanding. You may have your own research for this
task and be able to write your references. You may use a long bond paper for this

Example layout:

Elements for Comparison Japanese Literature Chinese Literature

Major literary works
Literary genres
Influential authors and poets
Cultural themes and values
depicted in literature

6. Be guided by the scoring rubric.


Criteria Description Points
Demonstrates accurate and relevant information
Content Provides a comprehensive comparison 30
Covers a variety of pertinent aspects
Neatly organized with clear demarcation
Information presented in a logical sequence 20
and Structure
Maintains consistent formatting and layout
Incorporates relevant and visually appealing images
Images relate directly to the aspects being compared 20
Images are clear and support the content without clutter
Writing and Provides concise and clear descriptions 15
Descriptions Demonstrates proper grammar and spelling

Engages appropriate language for the target audience
Shows innovative or creative approaches
Creativity and
Visually appealing layout with suitable use of colors 15
Demonstrates an overall visually attractive presentation
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. It is reading a longer text, usually for pleasure.
a. extensive reading c. skimming
b. scanning d. reading approach
2. It is one way that will help students to solve their problems in reading.
a. reading approach c. skimming
b. extensive reading d. scanning
3. It is used by the reader to find answers to questions.
a. skimming c. extensive reading
b. reading approach d. scanning
4. This technique is useful when the students are seeking specific information rather than
reading for comprehension
a. reading approach c. skimming
b. scanning d. extensive reading
5. Mina wants to answer questions quickly so she looked for specific titles in the selection.
She used ___________.
a. skimming c. extensive reading
b. scanning d. reading approach
6. Randie quickly understood the main idea of the poem he is reading. He used
a. extensive reading c. scanning
b. reading approach d. skimming
7. Princess loves reading novels and short stories. It improves her Vocabulary a lot. She is
a. reading approach c. skimming
b. scanning d. extensive reading

8. Ma’am Karen encouraged her students to read a lot and use techniques in understanding
the text and improving their knowledge. She is talking about
a. extensive reading c. reading approach
b. scanning d. skimming
9. Which refers to the collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher
Confucius and his contemporaries, traditionally believed to have been compiled and written
by Confucius’s followers.
a. Parables of Confucius c. Analects of Confucius
b. Sayings of Confucius d. Book of Confucius
10. “take the padding from your ears, and confess you’ve heard me crying,” this line wants
the readers to______.
a. Listen to their pleas. c. See what they see.
b. Cry with their difficulty. d. Feel what they feel.
11. Equality, and I will be free. If this happens, people will_____
a. put things in place to support people achieve similar outcomes
b. lend things to people who are deprived of material things
c. give similar materials to all people who need it
d. allow someone to get what he wants
12. In another world I want my children to tame grasshoppers in the field, to play with
their dolls in the living room, to inhale the fragrance of flowers waving as wind blows, to
see the birds measure the sky with their wings.
These lines expressed the earnest wish of a father. What do you think these wishes
a. The family is living in a peaceful village.
b. The family is well- accepted by society.
c. The family is suffering from war.
d. The family has the sickness.
13. In another world I want to be a father without passing through the eternal insanity of
mourning my children, without experiencing the ritual of watching my children return home
as bodies folded like a prayer mat, without spending my nights telling them the stories of a
hometown where natives become aliens searching for a shelter.
What is the tone of the poem?

a. Hopeful b. Mournful c. Peaceful d. Hopeless
14. The use of ropes for hunting, pulling, fastening, attaching, carrying, lifting and climbing
dates back to prehistoric times. In Asia, the very first ropes ever made were twisted from
hemp fibers. Hemp rope was used during the age of sailing ships. Which statement must be
a. Ropes have many uses. c. Ropes can be made out of hemp.
b. Ropes were used long time ago. d. Ropes are only found in Asia.
15. Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another. It may be
defined as the hatred of one person to another because of skin color, language, or customs.
a. Someone who believed that there is a superior race over the other, that person is
a racist.
b. If people speak a different language, they are not racist.
c. If all the people have the same color, no one is racist.
d. All people are racist.


Wow! I am so much impressed with your output. That is so amazing. But

wait! Of course, I can’t allow you to master things up about other countries’ own
cultures without showcasing your mastery on our own dear Philippines. This time, let
me check you on this final task.

Activity 1. Fill ME OUT

Directions: List down the customs/traditions in the three (3) Asian countries that
you know. You may have your own research for this final task. Write your answer in your
activity notebook.
Customs/Traditions Philippines Japan China
Wedding celebrations
New Year

I know KEY
Pretest What’s More
1. b. Activity 3: Skim Me Not!
2. d. Answers may vary.
3. b.
4. d.
5. d. Activity 4: Scan Me!
6. d. 1. it is used as tool for punishment
2 The names of the character
7. d.
3. Eating meal together
8. a.
4. Use force in disciplining a child
9. a.
10 b. What I have learned
11. Answer may vary Answers may vary.
12 Answer may vary
What’s In What I Can Do
Activity 1: Review Time COMPARATIVE MATRIX
1) True Answers may vary
2) False
3) False Assessment
4) False 1. a
5) False 2. a
What’s New 3. d
Activity 2: Shadows of Life 4. c
1. The common themes found in Asian 5. a
literature, as mentioned in the selection, 6. c
include religiosity and spirituality, 7. d
involvement of nature, race, injustice, 8. c
9. c
power, nationalism, struggles, love, and the
10. a
presence of morals. Additionally, common
11. a
styles in Asian literature are poetry or 12. c
verse, particularly lyrical poetry and epics, 13. a
as well as dramatic prose encompassing 14. d
short stories, legends, orally transmitted 15. a
sayings, and dramas. Additional Activities
2. The most prominent and shared trait Activity 1. Fill Me Out
among Asian texts, as briefly described in Answers may vary.
the selection, is their religiosity and
3. Answers may vary.


Anderson, Jan. World Literature. Pensacola, Fla: A Beka Book, 2002.

D’haen, Theo, César Domínguez, and Mads Rosendahl Thomsen. World Literature: A Reader.
London: Routledge, 2013.

Dev, Anjana Niera., Bajrang Bihari Tiwari, and Sanam Khanna. Indian literature: An
Introduction. Delhi, India: Pearson, 2005.

Norton, Donna E. Multicultural Children’s Literature: Through the Eyes of Many Children.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson, 2009.

Wilson, Epiphanius. Chinese Literature: Comprising the Analects of Confucius, the Shi-King,
the Sayings of Mencius. Place of publication not identified: Bibliolife, 2011.

Sanchez et al. (2001) 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Basho, Matsuo. n.d. "Frog Poem." Wikisource. Accessed August 13, 2018.

Critical Analysis:

Kumagai, Naoko, Shimenawa, Banana Writers Online Magazine by PP Wong

Shikibu, Murasaki. n.d. "Genji Monogatari." Project Gutenberg. Accessed August 13, 2018.

Thety Anggraini, Lianasari, A Teaching Method: Reading Approach English Education Study
Program Sriwijaya University, June 12, 2011

Recommended Links for This Unit:

2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7 -

Japan in the Heian Period and Cultural History: Crash Course World History 227



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