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ISSN : P 2720-9938 E 2721-5202

Analysis of Digital Marketing Processes to

Improve Business Performance: Foods
and Beverages MSMEs in Indonesia
Elvita Laurensia Santoso, Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas
MM Young Professional Business Management, Bina Nusantara University, Tangerang,


Received: 08-01-2022 In this era, the way people do business has switched to digital
Revision: 13-01-2022 marketing. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to find out the
Received : 20-01-2022 right digital marketing processes to improve business performance,
Keywords: with a focus on foods and beverages MSMEs in Semarang, Indonesia,
Business performance; motivated by the growth of digital marketing implemented by business
digital marketing owners. This research paper is based on a qualitative approach with a
processes; foods and descriptive research method and used literature review, interviews,
beverages; Indonesia; and observation to collect the data. This research examines the digital
MSMEs marketing processes of foods and beverages MSMEs in Semarang,
which has rarely been focused on, and reveals that MSMEs that
carried out more complete digital marketing processes have the
potential to improve business performance.
Introduction shifting. Based on research conducted by
In the current era of 4.0, people's way Novita (2020), (Purwana, Rahmi, & Aditya,
of life has begun to be influenced by 2017), and (Pradiani, 2017), these
technology, especially the internet. The businesspeople admitted that after doing
development of the internet encourages digital marketing, their MSMEs business's
people to do activities through digital, starting brand awareness and sales volume were
from how to socialize, take education, and do increased, this result also in line with
business. This statement is supported by increasing of the customers. On the other
(Gumilang, 2019), which states that the use side, based on research conducted by
of digital affects supporting people's Barreda, Nusair, Wang, Okumus, and
businesses, especially in promoting and Bilgihan, (2020) found that digital marketing
marketing, starting from businesses on the has a positive impact on the brand’s image of
MSMEs scale (Micro, Small and Medium the company. Based on these results,
Enterprises) until large-scale businesses. (2020), stated that MSMEs
(Haryanti, Mursito, & Sudarwati, 2019), also owners in Semarang are encouraged to use
stated that marketing activities in this era are digital marketing, especially due to the
not only be done traditionally but also with COVID-19 pandemic. The data contained in
modern methods by using the internet. Based Kominfo (2017) also supports this statement,
on those explanations, it can be proven that which stated that now MSMEs business
digitalization has affected the way people do owners in Semarang are also starting to
marketing, which started to switch to digital. expand the market through online platforms.
Business owners in Semarang, Indonesia, In addition, Semarang is also known as
especially MSMEs, have also experienced that the city of MSMEs. This is supported by data

How To Cite: Santoso, E. L., Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas. (2022). Analysis of Digital Marketing
Processes to Improve Business Performance: Foods and Beverages MSMEs in Indonesia. Journal of
Social Science, 3(1),
E-Issn: 2721-5202
Published By: Ridwan Institut
Analysis of Digital Marketing Processes to Improve Business Performance: Foods and Beverages
MSMEs in Indonesia

submitted by (2019), media used. Meanwhile, Novita (2020), as

which stated that Semarang is getting closer well as (Purwana et al., 2017), focused more
to establishing itself as a city of MSMEs in on the implementation and use of digital
2020, where Semarang is the first area in marketing rather than the processes.
Indonesia to have the greatest number of This is very unfortunate because
MSMEs permits, with a total of 16,597 MSMEs according to (Chaffey, Edmundson-Bird, and
registered and has a micro and small business Hemphill (2019), in doing digital marketing,
license (IUMK). This number has increased there are various processes that are very
ten times compared to the previous years. In important in supporting strategy and
addition, (2019), also said improving business performance, even these
that the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi, processes have the greatest effect on the
officially launched Gerai Kopi dan Mi (Gerakan success of digital marketing, so it is necessary
Terintegrasi Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro) for business owners to know and apply the
program, to support the integration of MSMEs processes.
business owners in Semarang, by providing On the other hand, researchers
699 healthy cooperations. This integration decided to focus on digital marketing
was expected to improve MSMEs in processes to improve business performance
Semarang. because according to Strauss and Frost (in
Meanwhile, based on data submitted (Pradiani, 2017), digital marketing strategies
by (Wahyudi, Utomo, & Mariana, 2019), the have impacts in some aspects, such as
type of MSMEs business in Semarang is increasing sales, market share, awareness,
dominated by processed foods, with a total of and so on. So, the conclusion is the
4,282 MSMEs. Along with this, according to researchers are interested to research on the
IDN Times (2019), Semarang is also known digital marketing processes to improve the
as the city of lumpia and jamu, which shows business performance of foods and beverages
that Semarang is one of the cities that MSMEs in Semarang, Indonesia.
contributes and has attractiveness in foods
and beverages. Digital Marketing
Many previous researchers have According to Novita (2020), nowadays,
discussed about digital marketing of MSMEs marketing is no longer carried out
such as research conducted by Novita (2020), conventionally, where buyers should meet
(Purwana et al., 2017), (Pradiani, 2017), with sellers directly. With technological
(Felicia, 2015) and (Gumilang, 2019), but developments, buying and selling transactions
previous research only focused on including marketing activities can be done
implementation, utilization, or the influence of digitally. The theory said by Novita (2020) is
digital marketing, but not many researchers in line with the results of research obtained
have discussed about the digital marketing by (Pradiani, 2017) and (Gumilang, 2019),
processes more deeply. The digital marketing which stated that digital marketing is the
processes have been discussed by (Pradiani, result of the adoption of technological
2017) and (Gumilang, 2019), but (Pradiani, developments from traditional to digital
2017) did not discuss this topic specifically, forms. Meanwhile, (Krisnawati, Ubaidi, Rais,
because she used a quantitative approach, & Batu, 2019) have a different perspective
which focused on discussing the effects of about digital marketing. In their opinion,
digital marketing, while (Gumilang, 2019) digital marketing is not only talking about
research used a qualitative approach, but changes in promotional methods but also
only discussed the processes in the literature changes in forms of interaction, where now
review section, while in the discussion consumers can participate or modify the
section, he only focused on the strategy or content and the information they receive (two

Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2022 67

Elvita Laurensia Santoso, Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas

ways). This opinion is also supported by

(Purwana et al., 2017), who think digital
marketing not only in terms of promotion, but
also from the interactions that happened Tactics
through available media, such as blogs,
websites, e-mail, and social media.
Other than that, (Liesander & Action
Dharmayanti, 2017) said that there are
several dimensions related to digital
marketing, which consist of design and Control
content, as well as customer relationship
management (CRM). Design and content in Figures 1. Digital Marketing Processes
digital marketing are displays, visualizations,
Situation analysis is carried out to
and materials, so they can provide positive
understand the current and future
value for businesses. Meanwhile, relationship
environment, which can help the company in
management with customers (CRM) is a
making realistic and strategic objectives
relationship that exists between business
toward what is happening in the market
owners and customers, so that information
share. Situation analysis consists of Customer
can be delivered properly and build customer
Opinion, SWOT Analysis, Perception of
loyalty. Meanwhile, according to (Gumilang,
Brands, Capabilities, and Internal Resources.
2019), the dimension related to digital
Purpose consists of the 5S objectives, such as
marketing is the platform. The platform is a
Sell (customer acquisition and retention
forum where companies can meet and share
target), Serve (customer satisfaction target),
information with customers through the
Sizzle (intensity and duration of the site),
internet. In addition, to the opinion said by
Speak (how many brands are spoken by
(Ompusunggu, 2018) , the important
other people and the number of customers
dimension in digital marketing is promotional
involved), Save (efficiency gains are
activities. Promotional activity is a program or
achieved). Strategy defines how digital
activity that is used to promote or introduce a
marketing goals will be achieved. It is done
product, in order to gain long-term benefits.
by carrying out several stages, such as: (1)
Besides the digital marketing theories that
Determine segmentation, targeting, and
have been explained above, there are also
positioning; (2) OVP (Online Value
digital marketing processes that should be
Proposition); (3) Sequence (credibility before
done by business owners.
visibility); (4) Tools (website, email, social
media, etc). Meanwhile, Tactics consists of
Digital Marketing Processes
(1) Digital Marketing Mix (4P / 7P - Product,
According to (Chaffey et al., 2019),
Price, Promotion, Place, People, Process,
digital marketing processes are described in
Physical Evidence); (2) Content Strategy; (3)
the scheme below:
E-campaign; (4) Online Branding (Brand
Equity and Identity). Action is an activity
carried out to execute a plan. It consists of
Situation Analysis
managing the division of tasks and structure,
recruiting resources, partnering, outsourcing,
and budgeting. Based on Strauss and Frost
Purpose (in Pradiani, 2017), when the business
owners did the budgeting step, they should
monitor the actual revenue and expenses to

68 Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2022

Analysis of Digital Marketing Processes to Improve Business Performance: Foods and Beverages
MSMEs in Indonesia

see what results have been achieved. Control company from expenses. Company growth is
can be achieved through marketing research measured by an increase in the number of
and website analysis to monitor whether the customers, customers involved, and visitors in
company's goals are being achieved, which is the platform of a business.
measured by creating KPIs, doing customer
satisfaction surveys, and seeing the number Method
of visitors. According to (Chaffey et al., This study uses a research method
2019), it can be said that digital marketing with a qualitative approach. The reason
processes play many important roles in researchers chose the qualitative approach is
supporting the success of digital marketing. because it needs deeper exploration through
every digital marketing processes, by knowing
Business Performance the perspective from foods and beverages
Digital marketing is seen as the best, MSMEs business owners in Semarang, and
effective, and efficient medium for promotion how these processes have an impact on
and can improve business performance, such improving business performance. This study
as increasing sales, customers, and also uses the descriptive research method,
awareness (Gumilang, 2019). This opinion is intending to describe and provide a complete
also supported by (Krisnawati et al., 2019), and accurate picture of the digital marketing
who stated that digital marketing plays a processes in improving business performance.
positive role to increase some business This research was conducted through
aspects, especially increasing sales. Based on observation, interviews, and documentation
research conducted by (Pradiani, 2017), by of foods and beverages MSMEs business
doing digital marketing, the increment in owners in Semarang, which was conducted to
sales has even reached an average of up to obtain primary data. The research strategies
100%, which in line with increasing the were carried out online which started in
number of customers. This is because the use March 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
of digital marketing can reach a wider In this study, the study setting chosen by the
market, build closer relationships with researchers were the non-contrive study,
customers, and simplify the buying and where the research will be carried out with
selling processes (Haryanti et al., 2019). The real observation in the field, without changing
success in the use of digital marketing must any element. Units’ analysis of this research
be followed using an appropriate platform, are MSMEs business owners because the
the right strategy, the use of analytical tools researchers want to find out every
to find out customer needs, appropriate and perspective of business owners.
consistent marketing contents. All these In this study, researchers use a cross-
stages can have an impact on building brand sectional time horizon, because the
awareness which leads to increase sales researchers want to get the results of the
(Lockett, 2018). Therefore, to improve research simultaneously within a certain
business performance, business owners must period. The subjects in this study are 5 foods
know the right processes for doing digital and beverages MSMEs business owners with
marketing. certain criteria, which will be explained in the
According to (Kurdi, 2018), there are "population and sample" section. The reason
several dimensions related to improving the researchers chose 5 business owners is
business performance, such as sales volume, because the researchers felt that the five
company profit, and company growth. Sales business owners can provide maximum
volume is all sales generated by the company information, according to the data the
within a certain period. Company profit is researchers needed. In addition to this,
collected by subtracting the net sales of the according to (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015),

Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2022 69

Elvita Laurensia Santoso, Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas

qualitative research is based on the quality of each informant regarding the digital
informants' responses to the questions and is marketing processes that have been done;
not based on statistical calculations or the (2) Observation. In conducting the
number of informants. In its practice, the observation method, the researchers
number of informants will be adjusted, observed the platform where MSMEs business
according to the completeness of the data owners carried out the digital marketing
obtained. If the results obtained have not processes, the goal is to find out whether the
found a saturation point (there are still digital marketing processes on the platform
variations of answers), the research will have been running well or not, and whether
continue by adding the number of informants. the business performance has improved or
Otherwise, if the answer has found a not; (3) Documentation. In practice, the
similarity, the addition of informants will be researchers took a photo together with the
stopped. Meanwhile, the objects in this study informants and made the interview transcript
are digital marketing, digital marketing to support the accuracy of the data; (4)
processes, and business performance. The Document Checking. Researchers checked
location of this research is in Semarang. In documents to determine the percentage of
this study, the primary data was obtained by increase in sales, net income, and volume
researchers by conducting interviews, owned by the business owners. The
observations, and documentation of business populations in this study are all of foods and
owners. Meanwhile, secondary data is beverages MSMEs business owners in
obtained by collecting information through Semarang. This study uses non-probability
several sources of books or literature studies, sampling with a purposive sampling
previous research, and online data search. technique. Purposive sampling is a sampling
Data collection methods used in this technique with consideration of certain
study consist of (1) Interviews. In practice, criteria. Therefore, some of the
the type of interview used by researchers is criteria chosen by the researchers were:
semi-structured interviews. The interview was (1) MSMEs business owners in foods and
aimed to find deeper problems. In this type of beverages; (2) Has been in business for at
interview, the researcher makes interview least 1 year; (3) Domicile in Semarang; (4)
guidelines, but the questions asked were Has been doing digital marketing, for at least
more flexible, according to the answers given 1 year.
by the informants. The interviews will be Based on the criteria above, the
conducted online via Skype or Whatsapp researchers chose 5 foods and beverages
Video Calls. The reasons why the researchers MSMEs business owners in Semarang, as
chose the semi-structured interview method follows on Table 1.
is to know the experiences and perceptions of

Table 1
Informant Scope of business Profil
Informant 1 Geprek Chicken Restaurant Male, Adult, started the business in 2016 (5 years)
Informant 2 Sego Babat Restaurant Female, Young Adult, started the business in 2018 (3
Informant 3 Japanese Foods Male, Young Adult, started the business in 2020 (1
Informant 4 Coffee Shop Male, Young Adult, started the business in 2019 (2
Informant 5 Chicken Rice Box Male, Adult, started the business in 2018 (3 years)

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Analysis of Digital Marketing Processes to Improve Business Performance: Foods and Beverages
MSMEs in Indonesia

The reason why researchers chose the Results And Discussion

purposive sampling technique is because the Digital marketing of food and baverage
researchers need certain criteria in in Indonesia has been varied and tried to
determining the research sample so that the implementing various digital platform to
results are obtained specifically. On the other marketing the products although it is not
hand, this study uses data processing and occured oftenly.
analysis techniques based on the Miles and After conducted interviews, observing,
Huberman model. Activities in data analysis and checking documents methods with the
are divided into (1) Data Collection, in this five informants, the following research results
activity, the researchers conducted a general were obtained:
search, by collecting data from literature Digital Marketing Processes
studies, online data searches, interviews, From the results of interviews and
observations, and documentation; (2) Data observations, the 5 informants have carried
Reduction, in carrying out the reduction out several existing digital marketing
activity, the researchers recapitulated the processes that in line with theories stated by
data using a computer / PC by only selecting (Chaffey et al., 2019). The processes carried
some data related to the topic and being able out are divided into:
to answer the problems. This stage is carried (1) Situation Analysis
out to eliminate information that is irrelevant The situation analysis consists of:
to the research topic; (3) Data Presentation; • Internal capabilities and resources
researchers connected the results of research All informants agreed that they have
with literature reviews by previous analyzed the capabilities of internal
researchers and theories, so that the research resources before carrying out the digital
results are detailed and could answer existing marketing processes, both from the
problems; (4) Data Verification, after capabilities of management and the
presenting the data, the researchers resources they had (such as digital
concluded the data that can be used to marketing planning, the team they had,
answer the problems and give and so on). This internal analysis can
recommendations for further researches, result in the company’s SWOT, which will
related to the digital marketing processes. be described in the next section.
The data validity technique used by the • SWOT analysis
researcher is the degree of trust, especially All informants have also conducted
by using the triangulation technique. Denzin a SWOT analysis before carrying out the
(in Moleong, 2013) divided triangulation into digital marketing processes, where
four parts, such as triangulation of sources, informants 1-5 have known the strengths
methods, investigators, and theories. The of their business, compare to its
types of triangulations used by researchers competitors. By knowing their strengths,
were, (1) Triangulation Method, in this study, they also created a unique selling
researchers used several data collection proposition that can be offered to
methods such as interviews, observation, overcome existing weaknesses and threats
documentation, and document checking to and take full advantage of opportunities.
check data; (2) Triangulation Theory, in this • Customer’s opinions
type of triangulation, the researchers 1 of 5 informants (informant 4) has
connected the findings with digital marketing done this process. Meanwhile, 4 other
processes and other theories that explained in informants have not done this process
the introduction section. when doing digital marketing for the first
time. The four informants immediately
carried out trial and error, without

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Elvita Laurensia Santoso, Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas

considering the approximate opinion that All informants have objectives to be achieved
the customer had previously conveyed. when doing digital marketing. The objectives
From the results of observations about the consist of:
number of followers on Instagram, • Sell
researchers found that informant 4 has All the informants have the same
the highest number of followers (2,008 objective to increase customers and sales.
followers), compared to the other 4 This can be proven by the type of
MSMEs, thus proving that customers’ contents that they served, such as
opinions need to be considered before discount promotional contents and photos
doing digital marketing. The reason is of products. 4 out of 5 informants (except
because customers opinions also affect informant 3) have also collaborated with
the quality of the contents that the KOL and the food community to increase
company served, where informant 4 has sales.
more interesting and consistent contents • Serve
(use pastel, gray tone and manner), that All the informants have the same
are different from its competitors, and objective to increase customer
relevant to its target customers (millennial satisfaction, by answering customer
to 50 years). On the other side, informant comments, responding to any questions,
4 also uses koala mascot to make its or directly providing solutions if there were
brand easy to remember especially by problems.
Millenials. • Sizzle
• Perception of Brands 4 of 5 informants (except informant
1 of 5 informants (informant 2) has 2) have an objective to increase the
not considered the perceptions that the intensity of customers who visit and follow
public wants to have on the brand and their social media. Informant 1, Informant
immediately carried out trial and error, 3, and Informant 5 have created holiday
while the other four informants have greeting contents to increase the intensity
considered that perception. Informant 1 of visits from customers. Informant 3 and
wants to build its image as a fun and Informant 4 have also created a
friendly place to eat. Informant 3 wants to community to build relationships with
build its image as a Japanese food with customers. Informant 4 has community on
provide various sauces and using Instagram, and Informant 5 has created a
Japanese kanji on Instagram. Informant 4 community of coffee lovers, vape, and
wants to build an image as a provider of cute drink lovers for women.
healthy drinks and relevant to young • Speak
people, by providing and promoting 1 of 5 informants (informants 4) has
menus containing natural ingredients, an objective to make their business are
such as honey and coconut water, and known and discussed by others, by having
eye-catching packaging with an interesting a tone of voice that 70% of their
tone and manner. Informant 5 wants to ingredients are healthy and natural, and
build an image as food that can be people can change their drinks to be
enjoyed at any time by various people that healthier. Besides that, informant 4 also
easy to carry everywhere, by making provides creative and interesting contents,
simple packaging, informants 5 also so their customers, especially young
involves talent for photos from all ages people, can be interested and talk about
(parents to young people). their brand to their closest relatives.
(2) Purpose • Save

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Analysis of Digital Marketing Processes to Improve Business Performance: Foods and Beverages
MSMEs in Indonesia

1 of 5 informants (informant 3) has aged 18-45 years old with its positioning
an objective to minimize costs to be more as daily edible food in any situation.
efficient, by using digital marketing, so • OVP (Online Value Proposition)
that they can reach a wider target with From the research results, it can be
minimum possible cost. found that informants 1-5 have their
(3) Strategy uniqueness to add OVP to their brands.
All informants have a strategy that is carried OVP of informant 1 is they use slang
out to achieve the goals of digital marketing, language on social media, the unique
which consists of: nickname so that it has an image as a
• Determine segmentation, targeting, and friendly and funny brand, and photos of
positioning food products. Meanwhile, informant 2
All informants have not yet also presented photos of tantalizing food
determined the segmentation of their products as their OVP. Informant 3 has
business, but the target market and community and specific tone and manner,
business positioning have been such as red, black, and white, and using
determined by all informants specifically. Japanese kanji characters. Informant 4
Informant 1 targeted Diponegoro presented aesthetic photos of products,
University students aged 18-23 years at had a koala mascot, pastel,
first, then expanding their target by monochromatic tone and manner.
reaching employees and parents up to the Informant 5 provides photos of products,
age of 43 years. Informant 1 has a video reviews from influencers, real
positioning as a friend of the customers photos from customers, Grab, Go-jek, and
who is friendly and fun, which is shown carries out discount promotions.
through the language in the caption or • Sequence (credibility before visibility)
when responding to customers. Informant All of the informants strive to
2 has targets from college students to provide the best quality of foods and
parents aged 18-45 years, groups of drinks with the uniqueness of their
people who like to try new foods such as businesses, such as informant 1 provides
Madurese foods, and groups of people saus brewok (sauce with sweet-spicy
who like to find places that are taste), which is different from the sauce
instragrammable because the design of on usual geprek chicken, informant 2
their restaurant looks like Majapahit provides sego babat of Madurese,
Kingdom. Informant 2 has a positioning as informant 3 provides Japanese foods with
the only Madurese Sego Babat provider in a choice of various sauces, informant 4
Semarang. Informant 3 targeted all ages provides foods and drinks with healthy
and groups, but prioritized families and ingredients, and informant 5 provides rice
Japanese food enthusiasts. Informant 3 boxes with simple packaging that can be
has a positioning as a family-friendly carried everywhere and zero waste
Japanese restaurant that everyone can because there are no chicken’s bones. In
enjoy. Informant 4 targeted SES A-C addition, all the informants also provide
people aged 18-50 years, groups of people the best services on offline and online
who are looking for healthy and cute foods stores on social media, such as providing
and drinks, and groups of people who like quick responses when there were
to hang out or drink coffee. Informant 4 complaints and questions from customers.
has a positioning as a provider of healthy • Tools used
drinks with unique and aesthetic All the informants are using social
packaging. Informant 5 targets people media Facebook, Instagram, and
Whatsapp, as well as GoFood and

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Elvita Laurensia Santoso, Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas

GrabFood in marketing their products. In carrying out discount promotions, photos

addition, informant 1 also used Line but it of food products, and the atmosphere of
is starting to be rarely used, informant 3 the place to eat.
using Tokopedia and Twitter, while Informant 4 has food and beverage
informant 4 plans to use Tiktok to keep up products with aesthetic packaging and
with trends. uses 70% natural ingredients. The price of
(4) Tactics the drinks offered starts from Rp 18,000 -
Consists of: Rp 60,000 and the foods start from Rp
• Digital Marketing Mix 15,000 - Rp 30,000. One of the
To achieve marketing goals in the advantages that they have is a unique
targeted market, all informants have used place with a monochromatic design, which
a digital marketing mix, with the following is perfect for being a photo spot for
explanations: millennials. The type of promotion offered
Informant 1 has a geprek chicken by them is a photo of foods and beverages
product with saus Brewok that is unique products that are very creative and
and different from its competitors. The aesthetic.
price of the foods offered starts from Rp. Informant 5 has food and
15,000 - Rp. 22,500, and the price of the beverage products of chicken rice boxes
drinks offered starts from Rp. 3,000 - Rp. with simple packaging that can be carried
6,500. However, related to the place, it anywhere. The price of the drinks offered
has a place that is quite strategic and starts from Rp. 5,000 - Rp. 23,000 and the
comfortable but does not have any food start from Rp. 22,500 - Rp. 54,000.
specialty compared to its competitors. To They have a comfortable place with indoor
solve this problem, informant 1 is doing and outdoor options, but it doesn't have
promotion by highlighting saus brewok, any specialty compared to its competitors.
giving discount promotions, photos of food The types of promotions offered by them
products, and the atmosphere of the place are photos of food products, discount
to eat, along with captions that are promotions, video reviews from food
friendly and relevant to young people. bloggers, real photos of customers, and
Informant 2 is the only brand that Gojek / Grab.
serves Madurese sego babat products in • Content Strategy
Semarang. The price of the foods offered The strategies of the informants in
starts from Rp 18,000 - Rp 28,000. One of providing content of digital marketing are
the uniqueness of their restaurant is it as follows:
provides a place to eat with the Informant 1 has contents such as
atmosphere of Majapahit Kingdom. So far, holiday greetings, discount promotions,
the promotions carried out by them are photos of products, the atmosphere of the
discount promotions, photos of food place to eat, testimonials, and information
products, and video reviews from food about their restaurant. Informant 2 has
bloggers. contents such as photos of products, video
Informant 3 has Japanese food reviews from food bloggers, information
products such as katsu, karagee, and rice about their restaurant, and testimonials.
bowls served with various types of sauces. Informant 3 has contents such as holiday
The price of the foods offered starts from greetings, engagement content in the
Rp 13,200 - Rp 32,400. The place offered form of quizzes, discount promotions,
by them is quite comfortable with a semi- collaborations with brands, photos of
outdoor design. However, the promotions products, dining atmosphere, testimonials,
carried out by them are quite limited by and information about their restaurant.

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Analysis of Digital Marketing Processes to Improve Business Performance: Foods and Beverages
MSMEs in Indonesia

Informant 4 has contents such as photos marketing and operational activities, and 1
of products, testimonials, engagements, person is the head of the kitchen, research,
and information about their coffee shop. and development. Informant 4 has a division
Informant 5 has contents such as holiday of tasks consisting of 2 people to handle
greetings, discount promotions, video operational activities and general marketing
reviews from food bloggers, photos of strategies. Meanwhile, they have partnered
products, the atmosphere of the place, for designing content design and taking
testimonials, and information about their photos of products. Informant 5, all tasks are
restaurant. Besides of contents above, 2 done by the owner, assisted by several
out of 5 informants (informants 3 and 4) waiters and chefs. Regarding to do digital
also made a tone and manner to increase marketing, they outsource the worker to
public interest in their social media. design, make contents, and take photos of
Informant 3’s tone and manner are red, products.
white, and black. Meanwhile, informant 4 In addition, all informants also make
has a tone and manner of pastel and gray a budget each year to estimate the money
colors. spent on all operational and marketing
• E-campaign activities. Informant 1 issued a digital
On social media, 1 in 5 informants marketing budget of Rp 500,000 - Rp
(informant 3) have conducted an e- 1,000,000, informant 2 issued a digital
campaign to distribute free food every marketing budget of ≤ Rp 700,000, informant
Friday for underprivileged people. 3 issued a digital marketing budget of Rp
• Online Branding 500,000, informant 4 issued a digital
All the informants have done marketing budget of Rp 1,000,000 - Rp
Online Branding on social media in 3,000,000, informant 5 issued a digital
accordance with the Online Value marketing budget of ≤ Rp 10,000,000.
Proposition they have. (6) Control
(5) Action All informants agreed that they
In executing the entire digital evaluated carrying out the digital marketing
marketing processes, the five informants processes. Informant 1 evaluates once a
have carried out activities such as managing month and after the events by looking to the
the division of tasks and structures, recruiting insights section on social media (to find out
resources, partnering, outsourcing, and reach), increment of followers and sales.
budgeting. The explanations are as follows: Informant 2 evaluates once a month by
Informant 1 divided the tasks that looking to the insights section on social media
consisting of 3 people, with the following (to find out the reach), number of sales, and
tasks: 1 person is responsible for operational making a list of food bloggers who have
activities and human resources, 1 person is collaborated with for further consideration.
responsible for marketing and design for Informant 3 conducts evaluations twice a
social media, and 1 person is responsible for month every mid and at the end of the month
semi-chef, research, and development. by evaluating the whole team and conducting
Informant 2 did not have any division of tasks discussions per area to find out what needs
or outsourcing, all digital marketing activities to be maintained and changed. Informant 4
are carried out by the owner, while conducts evaluations after advertising
operational activities are assisted by a chef contents on social media, by seeing how
and several waiters. Informant 3 divided the many its reach and providing an evaluation
tasks that consisting of 3 people, with the form to customers who came to the offline
following tasks: 1 person is responsible for store. Informant 5 conducts evaluations once
finances, 1 person is responsible for

Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2022 75

Elvita Laurensia Santoso, Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas

a month by seeing the increment of sales, atmosphere of Majapahit Kingdom. This is

followers, and reach on social media. also proven by the number of followers that
Based on the elaboration of the informant 2 has on Instagram as many as
processes explained above, all informants 1,937 followers.
have started to carry out the stages of the On the other hand, Informant 3 is in
digital marketing processes, even though third place. This is because they carried out
some of the informants did not do the entire the processes of tactics optimally, starting
processes. Digital marketing processes should from holding e-campaign until made
be done repeatedly during digital marketing. community, and presenting interesting tones
Business Performance and manners. However, the number of
All the informants agreed that carrying followers on Instagram has only reached 549
out the digital marketing processes could followers because they just started using
improve business performance, especially digital marketing in 2020. Meanwhile, the
increasing customers and sales. This is also other four MSME had started using digital
proven by the results of interviews and marketing from 2016-2019. Besides that,
observations of the five informants. In 2021, Informant 5 is in fourth place. This is because
Informant 1 had an increase in customers the digital processes carried out have not
and sales of 10%. Informant 2 had a 30-70% been done completely and optimally,
increase in customers, followed by a 30-40% compared to the other four informants. This
increase in sales. Informant 3 had a 40-50% is also proven by the number of their
increase in customers followed by a 15-20% followers on Instagram, which only reached
increase in sales. Informant 4 had an increase 669 followers, even though they have been
in customers and sales of 150-200%. doing digital marketing since 2019, and this is
Informant 5 had a 20% increase in also recognized by the owner who stated that
customers, followed by a 30% increase in he did not understand digital marketing
sales. processes that must be done. In the last
Based on the explanations above, the place, there is Informant 1. The processes
percentage of the sales increment is balanced carried out are quite good because they have
with the digital marketing processes that a unique nickname. This is proven by the
were carried out. Informant 4 has the highest number of their followers on Instagram that
percentage of the sales increment which is reached 1,071 followers. However, the
comparable with the completeness of the increase in sales is not too significant due to
processes that it carried out, starting from the Covid-19 pandemic, where customers
research to the control (evaluation) stage. who previously consisted of students have
The success of the digital marketing process decreased, due to the absence of direct
is because they considered the perceptions of teaching and learning activities.
the customers, starting from using mascot Based on the various descriptions
until distributing the evaluation forms. This is above, it can be proven that MSMEs, which
also proven by the number of their followers carried out comprehensive and unique digital
on Instagram as many as 2,008 followers. marketing processes, gained a more
Meanwhile, in second place there is significant increase in sales, customers, and
Informant 2. Even though they didn’t do the even awareness that measured by the
entire digital marketing processes but they increment of followers on social media which
have their uniqueness to do digital marketing can improve overall business performance.
compared to its competitors, such as These results also in line with research that
presenting interesting Sego Babat foods conducted by (Gumilang, 2019). One of the
through photos, video reviews from food informants (Informant 4) already conducted
bloggers, and have a place with the almost all the processes which leads to the

76 Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2022

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Elvita Laurensia Santoso, Walda Vivian, Sekar Wulan Prasetyaningtyas (2022)

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Journal of Social Science

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78 Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2022

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