Rasukutti Reactor Control Engg Notes (Till Jan 08)

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_—_ xhecet Engrnconing '- x Marthe macdicad muede Vir \ { To Bnew Re Aynamt behaviours | sho “{ shorn , ) Mode Ning 4 sho plant ii) Dpon Loop Syctorn canalysi% i) Finding Re Contrlles scheme WV) Chored heop a Analysis \) Fransrent} gimutation [response Chap )-sarap ’) Shack i €& x Stole feedback ampprsa.0h eh > =— .g' . fine Ais cle ¥ plant is seye carina Leth «fem pu TL Conptatroanly where] wd do mestuns. She Velees 4 pawcmetOrd (Aisha babe model) ab ant point to enkute The sofery Creel exd vena Conal Hen), ¥ Lueyp parame tr modell my " aPant pinche eure 14 lamp pevametoy 4 (@ consider a4 tend toc) fentre) $y stern models Awe should Simplify cond maintain actwvauy , Ltt System “ a + vq =k Ki & Ke are Constant HH ky &ka Qe Variables Ren L-> Varrient Systero, OSes yes 7 ya). ge KU) & +H Ge) By boa a k we an A Ae etedbili ik Yop: Ga 4 a x Celetal hep) xia = Ve Lime Yu = eS 2) Fe ops fesp- Ya ul (1- € 4 Aue) . ea wo oad L) qt 1 i oe. 5, pie mwa YO 4 Men) S4k44, %= AMAB Ye ex Yo x, _ ul) Sr kG. Kone cd N Ora) = fhe) nit f Yop = 4 XS) Xe) = —L__ us) SHE Xo). § +-(eG) KU = 44) 1 KU = — (9) ZH) 4 4tt) Gir= & reer \$t-a\ <0 S4k4ge0 8= - (kth) H + 'k4GS0 Hien the above ae Shecble... Ce pot” Raiden genercabion shone ~ _siime Depends ©) tontiol nods f A Staehanicas movements. + hited md Conde dd Absa tol) che = on 4 ” 24 (wy Cy Ch) 2 ee Conlendy (10k). = enti talon ances Painped > 0 outpae PAR’ Rese HP 7p llews Fun vi0 oe P Non hinane=) danentrompeche # sesso of oy “AM = Ko he Nog Cane he gered Kinetre requanien (onstard (pots! A atiurne) fo ke ~ 4), mihy 1 : 4 tshe 3 the PRE‘ Pa =P. thy to: tens of . Pi Pe \s oh eh a Poly i — wk Ls ee | at ; \e en SAE gt at + ( a $)~ B (2) “a dowel Bp abby Soden 67 BL we \ rind p r pee ae 0.< 1 Xie | ¢, =leve Sy = — (9-905) o.ce] | = =-S | Sus urpkeble , Sy i ntveducmai — a > pes te desis chaks ls} 4 ae ks =r okt“ . oe po ave. . “Tw meted wed dy Arai “TE Clapla te) * shuke arate Hine, Pernt KE va non. linea me Creek Oepia laplate. -Hivt too Shed lineariee “Wie system, Fou dn A AC At at KEN, (= lo at Stand Chad c dn _ a «) AR Sects ASC) de Ha ne 480) Tt be) ar an ay 7 Se bat 86} a0 4 notin ee Bay ab 8p nen de at g L = §-Bne—B &n +notr 8¢ a +r bh (ef —k re “Ein +H notre =P Xo FF pr sph No + Been barn “7 a= oie. — Sy 7°. & && =e cetats geoge da’ at — 1 a _tpletes adn 2 ha ante SEre. ar Adc & ww -nse ak “ pes laplace, gtk ees * io) =e Se a> slo spe beret 1" Bh. ec Qn J “Ne ( i (Jama) —_ ble) pou = Be Faw mle ‘| "1 aly P Be e ~ oy He. a _ a “Fe S nak - aie z (seh Gr)— BR ~ Bye d.[ ne Str i) hah anys 438 EP oe at, | a gxar Be ro ~ + = te ee -(e+) $2. ea sete) le 7 \ —o (sxrttle) © 7 a wo Cann be uted fev Intornad Jockac pa g fi analysis Bia * “TammpCiteppie, fe yore it Sd obs Ww ae * Netd effect + \gpmp : each pau bec KN : ar Sek powcred now defecin * “honen 2 paren pol Meme fe Tan cen onde, > yoke. | Aeonp 2 Joa thy Sy | * i. lechier (RPO ad TO ragahesa: Sued ¥dus te Cond ved fy | ~ ad channels - exoment \2 Pl ee avy fore) 4 Tag C Sadi bas 4 Pac ant wis cect Fete fein spe” - FPD = fault Power! Baws “ Sprint | mea Army hdres a x [ Be Ar ie A prot Lem Xenen Pyros Lott diy dag fills tal Neston 10 A indep + Fo, Y & DEKE ALL Who ‘how v thoy dee too At | aration = Piva A ana ‘weyuried to Contre| Hep. ti ig pane: 4 ‘stammsidiit, (Sse Banal 2. < ¥o (pom ~ Monon ote \adten ' pace Sy WALD Hew longer Avstume «3%: P oddad, aZa) AY weitB deaion, Witt “the hap 4 Spaip ue (an meatuic 2 in gil Fone. Then Gris He bhp 4 Zee woe ow Cen AR. pe tani aaa ). ot Hip Ce *) f ES Sparrad. Vor adj o04, q @'- Weer Lowel chout be omintone} — git) bo + San cocnot + bn sinut \n bho ra mandin Ao. aveld : 427 Tetnalysis ‘dona. \n Space’) banding Sonal cris), - Fo this 9 i ke — frm) ) Pz) = bey FS ancosnnz + bn inna Ears myn = I | k, Chet 5 ae “T = PKE bese Ue fs focal Power asain mm vest in oveley ae Rete. we one aerng ev Spatial Ringfics- & one Node. ‘ Meclel Spatial . Kinetics. p= Nletdyen Powe po %, KF, 5; 5 + S rx Gt : Medal 9° Nedah a pk kel i Four oy Series yp wheal hy zx" : orale TRO Vantous 4 pes 4 cyrD on toot a mele le Coetorinaine te _ amt f/ Laahoge 4 Medol sel cin, Bey ak ke ay2,07" bi ge Ha. 7 %1 ibe woe Con pet phe ep alse . oaks Menon Spect al oseillections geome additional garam eter Conti ve weet vomit je eatin. % «Ky (Total power ere) + Mei Cnt prt ev) Y Ln Claret 2 ee). Contrller. [ Contratting exe due to Te ansure “Rat a i. coer pews cwwovki +. follow lonelito» es q eso) Tae pare By ee Poiluce 4 Muth plo mecuvements te Tyrol Woplicade meahutaments. a % Wied te Avervataabbs tit j mee ferls. 5) 4 cae ytpamend 4 I) 0. Toilwye. x) rcccliny wo) ape they fom other oa, —_— Yenen Cantor to, aly ofcet! TH ph on meahutoment ~~ > ) Analog 2) aigite | An ner wal Corder! Soe 3 a Crtdn ‘ Spal Tpehudens = ee seth jon A ieleart fi ad Ieee Ay - ; J Lo = ! enencsest Eyed at Yas ue } ene co Be froeo Comparten tig Goneneked = FA qed te Conle t 3) noted Cordes) Srqral B - extduehin § dung EY vere Hiteee Creme 2g * shew =P Gxt Shme Ghanclandw\adaue.. lsh Aadmasdany, CSS Conte oye avchitcghoe ; |The ricnasrmrsent eghich = su. ig |G Gmine fee ie ofret4 coil on “ | be Cenpated, to es uaivalext beregser philofiepha follaned / ES Prasicak que +n wed Cendaie| kelDiniiie ee - (a alan, —fenget bs] pcsning foo tls . eran ZThow case “Wnma, mmentume ments n al efi) Rape laches _—_ —_ Grd aber 2omA desma od n Tad os Ar BBE? zy Conk! ayer ™ * Under ner nal ey Conditim = wing OF te Dy ord pe eS eon Et wt ot tn ok Coe SL Tli?o —h-} oF ote pyc ese. Pe! i L3- TO [fe A e Only dey m4 7 Ubnerenal (Nye Heck) mt r \ - Fy [J . Conclidion Contre] Syston, cxerh_ -™~ — — * . hes Show. Channa >perations Orne @ paves Yeo bean affe dee! Crese. radepondonte t oath, eres nM Vareeos pe 3 we aes Tn moat Oude Planta (0 paw) a pete 4 pouaee Vi ine ws IDCHS. Re ty al ‘) es ae a tcl al: oqo www ate ath . Te we (eve. Fefors Embedded gyastenn.~ Seu G Tae fachitedwe 4 Delis wi bores . | Lontye] ee most \y fuk tie hoy he li limes (replay ie Demand pede SPSS ete ge power demand 4 ae pee , Op ewaten inte: face Qux serine) wih ee 4 dea Peet SOP ave ated ged im Bet tence hanyed issy hak i oe Hy andaperdadt as pewen Gon be SME _ eur ~ ram eget, as pangeé TES Qupley ae Sto eet ema Ba, Joos’ i Cate Syskem Dire, \eb. ie as poo : chara a ae See =) operator can if tot) a demon - Resi(rerwe) 16° /-EP-198 7. P Fee chet bs oe (W)Etera Canc itsors: bye be? age » in WN, gotta T: eel Pyrceache: Soh beh? 4 rdOy Contain cubnemal fet [lien Syston Ber Concl itived x) Tha chomand pel Pera power Upper limit pus anbntialy lowoy +0 ( - uw) pawete ede. Calle pcaefey * or the uppes Iymt ceed get bad, cohich upper clemearel po Cares) td back: =osvFP/ge 2 \ 4.7] aa lint | > pas: «TS Re Conclifien at vohiclh We Ap-pp>47-FP: a foos Laseved, Cy hp spp Then Ps divine to at an fore power - Retort pen Arp BS - . por J a) © Shin qoda not faly oof SATEP: UDpsap). <9 Ro due 4 conta. fared 7 Wyliger, 4 Wee a ba Shien raed 94 Th hes te bo. (omponates ey (ALP AS Atte, Crh catating tek bade ve compote “yogalahng Digna” 5) bat Nb Cnbelh ~) trey Brssill Twaretey or we har e - (lef Srrall exdyentrers 4 RCA Pajidatens ci HM cord Del Absabe, gods om 7 silken Aides Shane geo 4 ante qe Boned € Shir wos: fully Out (an Sorerat) ATenp neni { , obi gash port. H Bbsohe coo} pally 4 \ 5 ; During trbnecmal Corel ities ohhove oie gods Onn € ada 04 oy “Wess at att y, 4 : . * “Hore, pemard pore AP, afer Lomp wing, Tang all wit be saonthe geal gy Gorter comer. vi Beto ( Zane Moan” Tersp Y deviation)” DM] 7 individual ere Jenp fom Tawa), (ti - “Tos, Te Ta . ele Ppa [ 5a0mMwWe) | 2) Trderechion “weleted As Node mn Parameter (a, SEND, lin peg ae) ey Al woill be Teond toed yy porctoy - spay Ti-Wvgs Tretia 1) Bulk Power * =} Hove, Fone Cotacl wed to =, «= 2) Fon posar: net ats BE Ms a ain 1 ference, Aignal ie EE AAS croabinee, “Fone peer tadffet Joke. FV pb eRe BE Aven a eo ga Ald, rrenneiaes mm) 4p meatnct ay onal posse Manual movement “afta Spro's enmaeet g,_ctkatl uy gle seh Cg. <1 Nea nowal epoiahie) sand ation pn Resa Foe Fos Me aoa? ‘ s = 4 will eakuatt ‘eragaroeen ’ % toto powers Mearuate| by ion Chamber: Bored (aps Re tedition fvaty | tory J aly cl o | Poe V4 fe Combetnation i) ‘ " chap: \ $ {eq powra f [Fran porOr - p “ing teacher hip: wires | EWR foo) () Manuake 4 vod Pub pow oy = 2 Fone poses. re Pale . , ] LS Qa ‘ fi) DP Cpemand pews) vais = f= Caleulotfons : i Mhibied “Towmal pos os ubs| to MMeAine po pusk porsor , hy inst umendod we Creme) ey ' : t4oxt ee ost here “a os 9 Prvi de’ iystorm in deemedror > (YY Computing prolafined 44h Charnes tae 3 AT. ast ove ub I, = “Thermal poser Calouledot giver de RE A Rpt has aboaaly Cow puted bark poor fem Fone pees ana Compare re Weit§ Thecomal ewe ord dy tho Calibration Thermal powers (Ache poor), tonal power | (EMA) Falun mopping Syren cued te coveeet 2enel pewer . AIS Hb AE Goal ol, We het valle f bax Shaper Cpa Asfines| of bes Shapes bee obntaly hem oltponaline pon all Cembyradiny 3} Grrteront { Coo) §- Abraoely fi%a4 PES cipon pralepwed Ag Shope. Fm taclep meade TH mesdirtojhey 1s 102 VO Spnbe ; ent SS tot quite loge» help 63 4o 9a — Lrope 4-4 Gal juli From thy 4 Ponal pover Can be meshaned . § ° one *%, hetuel ‘Powe wrt 40 prrochof nad 4. Et cil Compars. bot? poosry Grd Calipyetien lene. n4 4 Fmt generate CevreeHion fechy fes “Pon pov er The net vetut 4 albus al gpat ey emg gprs. 14 Grvecgpoo factor do PES do Cornet FLA oon fone poser )4 Fone Poe Res | : —— F ME. 14, levvedtey ix Demand pow Os — x Setpoint et he prodediae Value. Tt Can Chany (1) eperator actions os(ee sarc). 2) Field Gnditios hy) todertod liquid poresen add sHron yen (MLP AS), _— ypemard powes Canndt be arte alting jok bal 5) Peg utah ng Srgne4 1” pequpding Zee i) Raptor iv) Cont avl waka ZCC*® Bene Contre) Compact ment Sg rl . CV Inlet Cy Gre) Stal; D(Bp_pp) enws Cearic forcren 4 RRs) by > pening ynlet ZI Value {se Cap Cort Ae) tthe pover- UW) FTC ® Signet’ 4 RPS Gonovate SNnch and Contac) cp gl Bhape. fi.) Ryan ob acteurt or Conant ¥ Constant epentss oped a Ahe (ord do) &\G nal ; Sey A Xn Ria Com Contant ont das wow bo ted in each ZCC. ® Combet out flee TS eG LOY do Cont ye} yeory & punts: XK Cordbipuadion - do matnfoin the quality 4 Figo. Ctvcalaten 1A apueed And Gontae\ tHe P and alse mbing Cone ; ae 7 Vel oh jon dom p, x loot sim Bode genekion. ep Sek * : oo Wy inde, Corman} mente! (eakey os * RRA Gen Cond Sal signal dor \4 Channel . # AN 1q Censist og tales looks & FF toll generat Argnat oy. Geay obeser ing cphe Aa fantn & rs fa werkoy 4 lompaitrnenct RPs Abra. — D tt D) lag ws, linn Aekua) poise, ° 2) Dorman) power 1) Mana made! hs ss ap ik a Tis 1) Check qRervate =) decide wean Atfeort 4 poser a ne woaotay Cpyw eb) “Re vabe 4 We fF power He one using enodocedex (evel 7 kecols to Changes [ovo| pat Te eeders) mreactn power the PeSftion 4 (ontie) odla- wTifkce one Afrma Lon Cond} ®) Cont ae) spools Badjurtsre Paanps ancl thei one —_ Uneformation isn be eben Cone. orhaa! ee by operader: Gl) pyovtde. custom ingbrmadto es P 7 at Vole EC why Cannst cow qe hae OH Gaede? entttcteieeinlis 9) Sitio. WAS adj wy tera ane Cont pales rie _ ot dle t ‘Lowel Mamie mechanical mevoment =) tovtne) alues )xb will dnd Lean and dorm iA Rove . the ind aadacttng fg element V) AY Be candor He: tina =) tral oe lel 4 mederbe FEE oo chtHficeuk to duet Plate te Od ar ee essed G ncohonial tmaviment 14% atts 3% Friplerd Coufal scheme 2 yawstucered $4 dons “Hareug’ fram Chombor =) Since iti a Very td reactor. ITA veactr analyrys a wr ola trode! | ns SYP cninflcialyschnoants ib Pancoeunet sromr hs ae drived Hove Styne, ee eg ar « line peste = bre channel (A) ” Negro tes ‘ wie: Pa i ee ie 3 7 ane] Gey [Fe fo) “t [eal ——— ate 7 Pe bby le, “these Asse four angrel / br analysers Gilled Camp bol f- : :| ls a tank. Jeagy Pye Po ~ 3 fowl or’. 4 Q ex * — Dettord poser Woe Ga: el feopetnt. Lens Seqral + the demand Op paces to ‘the tates Oe i Lota rege lewef, Tho pre alc af pe) Mean _dedviag + ca ay + PB AC, Cepia ‘gral. ) Lf Bo kW } AN Gre. Tres = a my (lo —165) a | iret 31 lore” vod tl Cher attics all ABZC a uley / cme Ustttrin the PactiGdey bands Wen pay be. PMA do meman dere DP & Line, bee ne electrical posed: Cnty thecmel Power arailorle . “The all fon Panamete, (ehadlations € The above clroupirern con's] tox Ported 40 faaction — Uromel A (ene channel) Furch (on senoatn Senstote, gignat fo. tote! ° ale BBC Ceparsdte blocks fr charee\ A) BAS Be Tene ay wiv alts genate- i. _om Por Atgnal Clin p, Verret, lapeee) - Vr addnie de at cbewe Le alto howe add idionot 4 festhore VS Calle datpping aceorainy 1 Sefety clawed: * Mest {, Goolael Bet profety, clo) fo X Mest J ots dipping ced Corras _ Lunde, TA CSofety clots) sys Comoy Urey ee tot Eaitial 94) all ‘Ore. becldta Corte relay . Below: | Kore “reliable bat foals Aelotin rs dt fiost but : pi pie blem vs nes Veet by Compete ‘bated “hey. C self dbagenistis ) i Claw 4 an + cul tion Sait a “Cannpsto bored fy) Smplately Sigtitnel *o Saher (Avr) Cun burnt eo wart mest but pt — 1 Decicte udhat 18 de be ‘done } Cx “Temp Cort Cont ali i. Cont al, ni hig K wo Chnid detde cohy ath yA agua a 7 | 42 dnp oie apes A 2) besrgn. by Bpenating mee- Hime. ee -Y atin t mot “jo orale. 3) Emly proguvred and 4 sign 8 - . Mees oesemenddan : ro Ch. Ps. a Comen Gedes Sofeiy clon re . sien PLOY Shindenal yahun 3 Conpdey berey Syoton. » bela * shandanchaste 2) Conta} wae fe bon tapt 3) onda ot pt ao aligitd oa ft 4) Diagonstics- ' . es 8) Contre) alguittier’ Sfandasn 5 akon '- * Procon Core} (PD, PT, cued : QMO) OF, AND, ant week a ) Furey logic s) Ferplomentetron + p roqreraming language + ped n| Hon'- Digit" operaktry Claclwonic sq* Atom, Aasiqned pr ae) we In Thuy hwnd envcenment 5 vohnich wea @ preg ramimable- Pron toe Totes hal Store + ad x €ookd treytreetiog Are tmp lene) bperde Dicopniy tes Pragonsing preblem M4 furet ok 1 Legit, Sacuentir) ; — “eqn: (iromeys, of logit), ening, Comm anit inkl 7 Ma 4 PIC: Cont nd) “Hhreeg he ditqitet [spake reps 1) Simplicity and octpals , Varios hypo 4 2) Modules scala woachingy & procmni a dame (one me clev’) Basic functional ahah S 4 Pe cde yp agin ont Rep SES sae emp an 4ixed , ay PLE! Alending to Moone Ea De omg * ret ~ bids]. a urs Main ae Spe , ct Supply Regas 0h p bet and chornc tei + ~ te wire 4 % 2) a al yer iy & \esb Stee 3) Pao Veeguge . 4) ia 3 in¢ & i utd ley. my : Seine P Applicat } . laneing foo -fast saeeanil a j 5) Comment Catto? . ‘fie tape 4 othe ene , 1) Rororyvee} — _—_n , pic! w THC ponpoe tA to moniter Graicral prio. Rrsameter = oAjust pretow operators w oyyle Apewally deorigned to harsh Conditions and SaeVive 1p chielal it fom “heat, aest moisture 4 ane AVA lable ple "g $400, gS - [noo , ST+ "S00, $1-30, a7 Safety prc ek... Com ponents f Pe. j ¢7-\200, L090, Bn pet mo! dd ale ut pls Tn ped meclule a Tope Side () Eled vical Signal ak the plat sree Cahors outpid Stade. signal set to achvate Sole reotels, motets, healers s lisp ye. sypety how forminals Pe ga Cm) Ib medule. Some tmes the re fenisatied by eS” ok feng asians _ cm sapien guttin a nyemohe amplitren - ant med aver nies + data . Cpu’, Er te aly the Jyptem occ) a mative medrcal end Logi bas ppetatters sa bpesating ey a ra § nm Rom ~~ a ser “Re ‘yOpor porary i$ ott: che apprcation py" pa gyre 10 pea wee Postion { enamer): pater} on provided +p paeverct Lem + data, pasos pply Rack: puc cpu wool ak A Le rake a and current Thus, pL¢ who} fonts a pilt 9 otters Auppy tonya tio pou “Types 4 prc: “Tico ty p04 ip Frxeq PLC aD modular PLC — predlubay Fy bey dited Znpd a ae ¢ Tnpet 4 iui fan be oot pat expendable Rack’, x44 holding eaverytfing tesetfey , Modulan Pic heave a Chassis Calne called wack) iste Which modules a2 plated ae pith —Atdonodl danctror . Pic (an be- pargramened ve Atttovest puch od ddr logis gtctevod forts yng ctor \isty danchronal bleck oliagra and wt. apart! oaction Ont PLt opera ton sid a hyo Sept grtad ig cv Zope stan. £t ot inpat Aide Ane g takes 1. Cpe chen td ae ee ms ane updated, the Say dime 1% how lon jy depo HRA PLC to aa Re whde pre be designeted ® and out pot by “oO” ————————— =— , This again Acpents upen lesser - i sR" = =e jnatcates bi ee “The next n “a fo\lad a TO.0 imaicake of ate ' ot hiF. TO.) inAicatea OFF bute ana que bik Aad se OA. laa Ae, L2G} ye preven ney been dene ope 2 mi rae elegy Lacie. iets nretative e°4 Aa Vin In ole Hela deve typos Poh, cating mt, AN cond cet... Bt has tee pad A \) Cont tel O&-+ 0) Cece civcut} Pohays efter wd fo itelabe oe Vo lies@ Lewet to arate, veliye i Lowe V : ; a ah Aloe va 2A, Nov, IOV Aap, 3-3v, bv, THE, SVeRV boo tept 4 Srante ond Sinkin, CD Genter (11) Aedestons ON EI» modulo 4 pic epova cing’. hy seal al ~ lgutioh | “| ft fomp Hore, % Qeoteh A cleted ten Wie fomp wil qe. for Goth ‘A abhi Called ¥ gooncing! Tr Source ms 4 E erdecs drat Gurcing Aen ken Foeal, Ses ep aD, ic [ Tn Th Cane, Jaep will ae eohononey Qu TS closer . \amp Connacht foot cute MA Ceqnoetorl oat but hove E atten Crossing Fhe. lamp ainked mt gquitch ca lle ambirg | _ fame dea minels, Gan be wa foe ple propramntny 5h Sensor MA fous cing spe, agen tHe raped modulo ony 0 yotd be Sinbing teppe . % dhe sender is Sinking type, ten wher dhe Senter Fives a true. lodition, 44 ach ad a crane guitteh | wr add or Progam 06’ Aa we Brno PLO 14 taht lagic tentrsjley winrch dn Waa dosermnald Ae sapel> d oudpots - thea selatrer ‘ete thaw mpd ard. odpute ove estab Via a Gael gi athe torr) {it Gn be programmed - Ai tevent Pregemnnns langucye Aone het ove +FBp -« Ladder x Se quantal toys F Strctevmd hod pet —— out 4 his one 4 a. See Covi) owned ee iA laatde, boi / z ladder pera Looks Ujew [addoy 19 pyrebenee -Cife & 10) p anrranzemerd®), joo m2 moo 7 1} 4-lh _¢ >} +4 —|-4 | we.0 TOO Me efio-) | Aw jtH\—- > nl a Qos _|\}—— - _ | ywo\ Fe-0 0.3 oD | 1\—1 \{ i >| — mo +} 4% ro | ee < - | rao 2 eo mod ¢ 6 prea Wee . 4 Hows cen yah Cempernceat bh - 1 * “o mS Randy N rebts design Ivade, fei f u oe Oyen Os dis AND (om PI » lots see per bution 4 Leo fev this. disevate inp a (ah! S awe ad No BW. aL We Novenally rive ay open Closed (NOD (Nc) + ¥) unpatS A nite enots jtea) thon “WE. Abas seorcithea ae iM nevreak Cone fHer’ - oh mpet MA onary Sef He sretos | shor CorteafA ans omanyad . We nc A NCO No Ano Legic : 4 Take 400 No type par buthons & bone LlFp Pugh ak (\ TW C35 — = No | No SS | aie Quer — PB\ PBa Lamp \ yA a os aie, Lonned 2a | rhc na. BO I toma! i " | od _* init Ada “4 ‘) % Zo peas Can series fo * Oubput Gan ony he Connackad Mp pedailel, Pe, PB2 Lamp _ fo 68 '. } o - | ! n o | =— % bet PBARPR One caja, AND 4): wy we. Can design on ats bog it alse. Pei ‘ ay oR y+ pe a ti not — 6 komple | x ephemont she. Avliwrn4 logic in PLO.@Y = cat CC+D) —C...o wrist B D @ Yan4+(8@od h BY = | \ B a byt aig A Sandalona Vs 9 DiS bxibeded Mehigedute + Creubped at bitty uded model: -_ a fa Hl ——_——ae x Low Coble eqaoed eo Comseeatrcaktor doy f. “eet hoo loge 4 zo. Ylarvdworea Medel 4 pee x pre re Contd FO: « z\p bh olP Marn pet wait Aube Powox pap py : fatto, eo aM qnpatBed 19 main Commani pony ont, a ware model’, ST) tHruchwral fext het, Cah ~wioure) Ore Adfovert Prewicy ancl howd meuttple tur . EL: Eetpactton (est ASoah tei, hos mutttple prepa) ! SEC! Fancdien fleck. whewe eotpate Whey & transite Cathey pie apenas en ynieenal mened onl Sarda} oot pat a Hep: dellesed by ruuhle Ea a: as '} . al « Depending on tran sitter Cord og “Task. Bt tt Ganecteaed colt Shops rant ee ete AN fenetreenal blockA. acearciny to The ~nepuiwements ff LIN exeodte ‘Re function (OTK He help f W fFes aunu dectde he Sepuonte *f 2% operation tm PLC K Bath step wilh haw ths oon fanetiend bly cha. : | preprom. m furcd block». Glpbal Nonable’ pu pie Tapat & oubpedA | Orne qlabal Variable . [earatnestenet doen Aittect Sep Soortes") - Actos Pats Acom pers facilites a to Alle) the memory Vertatle fem = dat ferent Core fipte) pre gram . Beaten) sptwane Con frpene. dm hone Communi atin cfanction, Stgnal function Behe, Sarr ane] 7/0 function, EFL @ language (cle a omer) _ lan guaze). sane KT Lap facction SF’ Sequential functional chet «Qe Culp Uxation, LD. Lodde, abiedipraes & M- Meme Gtatien , FRO. Punctimel block digeg , le pik — Becloan. $ ge g-bal® wwe _ wasd te sper ty We foc ation qo be aceenss . gongs EP AMON “/. PARS Sg et fe YQKD': Fan oN : Condition 7 gnrosine Nes we ed f. LK . —» Plain budnr " Wor ey biteq I Funenet ie meager CF ay): gue mt fen Corepake ong a inputs hen emreke “the output BT hes alee Ques BT! Ghpetpad List Functrmal bieck AWE. Nov —Tnpot Tl, Tw2 1 TW3 Veet —Ouk pul QW S Quis = (ews sunt JS ) awit swie 3 LO: ladde, piagxorn|~ Isto Tak * tt, te 4 » yor Aosey aed opealy inet Lad dey Grete (eee wag 4 afd tree) sais ¥ ees grey mr ipa ee fae) (i? leadad arent cine ot fm \- JS ei Ce) \— kr _ C2 pan L (we) tet! a pawer — supe wn Susie jich of re = 5 4 « Ke Zrattally on a 5 th ye Nate ® + ute 2 prea ator! b will energie coll (MD - cles wet ak! K Now, eragiva cil penning spinneeg C2 clase.) x Srne SG gon 6 } Cte Lat alte nalip 6 he M eres ii-| aleny ihe den Seite“ “ a 40 ec FN 4 the K then WE ~ sard open the SP fen. OR bethany sath ahd a) +e be noe TP dean Mm will be_ e Aeorecy ited and oot! open Cr bOr > faa shoppe . 2_(ase fuel poss plead claw EAt RERS /wpp-pawn/siy)p-2 | the ap eshich ane ri Wmpactant sla achanentiy Seth: CS Cilla. ZA Safety class - claw ze! * ne Gomplamenter) ble. Ip achivemedt Ged maintenance of Sxfely eS RPS . Axi wle (Fre trsamentetion ) a, % Naafatabrn £ Validebeon cotton hyedaved be X Coke hs dene fire rood to Chak. azain’) % Coat effective Eating — so “fei” aor wt) Box § Tow this Ett ite output boar DS ee a. —t sles Fre aghting Soot ta Pantaleo toe ome ean NIN&) Not Tnpestart et “ae at ii ple rom ovbrde ABP Semwil) chock enone t Ring Sep iy step. * ROND (Peacter Gort ad nue aston) desipa spoh ri why pec Aevelee| tnd ginovsl) 7 AAvartig jy oe Atee. one *, Se vine alenicbones| (em rma. he poad fo slovesep eg ais) « nue feax Sefaty , “es ) 2 a ao pte hith ra eb gyored hi Sy teere fey ig omy pee . 7 fa fale} = stRen teeth ogy Fis — drgnd tp (ow) ALT The pyr. Maximum Zo Capcity ome ee PIB: 32 trod inp-t Dok 22 dwonsin opt Rog = mienRaleg: ectpet i> 9 - a oo -siimicrecition k fireles IAP Play ov pot & Sefehy claney bepprt lip hse largusyes “ () Fureinad ple dqn (#89) oY oS + top haw (i as VW) oc" : yy called engneering weaskes, i) Lad Cup) o AC Corner Cal gapped all 5 languy?. console eof Genss® ‘ ASC Safety dem € beplicette" a SAL nA povelipre* “TpLe-14 gainers i i ue pe . Te Pegyeserner 4 peo pepo » ucen —<—<——— 4 Creede ‘oped 4 cukped epu : f « pei Lo5d8 | Veda me sce shan fuctrn bled dye py Bt Be tnpek wit ba A@aale ped . alts voaq ined bos * Qa oukpet il AIR. 32 top OMe Loy AeVehep tiie Pym Lb Mde tondfeg tele vs bulldog a Y pre} eve inp TER. 1h Remo Couple: tape beard Nucey TPLC-3 vf GOR 2 There Couple. roput bead! “Pok’ 32 UNCON S = As pal ce olp pear SETH, tae ‘ sR olgp ge co Dalse, A npub & Cutp ot board ry “Ly pistibubed = Tera) C° Spa SRO : arch tochere, Shed alee Orbe | | ; (CoN SA |SBT avthidedne “ape! 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( toed fr, # feed dy Ro and bloat frm Ray, ‘ * The Jemp 4 Rol pual The prot} pal ee) Chen cay 4 vealins yA Pnete_ i J) et QE Row FEA RE Reh % Frm Oath peck vill be eardereed ce hand eo a 3 pL nc esur faye Mw pent dee=P - = Pranoy Crtbekt™} ert ryé Connected to REP [ Bleca.! yoroie bere Ran (Zea ' . pad te ‘ut a A). “Typrtad chaac prt oy “tampresslity 982” Comp Pas depend o wy =) where Uquid added) Pros}. 9. pependty or Tre volume. “F a Dgo wequise mont fen Boma Change ™ @at att pre Mune - a 2) To take come § TR. x PH Tavs it Compstod gain itt be Caledated . >) Awk =p Labbe fumed , . Pa Tavs Pe | dedenwe. > ul - 5), Neluating elemon ~ 2 PCY cA MXN tava APL opm - 2 \P.C¥ # Contre) S15 5% " Cont te! food ON reete fmt ? Val datwe the food and 4 Opening 4 poo ig ta MW . bloed \alves. in “Spirit Called FCN rveapre acting ‘vange reed " Valve. * 9) Blood ev bias Need 4 brat. Content 6 pening given to tard nel Valve + 1) Ref tart | Boce Crem tend agri "PCP qed f toro C vayh pin O38 “it}) Fase ling machine t=. “2 . ‘ U punts cfoalleng 7) opening} bleed & feat valve. Prooune ine actoust arv-f. Set point - Ria oa ge fer dome bins) wwe, Meay — tet pent T- Suk Gadteng rangi, @% Beer =0 ( focd s baal Zp ode 4 hoop pat OF Valve ny basen’) rpewdtin tn Uqadd quer (pret o a abl @% fers d0O4 4.2) Pen did peas “hong ak Pet! + Rok tomp. pernt. =) Ue neeol 4, blea} “Hie Cet nal value Sets A lap ( bleed vale. Have 4) prone aT, fue), an 6 penngd) 7 The rravgin tRad Wwe tne £ more . maitvia de) boshins ahd pe ‘Stak, Cor ting, Praroyh 4 pe Callal “Cry Lem) at — fell: ro ymtetorts gv tone i +f aie _ - Len ain giv wre! 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SS ° <— BN = odors + > EF Bland _tanclemsen: prome_tonbe! © ih ¥ feleand Cheam crit be Ol eA Rok ib Conclensst ° ei Plood m RE $004 k blag, ae rs Condomer - ri 4 Heaters > Two types w pre Mune Cord tolled TRreyP - 1 Te tere 4) Petar flows = : 2) b on /oFF : ai) opr qo: . ie 4 Re allel Fn addi fon for PHT Gontellos : Pre durisey alto (Cord jolled Hh Premunti, Cowel Cont aoiler corte fhe hal 4 FCVS Bev ot 4 Lpoog > soba «ees [diss a cad rad tbpseary ine PYAR By ayn Med Jone Bll Codon (OOS ules’, 505 iat re #less GC * Zn Lonvree pe per. a) eee Fa Loh Be aa “ sar cv, At od ath _—=" emai 1. . Be (D0 lem?) ) pres ws . } ¥ Stele « ‘Hans ror) Hey} lot pollard — Qure Coles D0, (‘cord to] fhe. lovel’) Shed rot eppend in yr: 3 Toni Payaglnatre heol eegorer )“Fran‘then sheold rapper 1 oo de “pagent padelne b period. 6 ve) “Hien Covel % Free i109 Callas “pomp Sew chin dies ° BP Cay Cool mM 26 Ten 120 mwe: v Stren 4 2. Sha, ter hea exchoyey (eer tr) 4 pas 4 phen «4 Stferday ne Srde td tontork, tikane. Shaam the Irsd -p pipe wr yon . gekenskod + agit Sa) onl fe Roth Commyiry on, ¥ dadurched lorditien'. 1'-] Gt mye): _- & — « = bles bum ote, temp ter Lah't Comp bevieran) fony 2 £55 eq, Comantion pew dent. : Caled “boila, . (entoad pret Piet mu m brde. tery Ye bt lerstent —- (een) . wit rime_pumis | at ens = ] cir ae fj ePt'y Vartan 2 Y jer? a : _————~ Shear yeo i yeyd | | Apedine with Teoh | | Peyey: | —F FS TR # (es Conte, | ig wabile, Pb yorefor pow prim oy (1) Conpfont pre une PP \ Kchile toking abet | bp tenttar priman fp. : a eine Cage { Pam “Temp (S00 1 Shee et , 4 j Lo soe cal diane! (Panetreneh bet = > ?— yep hn) Sta =, guide! 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L g & Dre hunt 2) pre Yune mneaburramert 1) Grtnn Signed), Set point . ?.. epenals F on speen foi power. * x PHT pre mere set paint fixed allan emma seo qe oyeactN peu e- faethe fercenipmerstonmepome: | ge WL the on ripe be re ewe ~~ 29.¢ “e > Gntei) ) Sek pernty ( premun—seb point ) oa | — set point = wctanat set pet CKD) % tr aan (ae* wet) i — ee +8 ee: ae eos aaa Jor — /"P —_— Gokap xe Lad tHep point Tech Vern die to Certain doetd seit 5 due te Cxesh foo| (due te Lote) teen wag duc fo Sievoge tag. lowe t (ae a%) Med oer floret Ler. tds fo devtatter limit, pardes HRis Gnd sirens seb port iia | wi jet tk So'Clan, % BC forte crash, Ceol x 25'Cfnin + & ed ex ed *« b-s°c fefn — peter liwe ¢Zpwil Chaye OTT peed 3 )/6.5° & [rin t @ Rosie frau ps “lense 2-§ 2%Cfin [ Qs. *e} ia, e “Tenp wy CO (“thee awe Ly base Ler fren one. Vale fe ane they Valua dueing stort OP | plavt Sr deen, saune coer eee be ora Ate oda + aye eo 4 8 prettnn 4 HY # “a forwto4 ate che rep creche gov [ImA- >) pres syeleored 4o atm fo avetd track tap . npenst 991) Duiry : Trt ve quired 7 DH level ts high: * » baer / ee exbrre metre — Doma qealehy 4 Ayaan , '" t Dyren quality Ff sia S ‘en Important: =) leads te Peotttane x} vf. fewbine . a 4% Cheam foul 13 to loo % baste -funclnt fraumd heh itself LAW be “tte dod. ©. Bn al = En Verse aepenst (HA al ; Covel behavio’ o% a) Mer min phan, = belavier), = Trvece -rojponte <) the fysten Orfente th A OMY teat Opposte fo min Phase Sy7Hen, Coh!s Constoley ¢tean flan Sechhosle = then cham prow Slopes deep =) ab the serfs }. Hao » pains fectreal dee (Lee) teres wil py to mth (nr te” poll voll vs ty te Se ths PRomemens trlteq yee “WHapon See. Whalen inpat ts Thane pr $4 Called foed J bow = ae SSS / — \) é CTH pent wed deed A Lene) c : te ss hike cpt A tae ane food Cond r0| Va Nao. ¢ & m4 Meo Pin Pha pot Len his 4 ak: pa Medlenie-. 4 the Sys. mass “the. £ ys ‘ al 2). lenge C Achoradte), tte alte "b fone Rpcesdre Concl' Hon, yeh gyi me 4 Sond by) & timc 7 we WE Om Aaying to ridi gake, The. Rese Sotto, ‘ one lovye tA toiled “Ran, bsdksmapal, i) flava gheh Lit) be terre a ashe “4 thos) a elatoy- ~j g press aamvol oP : the Sur fom ave alto hewe. one Crtrslley toy Ql “ foveal olne. “ ee * 3 in (teamed, Baris will ; e e troll coin — (main and Sot Aran) q : \ besah : ft level 486 lovel we howe separ i + 1 wl x = fo Tmorkc NTA A ek yen dee to. 7 : 4 tors t tr / = Pe T Ayroric be hawiry } the i e's e $ = 2 > 73 ¢ ove ‘ olstten bene 5 32 J ffage fe Is 2, —— tho olst z a z = + Set Spyker cores thy fad) bey 3 OL = let's dew oot wtReee lem = inverse. Tape dese atl conden) fas are! dna plitatar. = i lets debe level, the cam «flow, ee ee Fe 8 clement, wwe oheale | py evelopment Ble Cyele 2) Woe trome destsn r2nplane) 2) Soptemactre uy 4 aleargning x “ee ASN 2 Tirplemed,,’ a tgaten \ Se “) 2} fellows systamadt cloveliprert rr | precews Khe \ Sa a ups | PY ces 0 Sepstare rraqurramen| 3 | { Called 4 L fanetronal reguiremext vpletos| “Ce i +e tnpat Va output). Eeplen Trple wetetkis abet shonin 4 ej urnaments Fag J! «lhe pp, RPS Sheetal *Cedpork ds : eattny OH tn Sivan ene. rn ap develop So i repeat @ So, BH general ole or = Sino, ue ole nuclear 7 mie Con © | J Per formance, dunebren al, HME, Cece, bet: Eta int : te, doce - 3 Ned reatlen. A Valtclabes N . Coherbemg) Creatiny) Y System orchitectare 9 Pr formance. Cenpldes al pest % Dedecer| od Et will cloftna Most fRa System ane Compute, brad Siptem archtont, functions Connie sy.) | ot in horduen J Sat cone bale tndopyation =) Ft wih Je « * fo. “festias . 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Regie Pow or ae Ewe tle dan wih) Bwe decd Ris Fig, Gn Bue Cot thoud chars inf the m=) we ore tend ow Neng fp enerkanis ie peer” * pene ae Read —> Hoa exchoyer pecmalding ( ee qe —> Juvbint — fend ot x er. cd ferdennte. exhaust iss Sper dora Ugo eT: oe MS Caltect py ual = bla Fe tebe T : | 7 etter Coad hat I. abs No Speed A =) —Tawbne spoof (ate Nes ye maindct the Spel. - peek Peach Power Contra 4 The Mono automatl seottoi poe, On a pr er € Poach power manual Chang eq Oe er oy ie ast 0s a bar Load Otebien, H pous, Changiny ms not ext fey fut ryenctss pews ° . pow cher) ord | ft line "refuelling 4 Follexaed\ 6 # Ne poisson Cle, fo) nat “Pine. © Top Geet 4p if nepasve 2 Free Produd.d awe Comper Bato by breeding &) The tramment 4 coh tnd ony +p Cormpryate dev ft: born op ¥ Manual Achten VA Subd sect Ae of bawnup (~ oem) * COP poy & hous Corr + boakny Sefety cree 1) Peto BH hep cybomadee Syphon Qebbock 4 SCroun. mae ° fat Hp e - . PL ( funchor al ble cb ob ee we’ toy aijie fox anoles 620 ¥ Ans dene block olym, a ¥ darn 5 Loddea. Valid on Kadd jn « Sub FPle pgm ete « Grap cal, Tmplementation ie Lutte, Compore fo Gary, Exomple: why grophCl treplan ] [ Firct: block one. ever lable A pre qualn}ie| libwam) an number 4 fonchoes grt alvendy [np lente 19 feanet bleek ether a Some qualifitatin Ne sudreel AK Qech ie uavitin 4 Goole - Chee featiy HY troatong Q ad K(Beffa over fos, rae de) Ea fone} block fle wy ¥} +p sal, A Hee, ona firs ws alent) oe ied pore defined ara| ‘i paca pic \theorg of , ¥ yop ical tos nat <3 wt mishebey) . implores NY witout eaishedey) («crite franqecde | fevorn hel mere enn fo understand Cole a wit anata, 40 angitel Hive a Coagited inpat ) Pudo manuel ate pepe +e be pore yt of. averd Tht ull vical pumpin len atht > (Spat Plow deem Left kt pi) Medien block: Zt hes 3 inpet bene sip Cmepetaehe Sigpa) Bees pot one srynel 4 Setpeink block. Et hes 8 pt 5) MR Oat (sek peint, 1 Rete Husa, ap er Tse ty it pt “At cory L tetpesr 9 Job roubeg 1 pry ef cp — Medi. 9) Satrelle, shondinw) blo } we rn p. olbs teplement th by pz Controle 2 P fork wether’ us ke Crruepi . Lenk nalled- huto Signa yencistet = 5) Manual manernot TY A & geladtor \ne = PAUK ered, wi® “EN dinal 6) Finally ee qa ™ * Cost signa an vale. ) Redet EA" wade ee mierda, wo Tod eye. june, emt, - + Ade, Teeplementin 7 plaxt =) et wea tempor tant to provide Variable Yate Mn orday to Grol ober Yotse | tows, 4 pumpa(lon trans fey CAnatey te Ais ita )

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