Multiple Colony Antifungal Susceptibility Testing Detects Polyresistance

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Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28 (2022) 1288.e1e1288.


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Original article

Multiple colony antifungal susceptibility testing detects polyresistance

in clinical Candida cultures: a European Confederation of Medical
Mycology excellence centers study
Miriam A. Knoll 1, Nina Lackner 1, Hanno Ulmer 2, Eldina Samardzic 1, Joerg Steinmann 3, 4,
Robert Krause 5, 6, Hedda L. Verhasselt 4, Peter-Michael Rath 4, Frieder Fuchs 7, 8,
Philipp Koehler 9, 10, Blandine Denis 11, Samia Hamane 11, 12, Alexandre Alanio 12, 13,
€ rl 1, *
Cornelia Lass-Flo
Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, ECMM Excellence Center, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Department of Medical Statistics, Informatics and Health Economics, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Institute of Clinical Hygiene, Medical Microbiology and Infectiology, Paracelsus Medical University, Klinikum, Nurnberg, Germany
Institute of Medical Microbiology, ECMM Excellence Center, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Biotechmed, Graz, Austria
Division of Infectious Diseases, ECMM Excellence Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, University of Cologne, Medical Faculty and University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne,
Department of Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Bundeswehr Central Hospital Koblenz, Koblenz, Germany
Department I of Internal Medicine, ECMM Excellence Center, Critical Care Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD), University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Infectious Diseases Department, ECMM Excellence Center, Ho ^pital Saint-Louis, APHP, Paris, France
Mycology-Parasitology Department, Ho ^pital Saint-Louis, APHP, Paris, France
Universite de Paris, Molecular Mycology Unit, CNRS UMR2000, National Reference Centre for Invasive Mycoses and Antifungals, Institut Pasteur,
Universit e de Paris, Paris, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Objectives: Many factors influence the outcome of in vitro antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST),
Received 7 February 2022
including endpoint definition, inoculum sizes, time and temperature of incubation, and growth medium
Received in revised form
13 April 2022 used. This European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) Excellence center driven study
Accepted 16 April 2022 investigated multiple colony testing (MCT) of five separate colonies to investigate the prevalence of
Available online 9 May 2022 polyresistance (PR), defined as heterogeneous MICs from a same-species Candida culture irrespective of
the underlying resistance mechanism.
Editor: E. Roilides Methods: Candida spp. MCT for fluconazole and anidulafungin was performed by Etest prospectively
comprising 405 clinical samples. MCT results were compared to the real-life routine MIC data and PR was
Keywords: assessed. Candida colonies displaying strong PR were selected for genotyping using multilocus sequence
Antifungal resistance typing and random amplified polymorphic DNA assays for C. lusitaniae.
Antifungal susceptibility testing
Results: Candida PR was observed in 33 of 405 samples (8.1%), with higher rates for non-albicans species
(26/186, 14%) than for C. albicans (7/219, 3.2%), and for fluconazole than for anidulafungin. MCT detected
Multiple colony testing
Polyresistance acquired resistance more often than routine AFST (18/405, 4.5%) and 9 of the 161 investigated blood
cultures showed PR (5.6%). Multilocus sequence typing and random amplified polymorphic DNA did not
reveal a uniform genetic correlate in strains studied.
Conclusions: This study shows that Candida single MIC-values obtained in routine diagnostics may be
incidental, as they fail to detect PR and resistant subpopulations reliably. The reasons for PR seem to be
manifold and should be regarded as a phenotypical expression of genomic variability irrespective of the

* Corresponding author. Cornelia Lass-Flo€rl, Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Medical University of Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.
€ rl).
E-mail address: (C. Lass-Flo
1198-743X/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (
M.A. Knoll et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28 (2022) 1288.e1e1288.e7 1288.e2

underlying resistance mechanism, which may help to interpret ambiguous and non-reproducible AFST
results. Miriam A. Knoll, Clin Microbiol Infect 2022;28:1288.e1e1288.e7
© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Introduction translated to EUCAST breakpoints to categorize the MICs [12].

Categorization for species without EUCAST breakpoints was
Invasive Candida infections are an emerging threat with high applied as described elsewhere [13e16].
mortality and morbidity, particularly in immunocompromised pa- The results of each test (AeE) were compared to the corre-
tients [1]. Due to an increase of drug resistant species, monitoring sponding other colonies and to the MICs obtained in routine
and detecting antifungal resistance is important [2]. Multiple col- diagnostic assays (Etest (bioMe rieux), MICRONAUT-AM (MERLIN
ony testing (MCT) for antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST) of Diagnostika GmbH, Bornheim, Germany) and Vitek 2 AST-YS 08
Aspergillus spp. is recommended [3] as azole-resistant and -sus- card (bioMerieux)). Differences in categorization and above three
ceptible Aspergillus strains may be simultaneously present in- log2 dilutions were documented as PR. PR was classified in the
patient samples [4]. MCT aims to detect resistant subpopulations, following three categories: categorically (EUCAST S, I, R) poly-
which otherwise may lead to breakthrough fungal infections [5,6]. resistant MICs above three log2 dilutions (strong PR), categorically
Similarly, MCT for Candida samples has been suggested studying its (EUCAST S, I, R) polyresistant MICs up to three log2 dilutions
within-host genomic diversity [7]. Next generationemultilocus (moderate PR), and polyresistant MICs above three log2 dilutions
sequence typing showed that 12% of patient samples contained without categorical (EUCAST S, I, R) difference (weak PR). Isolates
two unrelated Candida strains [8]. In line, longitudinal samples with PR were separately cryopreserved and collected at Medical
from oral candidiasis showed several genetic and phenotypical University of Innsbruck for further analysis, if indicated.
changes throughout antifungal treatment, including different co-
existing MICs for fluconazole [9].
Reproducibility and genotyping
To ensure the inclusion of intra-sample heterogeneity, European
Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST)
For selected polyresistant samples, repetition of AFST by
reference method recommends to pick up five representative col-
EUCAST microdilution and Etest was performed [11,12]. Four sam-
onies for inoculum suspension [10]; by contrast, the more
ples displaying strong PR were selected for genotyping of the five
commonly used Etest method (gradient strip test) recommends
separate isolates. DNA was extracted from fresh culture using Type
using ‘a few well-isolated colonies” [11]. Overall, it is rather coin-
C bead tubes (Macherey-Nagel, Germany) and the Monarch
cidental how many colonies are truly used in routine AFST, and
genomic DNA purification kit T3010 (New England Biolabs, Ipswich,
improbable that a presumed intra-sample heterogeneity can be
MA, USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions [17].
displayed by one test per sample.
Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was performed for
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of intra-
C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. tropicalis strains according to the
sample variance of AFST in a variety of usually sterile specimens
recommendations on [18] with primers pub-
and Candida species, applying MCT in a prospective multi-center
lished elsewhere (Table S1) [19e21]. The PCR products were sent to
study across Europe. We defined here the term polyresistance
Eurofins Genomics (Ebersberg, Germany) for Sanger sequencing.
(PR) as heterogeneous MICs from a same-species Candida culture.
Sequencing chromatograms were analyzed in Sequence Scanner
(Version 2.0, ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and
manually corrected for heterologous sites. MLST profiles were
Material and methods
determined using the online tools on [18].
In lack of a MLST scheme for C. lusitaniae, we performed random
Multiple colony testing (MCT)
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for these strains using three
random primers OPA-1, OPA-8, and OPA-10 (Table S2) [22,23]. PCR
The frequency of PR within taxonomically identical strains was
products were separated in a 1.5% agarose gel at 100 V for 3 h and
investigated by separately testing five distinct colonies from each
analyzed with the Gel DocTM EZ Imager and the Image Lab soft-
clinical culture. Centers from Austria (2), France (1), and Germany
ware Version 5.2.1 (both Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA).
(3) participated, six of them being European Confederation of
Medical Mycology (ECMM) Excellence centers (ECMM EC). From
March 2020 to March 2021, we prospectively collected 405 clinical Statistical analysis
samples from sterile regions with growth of Candida spp. Mixed
yeast infections were separately tested, and no consecutive isolates The sample size was prespecified with 400 samples to have 80%
were used. From each of the original samples, five morphologically power to detect acquired resistances of at least 3% between MCT
identical colonies labeled AeE were separately subcultured on a and routine AFST as statistically significant using McNemar test.
chromogenic agar for Candida (bioMe rieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France McNemar test was used to compare detection rates within the
and BBL, Becton Dickinson GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany) to ensure same samples between different methods. Pearson chi-square test
purity. Species identification was performed for each subculture was applied to compare detection rates between samples of
(AeE) by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of different species. P < 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical
Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) Biotyper (Bruker Dal- significance. Statistical analyses were performed with IBM SPSS
tonik GmbH, Bremen, Germany). AFST with fluconazole and ani- Statistics 26 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
dulafungin was performed separately for each of the five pure This project was part of a laboratory quality management study
subcultures (AeE), using the Etest gradient diffusion method ac- within ECMM Excellence Centres; the study was approved by the
cording to the manufacturer's instructions [11]. Etest results were hospital's ethics committee (Study no. 1166/2018).
1288.e3 M.A. Knoll et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28 (2022) 1288.e1e1288.e7

Results remaining tests showed partly fluctuating MICs. MLST schemes for
all isolates were identical (ST 3), except for B, for which no clean
MCT for fluconazole and anidulafungin was performed for 405 sequence could be obtained for the locus TRP1 (Table 4). Sample E
clinical samples with Candida spp. in six centers. Sample origins are 23 (C. tropicalis) showed MICs for fluconazole in the S, I and R
summarized in Table 1, MICs from routine diagnostic assays are category. However, upon repetition with Etest and EUCAST micro-
summarized in Table S3. dilution, all MICs were in the S category (0.125-0.25 mg/L). All iso-
Altogether, PR of any category was obtained in 8.1% (33/405) of lates showed identical MLST profiles, however, without an existing
all Candida culture samples (Table 2). Predominantly PR was match in the database (Table 4). In sample K 58, isolate A had shown
moderate, meaning categorically (EUCAST S, I, R) polyresistant MICs macrocolonies for fluconazole Etest, which upon repetition showed
within three log2 dilutions, with often borderline R MIC values. PR a MIC of 4 mg/L in Etest and 8 mg/L in EUCAST microdilution. With
was significantly more frequent in non-albicans species than in primers OPA-1 and OPA-8, RAPD bands differed between isolate A
C. albicans (26/186, 14.0% vs. 7/219, 3.2%; p < 0.001). There was a and BeD (Fig. 1).
tendency towards higher PR rates for fluconazole than for anidu- Altogether, PR occurred in up to 8.1% (33/405) of samples
lafungin; however, this trend was not statistically significant (22/ replicated by MCT, with higher rates for non-albicans species than
405, 5.4% vs. 13/405, 3.2%; p ¼ 0.08). In C. albicans isolates with for C. albicans. Strong PR was observed in 2% (8/405) of samples,
fluconazole MICs above 1 mg/L, 3/7 showed moderate PR in MCT. In again with higher rates in non-albicans species. Genotyping of
C. glabrata, 8/11 PR samples showed fluconazole MICs above 8 mg/L selected isolates showed that the reasons for PR were manifold.
in routine AFST, while reversely, 8/43 samples with fluconazole
MICs above 8 mg/L showed PR upon re-testing. After exclusion of Discussion
species with clinical breakpoints above 0.064 mg/L for anidula-
fungin, 9/21 samples with high MICs above 0.016 mg/L showed PR in PR, here defined as heterogeneous results in AFST of five different
MCT (43%). To estimate the implications of PR, differences between colonies from a same-species Candida sample, was observed in 33 of
routine results and MCT were labeled as very major error (VME, S 405 samples (8.1%). Under ideal conditions to reduce biological and
vs. R), major error (ME, R vs. S), minor error (mie, S vs. I or I vs. R), methodological variation, repeated testing of the same Candida wild-
and very minor error (vmie, I vs. S or R vs. I). MCT revealed 6 VMEs, typ (WT) isolate produced MIC values within a three log2 dilution
5 ME, 12 mie, and 5 vmie (Table 3). Acquired resistances for flu- range [24]. Hence, we defined a three log2 dilution range within the
conazole were significantly more often detected by MCT than by same EUCAST category as an accepted technical variance. MICs
routine AFST (34/405, 8.4% vs. 25/405, 6.2%; p ¼ 0.012), while for exceeding this range or differences in categories (EUCAST S, I, R or
anidulafungin, this was not statistically significant (12/405, 3.0% vs. WT, non-WT) were defined as PR. Strong PR with categorically
9/405, 2.2%, MCT vs. routine AFST, respectively; p ¼ 0.453). (EUCAST S, I, R) different MICs above three log2 dilutions is clearly
Four samples with strong PR were selected for genotyping of the the most pronounced form of PR and occurred with a rate of 2%
five separate isolates, MICs with replicates are displayed in Table 4. across all species. In clinical practice, moderate PR may have the
MLST was performed for samples I 38 (C. albicans), I 15 (C. glabrata), same implications for patient management as strong PR, despite
and E 23 (C. tropicalis). In the absence of an MLST scheme for smaller differences in MICs. Contrarily, weak PR may not influence
C. lusitaniae, RAPD was performed for sample K 58. patient management, but nevertheless questions the reliability of
In sample I 38 (C. albicans), isolate E displayed an elevated MIC AFST. Moderate PR with borderline MICs in different EUCAST cate-
for fluconazole (4 mg/L) compared to the other isolates (0.25e0.5 mg/ gories less than three log2 dilutions apart, was more common for
L). The obtained MLST sequences allowed unambiguous determi- fluconazole than for anidulafungin, especially with C. glabrata vary-
nation of the sequence types (ST 1110), which was identical between ing between I and R. Generally, the good agreement between the two
the isolates AeD (Table 4). For isolate E, however, no clean sequence methods allows translation of Etest MICs to EUCAST breakpoints
could be obtained for the locus SYA1. All other loci were identical [25,26]. However, due to some methodological variance, epidemio-
with the other isolates. In sample I 15 (C. glabrata), isolates B and D logical cut-offs (ECVs) specifically evaluated for Etest may more
displayed an I MIC for fluconazole of 4 and 8 mg/L, the same as ob- sensitively identify resistances than reference break-points (BPs)
tained in routine AFST. In contrast, isolates A, C and E displayed MICs evaluated for microdilution [27,28]. For both fluconazole and ani-
>256 in Etest. Upon repetition by Etest and EUCAST microdilution, dulafungin, ECVs for Etest are usually lower than EUCAST clinical
isolate D showed insufficient growth for microdilution, while the breakpoints [28,29]. Especially for low-level resistances, MCT may

Table 1
Sample origins and number of samples tested with multiple colony testing per center

Sample type On-site centers Central laboratory Total

Essen Graz Cologne Nürnberg Paris Innsbruck

Blood cultures 33 8 66 30 10 14 161

Urine 34 44 78
Intraabdominal 9 4 31 33 77
Bile 4 4 18 26
Pleural/lung 6 1 7
Catheter tip 2 1 8 11
Tissue 9 7 3 19
Others 15 2 3 6 26
Total 100 20 66 82 10 127 405
PR samples 15 1 4 5 0 8 33
Samples selected for genotyping 1 0 1 0 0 2 4

Other types of samples included puncture and drainage fluids from various sterile regions, swabs from sterile regions, gastric liquid, and wound secretions. Polyresistant
samples from on-site centers were sent to the central laboratory, where genotyping was performed for selected samples.
AbbreviationsPR, prevalence of polyresistance.
M.A. Knoll et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28 (2022) 1288.e1e1288.e7 1288.e4

Table 2
Number of PR samples as obtained by multiple colony testing and PR samples by species in percent

Species Polyresistant results Homo-genous results

Strong PR Moderate PR Weak PR Total PR


Candida albicans (n ¼ 219) 2a 2 3 3a 6 7a 212

C. glabrata (n ¼ 91) 1 1 9 1 10 1 2 3 14 77
C. parapsilosis (n ¼ 25) 1 1 2 2 4 5 20
C. tropicalis (n ¼ 23) 2 1 3 1a 1a 1a 4a 19
C. krusei (n ¼ 13) 2 2 2 11
C. lusitaniae (n ¼ 2) 1 1 1 1
Other species 0 32
Total, n 6 2 8 15 7 21a 1 4 5 33a 372
C. albicans, % (n ¼ 219) 0.9 0.0 0.9 1.4 1.4 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.2 96.8
non-albicans, % (n ¼ 186) 2.2 1.1 3.2 6.5 2.2 8.6 0.5 2.2 2.7 14.0 86.0
Total, % 1.5 0.5 2.0 3.5 1.7 5.2 0.2 1.0 1.2 8.1 91.9

PR was defined as heterogeneous antifungal susceptibility testing results from a same-species Candida sample upon re-testing of colonies. PR was divided in categorically
(EUCAST S, I, R) polyresistant MICs above 3 log2 dilutions (strong PR), categorically (EUCAST S, I, R) polyresistant MICs up to 3 log2 dilutions (moderate PR) and polyresistant
MICs above 3 log2 dilutions without categorical (EUCAST S, I, R) difference (weak PR). Species with only homogeneous results by multiple colony testing were summarized as
other species. Other species included C. dubliniensis (n ¼ 16), C. kefyr (n ¼ 7), C. fabianii (n ¼ 2), C. inconspicua (n ¼ 2), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (n ¼ 2), C. metapsilosis (n ¼ 1),
C. auris (n ¼ 1), and C. guilliermondii (n ¼ 1).
Same isolate exhibiting polyresistant results for FLU and ANI.
Abbreviations: ANI, anidulafungin; EUCAST, European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; FLU, fluconazole; PR, polyresistance

Table 3 occurred in our study with higher rates in non-albicans species than
Polyresistant isolates obtained by multiple colony testing listed by the origin of the in C. albicans, and more frequently for fluconazole than for anidu-
lafungin. These differences must likely be considered as a product
Specimen type PR Number of polyresistant isolates of overall resistance rates, which determine the probability of
Candida albicans Non-albicans encountering resistant subpopulations. These insights may aid in
the consideration of ambiguous AFST results in non-albicans spe-
cies and treatment with fluconazole.
Blood cultures (n ¼ 161) Strong 0 0 1 1 The presence of multiple Candida strains was more commonly
Moderate 0 0 5 2
found in feces, urine, and vaginal samples than in sterile body sites
Weak 0 0 0 0
Intraabdominal (n ¼ 77) Strong 0 0 1 0 [7e9], supporting the hypothesis that only a small number of cells
Moderate 0 1 2 1 enter a sterile site of infection [8]. However, our PR samples
Weak 0 0 0 3 originated from a variety of infected sterile body sites, with urine
Urine (n ¼ 78) Strong 1 0 1 1
a a a
and bile samples as an exception, yet usually free from a colo-
Moderate 2 1 5 1
Weak 0 0 0 1
nizing Candida flora. Nine (5.6%) of the 161 investigated blood
Others (n ¼ 89) Strong 1 0 1 0 cultures were PR, demonstrating that PR as a manifestation of
Moderate 1 1 0 0 intra-host diversity also occurs in sterile body regions. Several
Weak 0 0 1 0 lineages may co-exist or rapidly adapt under stress [9], resulting in
PR was marked in categorically (EUCAST S, I, R) polyresistant MICs above three log2 PR upon separate testing of single colonies. Accordingly, cell-to-
dilutions (strong PR), polyresistant MICs up to three log2 dilutions (moderate PR), cell variations in drug response (heteroresistance) have been
and polyresistant MICs above three log2 dilutions without categorical (EUCAST S, I,
described for fungi, with high rates of heteroresistance for
R) difference (weak PR). Others included sterile puncture fluids, bile, tissues, gastric
liquids, wound secretions, and drainage fluids from various sterile regions. C. glabrata and fluconazole, however, not for echinocandins [30].
Same isolate exhibiting polyresistant results for FLU and ANI. Population analysis profiling [30] or the molecular analysis of
Abbreviations: ANI, anidulafungin; EUCAST, European Committee on Antimicrobial resistance mechanisms enable an elaborate characterization of
Susceptibility Testing; FLU, fluconazole; PR, polyresistance. the underlying reasons for some types of PR, however, these
methods are not suitable for routine application. The term PR here
was defined as heterogeneous MICs from a same-species Candida
aid disclosing otherwise undetected resistances, as some MICs will culture, to help describe heterogeneous AFST results irrespective
be read above the breakpoint concentration. Altogether, colonies of the underlying mechanism.
with a categorically (EUCAST S, I, R) higher MIC than in routine AFST In our study, we performed genotyping to assess the clonality of
were found in 4.4%. Classification of MICs close to the breakpoint four strains with the most pronounced strong PR to address the
concentration was less consistent upon re-testing, meaning that possibility of multiple infections of the same species but differently
some colonies showed MICs above and some below the breakpoint, susceptible strains. In MLST, two combinations of sample and locus
often resulting in moderate PR. However, for samples with single repeatedly failed to give clear sequencing results for unknown
deviant colonies, the MIC of the routine AFST result was not indic- reasons. Other studies demonstrated the co-existence of multiple
ative of PR. Routine AFST builds the basis for decisions regarding related but divergent genotypes differing in several thousand single
antifungal therapy, hence fast and reliable results are necessary. Our nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and harboring different flucon-
study shows that in PR, AFST results are partly incidental, potentially azole MICs [9]. Recent data indicate that MLST only rarely reveals
leading to suboptimal selection of antifungal therapy or break- this diversity, namely when an SNP affects by chance one of the
through infections. MLST loci [7]. A similar background might be possible for our
Generally, non-albicans species show higher resistance rates C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. tropicalis samples with largely iden-
than C. albicans, and acquired resistance occurs more frequently tical MLST loci. Underlying might be an unknown number of SNPs
towards azoles than towards echinocandins [2]. Accordingly, PR becoming apparent as PR but not discovered by MLST.
1288.e5 M.A. Knoll et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28 (2022) 1288.e1e1288.e7

Table 4
Multilocus sequence typing allele types and sequence types for individual isolates from samples with strong polyresistance

Candida albicans Alleles Sequencing MIC FLU MIC repetition Etest MIC EUCAST Reproducible
type microdilution
Isolate ID AAT1a ACC1 ADP1 MPIb SYA1 VPS13 ZWF1b

ATCC 90028 5 3 5 9 2 25 12 / n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

I 38 A 13 10 15 6 7 32 15 1110 0.25 0.25 0.125 yes
I 38 B 13 10 15 6 7 32 15 1110 0.5 0.125 0.125 yes
I 38 C 13 10 15 6 7 32 15 1110 0.5 0.25 0.125 yes
I 38 D 13 10 15 6 7 32 15 1110 0.5 0.125 0.125 yes
I 38 E 13 10 15 6 d 32 15 d 4 4 2 yes

C. glabrata Alleles Sequencing MIC FLU MIC Repetition Etest MIC EUCAST Reproducible
Isolate ID FKS LEU2 NMT1 TRP1 UGP1 URA3 type microdilution

ATCC 90030 8 4 3 5 1 2 10 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

I 15 A 5 7 8 7 3 6 3 >256 64 32 no
I 15 B 5 7 8 / 3 6 d 4 8 8 yes
I 15 C 5 7 8 7 3 6 3 >256 128 32 no
I 15 D 5 7 8 7 3 6 3 8 8 x no
I 15 E 5 7 8 7 3 6 3 >256 128 32 no

C. tropicalis Alleles Sequencing MIC FLU MIC Repetition Etest MIC EUCAST Reproducible
Isolate ID ICL1 MDR1 SAPT2 SAPT4 XYR1 ZWF1a type microdilution

ATCC 90874 1 1 11 9 77 1 d n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

E 23 A 1 1 10 1 73 1 d 4 0.125 0.125 no
E 23 B 1 1 10 1 73 1 d 8 0.25 0.125 no
E 23 C 1 1 10 1 73 1 d 0.5 0.25 0.125 yes
E 23 D 1 1 10 1 73 1 d 4 0.125 0.125 no
E 23 E 1 1 10 1 73 1 d 8 0.125 0.25 no

MICs in mg/L obtained by multiple colony testing with Etest are displayed on the right and marked as reproducible within ±2 log2 dilutions by Etest and the EUCAST
microdilution or as not reproducible.
Abbreviations: EUCAST, European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; FLU, fluconazole; n.a., not applicable.

The selected PR C. lusitaniae sample showed a reproducible MIC Moreover, MLST as used in our study has lower discriminatory
of 4 mg/L for isolate A as opposed to 0.064 mg/L for the remaining power in genotyping Candida, than for example whole-genome
four isolates and the routine result. RAPD band patterns for isolate sequencing, which would detect all SNPs of diversifying lineages
A differed from isolates BeE, suggesting the presence of a second [7]. Differences between diverging progeny of the same strain may
C. lusitaniae clone in the sample. Altogether, the results of geno- therefore stayed undiscovered.
typing PR isolates indicate that the reasons for PR can be manifold, In conclusion, our results demonstrate that PR is a real-life phe-
with no single underlying mechanism. nomenon and that one single MIC-value obtained by standard AFST
There are some limitations to our study. Some of the R MCT may not be as reliable as expected. As a result, for clinical practice,
results were not confirmed by a second method. Especially for more than one colony should be included in AFST. Further research is
borderline R results, the technical variance between Etest and needed about the clinical implications of this phenomenon. How-
microdilution can produce different results with another method. ever, we must ultimately assume that resistances may go undetected
However, the aim of the study was to evaluate the level of variance by standard AFST, and consider applying adaptions such as MCT or
obtained by multiple testing in a real-life setting. Furthermore, we modified inocula to the repertoire of AFST.
did not investigate the underlying molecular resistance mecha-
nisms of the PR strains, as this would have exceeded the objective
of the study. This should be elucidated in a subsequent study. Transparency declaration

The authors received no financial support for this work and have
declared no conflicts of interest exists. J.S.T. reports payment or
honoraria for lectures, presentations, speaker's bureaus, manu-
script writing or educational events, and leadership or fiduciary
role in other board, society, committee or advocacy group of Gilead.
R.K. received research grants from Merck and Pfizer and served on
the speakers' bureau of Pfizer, Gilead, Astellas, Basilea, Merck, and
Angelini. B.D. reports consulting fees from Pfizer and payment for
lectures, presentations, and support for attending meetings and/or
travel from Gilead. P.K. reports grants or contracts from German
Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) B-FAST (Bun-
desweites Forschungsnetz Angewandte Surveillance und Testung)
and NAPKON (Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz, German Na-
tional Pandemic Cohort Network) of the Network University
Medicine (NUM) and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia;
consulting fees Ambu GmbH, Gilead Sciences, Mundipharma
Fig. 1. Band patterns obtained with primers OPA-1 and OPA-8 for C. lusitaniae. Bands
Research Limited, Noxxon N.V. and Pfizer Pharma; honoraria for
differed between isolate A (bands 1 and 6) and isolates BeD (bands 2e5 and 7e10) for lectures from Akademie für Infektionsmedizin e.V., Ambu GmbH,
both primers. M, 1 kb marker. Astellas Pharma, BioRad Laboratories Inc., European Confederation
M.A. Knoll et al. / Clinical Microbiology and Infection 28 (2022) 1288.e1e1288.e7 1288.e6

of Medical Mycology, Gilead Sciences, GPR Academy Ruesselsheim, [8] Zhang N, Wheeler D, Truglio M, Lazzarini C, Upritchard J, McKinney W, et al.
Multi-locus next-generation sequence typing of DNA extracted from pooled
medupdate GmbH, MedMedia, MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH, Pfizer
colonies detects multiple unrelated Candida albicans strains in a significant
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