Problem Set Mathematical Modelling - 2

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Do as indicated.

1. a. Collect the data of active cases of COVID 19 in the Philippines (DOH website) from November
1-30, 2021.
b. Use scatter diagram to graph your data.
c. Illustrate your best fit line.
d. From your data collection can you predict the future active cases of COVID 19. Explain.

2. An online seller needs to ship two balls. The two balls have to be shipped inside a rectangle box.
Suppose that the boxes will be built so that the two balls fit snuggle into the boxes. Each ball has
a radius of r inches. If the packing material cost 50 pesos per cubic inch, find a model for the
total cost of packing a box in terms of r.

3. The population of fish in a reservoir is affected by both fishing and restocking. The proportionate
birth rate is constant at 0.6 per year and the proportionate death rate is constant 0.65 per year.
The reservoir is restocked at a constant rate of 4000 fish per year and fishermen are allowed to
catch 3500 fish per year.

a. Using these assumptions derive a recurrence relation to model the population.

b. Without solving the recurrence relation describe the long-term behavior of the
population in the two cases when the initial population is 5000 or 15000. Verify you

4. In November 1989, a small pride of 20 lions was introduced to a mini zoo. In the past few years,
experts observe that each year the average breeding success of lionesses is 1 young reared to
maturity while during each year 10% of the population at the start of the period die. Assume
that half of the population is lionesses. Which of the following mathematical models describe
the population growth of the pride?

a. Using these assumptions derive a recurrence relation to model the population.

b. Find the size of the pride each year between 1989 and 2010.
c. How many lions should be released from the mini zoo so that the management can
maintain a pride size of 30 lions?

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