CCPH Script

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Well, there are things that could make us happy but it doesn’t make our

career improve.
And we people has the ability to learn on how to love things.
We should try those vocational things that could possibly affect us to
be more productive and successful person rather than those things that
put us on static way of living. Meaning, you don’t improve, you don’t
cope up to the environment and to what is happening around you. Youll
be left behind.
For example instead of lying on our beds the whole time, why
don’t we try workouts or do clean our houses.
We should try vocational things that could make us enjoy and at the
same time , vocational things that could improve our lives way to be a
successful one.

2. Socializing to other people is really helpful. We cant live all alone.

Rather than being bored or sitting the whole day, let us try to socialize
to other people
Just like in school , uh we share thoughts , exchange ideas . just like in
improving well in vocational dimension. We need ideas from other that
could help usvocationally,
Well after gaining ideas from other people, we should analyze if it fits us
or not, because , through this , it increases our knowledge and skills to
accomplish goals.

3. well, there are lots of opportunities before the pandemic has happened
We must try to join and find more active clubs or groups then we can
ffind and our hidden talents or skills,
We can enhance our skills that could possibly help us in improving
vocational dimensions ,for our future as well
Try to write your goals, create plan and execute themproperly.
Well now, that we are experiencing pandemic , we can enhance our
skills with our families
Try to do vo vocational thinfs with our familirs then, it may help you
improve your vocational dimension. Meaning, dont settle for less , keep
motivated and work towards what u want.
4.) now that we are under pandemic , we really do need to be careful on
what we do.

1. We should try other vocational things, but first we need

to analyze. Analyze on how can it affect You and other
people around you.
2. In improving our vocational dimension of wellness,
sometimes, when we start doing things that we are not
even familiar of, its boring, silence were all around but
we should try, try to cooperate, to boost yourself .
because as timepasses day by day, you can learn how to
love on what you were doing
3. .you may ask help from a friebd to guide you in doing
tghat vocational thingf that u were tryning to, and that
is very helpful.
4. Find the positivity in it, if it doesn’t really fit you even
if you’ve triedur best,then stop pursuing it. Because
here in vocational dimension of wellness you must be
enjoying and satisfied of what you do.

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