66 1100 105-0 Creation of CSV File For Vostio Location Solutions Virtual Devices

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Technical Instruction

Creation of CSV File

Vostio Location Solutions Virtual Devices

1 66 1100 105-0
The information in this document is subject to change at the sole discretion of
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ASSA ABLOY does not assume any responsibility for incidental or consequential
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Unauthorized use and reproduction is prohibited.

Table of contents
1. Creation of CSV file .......................................................................................... 3
2. Verification of CSV file....................................................................................... 5

2 66 1100 105-0
1. Creation of CSV file

When creating a CSV file for Vostio Location Solutions virtual devices, rules 1-8 specified
in this document must be followed. Note for example as stated in rule 2 that ‘BluFi’ must
in the CSV file be written as ‘Blufi’ with a lowercase ‘f’ to align with the programming
language. See an example of a CSV file fulfilling all the rules in point 9.

1. Do not use comma, file separator or special characters in data values.

If a comma, file separator and/or other special characters are added in the data values,
the file will be invalid and hence not be possible to use. Make sure to instead use the
format UTF-8 for the data values and limit the usage to letters ‘A-Z a-z’, numbers 0-9,
character ‘-’ and space ‘ ’.

2. In the first line of the file, the header defined below is required.
(Space Blufi Name,Location Name,Floor Number,Power Source Type,Virtual Blufi Type)

It is critical that these values are provided as described above. No other header values can
be added, and spaces and capitalizations must be added exactly as above; also see example
in point 9.

Header value Description

Space Blufi Name Name of the BluFi which will be reflected as location
Location Name Name of building or part of building, for example 'Main building' or 'Left wing’
Floor Number Floor where the BluFi will be installed, for example ‘Floor 1’
Power Source Type The BluFi type can be ‘AC’ (most common) or ‘DC’
Virtual Blufi Type Type of device; either ‘Blufi’ or ‘Beacon’

3. Separate the data fields with a comma delimiter.

Depending on your regional settings the separator might be different if using Microsoft Excel
to generate the CSV file, but it is highly recommended to use comma (,) as the separator.
Note: Some other delimiters are autocorrected when the file is uploaded. Open the file in
Notepad to view what delimiter that is used in the file.

4. Keep each record on a separate line.

Each record must start on its own line, but a single record can span multiple lines if the
values are too long to fit into a single line.
Note: Do not use any carriage return (Enter button) in the data values.

5. Do not follow the last record with a carriage return or any other inputs.

If a carriage return (Enter button) is added at the end of the file, the reader will believe
that there is another row of data to read. Since nothing is available, a ‘null’ exception will
be thrown which makes the file invalid.

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6. Make sure the file does not contain any empty data value inputs.

This rule helps guarding against ‘null’ exceptions and misreadings in the automated
reading of the file.
Example: 103,,1,DC,Blufi

7. Make sure the file does not include empty data rows.

This rule also helps guarding against ‘null’ exceptions and misreadings by the automated
reading of the file.
Example: ,,,,

8. Make sure the file extension is of correct type (*.csv)

In order for the file to be treated as a CSV file, it needs to have the correct file extension csv.
Example: PropertyName.csv

9. Example of CSV file

See below an example of valid data in a CSV file.

Space Blufi Name,Location Name,Floor Number,Power Source Type,Virtual Blufi Type

Blufi 101,East Wing,Floor 1,DC,Blufi

Blufi 102,West Wing,Floor 1,DC,Blufi

Blufi 201,East Wing,Floor 2,AC,Blufi

Blufi 202,West Wing,Floor 2,AC,Beacon

Blufi 301,Center,Floor 3,AC,Beacon

Figure 1

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2. Verification of CSV file

When the CSV file has been created, open it in Notepad to verify that there are no errors in the
file. See example with errors below; if the CSV file looks as in Figure 2 when opened in Microsoft
Excel, some errors will be visible if opening the same file in Notepad (errors marked with yellow
in Figure 3).

Figure 2

Figure 3

The errors are:

• Header "Power Source Type" has a trailing white space.
• Header ends with "," which adds yet another header value even if left blank.
• Each data row has an additional value at the end even if left blank.
• There are several empty data rows.

When the above errors have been corrected in the CSV file, it should look as below when the
CSV file is opened in Notepad.

Figure 4

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