Concepts: Development: 1.5 Causes of Uneven Development

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Concepts: Development

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Exchange Equity Equity and development
Resources Exploration to be developed:
Inequality, difference and

Conceptual understanding :
Globalisation poses challenges
of disparity and poverty.
Statement of Inquiry :

"The improvement of collective and individual living standards can be achieved

through an equitable distribution of resources that also takes into consideration
not only the increase of wealth but also human development. »
Research questions:
Conceptual : Inviting debate:
Factual(s) :

What is economic What are the challenges facing To what extent can a single
development? developing countries? measure of development give a
picture of a country's
What factors influence How to measure development? development?
economic development?
How can we compare the What are the economic risks
How is development measured? quality of life of people? when a country depends on a
single export?
What are the measures of How can aid reduce the
To what extent does uneven
development? development gap?
development lead to wealth
and health inequalities?
How can the economic
development gap be closed? To what extent is trade or aid
the best way for the poorest
countries to develop?

What are the advantages and

disadvantages of aid and trade?

- To what extent does economic

growth lead to development?

Is aid an effective strategy to

end poverty?
1.5 Causes of uneven development
How the physical,economic and historical development causes of uneven development
A. Knowing and understanding/ demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-
specific content and concepts through descriptions, explanations and examples.

ATL:Communication skills:Read critically and for comprehension.

1.What are the main physical causes of unequal global development? Try to expand the list
Being a landlocked country and being in lowered continents such as Africa.
2.What are the issues with the water supply in photo B?
3.a What percentage of world trade shown in graph C was 'exports from Europe'?
b. What percentage of world trade was 'imports to Asia'?
4.a Describe the trends in the world price for copper (graph D).
what impact does this have on the Zambian economy?
This affects the Zambian economy as there main export is copper and depending on the price it
can go up or down

B. Investigating /use research methods to collect and record relevant information

ATL skills: Information skills: Access information to be informed and inform others.

1.Investigate the impact of colonialism in Kenya and the difficulties associated with
independence (Optional)
Multiple casualties throughout the war and a drought accompanied with low amounts of trade.
2. Indicate two methods you will use to record the sources you have found.
MLA citations
D.Critical thinking (ii. synthesize information to make valid arguments) & A. Knowing and
understanding ( i. use terminology in context)
& C. Commmunicating (ii. structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the
specified format)

1.Explain the link between trade and the development gap. Write a PEEL paragraph to explain
this link.
Trade and development both rely on each other as to develop you need to trade between large nations

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