중등3 레벨테스트

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중 3 레벨테스트

1. 다음의 영영사전 정의에 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

________________: a change in something that makes it more suitable for its environment

① element ② shape ③ drought ④ pollution ⑤ adaptation

2. 밑줄 친 단어와 가장 유사한 의미로 쓰인 단어를 고르시오.

The media affects how people think about their appearance.

① reflects ② ignores ③ determines ④ influences ⑤ reveals

3. 나머지 넷과 관련이 없는 단어를 고르시오.

① poet ② script ③ director ④ film ⑤ actress

4. 주어진 관계를 바탕으로, 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

treatment : therapy = priceless : ______________

① invaluable ② efficient ③ necessary ④ historical ⑤ worthless

5. 문맥상 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

If you ____________ five from twelve, you are left with seven.

① divide ② equal ③ distract ④ subtract ⑤ calculate

6. 문맥상 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

We used a helicopter to _______________ passengers from a sinking boat.

① occur ② protest ③ prove ④ investigate ⑤ rescue

7. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

It’s very cold outside. You’d better wear ___________ a coat or a jacket.

ⓛ both ② either ③ neither ④ not only ⑤ but also

8. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

Santorini is the island ___________ I’ve always wanted to go.

① when ② where ③ why ④ how ⑤ what

9. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
• He didn’t know her then, but he talks as if he _______________ familiar with her.
• If they ____________ angry at me, they would not have come today.

① are ② were ③ has been ④ had been ⑤ would have been

10. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 알맞게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

• He was chosen _______________ the coat.
• Your soup _______________ in the pot.
• He is pleased _______________ my present.

① design …… is heating …… with

② design …… is heating …… on
③ design …… is being heated …… on
④ to design …… is being heated …… on
⑤ to design …… is being heated …… with

11. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지와 다른 것을 고르시오.

① My teacher must like yellow.
② He must be happy to have won the race.
③ She must bring my bag by tomorrow.
④ Mike must have taken cooking lessons.
⑤ He must have shown my picture to Tom.

12. 보기의 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것은?

보기 I’m very pleased to hear that he passed his driving test.

① His current job is to sell used cars.

② We are waiting for someone to fix our TV.
③ Ann was never to see her father again.
④ We are planning to build a concert hall here.
⑤ I was surprised to get a Christmas card from Dan.

13. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

① She is wiser than her husband.
② The work is getting easier and easier.
③ No other city is more romantic than Prague.
④ The supermarket is a lot more crowded than usual.
⑤ The tulip is one of the most beautiful flower in the world.
14. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
① To learn how to fish is not that hard.
② The building on the corner is City Hall.
③ The children sitting on the sofa is watching TV.
④ How the girl survived the accident is not known.
⑤ Making perfume requires a good sense of smell.

15. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장의 개수는?

• You must get up early tomorrow.
• She was seen laughing with her friends.
• Susan may has regretted her choice.
• Mrs. Jones is always worried of her two sons.

① 0개 ② 1개 ③ 2개 ④ 3개 ⑤ 4개

16. 다음 문장을 분사구문을 이용하여 바르게 바꾼 것은?

As she worked at a café, she knows how to make coffee.

① Being worked at a café, she knows how to make coffee.

② As worked at a café, she knows how to make coffee.
③ Worked at a café, she knows how to make coffee.
④ Having working at a café, she knows how to make coffee.
⑤ Having worked at a café, she knows how to make coffee.

17. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

What makes people stronger? What helps them handle pain? According to one experiment,
the answer is clear: “encouragement.” A psychologist had some people stand in a bucket of ice
water. Then he recorded how long they stood in the bucket. Of all the participants, one person
stayed standing twice as long as the others. What made the difference? That person’s friends
told him that he was doing great and encouraged him to keep trying. The other people in the
experiment weren’t given any encouragement at all. It shows that the power of encouragement
is huge. So the next time your friend is doing hard work, tell him or her to cheer up, and to
keep going. It will really work!

① A Cruel Experiment
② The Causes of Stress
③ The Danger of Ice Water
④ How Encouragement Helps
⑤ How to Make Good Friends

18. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

When you open the box of a new electronic device, you will find a booklet inside. This
booklet is called a user manual, and it tells you how to use the device. You have probably seen
lots of them. But have you ever wonder who makes them? That’s technical writers, whose job is
to write these manuals. They must be experts in the technology that a certain product uses. But
they must also be able to explain its functions with clear and easy language. This way, people
for whom advanced technology is confusing can understand the manuals. These days, technical
writing is a promising field. You can find a good job in this field. Every year, many new
electronic devices are introduced into the market. So, electronics companies need lots of people
who are good at writing manuals.

① the difficulty of technical terms

② what technical writers do and need
③ why you should read a user manual
④ the most promising jobs of the future
⑤ how to use an electronic device longer

19. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

Many people eat sugar-free products when they are dieting. However, most of these products
contain artificial sweeteners. According to the researchers, eating just an average amount of
these sweeteners changes the composition of the bacteria that live in our intestines. ① This can
cause us to have too much sugar in our blood, which sometimes leads to type 2 diabetes. ②
The study also showed that artificial sweeteners might be contributing to the increase in
obesity rates. ③ This is because their extreme sweetness makes us need more and more sweet
things in order to feel satisfied. ④ Natural sugar can be addictive and increases our levels of
body fat. ⑤ Above all, there is no proof that eating sugar-free products that contain artificial
sweeteners help people lose weight.
*intestine: 장, 창자

20. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

Laughing, she told the woman to check the photo more carefully.

One day, a mother was taking a shower while her young daughter played on the bathroom
floor. When she finished showering, she was surprised to find that her daughter had wrapped
her entire body in toilet paper. ( ① ) Since the mother thought her daughter looked very cute,
she ran from the bathroom to get her phone to take a picture. ( ② ) The photograph she took
was adorable, so she quickly sent it to all her relatives. ( ③ ) Moments later, her sister called.
( ④ ) When she did, she was terribly embarrassed to see that it showed her reflection in the
mirror without any clothes on. ( ⑤ )

21. poi 에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Poi is a special food that has been loved by the Hawaiian people. Its main ingredient is a
plant called taro. To make poi, the roots of the plant must be cooked and then mashed. Freshly
made poi is pale purple, and it tastes very sweet. But the taste becomes sour as time passes.
Then things such as milk or sugar are added to make it tastier. Many people think it looks and
tastes like wallpaper paste, but it is the holy food for the Hawaiian people. They think poi is
related to Haloa, the Hawaiian people’s ancestor. It is believed that his spirit appears whenever
poi is uncovered. So everyone at the table should stop arguing when the poi is uncovered!
*taro 타로토란

① 타로토란이라는 식물의 뿌리로 만들어진다.

② 갓 만들어진 poi 는 신맛이 난다.
③ 우유나 설탕을 넣어서 먹기도 한다.
④ 하와이 사람들에게 신성한 음식이다.
⑤ 하와이 조상신인 Haloa 와 연관이 있다고 여겨진다.

22. Herb Island Light Festival 에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Herb Island Light Festival
December 2 to 23 at Austin National Park

Come enjoy a fun festival and see colorful buildings decorated with twinkling lights! Attending
this beautiful festival is the perfect way to celebrate the Christmas season with friends and

Festival Activities
- Daily: Take pictures in the Christmas Photo Zone
Make Christmas soap at the Activity Center
- Weekends only: Enjoy a Christmas meal at the Herb Island food court

Operation Times
- Weekdays and Sundays: 09:00 – 22:00
- Saturdays and Holidays: 09:00 – 23:00
*The lights turn on at sunset.

Admission Fee
- Adults aged 18 to 64: $6
- Children under 18 and adults over 64: $4
- Infants under 36 months: Free

Visit our website at www.herbisland.org for more information.

① 건물들이 조명으로 장식되어 있다.

② 크리스마스 포토존은 주중과 주말 모두 이용 가능하다.
③ 일요일은 평일과 같은 시간으로 운영된다.
④ 조명 점등 시간은 일몰 시간에 따라 다르다.
⑤ 65 세 이상의 어른들은 입장료로 6 달러를 내야 한다.
23. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The phrase “white elephant” is used to describe an object _______________________________. The
history of the phrase comes from Thailand and other Asian countries where rare white
elephants were considered holy. People believed the animals brought good luck. When they
died, people considered it an omen of disaster. Therefore, whoever owned a white elephant had
to make sure it had the finest food, housing, and care. Usually, kings were the only people rich
enough to afford them. However, ancient kings started giving white elephants as gifts to
people they were displeased with. This appeared to be a great honor. In reality, caring for the
white elephant would bring financial ruin to the receiver of the gift over time.

① that brings good luck but is hard to get

② that has been useless since ancient times
③ which stands out from many other things
④ which every person wants to keep until they die
⑤ whose cost of ownership is greater than its actual value

24. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

We all know about the importance of a smile when meeting someone new. New research,
however, shows that _____________________________________________________. The study, which was
conducted by a business support group in Scotland, examined how people react to different
types of smiles. Based on the results, the researchers say there are three kinds of smiles to
avoid. The first, nicknamed ‘the Enthusiast,’ is when you smile widely, exposing all of your teeth.
Apparently, this is a case of “too much of a good thing.” Next is ‘the Big Freeze,’ an unmoving
smile that doesn’t seem natural. And finally, there is ‘the Robot.’ This is a small smile lacking in
friendliness. The researchers further suggest that you avoid smiling too quickly. People react
best to a smile that forms slowly and naturally.

① it’s important how you smile, not just that you smile
② it’s wise to use different smiles in different situations
③ people from different cultures smile in different ways
④ smiling is actually not helpful when meeting someone
⑤ there are better ways to show friendliness than a smile

25. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

A long time ago, a flood in northern Vietnam prevented farmers from working in their fields.
In their free time, ⓐ they came up with the idea of water puppet shows. First, ⓑ they carved
and painted the puppets. Next, ⓒ they attached strings to them. The strings were then tied to
bamboo poles, which allowed the farmers to control the puppets. ⓓ They stood in their
flooded fields and held the bamboo poles. The strings attached to the poles made the puppets
move, so ⓔ they appeared to be alive. Using these puppets, the farmers gave the other
villagers puppet shows. Even today, water puppet shows are an important part of Vietnamese
*puppet: (인형극에 쓰는) 인형, 꼭두각시
①ⓐ ②ⓑ ③ⓒ ④ⓓ ⑤ⓔ

[26~30] 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 올바른 순서로 배열하시오.

26. 나는 그 부상당한 사람들을 보고 충격받았다.
(injured / see / shocked / to / people / I / the / was)
27. 내 드레스는 그녀 것보다 훨씬 더 아름다워 보인다.
(looks / hers / beautiful / much / my dress / than / more)

28. 물이 없다면, 아무도 살아남을 수 없을 것이다.

(water / for / no one / if / were / survive / it / could / not)

29. 신 씨는 부인이 제작자인 코미디언이다.

(is / wife / a producer / a comedian / Mr. Shin / whose / is)

30. 그녀에게 소리친 사람은 바로 Holly 의 여동생이었다.

(was / her / who / it / yelled at / Holly’s sister)

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