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The Lisbon Rules:

Compensation for damages in

collision cases *
In 1983 the C.M.I. sent to all affiliated National Maritime Law
Associations a series of questions designed to ascertain how the law in each
of those maritime nations dealt with the problems of compensating
shipowners for losses suffered as a result of collisions. Detailed replies to the
questionnaire were received from 21 National Associations.
Using this material an International Working Group, appointed by the
C.M.I. under the Chairmanship of Jean Warot, set about preparing a set of
rules covering all aspects of collision damages. The first draft was
considered by delegates to the C.M.I. Conference in Lisbon in 1985.
Following that Conference there were several further meetings of the
Working Group. The Lisbon Rules are the end result.
As Rule A states, the Rules "are available for adoption . following a
collison". They do not have the force of law and cannot be imposed on
anyone. It is hoped, however, that shipowners and insurers will, following a
collision, feel that the interests of all parties will be usefully served by
adopting the Rules, thereby ensuring that claims arising out ofthe collision
will be dealt with on the same basis. Adoption of the Rules should save much
time and expense.
Apart from the adoption of the Rules on a case by case basis, it is hoped
that the Rules will, in time, achieve sufficient recognition in international
shipping and insurance circles for them to be widely adopted as the basis
upon which such matters should be resolved.
The Rules are intended to be comprehensive but it has been necessary in a
number of Rules to introduce considerations of what may be "reasonable"
in all the circumstances. In the final resort if the parties cannot agree on
what is reasonable it will be necessary to submit to judicial or arbitral
review. Even if this,happensit is hoped that the Rules will assist the tribunal
concerned to reach a just solution.
Rule I11 deals with damage to cargo or other property on board.
Shipowners who wish to adopt the Rules cannot impose them on cargo

* The Lisbon Rules as produced here with Introductory Note are taken from the CMINews
Lezter of Spring 1987.
(1987) 4 MLAANZ Journal

interests. Again, therefore, agreement will be necessary after the event

unless some wider international recognition is achieved.
One final point; parties must direct their minds to the question of
currency of claim. T h e agreement attached to the Rules which the parties
are expected to sign requires the parties to choose the currency in which
claims shall be assessed, failing which Special Drawing Rights will apply.
T h e parties should fully understand the implications of t h e currency Rule
before signing the agreement.


In these Rules, the following words are used with the meaning set out below:
"Vessel" means any ship, craft, machine, rig or platform whether capable of
navigation or not, which is involved in a collision.
"Collision" means any accident involving two or more vessels which causes loss
or damage even if no actual contact has taken place.
"Claimanr " means any person, corporate body or legal entity to whom damages
are due in respect of loss or damage (excluding death and personal
injury) as a result of a collision.
"Damages" means the financial compensation payable to the Claimant.
"Toral Loss" means an actual total loss of the vessel or such damage to the vessel
that the cost of saving and repairing her would exceed her market
value at the time of the collision.
"Property " means cargo, goods and other things on board a vessel.
"Freight" means the remuneration payable for the carriage by the vessel'of
property or passengers or for the use of the vessel.
''Detention" means the period of time during which the Claimant is deprived of
the use of the vessel.
These Rules are available for adoption in cases where damages are claimed
following a collision. Their adoption does not imply an admission of liability.
When avesselis involved in a collision, these Rules shall apply to the assessment of
the damages. These Rules shall not extend to the determination of liability or affect
rights of limitation of liability.
Subject to the application of the numbered rules the Claimant shall be entitled to
recover only such damages as may reasonably be considered to be the direct and
immediate consequence of the collision.
Subject to the application of Rule C and of the numbered Rules, damages shall
place the Claimant in the same financial position as he would have occupied had the
collision not occurred.
Lisbon Rules
The burden of proving the loss or damage sustained in accordance with these
Rules shall be upon the Claimant. Damages shall not be recoverable to the extent
that the person against whom the claim is made is able to show that the Claimant
could have avoided or mitigated the loss or damage by the exercise of reasonable
Total Loss
1. In the event of a vessel being a total loss, the Claimant shall be entitled to damages
equal to the cost of purchasing a similar vessel in the market at the date of the
collision. Where no similar vessel is available, the Claimant shall be entitled to
recover as damages the value of the vessel at the date of the collision calculated by
reference to the type, age, condition, nature of operation of the vessel and any
other relevant factors.
2. Damages recoverable in the event of a total loss shall also include:
(a) Reimbursement of salvage, general average and other charges and expenses
reasonably incurred as a result of the collision.
(b) Reimbursement of sums for which the Claimant has become legally liable
and has paid to third parties in respect of such liability, arising out of the
collision by reason of contractual, statutory or other legal obligations.
(c) Reimbursement for the net freight lost and the value of bunkers and ship's
gear lost as a result of the collision and not included in the value of the vessel
ascertained in accordance with Rule I 1, above.
(d) Subject to reimbursement for any claim for loss of freight under paragraph
(c) above, compensation for the loss of use of the vessel for the period
reasonably necessary to find a replacement whether the vessel is actually
replaced or not. Such compensation to be calculated in accordance with Rule
11, less any interest which the Claimant may be entitled to receive under
Rule IV in respect of the said period.
Damage to vessel
1. In the event of a vessel being damaged but not being a total loss as defined in these
Rules, the Claimant shall be entitled to recover as damages:
(a) The cost of temporary repairs reasonably affected, and the reasonable cost of
permanent repairs.
The cost of those repairs shall include but not be limited to the cost of any
necessary drydocking, gasfreeing or tank cleaning, port charges, supervision
and classification surveys, together with drydock dues and/or wharfage, for
the time occupied in carrying out such repairs.
However, when the collision damage repairs are carried out in conjunction
with Owners' work which is essential to the seaworthiness of the vessel or
with essential repair work arising out of another incident or are deferred to
and carried out at a routine docking, the damages shall include but not be
limited to drydock dues, wharfage and/or other time-based charges only to -
the extent that the period to which such charges relate has been extended by
reason of the collision damage repairs.
34 (1 987) 4 MLAANZ Journal

(b) Reimbursement of salvage, general average and other charges and expenses
reasonably incurred as a result of the collision.
(c) Reimbursement of sums, for which the Claimant has become legally liable
and has paid to third parties in respect of such liability, arising out of the
collision by reason of contractual, statutory or other legal obligations.
(d) Reimbursement for the net freight lost and the cost of replacing bunkers and
vessel's gear lost as a result of the collision and not included in the cost of
repairs under Rule I1 l.(a).
2. Damages recoverable shall also include:
(a) Subject to reimbursement for any claim for loss of freight under Rule I1
l.(d), compensation for the net loss of earnings arising from the collision.
This compensation shall be assessed by establishing the grossearnings of the
vessel lost during detention, calculated by reference to the vessel's earnings
or by reference to the earnings of comparable vessels in the same trade and
then deducting from the gross earnings the operating costs which would
normally have been incurred in order to achieve the gross earnings, such as
hire payable, crew and bunker costs, port disbursements and insurance.
(b) Operating costs and expenses actually incurred during detention, other than
those included under Rule I1 1.
3. In the interpretation of Rule I1 2., the following particular provisions will also
(a) When detention occurs during the performance of a voyage charterparty and
such detention does not entail cancellation of the charterparty, compen-
sation shall be calculated by applying the average net earnings on the two
voyages prior to and the two voyages subsequent to the detention.
When no reference to two prior and two subsequent voyages is possible, the
net earnings on other relevant voyages or if there are no other relevant
voyages on the voyage during which the collision took place shall form the
basis of compensation.
If in consequence of such detention the charterparty is cancelled, and freight
remains unearned compensation shall include the net freight lost.
(b) When a detention occurs while the vessel is being operated on a liner service,
compensation for detention shall be assessed as follows:
i. when detention occurs during the voyage which the vessel is performing
at the time of the collision by applying to the detention the net daily
earnings for that voyage, computed for the time the voyage would have
taken had the collision not occurred.
ii. when detention occurs other than during the voyage which the vessel is
performing at the time of the collision, by applying to the detention the
average net earnings on the two voyages prior to and the two voyages
subsequent to the detention. When reference to two prior and two
subsequent voyages is not possible, the basis of the computation will be
the net earnings on other relevant voyages. If there are no other relevant
voyages the compensation will be assessed by reference to the net earnings
of a similar vessel operating in a similar trade.
(c) When detention occurs while the vessel is performing under a time charter,
compensation shall include the net loss of hire during the detention. If in
consequence of such detention the charterparty is cancelled, compensation
Lisbon Rules

shall include the net hire which would have been paid during the
unperformed portion of the charter, allowance being made for any actual net
earnings during that portion.
4. When collision damage repairs are carried out in conjunction with Owners' work
which is essential to the seaworthiness of the vessel or with essential repair work
arising out of another incident or are deferred to and carried out at a routine
docking, damages shall include compensation for detention only to the extent
that the period under repair is extended by reason of the collision damage repairs.

RULE 111
Property on board
1. The Claimant shall be entitled to recover damages when property has been lost or
damaged in consequence of the collision.
2. I n the case of property having a commercial value such damages shall be
calculated as follows:
(a) If such property is lost, the Claimant shall be entitled to reimbursement of
the market value at the port of destination at the time when it should have
arrived, less any expenses saved.
When such market value cannot be determined, the value of the property
shall be the shipped value plus freight and the cost of insurance if incurred
by the Claimant, plus a margin for profit assessed at no more than 10%of the
value of the property calculated as above.
(b) If such property is damaged, the Claimant shall be entitled to damages equal
to the difference between the value of the property in sound condition at
destination and its value in damaged condition.
Where physical damage to such property arises from the prolongation of the
voyage following the collision, the compensation shall be fured on the same
basis. However, where the loss arises from a fall in the market during such
prolongation there shall be no right to damages.
3. I n the case of any other property the Claimant shall be entitled to recover:
(a) Where the property has been lost or is irreparable: its value or the reasonable
cost of its replacement;
(b) Where the property is damaged and can be repaired: the reasonable cost of
repairs, but not exceeding its value or the reasonable cost of its replacement.

1. Interest on damages is recoverable in addition to the principal sum.
2. For claims under Rule I 1, interest shall run from the date of the collision to the
date of payment.
For all other claims, interest shall run from the date the loss was sustained or the
expense was incurred to the date of payment.
3. Where under Rule V the damages are to be calculated in Special Drawing Rights
(SDR), the rate of interest shall be the average London rate for three months
SDR linked deposits in the period that interest runs; otherwise the rate of interest
shall be ten percent per annum.
(1987) 4 MLAANZ Journal

Unless the parties have agreed to apply a specific currency in the calculation of
their damages the following procedure shall be adopted:
- losses or expenses shall be converted from the currency in which they are
incurred into Special Drawing Rights (SDR) at the rate of exchange prevailing
on the day the losses or expenses were incurred.
- the final amounts due shall be calculated in SDR and the balance due shall be
paid to the Claimant in the currency of his choice at the rate of exchange
prevailing on the date of payment.
- where no official SDR exchange rate is quoted for the currency, conversions to
and from SDR shall be made by reference to U.S. dollars.
11 April, 1987.
RE: ...................
.... ....

The parties hereto agree that their respective claims arising out of the above incident
shall be assessed in accordance with the Libson Rules 1987.

The damages shall be calculated in

(0) Insert names of ships involved and date/place of collision.
(X) If a currency is not specified, Rule V provides that the damages will be
calculated in Special Drawing Rights (SDR).

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