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Caloocan, Balayan Batangas

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics




STEM 12 – Epifanio De Los Santos

Group 12

Dacallos, Trina L.

Mendoza, Shaina Irish Jade D.

Pasiona, Kasandra Marienn

Perez, Kim Rosselle D.

Sanchez, Lorraine Grace

Dr. Ma. Rhoda E. Panganiban Phd

Research Adviser

Caloocan, Balayan Batangas
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics



Dental Anxiety is a significant factor that contributes to the avoidance of

dental care. According to Better Health Channel (2021), dental anxiety is defined as

fear, anxiety, or tension related to a dental environment -or it could be simply

correlated to the fear of going to the dentist. Dental anxiety is common among

people. As said by Beaton et al. (2014), there are several causes as to why people

are frightened of dentists such as an individual aetiological factor. Patients that suffer

from dental anxiety are afraid that something frighteningly bad will happen during

dental treatment, thus, avoiding going to the dentist. When such behavior occurs it

ultimately results in bad oral health. Oftentimes, dentists encounter difficulties when

dealing with a patient who has dental anxiety. The behavior of a patient suffering

from dental anxiety when triggered by a stimulus varies from one person to person.

Dental Anxiety manifest physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral responses in

people. It also has different levels, varying from mild to extreme levels that have

distinct types of appropriate approaches depending on the severity of the dental

anxiety of the patient. It is necessary to identify dentally anxious patients effectively

and to treat them appropriately. According to Hamzah et al. (2014), numerous

strategies of managing dental anxiety in pediatric patients were deemed effective,

including verbal and nonverbal communication, desensitization to dental settings and

procedures, positive reinforcement, parental presence and support, and many more.

Therefore, developing appropriate evidence-based treatments to be given such

patients is essential.

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Dental anxiety is a major complication for both patient and dentist. This

apprehension leads patients to postpone or cancel dental visits or avoid treatment

entirely. It is confirmed that anxious patients have more decayed, missing and less

filled teeth in comparison to no anxious patient. Their poorer oral health status can

have negative effect on their social life. Furthermore, treating anxious patients might

take more time; it is hard to manage them during the procedure and they are often

unsatisfied with their treatment. Anxiety can affect patient/dentist relationship and

result in misdiagnosis. Dentists claim that such patients are important sources of

stress that can compromise their practice.

Dental anxiety is prevalent worldwide and not limited to a population or

country. Depending on the population and the measurement technique, 2.5-20%

people endure high dental anxiety. Many studies ascertain that dental anxiety is more

common in women. In addition, it has reported that anxiety subsides with age. Some

studies claim that patients with higher education experience less anxiety during

dental procedures. A study indicated that previous traumatic experience is a

significant commencing factor in dental anxiety and fear.

The basic feeling of anxiety is perceived differently and individually by every

person. The different ways to deal with this anxiety are as vast and varied as the

subsequent reactions. In response to anxiety-provoking objects or situations, there

are controlled as well as uncontrolled actions or behaviors of patients. It should be

emphasized that anxiety is normal, considering the perspective of evolution and is

usually perceived as negative. However, developing a phobia out of an anxiety

makes the patient often respond with an avoiding strategy, avoiding the dentist. The

transition to this pathological condition is fluent.

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Anxieties and their disorders are one of the most frequent psychological

illnesses. Dental anxiety for patients who are suffering from an anxiety disorder is

ranked in second place, with 21%, behind. A study from 2019 aimed to show a

relationship between dental anxiety and general psychological distress. It suggested

that there is more psychological distress among patients below the age of 46 and

women. Additionally, patients with dental anxiety have more destroyed teeth and

worse dental hygiene than other patients. It is, therefore, advised to figure out a

suitable treatment of patients with dental anxiety to prevent bad oral health. One can

conclude that dentists need to be prepared for encounters with patients with dental

anxiety and to act appropriately to reduce the anxiety.

In accordance to the Professional Regulatory Board of Dentistry is

empowered to prescribe and/or adopt a Code of ethics and a Code of Dental Practice

for the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental technology (Sec. 6. Powers

and Functions of the Board, Art II of R.A No. 9484, known as the Philippine Dental

Act 2007"). Duty to the Community; states that the primary duty of the dentists,

dental hygienists, and dental technologist's primary duty of serving the public is

accomplished by giving his/her professional service to the best of his/her capabilities

in accordance with established standards if care and by conducting himself/herself in

a manner befitting a professional of high esteem. The dentist, dental hygienists, and

dental technology must make their discoveries, inventions, or works that are helpful

in preserving or improving health available in the interest of the public's health,

subject to governmental regulatory legislation. The community shall have access to

the dentist's, dental hygienists, and dental technologist's skills, knowledge, and

Caloocan, Balayan Batangas
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

experiences, particularly in the field of specialty, in all efforts to promote the dental

health of the general public.

This study will be accomplished just near the hometown and where it is

convenient for the researchers to conduct this study. The main participant of this

research study are the dentists and dental professionals within the Province of

Batangas in the Municipalities of Balayan, Calaca, and Lemery to access or identify

the strategies used by the dental professionals in addressing the behavior of patients

in managing dental anxiety.

Behavioral phenomena, as shaped by psychological traits, which also refers

to the perceptible physical, social, and mental activity of an individual is called so for

the reason that its complexity is rather beyond the scope of scientific explanation,

yet. With that, due to the fact that personality types vary from person to person,

different emotions, behavior, and tendencies are manifested as well. And as

complications arise, the decision making and natural instinct of people to resolve

them comes about as well. It is normal for an individual to experience anxiety or

uneasiness, especially with a dental setting, since it is influenced by genetics, as they

can also be innate or learned. That being the case, dental professionals would

anticipate the presence of dental anxiety in their respective clinics, and would adapt

and develop ways and strategies to address these situations in order for the dental

procedures to take place properly and effectively. But these variety of strategies are

not always guaranteed to work because again, the behavior of people, especially

children are still that of an enigma. Consequently, the ultimate aim of this study is to

know whether certain strategies indeed have an effect on the change in behavior of

patients, whether it is also on the positive or negative side as in some cases, actions

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

which are intended to ease patients rather provoke even stronger emotions, and

finally, if these strategies affect the patients' mental stability and alleviate the anxiety

patients suffer from; moreover how the effectiveness of taking action eliminates

dental anxiety altogether over time.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to have an extensive perception on the strategies used by the

dentists in managing the behavior of patients with dental anxiety

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the strategies used by the dentist in addressing dental anxiety in

terms of:

1.1 Psychological

1.2 Pharmacological

2. What are the ways of the dentists in managing the dental anxiety of the

patients in terms of:

2.1 Verbal

2.2 Non-verbal

2.3 Sedation Medication

3. Is there a significant relationship between the strategies used and the ways of

managing the dental anxiety of the patients?


Ho: There is no significant relationship between the strategies used by the

dentists and managing dental anxiety.

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to determine the strategies used by the dental

professionals in addressing the behavior of patients in managing dental anxiety. The

researchers expect that this research study will benefit the following groups:

For the Dentist. The study will benefit them by being of help in seeking ways

to manage dental anxiety. Moreover, this will provide them practice accumulated

from other professionals on the same field.

For the Parents. The study will benefit them by giving them assurance that

there are indeed strategies and action being taken by dentists and dental

professionals who look out for their children’s health physically and mentally.

Moreover, this study will also provide suggestions as to how they will be able to put

their children at ease themselves.

For the Researchers. This study will be an accompany for researchers to

discover more things that are reliable and credible to further understand the topic.

Furthermore, this study will allow them to be successful.

For the Future Researchers. This study will help them as this can be used as

reference for future studies and could be used as a guide for them to avoid errors in

research and to make the necessary adjustments that will be suggested by the

findings of the study.

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

For the Future Dentists. This study will help them to be more prepared by

knowing the preparation and success experiences of the dentists. In addition, there is

a massive possibility that their product will succeed because this research study.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on the strategies used by the dental professionals in

addressing the behavior of patients in managing dental anxiety. The primary

respondents of this research study comprise the dentists and dental professionals of

District 1 within the province of Batangas. This study will be conducted in Balayan

Senior High School from February 2023 – June 2023. The respondents will be

confined only to and will not explore beyond the said constituent local governments

of District 1 representatives from Batangas.

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics


Review and Related Literature

1. Strategies in managing dental anxiety among patients.

Newton et al. (2012) dental anxiety and fear are common and potentially

problematic, both for the patient and for the dental team in managing such patients.

Furthermore, dental fear still presents a major barrier to the uptake of dental

treatment. This article will take as its premise an assumption that anxiety manifests at

different levels and that consequently management of dental anxiety involves both

assessment and proportionate intervention. Methods for undertaking both

assessment and management are outlined.

Dental Anxiety is an adaptive emotional response to potentially threatening or

dangerous situations; moderated by the sympathetic nervous system. Dental anxiety

is common and presents before, during or after dental treatment. Consequently,

extensive distress leads to avoidance of dental treatment and multiple failed

appointments, impacting both oral and general health. Dental anxiety can generate a

variety of negative consequences for both the dentist and the patient. The

physiological response includes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory

rate, and cardiac output (Hoffman et al., 2022)


Communication is essential for a good working relationship that results in

effective clinical treatment between the dental practitioner and the patient (Armfield &

Caloocan, Balayan Batangas
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

Heaton, 2013). It was revealed that patients who feel positive regarding their dentists'

communication had better outcomes in terms of satisfaction and decreased fear than

those who felt negatively about their dentists' communication.

According to Apple (2019), checking on the patient verbally before, during,

and after the dental procedure is an excellent way to build a compassionate,

empathic attitude. The tell-show-do strategy is an efficient way to do this. The

technique's "tell" component entails verbal explanations of the general method as

well as connected actions along the way. The "show" involves demonstrations of the

visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile components of the process for the patient. The

"do" element of the technique is the execution of the dental process—without

straying from the roadmap provided out in "tell" and "show."


As stated by Hoffman et al. (2022) evidence‐based strategies are essential

for mitigating and relieving anxiety in the dental clinic. Psychotherapeutic behavioral

strategies can modify the patient's experience through a minimally invasive approach

with nil or negligible side effects, depending on patient characteristics, anxiety level

and clinical situations. These therapies involve muscle relaxation, guided imagery,

physiological monitoring, utilizing biofeedback, hypnosis, acupuncture, distraction

and desensitization. Pharmacological intervention utilizes either relative analgesia

(nitrous oxide), conscious intravenous sedation or oral sedation, which can have

undesirable side effects, risks and contraindications. These modalities increase the

cost and availability of dental treatment.

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According to Armfield and Heaton (2013), early dental fear research focused

on dentist attributes linked to patient satisfaction and anxiety reduction. It was shown

that patient satisfaction was correlated to the relationship patients had with their

dentists. Patients' satisfaction with care was influenced by dentists' friendliness and

ability to provide moral support. Patients were most worried about their dentists'

specific remarks regarding pain prevention when it came to lowering anxiety. In

interviews with dentally phobic patients, it was discovered that dentists'

understanding and acceptance of patients' wants and fears was more essential than

their technical skill.

Sedation Medication

According to McMaster and Garisto (2012), sedation can be an effective

approach to reduce a patient's tension and anxiety during dental treatment, allowing

for more comfortable procedure. Individuals who have mild to moderate anxiety or

fear will respond effectively to modest to moderate levels of conscious sedation. A

low level of drowsiness can be easily accomplished by administering a sedative

substance (most typically benzodiazepines), nitrous oxide with oxygen, or a

combination of both. Moderate sedation can be achieved by combining various

sedative medications with or without nitrous oxide and oxygen, or by administering a

sedative substance parenterally.

General anesthesia is significant to the execution of excellent dental

treatment for some patients (Mady and Geren, 2020). It's employed in more

extensive procedures. The patient will experience no discomfort and will have no

recollection of the treatment. It is a great alternative for patients who are really

anxious. It is applicable if dental treatment is more advanced or complex, for persons

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

who have excessive anxiety about dental care, or in the event of special care where

patients are unable to cooperate with ordinary care.

2. Ways of the dentists in managing dental anxiety among


Dental anxiety and phobia result in avoidance of dental care. It is a frequently

encountered problem in dental offices. Formulating acceptable evidence-based

therapies for such patients is essential, or else they can be a considerable source of

stress for the dentist. These patients need to be identified at the earliest opportunity

and their concerns addressed. Broadly, dental anxiety can be managed by

psychotherapeutic interventions, pharmacological interventions, or a combination of

both, depending on the level of dental anxiety, patient characteristics, and clinical

situations (Appuktan D, 2016).

According to Bruce Lieberthal (2018), DDS, director of Product Management

for Henry Schein Practice Solutions, avoiding dental care is a result of dental anxiety

and phobia. At dental offices, it is a problem that is regularly encountered. Such

patients must be given appropriate evidence-based treatments in order to avoid

becoming a significant source of stress for the dentist. These patients must be

located as soon as possible, and their issues must be treated. The initial interaction

between the dentist and the patient can show the presence of anxiety, fear, and

phobia. In such cases, subjective assessment through interviews and self-reporting

on fear and anxiety scales, as well as objective evaluation of blood pressure, pulse

rate, pulse oximetry, finger temperature, and galvanic skin response, can significantly

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aid in the diagnosis and allow for the classification of these people as mildly,

moderately, or severely anxious or dental phobic.


According to Jiang (2019), there are several psychological approaches to

ease dental anxiety. Relaxation techniques such as concentrated breathing and

meditation can effectively lower the heart rate and relax a patient. Incorporating

distractions to the dental chair is useful for many people. Headphones for music or

podcasts are one example, as is a stress ball that may be squeezed with the hands

to relieve tension throughout the operation. Cognitive behavioral therapy is another

strategy that seeks to improve both negative thoughts and behaviors.

Psychotherapeutic interventions are either behaviorally or cognitively oriented

(Appuktan D, 2016). Behavior-modification therapies aim to change unacceptable

behaviors through learning, and involve muscle relaxation and relaxation breathing,

along with guided imagery and physiological monitoring using biofeedback, hypnosis,

acupuncture, distraction, positive reinforcement, stop-signaling, and exposure-based

treatments, such as systematic desensitization, “tell-show-do”, and modeling.

Cognitive strategies aim to alter and restructure the content of negative cognitions

and enhance control over the negative thoughts. Cognitive behavior therapy is a

combination of behavior therapy and cognitive therapy, and is currently the most

accepted and successful psychological treatment for anxiety and phobia.


Pharmacologically, these patients can be managed using either sedation or

general anesthesia. According to Appuktan D (2016), in certain situations, where the

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patient is not able to respond to and cooperate well with psychotherapeutic

interventions, is not willing to undergo these types of treatment, or is considered

dental-phobic, pharmacological therapies such as sedation or general anesthesia

should be sought.

There are multiple drugs that a dentist can use to assist lessen patients’

anxiety, including various levels of ‘sedation (Jiang, 2019). A dentist might prescribe

anti-anxiety medication, such as diazepam, to take one hour before a planned dental

appointment. A dentist may also advise patients to use conscious sedation, such as

nitrous oxide, to help patients relax. Patients will retain control over their physical

processes, and this medicine will only be administered during the treatment.

Furthermore, general anesthesia, which puts patients to sleep, may be advised for

more invasive jaw procedures, or for individuals with distinctive requirements or

significant anxiety that makes ordinary treatment impossible.

3. Significant difference between the strategies used ad how

dentists manage dental anxiety

According to Kheir et al. (2020), “Within the limitation of this study, we concluded that

the patient–dentist relationship had a significant impact on dental anxiety. If these are

taken into consideration, contributions to improvements in the delivery and standards

of oral health care for dentally anxious patients in this region can be achieved.”

Dental fear and anxiety can have a severe influence on patients' dental health

as well as their general health. Most patients are nervous before going to the dentist,

and the coronavirus epidemic has heightened their worries. Dental hygienists play an

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

important role in recognizing patients with dental anxiety and executing successful

treatment plans for worried patients (Hoerler and Hunter, 2021).

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

This section represents the theory that will serve as the foundation for this


With reference to the theory of Seligman et al., due to the fact that it is only

natural for an. individual to have feelings caused by certain unpleasant

circumstances wherein they provoke discomfort and fear among people, dental

anxiety has been proven to be very much prevalent from way back in time until, and

especially now. It also has been reconstituted by them that dental anxiety proves that

it has indeed much complexity and is multifactorial. With that theory, they presented

these said factors through two diagrams; A – Onset of dental anxiety, and B –

Maintenance of dental anxiety—which both aim to explain the occurrence of dental

anxiety in that of a deeper way.

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According to their study, one of their primary points is the interrelation of

dental anxiety and age, focusing more on youth, as it is also stated that dental fear is

rather developmentally normative. When fear gives way to more serious state namely

dental anxiety or dental phobia, it results to significant distress and avoidance;

therefore, the management is not that only of monotherapy, as they also said that

with most cases, youth with dental anxiety which tend to refuse treatment even when

experiencing significant pain could be alleviated with appropriate care. Since in

reference to studies with insight as evidence, most suggest that most adults with

dental anxiety typically emerged their fear during childhood.

As they have undergone extensive research, it has been inferred that there

are complex set of factors that results to the development of significant dental

anxiety, and moreover the maintenance of it. The factors were demonstrated in a

way that it could be interpreted that they run through a cycle and an integrated

cognitive-behavioral model which incorporates influences and results all circling

around the concept of the occurrence of dental anxiety, with negative and positive

outcomes, all depending on the approach, assessment, and management.

Subsequent to the analysis and assessment will the professionals then formulate a

proper and appropriate treatment plan. As early as possible, dental anxiety is very

much encouraged to be diminished and eliminated, otherwise resulting health

problems and is associated with lower quality of life due to refusing and avoidance.

Conceptual Framework


Factors that trigger The significant

dental anxiety of difference between

patients the strategies used

Survey questionnaire
by the dentists16and
The strategies used
the change in
by the dentist that
affect the behavior of


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Definition of Figure 2: Conceptual Framework


The following terms or phrases pertain to these respective definitions. The

following words were defined conceptually and operationally.

Dentists. persons who are skilled in and licensed to practice the prevention,

diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, injuries, and malformations of the teeth, jaws,

and mouth and who makes and inserts false teeth (Merriam Webster Dictionary). In

this study, they referred as professionals trained in the diagnosis, prevention, and

treatment of diseases and problems affecting the teeth and gums, including the

replacement of missing teeth through extraction and repair.

Dental Anxiety. fear, anxiety, or stress associated with a dental setting (Better

Health Channel). In this study, it is often described as a vicious cycle where

avoidance of dental care, poor oral health, and psychosocial effects are common

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features, often escalating over time. In addition, it is a normal emotional reaction to

one or more specific threatening stimuli in the dental situation

Nonverbal. Not using words, or not relating to the use of words (Cambridge

Dictionary). In this study, it refers to various ways that a patient is tended to but

without the involvement of spoken words such as body language or facial


Strategies. a long-range plan for achieving something or reaching a goal, or the skill

of making such plans (Cambridge Dictionary). In this study, it is referred to as a

careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of

time; a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose

Pharmacological. the science or drugs including their origin, composition,

pharmacokinetics, therapeutic use, and toxicology (Merriam Webster). In this study, it

refers to a method where the dentist provides medications, primarily drugs to treat

dental anxiety and behavioral difficulties.

Psychological. directed toward the will or toward the mind specifically in its conative

function (Merriam Webster). In this study, it refers to an approach in that of which the

patient with dental anxiety will be given various kinds of treatments to improve and

reduce anxiety symptoms, in which the mental and emotional state of a person are

the central points.

Verbal. consisting of or in the form of words ( In this study, it refers

to a strategy in which the dentists use to ease patients’ anxiety in the form of words

or spoken


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These are the several relations among the review of related literature and our

research study — theses relations are critical in supporting and providing evidences

for our study. According to several studies, they have shown significant links between

the strategies used by dentist in addressing the behavior of patients in managing

dental anxiety and the idea which is presented by Newton et al. (2012) dental anxiety

and fear are common and potentially problematic. both for the patient and for the

dental team in managing such patients. The study of Apple (2019) states that,

checking on the patient verbally before, during, and after the dental procedure is an

excellent way to build a compassionate, emphatic attitude, was also the same as the

studies of (Hoffman et al., 2022), (Lieherthal 2018), (Armfield and Heaton (2013) who

states that early dental fear research focused on dentist attributes linked to patient

satisfaction and anxiety reduction, it was discovered that dentists’ understanding and

acceptance of patients’ wants and fears was more essential than their technical skill.

Moreover, there are also studies that claim to have another point of view

about the study, based on McMaster and Garisto (2012), sedation can be an

effective approach to reduce a patient’s tension and anxiety during dental treatment,

allowing for more comfortable procedure. General anesthesia is significant to the

execution of excellent dental treatment for some patients (Mady and Geren, 2020), in

which it supported by the studies of (Jiang, 2019) and (Appuktan D, 2016), who

claims that these patients need to be identified at the earliest opportunity and their

concerns addressed. Broadly, dental anxiety can be managed by psychotherapeutic

interventions, pharmacological inventions, or a combination of both, depending on

the level of dental anxiety, patient characteristics, and clinical situations.

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This chapter presents and explains the procedures which the researchers

used in conducting this study. These procedures involved research design,

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respondents of the study, data gathering instruments, data gathering procedure, and

statistical treatments.

Research Design

The purpose of this study is to have a deeper understanding about the

strategies used by the dentists in managing dental anxiety among patients. This

study focuses on determining the ways of the dentists in managing the dental anxiety

of the patients in terms of psychological and pharmacological. It aims to know the

strategies used by the dentists in addressing dental anxiety among patients of verbal,

nonverbal, and medicinal approaches.

In conducting this study, a descriptive research design is applied. According

to Voxco (2021), a descriptive research design is a type of research design that

seeks to systematically gather data to characterize a phenomenon, circumstance, or

population. The goal of a descriptive research design is to draw and classify a

phenomenon (Nassaji, 2015) and to elaborate individuals, events, or situations by

observing them in nature (Siedlecki, 2020). This research design was applied

because this method is used to investigate and comprehend the significance that

individuals or groups attribute to a social or human situation (Creswell, 2014).

Respondents of the Study

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The respondents of this study will be the licensed dentists of District 1 within

the Province of Batangas. With a total population of (30) licensed dentists working in

their respective dental clinics and offices that will be conducted at the municipality of

Balayan, Batangas in the year 2023. According to Business Research Methodology,

purposive sampling is a method where the researcher uses his or her discretion to

select individuals from the population to participate in the study hence the

consideration for this sampling method to be the one of use to the researchers.

Subsequent to this method, when the subset of respondents has been selected, the

collection of the required data shall be what follows.

Data Gathering Instrument

The research instrument used by the researchers is the survey questionnaire,

focusing on the strategies used by the dentists in addressing the behavior of patients

in managing dental anxiety. According to the World Health Organization, a

questionnaire is the most prevalent method of gathering primary data. A

questionnaire allows for the collection of data in a standardized manner, ensuring

that the data is internally consistent and coherent for analysis (Roopa & Rani, 2012).

The researchers also opted for a survey questionnaire as the method for gathering

data as it is convenient for them. The questionnaires can be distributed simply by e-

mail, mail, or the Internet. Nowadays, online surveys are the most widely known

method for collecting data from target respondents. Furthermore, survey

questionnaires are best suited for research studies because they stimulate all

participants systematically.

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Data Gathering Procedure

First, the researchers developed a plan to hand out survey questionnaires to

the selected respondents to collect the data needed for their research study. They

listed possible questions for the writing of their questionnaire. The researchers

structured an outline for the making of their self-made questionnaire. Then after, the

researchers constructed the questionnaire. After finalizing the questionnaire, the

researchers printed out a sample for validation.

In the validation process of this study, copies of the questionnaire were given

to the teacher assigned for the validating process. The questionnaire will be validated

by Mrs. Rhoda E. Panganiban order to guarantee the quality of the questions.

Teachers with experience in the field of educational research would be urged to give

their professional judgment about the questionnaire's content. The questions were

formulated in simple language for clarity and ease of understanding.

After determining the validity and reliability of the data collection method and

whether the made questions were appropriate for the study, the researchers will

hand out the questionnaire to the selected respondents. The questionnaires will be

directly administered to the chosen set of respondents. The respondents will then

complete the survey questionnaire. The respondents' corresponding answers to the

questions will be kept private following the agreement of the respondents and the


The printed survey questionnaire that was provided to the respondents will be

checked by the researcher in order to gather data. The researchers will total up all

the data once they have collected it all. Following the distribution of questionnaires,

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the researchers will ensure that all necessary information is accurately written. The

data will be examined and interpreted by the researcher, who will then deliver their


Statistical Treatments

After the researchers were able to examine and organize the acquired data in

order to answer the questions of the study, these statistical methods were used.

MEAN. It is the simple mathematical average of a set of two or more numbers. A

mean helps you to assess a set of numbers by telling you the average, helping to

contextualize each data point.

STANDARD DEVIATION. It is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset

relative to its mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance. The standard

deviation is calculated as the square root of variance by determining each data

point's deviation relative to the mean.

FREQUENCY. It is the number of times an event or observation happened in an

experiment or study. It can also be defined simply as a count of a certain event.

WEIGHTED MEAN. The weighted mean is a type of mean that is calculated by

multiplying the weight (or probability) associated with a particular event or outcome

with its associated quantitative outcome and then summing all the products together.

PERCENTAGE. It is a special type of proportion where the ratio is multiplied by a

constant, 100, so that the ratio is expressed per 100.

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PEARSON’S R. measure the strength and direction of the linear relationship of two

variable and of the association between interval and ordinal variables (Baraceros,


To further understand this study, after gathering the necessary data through

survey questionnaires, the collected data will then be evaluated using Pearson’s r.

The researchers will use this technique to further determine and understand the

significant differences between strategies used by the dentists and managing dental

anxiety. With the help of this technique, the researcher will come up with the most

relevant results.

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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics







Dear Respondents,

A pleasant day! As a requisite for our academic subject: Inquiries,

Investigation & Immersion, we are conducting a research study with the title:


PATIENTS IN MANAGING DENTAL ANXIETY. In this regard, we have deemed you

suitable to be our respondents as this survey form is only limited to dentists of District

1 within the province of Batangas. This study will be conducted in Balayan Senior

High School from February 2023 – June 2023.

We would like to request your cooperation by kindly accomplishing this

questionnaire as your response plays a significant part in order to gather the data

and information needed in this study. We are hoping for your immediate response

and that the questions are to be answered with full honesty and sincerity. Do know

that by submitting your response, you are giving the researchers the approval of

storing, analyzing, and processing of the personal information that you have

Caloocan, Balayan Batangas
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provided. As the researchers, it is rest assured that your privacy and the shared

information will be kept confidentially. Thank you!

-The Researchers

Part I. Strategies Used by the Dentist in Addressing Dental Anxiety Among


Directions: Kindly answer the questions truthfully by providing honest information

and choosing what seems most accurate based on personal experience.

4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree

3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

Verbal SA A D SD

1. I usually use verbal encouragement as it is very

effective in easing my patients' anxiety.

2. I have good communication skills as they are vital

in order to create a comfortable and good patient–

dentist relationship.

3. I try to initiate conversations with my patients

before, during, and after dental procedures as

much as possible.

Nonverbal SA A D SD

1. A dentist’s understanding and acceptance of

Caloocan, Balayan Batangas
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patients' desires and fears is helpful in easing

dental anxiety.

2. Promoting relaxation techniques such as

concentrated breathing and meditation aids in

calming an anxious patient.

3. Using physiological monitoring systems such as

pulse oximeter help in recognizing and relieving

dental anxiety.

Sedation Medication SA A D SD

1. Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide) makes it easier for

dentist to treat a patient with moderate level of


2. Mild dental anxiety is easily soothed with the use of

sedative substance (most typically


3. General anesthesia is the safest option to utilize

when treating a patient with severe dental anxiety.

Part II. Prevalence of Dental Anxiety

Addressing Dental Anxiety among Patients SA A D SD

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1. Dental anxiety is very common in my


2. I usually have a hard time addressing the

dental anxiety of my patients.

3. Dental anxiety is hard to get used to over


4. There are technological advances that have

made dentistry less painful and less

uncomfortable, however dental anxiety is still

a widespread problem that persist

nonetheless, especially in my dental clinic.

5. I have more patients with dental anxiety than

those without.

Psychological/Behavioral SA A D SD

1. The difficulty of behavioral management

between adult and pediatric patients are

relatively the same.

2. I provide certain tools that would serve as

distraction, such as stress balls, fidget

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spinner, etc.

3. Considering the psychological age of the

patient in the diagnosis of behavior problems

and treatment planning

4. Trust building is crucial for the management

of dental anxiety.

5. Most of the time, my patients would undergo

dental procedures even if they have

moderate to severe dental anxiety.

Pharmacological SA A D SD

1. There are fewer cases where there is an

unnecessary use of drugs and medication

with procedures that do not require them

2. Sometimes, I use general anesthesia as a

pain killer to ease the throbbing feeling of the


3. I often use OTC drug to manage the dental

anxiety of the patient.

Caloocan, Balayan Batangas
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics


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