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At the police station

policeman / police officer - policjant

detective - śledczy / detektyw

witness - świadek

assailant - napastnik

investigation - dochodzenie / śledztwo

case - sprawa

incident - zdarzenie / wypadek / incydent

leads - poszlaki / trop

crime - przestępstwo

vandalism - wandalizm

assault - napad / atak

burglary - włamanie

theft - kradzież

robbery - napad / rabunek / kradzież

pickpocketing - kradzież kieszonkowa

fraud - oszustwo / wyłudzenie

blackmail - szantaż

speeding - przekroczenie prędkości

report a crime - zgłosić przestępstwo

break into - włamać się

steal - ukraść

fell victim - paść ofiarą

provide details - podać szczegóły

fill out a report - wypełnić raport

pull over - zatrzymać się / zjechać na bok

issue a ticket /citation - wystawić mandat

Reporting a burglary to the Police

Emily: Hi, Officer Rodriguez. I need to report a burglary that occurred at my apartment.

Officer Rodriguez: I'm sorry to hear that, Emily. I'll do my best to assist you. Can you please
provide me with some details about the incident?

Emily: Certainly. Last night, someone broke into my apartment and stole my laptop, camera,
and some jewelry. I came home to find the place in disarray.

Officer Rodriguez: That's unfortunate. I understand how distressing this must be for you. Let's
start by getting some more information. Can you tell me when you last saw the items?

Emily: I left my apartment yesterday morning, and everything was in its place. When I returned
last night, I noticed the front door was ajar, and that's when I discovered the burglary.

Officer Rodriguez: I see. It's important to establish a timeline. Did you notice anything unusual
or see anyone suspicious around your apartment recently?

Emily: No, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. My neighbors said they didn't see or hear
anything either.

Officer Rodriguez: Alright, Emily. I'll need you to provide a detailed list of the stolen items,
including any serial numbers or distinctive features that could help us identify them. This will be
crucial for the investigation.

Emily: Of course. I have the serial number for my laptop, and I can describe the jewelry in detail.
I'll make sure to include that information.

Officer Rodriguez: Excellent. Now, I'll need you to fill out a stolen property report. It's a
standard form that helps us document the details of the incident. I'll also provide you with a case
number for future reference.

Emily: Okay. Where can I find the stolen property report form?

Officer Rodriguez: I'll get that for you right away. While you're filling it out, I'll notify our
detectives about the case. They will follow up with you for any additional information or
Emily: Thank you, Officer Rodriguez. I just want to do everything I can to recover my belongings.

Officer Rodriguez: We'll do our best to assist you, Emily. If you remember anything else or have
any questions during the investigation, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help.

Emily: I appreciate your help, Officer Rodriguez. I hope we can resolve this soon.

Reporting a robbery

Jake: Hi, Detective Anderson. I need to report a robbery that happened to me last night. It
involved physical assault as well.

Detective Anderson: I'm sorry to hear that, Jake. I'm here to help. Can you please provide me
with some details about the incident?

Jake: Certainly. I was walking home when a person approached me, demanding my wallet.
When I hesitated, they physically assaulted me and took off with my wallet, phone, and watch.

Detective Anderson: That's a serious matter. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Let's start by
getting more information. Can you describe the assailant and the location where this happened?

Jake: The person was wearing a mask, so I couldn't see their face clearly. It all happened near
Oak Street, close to the park entrance. It was quite dark, and there weren't many people around.

Detective Anderson: I understand. We'll do our best to investigate this. Did anyone witness the
incident, or did you see any security cameras in the area?

Jake: I don't think there were any witnesses, and I didn't see any cameras. It all happened so

Detective Anderson: Okay, Jake. We'll start an investigation. I'll need you to provide a detailed
description of the stolen items, and if there's any unique identifier on your phone or watch,
please let me know.

Jake: Sure. I'll give you all the details I can remember. I just want to make sure this person is
caught before they do this to someone else.

Detective Anderson: I appreciate your cooperation. I'll also need you to make a formal
statement. I'll have an officer take you to a room where you can provide more detailed
information about the incident.

Jake: Alright. Where can I find the statement form?

Detective Anderson: I'll get that for you right away. While you're filling out the statement, I'll
coordinate with our patrol officers to see if there are any potential leads or evidence in the area.

Jake: Thank you, Detective Anderson. I hope we can catch this person soon.

Detective Anderson: We'll do our best, Jake. If you remember anything else or have any
concerns during the investigation, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you.

Jake: I appreciate that. Let's get this person off the streets.

Reporting a Pickpocketing

Sarah: Hi, Officer Martinez. I need to report a pickpocketing incident that happened to me
earlier today.

Officer Martinez: I'm sorry to hear that, Sarah. I'll assist you with the report. Can you please
provide me with some details about what happened?

Sarah: Certainly. I was in the crowded market downtown, and someone managed to pickpocket
my wallet while I was browsing the stalls.

Officer Martinez: That's unfortunate. I know how distressing this can be. Let's start by getting
more information. Can you describe the person who pickpocketed you and the location where it

Sarah: It all happened so quickly, and it was crowded, so I didn't get a good look at the person. I
believe it was a man, but I couldn't provide any specific details. It occurred near the entrance to
the market.

Officer Martinez: I understand. It's challenging when these incidents happen in crowded places.
Did you notice anything suspicious or see anyone acting strangely before or after the theft?

Sarah: No, everything seemed normal until I realized my wallet was missing. I didn't see anyone
acting suspiciously.

Officer Martinez: Okay, Sarah. I'll need you to provide a detailed list of the contents of your
wallet, including any credit cards, identification, or other valuable items. Additionally, do you
have any idea if there might be security cameras in the area?

Sarah: I'll make a list of the contents. As for cameras, I'm not sure, but I can check with the
market management to see if they have surveillance footage.

Officer Martinez: That would be helpful. If you find any information on the cameras, please let
us know. I'll also provide you with a lost property report form. It will help us document the
details of the incident, and you'll receive a case number.

Sarah: Alright. Where can I find the lost property report form?

Officer Martinez: I'll get that for you right away. While you're filling it out, I'll check with our
investigators to see if there are any patterns of pickpocketing in that area. We'll do our best to
assist you.

Sarah: Thank you, Officer Martinez. I appreciate your help.

Officer Martinez: If you remember anything else or have any questions during the process, feel
free to reach out. We're here to support you.

Reporting an act of vandalism

Ryan: Hi, Officer Turner. I need to report an incident of vandalism that occurred last night in my

Officer Turner: I'm sorry to hear that, Ryan. I'll assist you with the report. Can you please
provide me with some details about the vandalism?

Ryan: Certainly. Some individuals spray-painted graffiti on the walls of the local community
center. It's disheartening to see such destruction.

Officer Turner: That's unfortunate. Graffiti can be a significant issue. Let's start by getting more
information. Did you happen to see anyone in the act, or did you notice any suspicious activity
around the community center?

Ryan: I didn't witness the vandalism directly, but I heard some noise late at night. When I went
to check in the morning, I saw the graffiti on the walls. I didn't notice anyone acting suspiciously
at the time.

Officer Turner: Okay, Ryan. I'll need you to provide as much detail as possible about the graffiti.
If there are any specific words, symbols, or colors used, it could help us identify the vandals.
Also, did you notice any security cameras in the vicinity?

Ryan: I'll make a note of the details. As for cameras, I didn't see any, but I can check with the
community center staff to see if they have surveillance footage.

Officer Turner: That would be helpful. If they have any information, please let us know. I'll also
provide you with a vandalism incident report form. It will help us document the details of the
incident, and you'll receive a case number.

Ryan: Okay. Where can I find the vandalism incident report form?
Officer Turner: I'll get that for you right away. While you're filling it out, I'll inform our patrol
officers to keep an eye on the area. We take vandalism seriously, and we'll do our best to
investigate this.

Ryan: Thank you, Officer Turner. I hope we can prevent this from happening again.

Officer Turner: We'll certainly do our best. If you remember anything else or have any
questions during the process, feel free to reach out. We appreciate your cooperation.

Reporting an online fraud

Emma: Hi, Detective Harris. I need to report an online fraud incident that I fell victim to recently.

Detective Harris: I'm sorry to hear that, Emma. I'll do my best to assist you. Can you please
provide me with some details about the online fraud?

Emma: Certainly. I was trying to purchase concert tickets online, and I ended up giving my credit
card information to a fraudulent website. Now, unauthorized transactions are showing up on my

Detective Harris: That's unfortunate. Online fraud is a serious matter. Let's start by getting
more information. Can you provide the website address or any details about the fraudulent site?

Emma: I have the website address, but it looked legitimate at first. It had the concert details,
seating charts, and everything you'd expect. The transactions only started appearing after I
made the purchase.

Detective Harris: I understand. It's unfortunate that scammers can create convincing websites.
Did you receive any confirmation emails or receipts from the transaction?

Emma: Yes, I have the confirmation email. It has the transaction details, but now I'm worried
about the security of my personal information.

Detective Harris: I'll need you to forward that email to our cybercrime division. We have
specialists who can analyze it for any potential leads. Additionally, can you provide details about
the unauthorized transactions on your credit card statement?

Emma: I have the credit card statement with the suspicious transactions highlighted. Should I
also change my passwords and contact my bank?

Detective Harris: Yes, changing your passwords is a good idea. I'll provide you with an online
fraud incident report form to fill out. This will help us document the details of the incident, and
you'll receive a case number. As for your bank, it's crucial to contact them and report the
unauthorized transactions as soon as possible.

Emma: Okay. Where can I find the online fraud incident report form?

Detective Harris: I'll get that for you right away. While you're filling it out, I'll coordinate with our
cybercrime experts to analyze the website and the information you provide. We'll do our best to
investigate and prevent further damage.

Emma: Thank you, Detective Harris. I appreciate your help. I just want to make sure this doesn't
happen to others.

Detective Harris: Your cooperation is valuable, Emma. If you remember anything else or have
any concerns during the investigation, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you.


Officer Ramirez: Good afternoon, sir. I'm Officer Ramirez. Do you know why I pulled you over?

Alex: Good afternoon, Officer Ramirez. I'm afraid I might have been going a bit over the speed
limit. I'm sorry about that.

Officer Ramirez: Thank you for acknowledging that, sir. May I see your driver's license and
registration, please?

Alex: Sure, here you go. (hands over documents)

Officer Ramirez: Thank you, Alex. I'll be right back after checking your information.

Officer Ramirez goes back to his patrol car to verify the documents.

Officer Ramirez: (returning) Thank you for your patience, Alex. It seems everything is in order
with your license and registration.

Alex: I appreciate that, Officer Ramirez.

Officer Ramirez: Now, regarding the speeding, I clocked you going 15 miles over the speed
limit. Speeding can be dangerous, and we want to ensure the safety of everyone on the road.
Any particular reason for the speed today?

Alex: No excuse, Officer. I was just in a hurry and lost track of my speed.

Officer Ramirez: I understand we all have busy days. However, speed limits are set to protect
everyone. I'll issue you a speeding citation today. It includes information on how to pay the fine
or contest it in court.

Alex: I understand, Officer Ramirez. I'll make sure to be more mindful of my speed in the future.

Officer Ramirez: That's a responsible approach. Just a reminder, traffic laws are in place for
everyone's safety. Now, I'll need you to sign the citation, indicating that you received it. It's not
an admission of guilt, just an acknowledgment.

Alex: (signs the citation) Thank you for explaining, Officer Ramirez.

Officer Ramirez: You're welcome, Alex. If you have any questions, there's a number on the back
of the citation for our traffic division. Also, please drive safely, and be cautious of the speed
limits. We want everyone to get to their destinations safely.

Alex: I will, Officer Ramirez. Thank you for your understanding.

Officer Ramirez: Have a good day, Alex. Drive safely.

Alex: You too, Officer Ramirez.

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