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bank account - konto bankowe

personal account - konto osobiste

jonit account - wspólne konto

current/checking account - rachunek bieżący

savings account - konto oszczędnościowe

business account - konto biznesowe

foreign currency account - konto walutowe

financial advisor - doradca finansowy

bank clerk - urzędnik bankowy

bank teller - kasjer bankowy

debit card - karta debetowa

credit card - karta kredytowa

coin - moneta

note - banknot

cash - gotówka

interest rate - stopa procentowa

fee - opłata

commission - prowizja, komisja

international transfers - przelew międzynarodowy

balance - bilans konta

bank statement - wyciąg bankowy

loan - pożyczka

debt - dług

consumer credit - kredyt konsumpcyjny

mortgage - kredyt hipoteczny

mortgage payments - raty za kredyt mieszkaniowy

credit score - zdolność kredytowa

withdrawal - wypłata (to withdraw - wypłacić)

deposit - wpłacić

standing order - zlecenie stałe

recurring transfer - przelew cykliczny

pay interest - płacić odsetki

pay commission - płacić prowizję

make a payment - dokonywać płatności

transfer money from one account to another - przelać pieniądze z jednego rachunku na drugi

apply for a loan - wystąpić o pożyczkę

to take out a loan - wziąć pożyczkę

draw a loan - zaciągnąć pożyczkę

grant a credit - udzielić kredytu

receive a credit - otrzymać kredyt

pay in monthly instalments - płacić w miesięcznych ratach

pay off debts - spłacić długi

invest money - inwestować pieniądze

I would like to open a bank account. - Chciałbym otworzyć konto bankowe.

Can I open a bank account? – Czy mogę otworzyć konto bankowe?

I would like to open a savings account – Chciałbym otworzyć konto oszczędnościowe

What documents do I need to open an account? – Jakich dokumentów potrzebuję, aby otworzyć

What is the minimum deposit to open an account? – Jaka jest minimalna wpłata, aby otworzyć konto?

Can I have more information about the different types of accounts you offer? – Czy mogę uzyskać
więcej informacji na temat różnych typów kont, które oferujecie?

I would like to close my account – Chciałbym zamknąć swoje konto

I would like to deposit/withdraw money – Chciałbym wpłacić/wypłacić pieniądze

How much money can I withdraw/deposit at once? – Ile pieniędzy mogę jednorazowo

Do you have any fees for depositing/withdrawing money? – Czy są jakieś opłaty za wpłatę/wypłatę

I'd like to withdraw £100, please. - Chciałbym wypłacić 100£.

I want to make a withdrawal. - Chciałbym wypłacić pieniądze.

Could you give me some smaller notes? - Czy mogę prosić o banknoty o niższych nominałach?

Can I have a receipt, please? – Czy mogę prosić o rachunek?

I'd like to pay this in, please. - Chciałbym to wpłacić.

I'd like to pay this cheque in, please. - Chciałbym wpłacić ten czek na konto.

How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? - Ile dni zajmie rozliczenie czeku?

I'd like to cancel a cheque. - Chciałbym anulować czek.

I'd like to transfer some money to this account. - Chciałbym przelać trochę pieniądzy na to konto.

Could you transfer £1000 from my current account to my deposit account? - Czy może Pan przelać
1000£ z mojego rachunku bieżącego na rachunek depozytowy?

Your account's overdrawn. - Stan pana konta jest przekroczony.

Could you tell me my balance, please? - Czy może mi pan podać saldo?

Could I have a statement, please? - Czy mogę prosić o wyciąg?

I'd like to change some money. - Chciałbym wymienić trochę pieniędzy.

I'd like to order some foreign currency. - Chciałbym zamówić trochę waluty zagranicznej.

What's the exchange rate for euros? - Jak jest kurs wymiany euro?

I'd like to cancel this standing order. - Chciałbym usunąć to zlecenie stałe.

Can I apply for a loan/credit card? – Czy mogę ubiegać się o kredyt/kartę kredytową?

What are the interest rates for loans? – Jakie są oprocentowanie kredytów?

What is the savings interest rate? - Jakie jest oprocentowanie oszczędności?

What are the commissions for international transfers? - Jakie są prowizje za przelewy

I've lost my bank card. - Zgubiłem swoją kartę płatniczą.

I want to report a lost/stolen credit card. Chciałbym zgłosić utratę/kradzież karty kredytowej.

Is there any insurance in case my card is lost or stolen? - Czy istnieje ubezpieczenie w razie moja
karta została zgubiona lub skradziona?

Can you explain the different types of insurance you offer? – Czy możesz wyjaśnić różne rodzaje
ubezpieczeń, które oferujecie?

Are there any monthly fees? - Czy są jakieś opłaty miesięczne?

Will I get a debit card? - Czy dostanę kartę debetową?

Are there any debit card fees? - Czy są jakieś opłaty a karty debetowej?

Can I use online banking? - Czy mogę korzystać z bankowości przez Internet?

Opening an account:

Adam: Hi, I'd like to open a new bank account.

Bank Teller: Of course, welcome! Do you have any specific type of account in mind?
Adam: I'm looking for a basic checking account, nothing too complicated.

Bank Teller: Great choice. We have a few options available. Could I see your ID and proof of
address, please?

Adam: Sure, here's my driver's license and a recent utility bill.

Bank Teller: Perfect, thank you. Just a few more details to fill out. What's your current occupation?

Adam: I work as a software developer.

Bank Teller: Excellent. And how would you like to fund this account?

Adam: I'll make an initial deposit with this check.

Bank Teller: Got it. Now, we'll set up your online banking access. Could you choose a PIN for your

Adam: Sure, I'll go with 1234 for now.

Bank Teller: Your account is all set up! Here's your new debit card and some information about our
online banking services.

Adam: Thank you so much for your help.

Bank Teller: You're welcome! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out anytime.

Sophie: Good morning! I'm interested in opening a savings account.

Bank Teller: Good morning, Sophie! We have various savings options available. Could I have your ID
and proof of address, please?

Sophie: Sure, here's my passport and a recent bank statement.

Bank Teller: Great, thank you. What's your preferred initial deposit for this account?

Sophie: I'd like to start with $500.

Bank Teller: Perfect. And how often do you plan on making deposits into this account?

Sophie: I'll aim for monthly deposits, depending on my earnings.

Bank Teller: That sounds like a good plan. Would you like a debit card linked to this account?

Sophie: Yes, please. I'd also like to explore online banking options.

Bank Teller: Absolutely. We'll set up your online access and order your debit card. Could you choose
a secure PIN for your card?
Sophie: Sure, I'll go with 2468.

Bank Teller: Your account is now active! Here's your new debit card, and I'll walk you through how to
access your account online.

Sophie: Thank you so much for your assistance.

Bank Teller: You're welcome, Sophie! If you have any queries later on, don't hesitate to contact us.

Making a deposit:

Jack: Hi, I'd like to make a deposit into my checking account.

Bank Teller: Of course, sir. Do you have your account number or debit card with you?

Jack: Yes, here's my debit card.

Bank Teller: Great, thank you. How much would you like to deposit today?

Jack: I'd like to deposit $300, please.

Bank Teller: Sure thing. Will you be depositing cash or a check?

Jack: It's a check.

Bank Teller: Alright. Please fill out this deposit slip with the check amount and endorse the back of
the check, then I'll process it for you.

Jack: Here's the filled-out slip and the endorsed check.

Bank Teller: Thank you. Could you also confirm your phone number linked to the account for
verification purposes?

Jack: Sure, it's 555-555-5555.

Bank Teller: Perfect. Your deposit is all set! Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Jack: No, that's all. Thank you for your help.

Bank Teller: You're welcome, have a great day!

Withdrawing money:

Emma: Hi, I'd like to make a withdrawal from my savings account.

Bank Teller: Sure, ma'am. Could you please provide your account number or your debit card?

Emma: Here's my debit card.

Bank Teller: Thank you. How much would you like to withdraw today?

Emma: I'd like to take out $200, please.

Bank Teller: Certainly. Will you be withdrawing cash or would you prefer a cheque?

Emma: I'll take cash, please.

Bank Teller: Not a problem. For security purposes, could you verify your date of birth linked to the

Emma: Sure, it's March 12, 1990.

Bank Teller: Perfect. Here's your $200. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Emma: No, that's everything. Thank you for your help.

Bank Teller: You're welcome. Have a wonderful day!

Transfering money:
Tom: Hello, I need to make a transfer from my checking account to another account.

Bank Teller: Of course, sir. Could you provide the account number or IBAN of the recipient?

Tom: Yes, here's the account number: IBAN123456789.

Bank Teller: Thank you. How much would you like to transfer?

Tom: I'd like to transfer $500.

Bank Teller: Alright, is this a one-time transfer or a recurring payment?

Tom: It's a one-time transfer.

Bank Teller: Understood. For security purposes, could you confirm the security question linked to
your account?

Tom: Sure, it's "What is my mother's maiden name?" It's Smith.

Bank Teller: Thank you. Your transfer of $500 has been initiated. Can I assist you with anything else

Tom: No, that's all. Thank you for your help.

Bank Teller: You're welcome. Have a great day!

Checking the balance:

Sarah: Hi, I'd like to check the balance on my savings account, please.

Bank Teller: Of course, ma'am. Could you provide your account number or your debit card?

Sarah: Here's my debit card.

Bank Teller: Thank you. Do you want to check your balance or would you also like a statement?

Sarah: I'd like to know the balance and request a statement for the last month, please.

Bank Teller: Sure, I can print that for you. For verification purposes, could you confirm the last four
digits of your Social Security number?

Sarah: Yes, it's 1234.

Bank Teller: Thank you. Here's your account balance slip, and I'll print out your statement for the last
month as well.

Sarah: Perfect, thank you so much.

Bank Teller: You're welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Sarah: No, that's all for now. Thank you.

Bank Teller: Have a wonderful day!

Canceling a standing order:

Alex: Hello, I'd like to cancel a recurring transfer from my account.

Bank Teller: Sure, sir. Could you provide the details of the recurring transfer, such as the account
number or the transaction ID?

Alex: Here's the transaction ID: TRX789012.

Bank Teller: Thank you. Can you confirm the reason for cancellation?

Alex: I don't need this transfer to be recurring anymore.

Bank Teller: Understood. For security purposes, could you verify your date of birth linked to the

Alex: Yes, it's January 5, 1985.

Bank Teller: Thank you. The recurring transfer has been canceled successfully. Is there anything
else I can assist you with today?

Alex: No, that's all. Thank you for your help.

Bank Teller: You're welcome. Have a great day!

Applying for a mortgage:

Emily: Hello, I'm interested in applying for a mortgage to buy a house.

Mortgage Advisor: Of course, I can help you with that. Have you already selected a property?

Emily: Yes, I have a property in mind. I'd like to discuss mortgage options and the application

Mortgage Advisor: Great. We'll need some information to start the process. Could you provide
details about your income, employment, and any outstanding debts?

Emily: Sure, I have my pay stubs, employment history, and a list of my current debts.

Mortgage Advisor: Perfect. We'll also need to run a credit check. Do you know your approximate
credit score?

Emily: It's around 750.

Mortgage Advisor: Excellent. Based on this information, we can discuss the mortgage options
available to you. Would you like a fixed-rate or adjustable-rate mortgage?

Emily: I'm leaning towards a fixed-rate mortgage for stability.

Mortgage Advisor: Understood. We'll prepare the necessary documents for the application. Could
you provide some personal information, such as your address and contact details?

Emily: Certainly, here are my details...

Mortgage Advisor: Thank you. We'll begin processing your application and get back to you with the
next steps and pre-approval details. Is there anything else you'd like to know?

Emily: That's all for now, thank you for your help.

Mortgage Advisor: You're welcome. We'll be in touch soon. Have a great day!
Reporting a lost card:

Chris: Hello, I need to report that I lost my debit card.

Bank Teller: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you please provide your account number or any identifying

Chris: Sure, here's my account number and my ID.

Bank Teller: Thank you. I'll proceed to block your lost card immediately. Have you noticed any
unauthorized transactions since you lost the card?

Chris: No, I haven't seen any unusual transactions, but I want to ensure the card is blocked to
prevent any misuse.

Bank Teller: Understood. For security purposes, could you verify the last few transactions made with
the lost card?

Chris: Certainly, the last three transactions were at a grocery store, a gas station, and a restaurant.

Bank Teller: Thank you for confirming. I've blocked your card, and I'll also issue a request for a new
card to be sent to your address on file. It should arrive within 7-10 business days.

Chris: Thank you for your help.

Bank Teller: You're welcome. Remember to review your account statements and let us know if you
notice any unauthorized activity. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Chris: No, that's all. Thanks again.

Bank Teller: Have a great day!

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