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Human Nutrition

Carbohydrates - used for energy

Proteins - muscles, transport, growth and repair,

Lipids - back up energy after carbohydrates + insulation



Dietary fibre - insoluble, helps with egestion


Vitamin A Improves photoreceptors in the Night blindness

eye to improve vision

Vitamin C Improves the immune system, Scurvy

builds collagen

Vitamin D Helps the bones absorb Osteoporosis


Calcium Makes teeth and bones Osteoporosis


Iron Helps with oxygen transport in Anaemia


Alimentary Canal - Digestive System


1. Ingestion (through the mouth)

➔ Mechanical breakdown
➔ Chemical breakdown by Amylase
2. Oesophagus
➔ Peristalsis - the contraction and relaxation of muscles to push down food
3. Stomach
➔ Hydrochloric acid - kills pathogens (pH 2)
➔ Mechanical Digestion - Churns to mix the food with acid
➔ Chemical breakdown by Enzymes, Protease(Pepsin and Trypsin)

Absorption and Assimilation

4. Small Intestines

1st Half

➔ Bile to emulsify lipids (doesn’t breakdown but separates) and neutralise acid
➔ Enzymes - Amylase, Protease, Lipase
2nd Half

➔ Absorbs all the small molecules

➔ Enters the Duodenum
➔ Adaptations (Maximise rate of Diffusion into bloodstream
- Large Surface Area - Villi/Microvilli
- Capillaries - large blood supply
- Thin - short diffusion distances
- Concentration gradient - for diffusion
➔ Enters the jejunum
➔ Enters the illyum
5. Large Intestine/Colon
➔ Absorbs water from food


6. Rectum
➔ Stores feces
7. Anus
➔ Egestion: The elimination of insoluble waste out the anus

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