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Case Study 1: The Story of Village Palampur
The farmers in Palampur decided to adopt modern farming techniques to improve their
agricultural productivity. They purchased modern equipment and started using fertilizers and
high-yielding seeds. Analyse the impact of this decision on the overall economic
development of Palampur.
Case Study 2: People as Resource
In a small town, there was a lack of emphasis on education and healthcare. The government
decided to invest heavily in education and healthcare facilities. Explore how this investment
can contribute to human capital formation and the long-term development of the town.
Case Study 3: Poverty as a Challenge
A village in India is struggling with high levels of poverty. The government implemented
various poverty alleviation programs, including employment generation schemes and food
distribution initiatives. Assess the effectiveness of these programs in reducing poverty and
improving the living standards of the villagers.
Case Study 4: Food Security in India
A drought severely affected a region in India, leading to a shortage of food grains. The
government-initiated measures such as importing food grains and providing subsidies to
farmers. Evaluate the role of these measures in ensuring food security during times of natural
1. Read the case study carefully.
2. Identify the key issues and challenges mentioned in the scenario.
3. Analyse the impact of the decisions or interventions mentioned in the case study.
4. Consider the broader implications for the economic, social, and environmental
5. Formulate recommendations or suggestions for addressing the challenges presented in
each case.

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