Little Sock R FKB Kids Stories

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and the tiny creatures

Lili Probart Jon Keevy Chani Coetzee

and the tiny creatures

This book belongs to

Little Sock and the Tiny Creatures
Illustrated by Lili Probart
Written by Jon Keevy
Designed by Chani Coetzee
with the help of the Book Dash participants
in Cape Town on 5 March 2016.

ISBN: 978-1-928318-50-7

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence

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and the tiny creatures
Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of
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material. Lili Probart Jon Keevy Chani Coetzee
It’s wash day for the Socks.
OH “I have to get home,”
NO! says Little Sock.

Little Sock falls out!

“Do you know the way home?”
asks Little Sock.
“No, but take this,”
says the Robot.
“Do you know the way home?”
asks Little Sock.
“No, but take this,”
says the Mouse.
“Do you know the way home?”
asks Little Sock.
“ No, but take…

“Maybe the marble knows the way
home,” says Little Sock.
“It does!”
says Little Sock.
Little Sock is happy.

Different socks have different personalities,
so pick your favourite.


• a sock Ask your grown-up to sew the buttons
• two buttons onto the sock.
• a needle and thread
• a grown-up to help

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