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Written exam – Fall exams 2023

Course title: Algorithms

Education & semester: Computerteknologi 3. Semester

Cyber og computerteknologi 3. semester
Elektronik og Systemdesign/Elektronik 3. Semester

Exam date: 4. January 2024

Start time: 09:00-12:00

Assesment form: 7- trins-skala

Examinator: Ramoni Adeogun (

Internal censor:

Study secretary: COMTEK3/ESD3: Helle Busk Jensen ( and

CCT3: Pia Skovlund Jensen (

Person responsible for checking and verifying the exam document before it is sent to the study
secretary (according to the exam rules): Troels Pedersen

Navn på den VIP der har dobbelttjekket og løst eksamenssættet inden det sendes til
studiesekretæren (regel i eksamensordningen):

The students must present their study card at the exam.

Digital exam:

Hand-in is done in Digital Exam.

ITX flex must be installed before the exam and turned on during the whole exam

Internet access:

Internet access is allowed during the exam to access (put a cross):

__x____ Digital Exam

______ Moodle
______ AAU library
___x___ Matlab
___x___ Maple
______ Other (Please specify) _________________________________________________
______ Internet access is NOT allowed during the exam

Allowed tools/notes during the exam:

___x___ Notes, books, slides (printed; hard copy)

___x___ Notes, books, slides (digital; offline copy)
______ Notes, books, slides (digital; online access). Online access is possible via the following:
______ List of tools (Please specify): ____________________________________________

Allowed equipment during the exam:

_X_ Laptop
_X_ Web camera
_X_ Hand-held document scanner

Note: mobile phones, extra computer screens and sound equipment (e.g. headphones) are not

Are the students to hand in any material / assignment before the exam:
______ Yes
___x___ No


Is the exam different for students attending the exam on an earlier curriculum:
______ Yes

__x____ No

If yes, how so: __________________________________________________________

Other relevant information for the students:

Reexam date: 26 February 2024

Do the same rules apply for the reexam? Yes: __x__ No: ____
If no – how will the re-exam be conducted?

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