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Functional Analysis With Intervention Planning

Antecedents Behaviours Consequences

Factors which preceded a behaviour What happened as a result of the behaviour?

Going to the family gathering

Stressed, very anxious, anticipatory
anxiety, emotionally intense week.
my thoughts were spiraling -out of control Taking all the jokes they made personally Mask on
feeling on edge, rash, headache, hot, HR I was resentful and I wasn’t talking to them. I wasn’t feeling like myself,
elevated, I had my guard up and purposefully I didn’t My relationship with my family is getting
family was there making jokes show interested in talking to them worse. I am dreading the next gathering

Consider sitiuational (where, when?), social What are the short-term and long-term factors
(who was or wasn’t there?) and emotional states. that make this behaviour more likely to happen again?

Potential interventions on antecedents Potential interventions on behaviours Potential interventions on consequences

take control over

spiraling thoughts, use Think about all the grey areas between
relaxation techniques, bending over backwards for others and not
try and calm self down talking to them at all.
Take a different perspective

What changes could be made to antecedents What changes could be made to consequences
to reduce the likelihood of the behaviour? What alternative behaviours could be attempted? to reduce the likelihood of the behaviour?

Copyright © 2018 Psychology Tools. All rights reserved.
Functional Analysis With Intervention Planning
Antecedents Behaviours Consequences
Factors which preceded a behaviour What happened as a result of the behaviour?
Nightmare or flashbacks of sexual abuse Self-harming behaviors (cutting) Short-term: Feels ‘grounded’ – reduction in
memory panicy overwhemed feelings
Long-term: Shame about inability to cope

Daily life tasks involving leaving the house Avoidance of social activity – e.g. won’t take Feels less anxious when avoids – can avoid
children to school anticiptatory anxiety too by not even
committing to engage in any activity outside

Time alone at home during the day is Rumination about fault and blame for Short-term: Feels semi-productive at the time
used to think about life the traumatic events – like I might solve it
Long-term: I never solve it. Feel depressed
and hopeless
Consider sitiuational (where, when?), social What are the short-term and long-term factors
(who was or wasn’t there?) and emotional states. that make this behaviour more likely to happen again?

Potential interventions on antecedents Potential interventions on behaviours Potential interventions on consequences

Exposure-based treatments to process traumatic Replace cutting with less harmful methods Reinforce any social activity
memories and reduce their intrusive nature (e.g. ice cubes, elastic bands) Reinforce less-risky anxiety-reducing methods
Experiment with decreasing time alone to Practice problem-solving techniques instead Practice compassionate skills for shame and
decrease opportunities for unhelpful rumination of rumination, or try to instigate ‘worry time’ self-attack
Graded exposure to activity giving a sense of
enjoyment and mastery
What changes could be made to antecedents What changes could be made to consequences
to reduce the likelihood of the behaviour? What alternative behaviours could be attempted? to reduce the likelihood of the behaviour?

Copyright © 2018 Psychology Tools. All rights reserved.

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