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Computer Graphics Microproject

Topic: Helicopter game

Roll no branch name

2146 CO3I Tanishka Suryarao
2147 CO3I Yash Tangadi
2148 CO3I Bhavika Thadani
2149 CO3I Shubham Tiwari
2150 CO3I Pranal Vernekar

Plan A:
Topic: Helicopter game
Introduction : 2D helicopter game in C similar to popular
android game ”flappy bird”. The control of the game is simple
by pressing ‘w’ the helicopter will go up, by pressing ‘s’ the
helicopter will go down and by pressing ‘q’ the game will be
pause. The player has to control the helicopter and dodge
the obstacle by not colliding them. If the helicopter collides
the obstacle then the game will be paused and the player has
to press ‘1’ or ‘0’ to continue the game or not. If the player
press ‘1’ then the game will be continue or if the player press
‘0’ it will display the score and number of obstacle dodge by
the helicopter and then the program will end.

Aim of Micro Project:

Aim of Micro Project are:

 To understand the basic concepts of computer graphics.

 To understand the function of graphics.h works and
know how and where to use them.

Action Plan:
Sr Detail of action Planned Planned Name of
no. start date end date team
1. Group from All
according to roll
on and group
leader was elected
detail info on up
2. Finalization of All
micro project as
well as discussion
regarding topic
3. Planning on the All
micro project
language uses
software uses
submission date
completing part A
4. Complete analysis All
and design part of
micro project and
distribution of
module among
group members
5. Design the project All
and started
analysing the
project on
Game” and
getting finalize
from guide
6. Implementation of All
the project by
information or
details of the
given topic
7. Presentation of up All
in front of guide
by each member
of group and
preparing post B
plan of up project
8. Submission of All
micro project both
plan A and plan B
hard copy as well
as soft copy
Resources used:
Sr Name of resources Specification Quantity
no used
1. Computer Intel CORE i3- 1
2. Turbo C/C++ To compile and 1
run the program
3. Google Collect 1
4. MS Paint For rough work 1
5. MS Word For wrinting brief 1
A & B)

Plan B:
Topic: Helicopter game
Introduction : 2D helicopter game in C similar to popular
android game ”flappy bird”. The control of the game is simple
by pressing ‘w’ the helicopter will go up, by pressing ‘s’ the
helicopter will go down and by pressing ‘q’ the game will be
pause. The player has to control the helicopter and dodge
the obstacle by not colliding them. If the helicopter collides
the obstacle then the game will be paused and the player has
to press ‘1’ or ‘0’ to continue the game or not. If the player
press ‘1’ then the game will be continue or if the player press
‘0’ it will display the score and number of obstacle dodge by
the helicopter and then the program will end.

Aim of Micro Project:

Aim of Micro Project are:

 To understand the basic concepts of computer graphics.

 To understand the function of ‘graphics.h’ works and
know how and where to use them.

Actual Procedure Followed:

 Group Formation- the team of microproject was

formed in the first week and the topic for micro
project was
 To understand the use of computer graphics.
 Understand the important topic that are useful for
building microproject
 Took all precaution and correction

Resources used:
Sr Name of resources Specification Quantity
no used
1. Computer Intel CORE i3- 1
2. Turbo C/C++ To compile and 1
run the program
3. Google Collect 1
4. MS Paint For rough work 1
5. MS Word For wrinting brief 1
A & B)

Course outcome integration:

Header file and function used in program:

1. #include<graphics.h>

bar() :- for creating obstacle and helicopter

kbhit() :-to check weither the key is press or not

2. #include<stdlib.h>


rand() :-it is used to choose one of four obstacle randomly

3. #include<conio.h>


clrscr() :- to clear the screen

getch() :- to hold the screen and to take a character at

particular time


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