Inglés T9

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Carlos Romero Sánchez

You work on a pharmacy and a customer aske you if you have any complaining procedure,
and if you could inform her about it. You are not really sure, because you never needed to
find it out, so you ask your boss, who shows you the procedure document.

4.2. Task and Activities

1. Vocabulary Review: Here you have a list of words you should know from unit 9.
Write a sentence with each one of them:

• Promptness: Prontitud
• Accuracy: Precisión.
• Complaint: Queja
• To deal: Tratar
• Supplier: Proveedor

2. Here you have a text extracted from the complaint procedure document of a
pharmacy. Read it and then answer the questions:


This pharmacy has a positive attitude to receiving comments, suggestions or complaints from
people. We wish to offer people an explanation for any concern they have and use feedback
constructively to improve the services provided by the pharmacy.

The pharmacy complaints and comments procedure aims to:

• Provide the fullest possible opportunity for investigation and resolution of a

complaint, that satisfies the person while being scrupulously fair to staff;
• Ensure prompt response and quick resolution of complaints;
• Focus on making improvements in service delivery in response to suggestions,
compliments and complaints rather than apportioning blame among staff;
• Ensure that patients are aware of how to make a suggestion or complain or pass on a
• Encourage staff and pharmacists to listen and talk with those who have a complaint
or compliment.
Roles and responsibilities:

All staff and pharmacists will be prepared to receive complaints and comments from patients
and customers and to assist with investigating complaints.

In addition the pharmacy has designated ”Mark Rodriguez” as the Complaints Manager, who
has overall responsibility for dealing with complaints.

Informing patients how to complain

The pharmacy will inform patients how to complain through:

• a note in the practice leaflet;

• a poster displayed in the pharmacy
• a comments form available within the pharmacy.

If asked, staff will explain how suggestions, complaints and compliments may be made.

• Does the pharmacy have a person whose only work is to deal with complaints?

Yes, the pharmacy has designated "Mark Rodriguez" as the Complaints Manager, who
has overall responsibility for dealing with complaints.

• Does the pharmacy inform the customers how to complain?How?

Yes, the pharmacy informs customers how to complain through a note in the practice
leaflet, a poster displayed in the pharmacy, and a coments form available within the

• Say if these sentences are true or false:

o The pharmacy refuse to explain anything to a complaining customer FALSE
o The pharmacy wants to use feedback from the attention they give their customers,
to improve their services. TRUE
o Every time a complaint is made, the pharmacy will always blame their staff to
benefit the customer. FALSE
o The pharmacy doesn’t guarantee a quick response to complaints. They make take all
the time that they want to resolve a complaint. FALSE
o All the staff of the pharmacy has been prepared to deal with complaints. FALSE
• Rewrite the sentences that you marked as “false” to make them true.

• Match each word with it’s definition:

a. Aim to C
b. Feedback E
c. Scrupulously B
d. Fair F
e. Be aware of A
f. Overall D

a) To pay attention to something in particular

b) To do something with a great effort to avoid doing wrong.
c) To try to get a particular effect or purpose
d) In general rather than in particular
e) Process in which the effect of an action is returned to modify the next action
f) To be reasonable, right and just.

• Grammar review: Order this sentences and then translate them into Spanish:


This big iron tube is a new ointment: Este tubo grande de hierro es una pomada nueva.


This old Brown syrup is in the broken sticky box in the container: Este jarabe viejo y marrón
está en la caja pegajosa rota dentro del contenedor.

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