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NAME: _________________________________________________ SCORE:______________________

GRADE & SECTION: ______________________________________

I) TRUE or FALSE – Write Correct if the statement is True; write Incorrect if it is False.
__________________ 1. When feeling angry, it is important to let it out immediately to another person or thing.
__________________ 2. The Emotional Quotient of a person is not as important as the Intelligence Quotient.
__________________ 3. Emotions are attitudes or responses to a situation or an object.
__________________ 4. An adolescent does not feel emotional highs or lows during the adolescence stage.
__________________ 5. People must understand the necessity of both positive and negative emotions for healthy functioning.
__________________ 6. High IQ may predict sues in one’s social and emotional situations.
__________________ 7. Confusion is an emotion of feeling bad after doing wrong.
__________________ 8. Being dependent on his/her parents is one of the struggles of an adolescent.
__________________ 9. In managing emotions, it is important to understand what other people feel.
__________________ 10. Jealousy is an emotion of feeling alone and that nobody cares

II) Multiple Choice – Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.

11. IQ is also known as?
A. Intelligent Quote B. Intelligent Quotient
C. Intelligent Quality D. Intelligence Quotient
12. This is an emotion wherein you feel alone and nobody cares.
A. Lonely B. Jealousy
C. Afraid D. Ashamed
13. This is an emotion wherein you feel sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy.
A. Afraid B. Depressed
C. Lonely D. Confused
14. John’s parents always give his younger brother anything he wants, but not with him. He felt unfair and sad and had a little anger
inside him. What do you think is the emotion he is showing?
A. Lonely B. Confident
C. Jealous D. Anger
15. What kind of emotion does a person need?
A. Both B and C B. Positive
C. Negative D. None of the Above
16. When you feel stressed about your school works and started acting inappropriately, what kind of
skills do we need to improve to manage our emotions?
A. Understanding how others feel and why B. Emotions of adolescence
C. Choosing your mood D. Managing emotional reactions
17. Your friend tried to open up matters about himself, but you ignored him and thinks he is just overreacting. He told you are
insensitive and do not want to be your friend anymore. What kind of skills do you need to improve in managing emotions?
A. Being aware of your emotion B. Understanding how others feel and why
C. Managing your emotional reactions D. Choosing your mood
18. Many people feel confident when they?
A. Forget to do something B. Tell people to do something
C. Know how to do something D. Don’t want to do something
19. All of these are ways to manage emotions except?
A. Exercise B. Eat Junk foods
C. Distract yourself D. Be grateful
20. Your friend told you she has suffered depression. What would you do?
A. Spend time with her but avoid talking about her depression
B. Give her some time to herself
C. Convince her to go out with some friends and get her mind out of it
D. Allow your friend to express her feelings and show support
Test III. Boxified! Choose a word from the box that corresponds to the statement.

Personal Relationship

________________________21. The act, power or property of attracting

________________________22. The act of binding yourself to a course of action
________________________23. Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personalities.
________________________24. The social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force.
________________________25. A relation between people.
Test IV. Restricted Essay. Answer each question in 2 to 3 sentences only. 5 pts each

1. What do we mean by personal relationships in the concept of Family, Friends and Partnerships?

2. How will you nurture relationship? Give one aspect then explain.

3. Give one (1) advantage of having relationship in terms of health aspect and explain.

“It is easy to find relationship, what is hard is how to make it last.”

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