Just Eat - Here Are Your Contract Documents!

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DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Confidential health assessment

questionnaire for night workers.

The following medical conditions could possibly affect your health and ability to safely carry out
night work, or could be made worse by night work. As a result of the information you have given,
you may be referred to a doctor appointed by the company so that a medical examination can be
carried out.

• Diabetes
• Heart or circulatory disorders
• Stomach or intestinal disorders
• Any medical condition that causes difficulties sleeping
• Chronic chest disorders, particularly if night time symptoms are troublesome
• Any medical condition requiring medication to a strict timetable
• Any medical condition where timing of meals is particularly important
• Any mental health problems which may be affected by night work
• Any other medical condition which may affect your ability to work safely at night
• Are you a new or expectant mum (optional question)
• If you have worked at night before did this cause any ill health

Do you have any of these medical conditions?

X I have none of these medical conditions

Yes, I have one or more of these medical conditions

If you have answered YES, please provide some detail

on the medical condition:

Please include details on when the condition developed, is it new, how severe, its effects on you,
how well it is controlled and if you believe it is made worse by night work.

By responding I consent to the processing of health data relating to me for the consideration of
suitability for engagement by Randstad for night work; to help protect my own health and safety
in the workplace; and the health and safety of other third parties in the workplace that I may
come into contact with.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Criminal Declaration

Spent convictions need not to be declared under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. For
individuals working with children and vulnerable adults the provisions of Section 4(2) of the
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 do not apply. For these type of roles, you are not entitled to
withhold information about convictions cautions, reprimands and warnings which are considered
spent under the Act other than certain old and minor cautions and convictions that are classed as
“protected” under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (Amendment)
(England and Wales) Order 2013 /Rehabilitation of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1978.

This information will be treated in confidence and will only be discussed with the appropriate
client contact. Randstad complies fully with Disclosure Code of Practice and undertakes to treat
all applications for positions fairly. It undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject
of a disclosure on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed. Failure to declare any
information may require us to exclude you from our register if the offence is not declared but later
comes to light.

Do you have any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings which would not be filtered
in line with current guidance or do you have knowledge of any pending prosecutions in respect of
alleged offences excluding road traffic offences not involving injury to a third party or a sentence
of imprisonment?

(Only declare “unspent” convictions)

If details of unspent convictions are provided as part of this declaration I consent to the
processing of Criminal Records data relating to me for the consideration of suitability for
engagement by Randstad and its clients.


X No

If you have answered YES, please record the offence,

the date and the sentence imposed (where applicable):
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Health Declaration

In order for us to ensure that all candidates have equal opportunity in the course of the
recruitment process and to ensure suitability for any vacancies please indicate any matters which
you feel may be relevant to your ability to perform the work you are being offered.
By signing this document I consent to the processing of health data relating to me to help
protect my own health and safety in the workplace and the health and safety of other third
parties in the workplace that I may come into contact with

Confidentiality Agreement

I will ensure I maintain the confidentiality of information gained during the course of the
assignment with the client, whether it is corporate information concerned with this business or
its customers - whether it is obtained in any form e.g. verbal, written or electronic data or other
material belonging to the client.
By signing this document I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above and agree
to be bound by its terms.

Health & Safety Statement

Randstad is committed to treating all applicants with respect and to acting in their best interests.
It is important therefore for Randstad to take all reasonable steps to ensure your health, safety
and welfare whilst visiting our offices and working on our client’s premises. It is however your
responsibility to look after your own health, safety and welfare and that of others by:

• Familiarising yourself with the client’s Health and Safety Policy and risk assessments, Fire
Evacuation and First Aid arrangements.
• Ensuring that you cooperate with the client’s Fire and First Aid arrangement.
• Complying with any induction and task training, supervision and the requirements of any
relevant risk assessments.

Only carrying out duties that you are trained for and competent to carry out, have been supplied
for and have been authorised to undertake within the agreed premises or area.
Notifying Randstad of any changes in your circumstances that could affect your ability to work,
or that put you at risk within the workplace
Taking care of company property entrusted to you, refrain from horseplay and abuse of welfare

You should also: Report to your immediate supervisor any defect in equipment and ensure
that equipment is in a safe and secure state when unattended. Report all incidents that could
result in personal injury or property damage to the client and your Randstad contact. Report
any personal work related injury or disease to the client and to your Randstad contact. Set a
personal example.

By signing this document I confirm that I have read the above, understand my health and safety
responsibilities and agree to abide by these responsibilities.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Vehicle Declaration

By signing this document, I agree that:

• If I have any changes in my medical health that may impair my ability to drive I will inform the
DVLA and Randstad (notifiable conditions are anything that could affect your ability to drive
• Whilst I am on assignment, I am representing both Just Eat Takeaway and Randstad, and will
behave in line with the expectations communicated to me as part of the onboarding process
• It is my responsibility to ensure that I am driving/cycling legally at all times as it is a condition
of my assignment with Randstad
• I will adhere to the health and safety measures communicated to me by Just Eat Takeaway
and Randstad
• If at any point use a different vehicle to the one declared in this form, I will contact Randstad
prior to using the vehicle to provide them with the vehicle information so they can conduct
the relevant checks. This includes changes in vehicle of the same type - e.g. using a different

Non-Motorised Vehicles

If am am using a non-motorised vehicle at any time during my assignment I will conduct weekly
(minimum) checks that my vehicle is maintained to the following standards:
• I have chosen the right size and type of cycle for comfort and safety
• My lights and reflectors are kept clean and in good working order
• My tyres are in good condition and inflated to the pressure shown on the tyre
• My gears are working correctly
• My chain is properly adjusted and oiled
• My saddle and handlebars are adjusted to the correct height.
• My brakes are efficient
• At night, I am using lit front and rear lights and have a red rear reflector
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Motorised Vehicles

• I must have a valid driving licence that covers you to legally drive the vehicle you are using
whilst on assignment with Randstad
• It is my responsibility to inform Randstad if I have my driving licence revoked at any point
during my assignment
• It is my responsibility to inform Randstad should I receiving a driving ban or I am suspended
from driving for any period of time
• If I am using a motorised vehicle, I understand that I need to declare any points added to my
licence as they may invalidate my insurance with Just Eat Takeaway. I understand that failing
to declare these points may be considered as fraudulent and goes against the conditions of my
• I agree to regular checks being conducted on my driving licence, the first check being prior to
my assignment start date, to confirm that I am legally allowed to drive the vehicle I am using
whilst on assignment with Randstad
• I agree to regular checks being conducted on my road tax and MOT to ensure that I am
operating legally whilst on assignment with Randstad
• I agree to provide evidence that I am fully insured as per Randstad requirements

• If I am using a moped at any time during my assignment I will have:

• a valid CBT licence/certificate OR a full UK licence obtained prior to 01/01/2001; and
• have held UK/EU for over 1 year; and
• be 21 years old or over

• If I am using a JET-owned moped I will adhere to the following insurance criteria:

• no more than 6 points on my licence
• no insurance claims in the last 3 years
• no motoring convictions or disqualifications in the last 5 years
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482


I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief all the information given by me is true
and correct and that all the questions have been accurately and fully answered. I also understand
that if any false statements are made, this may result in the termination of my contract. I hereby
certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief all the information given by me is true and
correct and that all of the questions have been accurately and fully answered.

• I confirm that I have (re-) registered with Randstad through my own choice.
• I confirm that I am eligible to work in the UK.
• I understand any documentation in support of this application will be referred to the relevant
office for verification checks.
• I confirm that, should any of my personal details change (including but not limited to my
contact details, visa validity, criminal record and health details), I will inform Randstad
• I can confirm that I am aware that criminal information declared or returned on a police
disclosure must be verbally discussed with any potential client(s) prior to placement. I
authorise Randstad to discuss this information with the client contact.
• I confirm I have read and understood the information in this form.

By signing this document, I am agreeing to this certification.

DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

before you hit the road...

Each time, every time, be safe!
Whether it’s our bike or yours, you must check the
mechanical condition before heading out onto the road:

Are all parts tight and in Chain

good repair? Ensure there is is the chain oiled and not too
nothing loose or rattling. loose or tight?

Tyres Brakes
are they fully inflated with do both brakes stop the
plenty of tread and no bald cycle with the least amount
patches? of pull on the lever?

Wheels Lights
check spokes are not broken are the front and rear lights
or loose and that both installed and working
wheels run freely. properly?

Mobile phone holder is it

fitted correctly and securely
attached to the bike?
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Hygiene and Safety Guidance for Food Delivery

Delivering great food comes with great responsibility!

When you’re taking away the takeaway and delivering the delivery there’s a number of things
you’ll need to know and understand and importantly, adhere to at all times.

This essential information contains the following;

• ● Food Standards Agency
• ● Food handling and storage
• ● Food delivery
• ● Personal hygiene
• ● Reporting illness and COVID-19 precautions

In your assignment as a courier, even though you are not directly preparing any food, you are
handling and delivering which means you’re classed as a ‘food handler’, this is anyone that comes
into contact with food before it reaches its end customer.

Food Standards Agency (FSA)

Who are they?

The FSA are the independent government department working to protect public health and
consumers’ wider interests in relation to food in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and are
responsible for the systems that regulate food businesses.

You can find more information about the FSA on the below link:

Food Handling and Storage

The four main things to remember for good hygiene are the 4Cs: cleaning, cooking, chilling and
avoiding cross-contamination.

It’s very important to store food properly to keep it safe. Storing food in sealed containers and at
the correct temperature protects it from harmful bacteria, stops objects falling into it, and avoids
cross-contamination with other ingredients.

You’ll be given more information on how to correctly use your courier food box, how to clean,
disinfect and ensure it has sufficient temperature control measures.

Delivering Food Orders

All food must be delivered to consumers in a way that ensures that it does not become unsafe or
unfit to eat.

Food that needs refrigeration must be kept cool while being transported. This will be packed in an
insulated box with a coolant gel or in a cool bag. Equally, food that needs to be kept hot should
be packed in an insulated bag - your courier food box adheres to these standards and further
training on how to maintain this will be provided.

Food businesses should also identify and remove possible cross-contamination risks in the
delivery process. This can be done through packaging meals securely and storing allergen-free
meals separately in transit to avoid contamination through any spillages.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

If an allergen-free meal has been ordered, it should be clear when delivered which container it is
in. You can use stickers or a note on the container to label each meal.

You will receive further information and training about COVID-19 safe delivery, including handling
containers from collection to delivery, social distancing and hygiene.

Personal Hygiene

It’s especially important now you’re working with food that you maintain good personal hygiene,
this includes making sure you are clean and presentable, wearing clean clothing, the correct
personal protective equipment and are washing and sanitising your hands thoroughly and often,
and wear a mask - please see the following page for guidance

You’ll be provided with a uniform and it’s your responsibility to take care of this, wash it
appropriately and represent yourself and the company well.

Reporting Illness and COVID-19

It’s vital that if you are unwell in any case, or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19
that you notify us via the Scoober app immediately, and do not attend work as this could risk
spreading infection:

1. Common symptoms of COVID-19 are recent onset of a new continuous cough or a high
temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell.

2. If you develop these symptoms, however mild, or you have received a positive coronavirus
(COVID-19) test result, then you should immediately self-isolate stay at home for at least 10
days from when your symptoms started. If you live with others, all other household members
who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.

3. If your condition gets worse, or your symptoms do not get better after 10 days, then use the
NHS 111 online service.

4. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, you should arrange a test by visiting NHS.UK, or
contact 119 via telephone if you do not have internet access.

5. Wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and water or hand
sanitiser, particularly after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, before you eat or handle
food, or when you get to work or arrive home.

6. Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze. If you do not
have a tissue, sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not into your hand. Dispose of tissues
into a disposable rubbish bag and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for 20
seconds or use hand sanitiser.

7. Clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces using your regular cleaning
products to reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Contract for Services for Temporary Workers

Between Randstad Solutions Limited whose registered office is at 450 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU (referred to
throughout as “the Company”) and (referred to throughout this document as “you” and “your” shall be construed accordingly)


1.1 In these Terms the following definitions apply:

“Agency Workers Regulations “means the Agency Workers Regulations 2010;

“Agreed Deductions “means any deductions you have agreed can be made from your pay;

“Application Documents” means any application form or other written information provided by you to the Company about your
experience, training, qualifications, authorisations and general suitability for performing the services under the Engagement;

“Assignment” means assignment services to be performed by You for the Client for a period of time during which you are supplied
by the Company to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of the Client;

“Assignment Details Form” means written confirmation of the assignment details to be given to you upon acceptance of the

“Calendar Week” means any period of 7 days starting with the same day as the first day of the first Assignment with the Client;

“Client” means the person, firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated person, firm or corporate body (as
the case may be) to whom you are supplied or introduced;

“Client’s Group” means (a) any individual, company, partnership, statutory body or other entity which from time to time Controls
the Client, including (but not limited to) as a holding company as defined in section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006; and (b) any
company, partnership, statutory body or other entity which from time to time is Controlled by or is under common Control with the
Client, including (but not limited to) as a subsidiary or holding company as defined in section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006;

“Conduct Regulations” means the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003;

“Confidential Information” means any and all confidential commercial, financial, marketing, technical or other information or data
of whatever nature relating to the Client or the Company or their business or affairs (including but not limited to these Terms,
data, records, reports, agreements, software, programs, specifications, know-how, trade secrets and other information concerning
the Assignment) in any form or medium whether disclosed or granted access to whether in writing, orally or by any other means,
provided to you or any third party in relation to the Assignment by the Client or the Company or by a third party on behalf of the
Client whether before or after the date of these Terms together with any reproductions of such information in any form or medium
or any part(s) of such information;

“Control “means (a) the legal or beneficial ownership, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of the issued share capital or similar
right of ownership; or (b) the power to direct or cause the direction of the affairs and/ or general management of the company,
partnership, statutory body or other entity in question, whether through the ownership of voting capital, by contract or otherwise,
and “Controls” and “Controlled” shall be construed accordingly;

“Data Protection Laws” means the Data Protection Act 1998, any applicable statutory or regulatory provisions and all European
Directives and regulations in force from time to time relating to the protection and transfer of personal data;

“Deductions “means any deductions which the Company may be required by law to make and in particular in respect of PAYE
pursuant to Sections 44-47 of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 and Class 1 National Insurance Contributions;

“Engagement” means the engagement, employment or use of your services by the Client or any third party to whom you have
been introduced by the Client, on a permanent or temporary basis, whether under a contract of service or for services, and/or
through a company of which you are an officer, employee or other representative, an agency, license, franchise or partnership
arrangement, or any other engagement; and “Engage”, “Engages” and “Engaged” shall be construed accordingly;

“Extended Period of Hire” means any additional period that the Client wishes you to be supplied for beyond the duration of the
original Assignment or series of assignments as an alternative to paying a Transfer Fee;

“Hourly Rate” means the statutory minimum amount of pay in force from time to time;

“Leave Year” means the period during which you accrue and may take statutory leave commencing on approximately 1st February
and running until the anniversary of that date;

“Losses” means any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs, expenses whether direct, indirect, special or consequential (including,
without limitation, any economic loss or other loss of profits, business or goodwill, management time and reasonable legal fees)
and charges, including such items arising out of or resulting from actions, proceedings, claims and demands;
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

“Qualifying Period” means 12 continuous Calendar Weeks during the whole or part of which you are supplied by one or more
temporary work agencies to the relevant Client to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of the relevant
Client in the same role;

“QP Rate of Pay” means the rate of pay which will be paid to you if and when you complete the Qualifying Period. Such rate will be
paid for each hour worked during an Assignment (to the nearest quarter hour) weekly in arrears, subject to Deductions and any
Agreed Deductions, as may be set out in any variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form;

“Rate of Pay” means, unless and until you complete the Qualifying Period, the rate of pay which will be paid for each hour worked
during an Assignment (to the nearest quarter hour) weekly in arrears, subject to Deductions and any Agreed Deductions, as may
be set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form;

“Relevant Period” means (a) the period of 8 weeks commencing on the day after the last day on which you worked for the Client
having been supplied by the Company; or (b) the period of 14 weeks commencing on the first day on which you worked for
the Client having been supplied by the Company or 14 weeks from the first day of the most recent Assignment where there has
been a break of more than 6 weeks (42 days) since any previous assignment; Randstad Solutions Ltd Registered in England No:
02389033. Registered Office: 450 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU

“Services” means any role fulfilled for the Client or Client’s Group;

“Terms” means these terms of engagement including any schedules and any applicable Assignment Details Form;

“Transfer Fee” means the fee payable by the Client to the Company in accordance with clause 3.5, as permitted by Regulation 10
of the Conduct Regulations;

“Type of Work” means any work to be undertaken for the Client or Client’s Group; and “Working Time Regulations” means the
Working Time Regulations 1998.

1.2 Unless the context otherwise requires, references to the singular include the plural and references to the masculine include the
feminine and vice versa.

1.3 The headings contained in these Terms are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation.

1.4 Any reference, express or implied, to an enactment includes a reference to that enactment as from time to time amended,
modified, extended, re-enacted, replaced or applied by or under any other enactment (whether before or after the date of these
Terms) and all subordinate legislation made (before or after these Terms) under it from time to time.


2.1 These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company for the supply of services to the Client and
they shall govern all Assignments undertaken by you. However, no contract shall exist between you and the Company between
Assignments. These Terms shall prevail over any other terms put forward by you.
2.2 During an Assignment you will be engaged on a contract for services by the Company on these Terms. For the avoidance of
doubt, you are not an employee of the Company although the Company is required to make the Deductions from your pay. These
Terms shall not give rise to a contract of employment between you and the Company, or you and the Client.

2.3 No variation or alteration to these Terms shall be valid unless the details of such variation are agreed between you and the
Company and set out in writing. Written confirmation of variation will be given to you no later than 5 business days following the
day on which the variation was made stating the date on or after which such varied terms shall apply.

2.4 The Company shall act as an employment business (as defined in Section 13(3) of the Employment Agencies Act 1973) when
introducing or supplying you for Assignments with its Clients.


3.1 The Company will endeavour to obtain suitable Assignments for you to perform the agreed Type of Work. You shall not be
obliged to accept any Assignment offered by the Company.

3.2 You acknowledge that the nature of temporary work means that there may be periods when no suitable work is available and
agree that:

3.2.1 the suitability of the work to be offered shall be determined solely by the Company; and

3.2.2 The Company shall incur no liability to you should it fail to offer Assignments of the Type of Work or any other work.

3.3 At the same time as an Assignment is offered to you the Company will endeavour to provide you with an Assignment Details
Form setting out the following:

3.3.1 the identity of the Client, and if applicable the nature of their business;
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

3.3.2 the date the Assignment is to commence and the duration or likely duration of Assignment;

3.3.3 the Type of Work, location and hours during which you would be required to work;

3.3.4 the Hourly Rate that will be paid and any expenses payable by or to you;

3.3.5 any risks to health and safety known to the Client in relation to the Assignment and the steps the Client has taken to prevent
or control such risks; and

3.3.6 what experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation required by law or a professional body the Client considers
necessary or which are required by law to work in the Assignment.

3.4 For the purpose of calculating the average number of weekly hours worked by you on an Assignment for the purposes of the
Working Time Regulations, the start date for the relevant averaging period shall be the date on which you commence the first

3.5 If, before or during an Assignment or during the Relevant Period, the Client wishes to Engage you directly or through another
employment business, you acknowledge that the Company will be entitled either to charge the Client a Transfer Fee or to agree
an Extended Period of Hire with the Client at the end of which you may be Engaged directly by the Client or through another
employment business without further charge to the Client. In addition, the Company will be entitled to charge a Transfer Fee to
the Client if the Client introduces you to a third party (other than another employment business) who subsequently Engages you,
directly or indirectly, before or during an Assignment or within the Relevant Period.

3.6 If you have completed the Qualifying Period on the start date of the relevant Assignment or following completion of the
Qualifying Period during the relevant Assignment, and if you are entitled to any terms and conditions relating to the duration
of working time, night work, rest periods and/or rest breaks under the Agency Workers Regulations which are different and
preferential to rights and entitlements relating to the same under the Working Time Regulations, any such terms and conditions
may be as set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form or any variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form (as
3.7 If you consider that you have not or may not have received equal treatment under the Agency Workers Regulations, you may
raise this in writing with the Company setting out as fully as possible the basis of your concerns. Randstad Solutions Ltd Registered
in England No: 02389033. Registered Office: 450 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU


4.1. You warrant the correctness of the information you supplied to the Company in any Application Documents.

4.2. You are not obliged to accept any Assignment offered by the Company but if you do accept an Assignment, during every
Assignment and afterwards where appropriate, you will:

4.2.1. co-operate with the Client’s reasonable instructions and accept the direction, supervision and control of any responsible
person in the Client’s organisation;

4.2.2. use reasonable care and skill in supplying Services at all times taking responsibility for the way in which the Services are

4.2.3. observe any relevant rules and regulations of the Client’s establishment (including normal hours of work) to which attention
has been drawn or which you might reasonably be expected to ascertain;

4.2.4. take all reasonable steps to safeguard your own health and safety and that of any other person who may be present or be
affected by your actions on the Assignment and comply with the Health and Safety policies and procedures of the Client;

4.2.5. not engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of the Company and/ or Client which includes any conduct which
could bring the Company and/or the Client into disrepute and/or which results in the loss of custom or business by either the
Company or the Client;

4.2.6. supply to the Company copies of any relevant qualifications or authorisations that you are required by law or any
professional body to have in order to provide the Services to the Client;

4.2.7. not commit any act or omission constituting unlawful discrimination against or harassment of any member of the Company’s
or the Client’s staff;

4.2.8. not at any time divulge to any person, nor use for your own or any other person’s benefit, any Confidential Information
relating to the Client’s or the Company’s employees, business affairs, transactions or finances;

4.2.9. on completion of the Assignment or at any time when requested by the Client or the Company, return to the Client or where
appropriate, to the Company, any Client property or items provided to you in connection with or for the purpose of the Assignment,
including, but not limited to any equipment, materials, documents, swipe cards or ID cards, uniforms, personal protective
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

equipment or clothing. You agree to take reasonable care of any such equipment and property that has been provided to you.

4.2. If you accept any Assignment offered by the Company, as soon as possible prior to the commencement of each such
Assignment and during each Assignment (as appropriate) and at any time at the Company’s request, you undertake to:

4.2.1. inform the Company of any Calendar Weeks prior to the date of commencement of the relevant Assignment and/or during
the relevant Assignment in which you have worked in the same or a similar role with the relevant Client via any third party and
which you believe count or may count toward the Qualifying Period;

4.2.2. provide the Company with all the details of such work, including (without limitation) details of where, when and the
period(s) during which such work was undertaken and any other details requested by the Company; and

4.2.3. inform the Company if, you have prior to the date of commencement of the relevant Assignment and/or during the relevant
Assignment: completed two or more assignments with the Client; completed at least one assignment with the Client and one or more earlier assignments with any member of the Client’s
Group; and/or worked in more than two roles during an assignment with the Client and on at least two occasions worked in a role that
was not the same role as the previous role.

4.3. If you are unable for any reason to attend work during the course of an Assignment you should inform the Company at least
one hour prior to commencement of the Assignment or shift. In the event that it is not possible to inform the Company within
these timescales, you should alternatively inform the Client and then the Company as soon as possible.

4.4. If, either before or during the course of an Assignment, you become aware of any reason why you may not be suitable for an
Assignment, you shall notify the Company without delay.

4.5. You acknowledge that any breach of your obligations set out in this clause may cause the Company to suffer loss and that the
Company reserves the right to recover such Losses from you.


5.1. At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of the Assignment where it is for a period of 1 week or less or is
completed before the end of a week) you shall deliver to the Company a timesheet duly completed to indicate the number of hours
worked during the preceding week (or such lesser period) and signed or approved by an authorised representative of the Client.
You agree to use an on-line timesheet system or other system in order to do so.

5.2. Subject to clause 5.3 the Company shall pay you for all hours worked regardless of whether the Company has received
payment from the Client for those hours.

5.3. Where you fail to submit a properly authenticated timesheet the Company shall, in a timely fashion, conduct further
investigations into the hours claimed by you and the reasons that the Client has refused to sign or approve a timesheet in respect
of those hours. This may delay any payment due to you. The Company shall make no payment to you for hours not worked.

5.4. For the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of the Working Time Regulations, your working time shall only consist of
those periods during which you are carrying out activities or duties for the Client as part of the Assignment. Time spent travelling
to the Client’s premises (apart from time spent travelling between two or more premises of the Client), lunch breaks and other rest
breaks shall not count as part of your working time for these purposes. This clause 5.4 is subject to any variation set out in the
relevant Assignment Details Form or any variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form which the Company may make for the
purpose of compliance with the Agency Workers Regulations.


6.1. The Company shall pay you the Rate of Pay unless and until you complete the Qualifying Period. The Rate of Pay will be
notified on a per Assignment basis and as set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form.

6.2. If you have completed the Qualifying Period on the start date of the relevant Assignment or following completion of the
Qualifying Period during the relevant Assignment, the Company shall pay you the QP Rate of Pay (which may be the same as
the Rate of Pay) which will be notified on a per Assignment basis and as set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form or any
variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company makes no guarantee that the QP Rate
of Pay will be higher than the Rate of Pay.

6.3. Subject to any statutory entitlement under the relevant legislation referred to in clauses 7 and 8 below and any other statutory
entitlement, you are not entitled to receive payment from the Company or the Client for time not spent on Assignment, whether in
respect of holidays, illness or absence for any other reason unless otherwise agreed.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

6.4. If you have completed the Qualifying Period on the start date of the relevant Assignment or following completion of the
Qualifying Period during the relevant Assignment, you may be entitled to the opportunity to qualify for a bonus. You will comply
with any requirements of the Company and/or the Client relating to the assessment of your performance for the purpose of
determining whether or not you are entitled to a bonus and the amount of any such bonus. If, subject to satisfying the relevant
assessment criteria, you are entitled to receive a bonus, the Company will pay the bonus to you. Randstad Solutions Ltd Registered
in England No: 02389033. Registered Office: 450 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU

6.5 Payment for the Services will be subject to deductions for tax and national insurance and any other deductions that may be
required by law from time to time. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, you shall not be entitled to claim from the Company (or
the Client) any expenses incurred in connection with the performance of the Services. You will not be paid if you fail to commence
the Engagement or to the extent that you fail to complete it. Any mistake in the amount paid to you should be reported to the
Company at once and any overpayment must be refunded to the Company.

6.6 The Company shall be entitled to deduct from any payment due to you any monies due from you to the Company including but
not limited to any overpayments, advances, the costs of repairing any damage or loss to the Company’s or Client’s property caused
by you (and of recovering the costs). This will be in addition to the Company being able to make deductions for any losses suffered
by the Company as a result of your negligence or breach of either the Company’s or the Client rules.


7.1. You are entitled to paid annual leave according to the statutory minimum as provided by the Working Time Regulations from
time to time.

7.2. Entitlement to payment for leave under clause 7.1 accrues in proportion to the amount of time worked by you on Assignment
during the Leave Year.

7.3. Under the Agency Workers Regulations, on completion of the Qualifying Period you may be entitled to paid and/or unpaid
annual leave in addition to your entitlement to paid annual leave under the Working Time Regulations and in accordance with
clauses 7.1 and 7.2. If this is the case, any such entitlement(s), the date from which any such entitlement(s) will commence and
how payment for such entitlement(s) accrues will be as set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form or any variation to the
relevant Assignment Details Form.

7.4. All entitlement to leave must be taken during the course of the Leave Year in which it accrues and, save as may be set out in
the relevant Assignment Details Form or any variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form, none may be carried forward to the
next year. You are responsible for ensuring that all paid annual leave is requested and taken within the Leave Year.

7.5. If you wish to take paid leave during the course of an Assignment you should notify the Company of the dates of your
intended absence giving notice of at least 2 weeks. In certain circumstances the Company may require you to take paid annual
leave at specific times or notify you of periods when paid annual leave cannot be taken.

7.6. Subject to clause 7.3, the amount of payment which you will receive in respect of periods of annual leave taken during the
course of an Assignment will be calculated in accordance with and paid in proportion to the number of hours which you have
worked onAssignment.

7.7. Subject to clause 7.3, in the course of any Assignment during the first Leave Year, you are entitled to request leave at the rate
of one-twelfth of your total holiday entitlement in each month of the leave year.

7.8. Save where this clause is amended by the Assignment Details Form, where a bank holiday or other public holiday falls
during an Assignment and you do not work on that day, then subject to you having accrued entitlement to payment for leave in
accordance with clause 7.2 or clause 7.3 (if applicable), that day shall count as part of your paid annual leave entitlement.

7.9. Where this contract is terminated by either party, you shall i) repay to the Company an amount in respect of any holiday
periods taken in excess of the holiday entitlement for that year and you hereby authorise the Company to take repayment of such
monies by way of deduction from any final payment owed to you or ii) be entitled to a payment in lieu of any untaken leave where
the amount of leave taken is less than the amount accrued in accordance with clause 7 at the date of termination. 8. SICKNESS

8.1. You may be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay provided that you meet the relevant statutory criteria.

8.2. You are required to provide the Company with evidence of incapacity to work which may be by way of a self- certificate for the
first 7 days of incapacity and a doctor’s certificate thereafter.

8.3. In the event that you submit a Statement of Fitness for Work (“the Statement”) or similar medical evidence, which indicates
that you may, subject to certain conditions, be fit to work/return to work, the Company will in its absolute discretion determine
whether you will be (a) placed in a new Assignment or (b) permitted to continue in an ongoing Assignment. In making such
determination the Company may consult with the Client and you as appropriate to assess whether the conditions identified in the
Statement or similar documentation can be satisfied for the duration of the Assignment.

8.4. Where clause 8.3 applies, your placement in a new Assignment or continuation in an ongoing Assignment may be subject to
you agreeing to a variation of the Terms or the assignment details set out in the Assignment Details Form to accommodate any
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

conditions identified in the Statement or other similar medical evidence as is appropriate.


9.1. Any of the Company, you or the Client may terminate your Assignment at any time without prior notice or liability.

9.2. You acknowledge that the continuation of an Assignment is subject to and conditioned by the continuation of the contract
entered into between the Company and the Client. In the event that the contract between the Company and the Client is
terminated for any reason the Assignment shall cease with immediate effect without liability to you (save for payment for hours
worked by you up to the date of termination of the Assignment).

9.3. If you do not inform the Client or the Company that you are unable to attend work during the course of an Assignment (as
required in clause 4.3) this will be treated as termination of the Assignment by you in accordance with clause 9.1, unless you can
show that exceptional circumstances prevented you from complying with clause 4.3.

9.4. If you are absent during the course of an Assignment and the Assignment has not been otherwise terminated under clauses
9.1 or 9.3 above the Company will be entitled to terminate the Assignment in accordance with clause 9.1 if the work to which you
were assigned is no longer available.

9.5. If you do not report to the Company to notify your availability for work for a period of 12 weeks, the Company will forward
your P45 to your last known address.

9.6. The Company by notice, with immediate effect, shall be entitled to terminate these Terms if you are in breach of your
obligations which in the opinion of the Company is incapable of being remedied, or which you have failed to remedy within 10
working days of notice;

9.7. Termination or expiry of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights of the Company and/or the Client arising
directly or indirectly out of your acts and/or omissions prior to, in connection with or as a result of such termination or expiry.
Randstad Solutions Ltd Registered in England No: 02389033. Registered Office: 450 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU


10.1. You shall indemnify the Company:

10.1.1. against all Losses incurred by the Company arising out of any negligent, wrongful or fraudulent act or omission of yours.

10.1.2. from and against any Losses for which the Company may be liable under the terms of its contract(s) with the Client and
which arise as a direct or indirect result of the negligence of or breach of this Agreement by you.


You acknowledge that all copyright, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights deriving from services carried out
by you for the Client during the Assignment shall belong to the Client. Accordingly you shall execute all such documents and do all
such acts as the Company shall from time to time require in order to give effect to its rights pursuant to this clause.


12.1. In order to protect the confidentiality and trade secrets of any Client and the Company and without prejudice to every other
duty to keep secret all information given to it or gained in confidence you agree as follows:

12.1.1. not at any time, whether during or after an Assignment (unless expressly so authorised by the Client or the Company
as a necessary part of the performance of its duties) to disclose to any person or to make use of any of the trade secrets or the
Confidential Information of the Client or the Company with the exception of information already in the public domain;

12.1.2. to deliver up to the Client or the Company (as directed) at the end of each Assignment all documents and other materials
belonging to the Client (and all copies) which are in its possession including documents and other materials created by you during
the course of the Assignment; and

12.1.3. not at any time to make any copy, abstract, summary or précis of the whole or any part of any document or other material
belonging to the Client except when required to do so in the course of your duties under an Assignment in which event any such
item shall belong to the Client or the Company as appropriate.


You warrant that in relation to these Terms, you shall comply strictly with all provisions applicable to you under the Data Protection
Laws and shall not do or permit to be done anything which might cause the Company or the Client to breach any Data Protection

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If any of the provisions of these Terms shall be determined by any competent authority to be unenforceable to any extent, such
provision shall, to that extent, be severed from the remaining Terms, which shall continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted
by applicable laws.


All notices which are required to be given in accordance with these Terms shall be in writing and may be delivered by post to the
postal address of the party upon whom the notice is to be served or any other address that the party has notified the other party
in writing, by email. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been served: ; if by post 48 hours following posting; and if by email,
when that email is sent.


None of the provisions of these Terms are intended to be for the benefit of or enforceable by third parties and the operation of the
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 is excluded.


These Terms are governed by the law of England & Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England &

DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

Key Information Document - PAYE - Randstad Inhouse Services

This document sets out key information about your relationship with us, including details about pay, holiday
entitlement and other benefits.

The Employment Agency Standards (EAS) Inspectorate is the government authority responsible for the enforcement of certain
agency worker rights. You can raise a concern with them directly on 010 7215 5000 or through the Acas helpline on 0300 123
1100, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Our employment business is: Randstad Solutions Ltd

You will be engaged by us on a: Contract for Services

And will be paid: Weekly

At least the prevailing or current National Minimum Wage or National Living

Your minimum rate of pay will be:

We are required by law to make the following Income tax, national insurance and pension contribution (after 12 weeks
deductions from your pay: unless you opt out)

Personal accident insurance (currently £1.62 per week) unless this would
We will also make the following non-statutory
take you below National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage, in which
deductions and costs:
case you will receive this cover free of charge. You can opt out at any time.

You may also be charged for the following fees

for goods or services provided to you:

28 days per annual leave year including all public holidays accrued on a
Your paid holiday entitlement is:
pro-rata basis

And you are entitled to the following additional


Example weekly pay:

Example rate of pay (gross): £356.40 (40 hours @ £8.91 p/hr)

£20.40 (income tax)

Deductions from your wage required by law:
£20.69 (national insurance)
£11.82 (pension contribution)

Personal accident insurance is not deducted as you are earning national

Any other deductions or costs from your wage:
minimum wage however you are covered unless you opt out

Any fees for goods or services:

Example net take home pay: £303.49

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DocuSign Envelope ID: D90E96DE-9B92-4B77-AD34-1110B304D482

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