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SECTION A - MACROECONOMICS (QI Satement 1: Wealth isa stack variable and Income is a lw variable Saement 2: imputed rene of eelf -sccupied houses must be iechaded in ational income, (1 mari (3) Only Seatemenc 1 is trae, (b) Only Statement 2is true (© Both statements are true. (@) Both statements ae fae Q2 RBI in ics press release on 22 September, 2021 has eeleased data fen money supply forthe fortnight ended 10 September, 2021 35 fallow (marl (5 Ne leone (at core) _[Carensy wich Rabe 28.43.296 W)_[ Demand Deposs with Banks 1488.130, (il_[Time Depeie with Ranks “a8 iw) _|Oxver Deposits with World Bank 837486 #37486 2 ‘The alc of money supply (Min the economy was tres, @) %.3078,148 (b) %1.93,99,596 (0 €47.78.148 (@ 731426 Q3 Asserion (A): Money supply includes money held by all the financial esistions. Reason (R): Money held by the government doesnot come ino 1 (koe (d) k= teller in the “Foreign inriional Ineo (EI) remained et eller ¥ ee ares othe La ft wn" Wh va be its ‘Afeeton the foreign exchange rat and the value of domestic Sey = {a) Foreign exchange rate is likely co al lesding co =ppreciation of domestic curency. (b) Foreign exchange rate is lkely co remain unchanged, leading co nveffect on the valc of domestic currency. (0 Foreign exchange rate i Hkly vo see leading to deprecation af domes curency, (2) None ofthe above oe ble QA potive balance in che Capial Account of the Balance of Payments af x county indicares dat (1 mask) (2) trade balance is postive (8) currency i depreciating (0 itis experiencing a bulges surplas (8) itis receiving more foreign investments than it is making abroad 10 “din rapee @) plunged to all ite lw of 83.13 apuinst the US Daller (8)" What will be effec: on National Income of India, other things remaining the same? (1 mask (@) National tacome will rise. {) National Income wil il (© National Income may or may not fall () National Income may of may not rie. (Q.11 Caleulate Net Nasional Product at market price using Expenditure method: — ‘S.No. [Ieema ; (a®eror) 0) [Private final consumption expenditure 9.800 i) _}Government final consumption expenditure | 12,000 (i) [Change in tock 275 (0) [Gross domes fied capital formation 875 ©) _|Consumprion of fixed capital | eoo [Sil fet tmporss [90 |i) _|Net factor income fom abroad [790 QUz Devaluation and Depreciation of currency are one and the wane thing: Do you agsee? How do they allec the export of + coun? G marks) Q13 What i legal reserve tio? How does i influence the process of ‘cedic creation? Explain with an exayple. Gauasks) oR Discuss how the central bank plays the cle fons ofc inan economy? (aad Q14 Demonstrate your understanding of how che Reserve Bank af India can apply monetary policy tools to tackle a scenario of Deficient Demand in the economy? Menify and discos: fur specific meatus thatthe Rear Bank of Tain an emo «ffectvely comrect the situation om eanng of Efecive Demang va of evan Argue Ns invesiment sad arson Binal Propensity to Save (MPS) 0.2 Domestic Product. D ms {© Explain any wo procations that should be ott 20 whl ceiing Nao i wee QU7 The Gowen faire The Gover. der jaa Yj. ping te Oe chen gr coanstons wo he Bm boa nee What abjective the government is trying co fulfill though the jovernmen: budget and how? Explain. oR (a) Explain the relationship berween tevenue deficit and scal deficit (3 marks) (b) The goal of measuring primary defic: i ta focus on present Fiscal imbalances. Defend/Refute (3 marta) ‘SECTION B - INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Q.18 In the Industsial Policy Resolution of 1956, industries were classified in ‘ategories, (1 marke) (2) two (©) four (@) five OR In 1955, Karve committee was constiruted for aiming the _ G@) Modernisation (b) Induscrial development (©) Development of small scale industries @) Self-reliance QUID Identify che correct sequence of alternatives given in Column Il by ‘matching them with respective cerms in Column I: (1 mark) (6 marks) ©) thece ‘A. Land Ceiling | igh yielding vasiery seeds Land seforms | (i) Portion of agricultural produce sald in the market |e Green Reveluion] Gi) Faxing the maximum limit of land holding for an individual TD Markel Surplus] fo) Change in the owneahip of land Gand vo tiers @ i, tii {b) iii i, iv it i, LG) itd, ty, 1 AE Q.20 Match the situations given in Column I with ther respective implications given in Column Ul: (mana A. Migration J). Reduced in per capt “economic growth __| Imbalance berween demand) and supply of human resource | Topatadon: High Growek me fis Bran Drain D Lack of proper manpower iv. Mismatch beeween required] plansing sal and academic andavds D. (b) Aci; Biv, C-i: Dei d) Ais Boi, Ci Da 1.21. Leniify the incorrect satement from the following: (A mark at Direrificaion. in. agriculture scor provides sustainable lvtnoed ew population on ification includes change in cropping pattern, shift of oer lore fom egiestre to ctr dled eaves nad pon agriculture sector. (1 mark) Demand (AD), if cxpendieuce (A) is, and level SLCC nee eet a (6) Objective af oven in now agree an i) ince ar i fre red pone (4) Diresixon reduce the propane neg population nth nel neat one 22 Amerion (A) Croperuves hie ectel a neue dang he Reason (R): Inadequate coverage of firmer members, lick of appropriate link berween matketing and processing cooperaticg and inefficient financial management. (esa) G) Ais teue but Ris File. (b) Ais fae but Rs true (0) Both A and R are true and R explains A. (4) Boch A and R are tue but R.does not explain A. Q.23 Which ofthe following is working inthe informal seco? (mat) @) A private schoo! teacher in a school which has 25 teachers, (b) The owner ofa exile chop employing nine workers, (©) Driver of a bus company which has mare than 10 buses with 20 drivers. conductors and others workers. (2) Civil engincer working in 1 construction company which has 10 workers, Q24 Which of the following is nor used as strategy for Sustainable Development? (1 mack) () Use of bio-gas (0) Use of thermal power (©) Use of solar power (A) Use of hydel power OR Solar enengy can be converted into electricity withthe help of __. @) Phorovoltac cell (b) Lithium cells (© Minichyde! Planes (A) Wind power Q25 Statement-li Use of chlorofluorocarbons has led to ozone depletion (1 ase) ‘Statement-I: The problem of ozone depletion is caused by high levels of chlotine and bromine compounds in the satosphers. (@) Both the statements are truc(b) Both the statements are fae. (©) Only Statement 1 is true, (4) Only Statement 2is trae (226 India is not a member of which of the following regional /global ‘economic grouping? (1 aa) () SAARC (®)BRICS—@) G7 G20 OR In China, commune sytem is related 0 sector (2) agriculture (b) industty —(€) service (@) informal QA7 Arrange the following events in chrotologcal oer and choose he ‘correct answer from the given alternatives: (mak) ) Enablishment of People's Republie of China (ii) Creation of Pakistan (GiFies Five Year Plan of India (be) Fits Five-Year Plan of China () (aio Gi. () (id, dv) (© Gid,4),Gii.G) @) Gy.(td.60.0) 28 Evaluate the role of the rural banking system in the proces of turd devlopmene in India, G mais) oR Discus che importance of credit in rural development, Q.29 Compare and analyze the ‘Women Worker Population Rati’ it Rural and Urban areas based on following informarion: (3 mar! ‘Worker-Population Ratio in India, 2017-2018 Sex Total Rural - Urban Men. 52.1 SLT 530 [Women 165 195 12 __Toul 347 35.0 33 9.30 Those public sector undertakings which are making profits sto! mi) be privatized. Do you agree with this view! Why? (4mm oR Pee ace s Tie apning up of the Indian Exon bas td om rapid neree in Feige Direct Invesments and Forign Ethane Reeres ofthe canny Defend o¢ relate the given statement Bing out the difereness between huaran capital and human oe cpnent @ mak Tnverpret the gven pictur, sceoune of curent environmental a ile (8 mack) | G33) What was the rwosfold motive behind the systematic deintuscralsaion elected by the Brisk in pre-independent Tdi? marks) any evo salient fexture of the foreign wade policy of indi, on the eve of Independence (2 maria) (6 Comment upon any evo salient featres of demograghic ‘conditions of India as onthe ev of Independence. (2 marks) OR Monde a cise study of infrastructure development duing British calonisl rue in a specific region of India. Highlight ehvee hey infrastructural project initiated by the Bish adminitation and analyte their pac on the rego’ economy, eraneporttion, and communication systems (b) Comment apm (G ours) (34 CASE BASED QUESTION: Read the fllowing tex careflly and answer the quests given belaw: 2023 20 NEW DELHT SUMMIT ‘The 2025 G20 New Delhi summit was the eighteen mcting Of G20 (Group of Tweny. He was held in Bharat Mandpam Internaionsl Exhibiion-Convention Centre, Praga Malton Nev Delhi on 9-10 September 2023. Ie was the first G20 serie held in India. Presidency: The G20 New Delhi Summit is chaired by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, India's presidency began on 1 December 2022, lading up tothe summit in the thied quarter of 2023. The presidency handover ceremony was held, in which the (G20 Presidency gavel was vansfeied fiom Indonesian President: Joko Widodo to Indian Prime Minister Modi at the close of the Bali summit, Indonesia held the presidency in 2022, Indian Prime Miniger Modi formally handed over the G20 presidency to Luiz Indcio Lula da Silva che President of Brasil, India will continue co hold the position until 30 November 2023, ‘Agenda priorities: G20 India has put forth six agenda prio for the G20 dialogue in 2023: Green Development, Chane Finance & LiFE, Accelerated, Inclusive & Resilient Growth, Accelerating progress on SDGs, Technological ‘Transformation & 2st Publ Infasteucure, Milter ttn forte oe, century and Women-led development, In an interview on 26 August 2023, Frime Minister Modi se tiem about the G20 countie’ erslvng anda Wg, Iniepresidengy, shifting coward 2 humane development approach that aligns with the concerns of the Global th, including addresing climate change, ‘hough the G20% Common Framework fee ' tepulation of global eeyprocuctencies. debe restructuring Debi and 2 strategy eR CCU nae) pty ions T rt of India budgeted 2990 crore Preparations: The Governme (120 million USD) for the G20 events. For the security of the cm he cont ey 38.08 cy erat, including 80,009 police fixer from Delhi Police. Inthe ceive inp ie Desa sco ofcen wee smarkerpees. restauris and non-food shops were ordered co ce dis dp. Mares fic ri we ia ds with the morement on the toads, ecommerce deliveries, tre ticed to nlring meds and rots undet New Delhi Municipal Couneil (NMC) jurisdiction and people were recommended 9 say ac home. Paricipating leaders: The Rusian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Presidenc Xi Jinping decided wo skip the summit in the Indian capital. Their places were taken up by Rusian forsign miniver Sergey Laveow and Chinese premier Li Qing rsspestively. Outcomes: A new organisation called the Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA) was launched, co promote che development and adoption Of sustainable biofuels and set relevant standards and ceificaion. ‘The New Delhi Leaders Declaration was adopied with consensus A group of countries made a joine agreement to build rm ra and shipping comidor linking India with the Middle Ext and Europe called the India Mile Ease-Europe Economic Carder. The Btoup comprises India, Saudi Anbia, the United Anb Emitate Jordan, Israel and the Baropean Union. Questions: (2) The host country forthe 2023, was chaired by. os the G20 Suma (b) State any two agenda prottes fort (©) What do G20, LIFE, SDGs and GBA sand te (@) Wha was thechere ofthe 2023 G20summit ecied to ship the su (Which invernatianal leaders desi whom were chic placescaken oP) 2023 G20 a0 0 Summit was 3 (0 Seate any one outcome ofthe

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