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Stakeholder: is anyone with an interest or investment in a project or work you are doing

Type of investment:

- Organization money
- Executive sponsorship
- Manger’s resources

Stakeholders Type:

Internal stakeholder: are the people or group within the business such as team member’s mangers
executives and the ones who will be impacted by your daily work or project activities.

External stakeholder: People or group outside the business affected by the organization activities this
include customer’s users

Stakeholder’s analysis: we use this 4 steps to analysis :

1- Identify stakeholders
2- Create your power interest grid
3- Prioritize stakeholder
4- Learn more about important stakeholder

Why trust is important in successful stakeholder interactions:

- Communication is easier
- Better decision making
- Transparency in information availabilities and data flow
- Enhance team moral
- Higher level of motivation

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