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HOW TO DRAW CURVILINEAR PERSPECTIVE 4-5-6 VANISHING POINTS Massimo Nicola Marrazzo How to draw curvilinear perspective 4-5-6 vanishing points o = o = Terminologia Terminology Términos Termes employés_—_Fachbegriffe How to draw curvilinear perspective 4-5-6 vanishing points Copyright © 2018 Massimo Nicola Marrazzo All rights reserved, [No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by ‘any electronic ar mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in yiting from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote briet passages in a review. Disclaimer, although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume. and hereby disclaim any liabiity to any party for any loss, Massimo Nicola Marrazzo damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, Architect - Illustrator whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, www accident, or any other cause. info@ EeHEl fa First edition: August 2018 For the ectonary revision, thanks to: ‘Dominique Raynaud -Ritoe:// wr ‘Sasche Grusche ~ https: //wuw:researcngate.netprofe/Sascha_Grusche Credits page 4 piazza del eampo.sko httosi//Sé age § ‘alsseaur0e skp hitps//3ewarehouse sketehup comm page 9 large cty.skp hurps://3é age 12, 20, 51, 59 furniture mode http /fwww Dave 25, 53/90/90,58,07 Character nodes Reatusion ip. 3 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS + C¥= Center of Vision NP» Measuring Point De Distance from Picture Plane 05» Observer GL Ground Line P= Picture Plane GP: Ground Plane PS= Point of Station He Height point of view (eyes level) PV- Point of View HL Horizon Line NPs Right Measuring Point 1 UMP= Left Measuring Point “> FVP= Right Vanishing Point S WWP= Left Vanishing Point ‘Vie Vanishing Line INTRODUCTION ‘One-point Perspective Linear Four-point Perspective @) ‘Hemispherical / Spherical a ala SSS Five-point Perspective ‘Six-point Perspective 5 CONTENTS| Chapter 1 Four, five and six-point perspectives page 9 Chapter 2 Drawing perspective by equations page 68 Chepter3 How to draw a rotated cube in 5-point perspective page 80 (angles 45°- 45°- 45°) Chapter 4 How to draw a rotated cube in 5-point perspective page 88 (angles 30°- 60° & 15°- 75°) Chapter S Haw to draw 5-point perspective page 94 Chapter}6 —_S-point perspective with examples page 107 ‘Appendix Perspective charts page 114 Bibliography page 125, = Anamorphosis: = Linear perspective (one, two, three-point perspective) = Reflections = Shadows, ‘See the book (text in Italian): "Prospettiva_ZeroSei", complete manual of perspective from 0 to 6 vanishing points” http://www. ro ‘gai TEERTTOTO op Santon wEnqeNeM STOTT ‘SEUOTSITG TaeToHaIG ‘SHBUOTAT AaYNOLIIC = & q a a J ce i 4 i ai 3 Chapter | 4-5 - 6 vanishing points Equirectangular Projection (360°) Types of perspective ‘The classical perspective, with straight lines. ‘The maximum angle for the cone of vision is 60 degree. Linear In this perspective the horizontal lines are ‘curved and the vertical are still straight lines. In the case of a complete cylindrical view, {the horizontal width ranges from 180° to oer" cylindrical In the spherical perspective, horizontal and vertical ines are curves. ‘The panorama is limited to vertical and horizontal angles of view of 180 degrees. Hemispherical ‘with the projection onto the sphere, is possible to draw 2 360-degree panorama, also including the ceiling and the floor. Spherical Mata Jeonu8A 901699-096 © ue main jaueztioy 25169p-096 ¥ ‘Summary types of perspective based on Vanishing Points ‘ain jeonan 9ai6ap. ue main jequozuay 22:69. ‘Morn jeomuan sauBap-o8T © ue main jequoztoy 22:89p-096 uojsa yo py feaueudsiuoK © en Cc Sod BUIUSUEN fy annpadsied qujod-aaiy, ch ‘annsedsied seauyaano ‘suIoé Bujysiuen nowy ‘anpedsiad qujod-omy, ‘anipadsiad jeauag —_2AA7RdSHOd @ posapisuo> s| EneWIOUORY (oe ‘aqpedsiod sour 2 4 vanishing points Cylindrical perspective 4-point perspective Being the abject ¢ farthest of A from the observer, itis correct that this I seen smaller; it doesn’t happen with the classic perspective where the PP is fat. ‘The observer Is inside @ transparent cylinder ‘The surface of the cylinder Intercepts the light rays: that reach the Observer from the objects, determining 2 draw that, when unrolled and flattened, produces a ‘draw with curved lines (curvilinear perspective), Curvilinear perspective has a 360-degree field of view, with the disadvantage of curved lines, as is the case with very short focal length or wide-angle focal lenses (called fisheye), Looking inside a cylinder, the curved lines of the curvilinear perspective would eppear straight to us because turning the head is like being presented with infinite linear picture planes. cylindrical perspective ‘the horizontal lines are curved. Objects in linear perspective, placed at the ends of the visual field, are seen stretched, an effect that does not occur in realty. ESS Sn— FP fat Linear view Cylindrical view oS DPF “The human field of vision ie considered curved; this is partly because the eye is spherical and partly because we rotate the head to look around. = Rotation of the head, with consequer vanishing points multiples, ATLA AA TA Worse fnew" marenection [hee 6 rere me Pe eee ee mw al t Smet cotee Secon of wom ferme Peyote nl heir we te oe cece ee te opie rk AAA Le bce ah oT A arias a tel manera (eeeeey Lae tae aes re “LW ees nina tin enews tee ee ene \Y ||| ae SL 9 eae SCRE Mer, 8 Re es ary re aera PSs Fats Ne yew Mal eS ure Fa pacing praiection ss Pa ries pee plea, raploneed tee in oe chee Eee ey 20 5 vanishing points Hemispherical perspective S-point perspective Hemispherical field of vision wy Front view of the curves projected onto the hemisphere. Projection of a cube onto the hemispherical field of vision. Side view 22 Hemispherical field of vision 5 vanishing points ‘The same cube is seen from two different perspectives. o I] | Curvilinear perspective Linear perspective Fergarnge aeteres Se prenad core amie (AG vd then ee hemimginecicel | DEE" reed oe resting ihe hebtiiehrre onde tie lee So Veeweamgs Die eat of ar ai et smerny cl Fiend at wie 25 Hemispherical field of vision CURVED Grid 90° Perspective diagram Complete perspective diagram \ fe f e SS Hamiasbencal Said of waton Coreeit eet ame eee feny erteey tas ves. ew ae Saag oh arrangement sea amend eset essere bear wt see Hamiunbericad Bieid of winn Cute aoe a tae ini eiiiniaia: Caabatee aF ee meee iets Renee Ae ar, F Gomme eae by Se en cage te Pep ar arial SR wn a i 4 Hameunboricad Heid of eine Custis ae me as Degen of areeegeerees ther open, es reg Fe a cyan Fhe at Harniapheeea) Hinks of cision RLATHERED Bea ave c= res De were wither OY pee sty the eer Patan ae Is | a Wares nea obs am oa ag Tg Fen sts Ow Ra a ‘Hertepserhoad Reed ef wrt FLATTENS Heepaptertes Satd of eepeas FLATTER loro 6 ooo Lees err re, seb be oe rs ee Progen noms OY ) si 6 vanishing points Spherical perspective 6-point perspective s2 ‘Spherical field of vision ‘The difference between curved or flattened spherical perspective corresponds to the difference between world globe and Planisphere: in the first_case, the drawing is represented on a three= ‘dimensional sphere, in the second case, the drawing is projected ‘onto a two-dimensional sheet. ‘This projection of the sphere on 2 two-dimensional plane involves 1 the application of mapping techniques with different levels of 1 distortion, 6 vanishing points “The unfolding and flattening of the sphere on the plane inevitably leads t2 distortions, For this reason, It is preferred to project the spherical visual fla ‘on the cylinder, as this 's easier to unroll on the sheet. (See below Projection Equirectangular) ‘Spherical feld of vision Flat sheet safes Unwrap and fatten a sphere on a plane ‘Top_pole Equator Projection on a flat sheet 3 Reujection af w cums on uphoricat fiakd oF into Prejecann caine om 5 apiumsical fla af vision ap baat aa arr ve dee eevee aoa ie eattection pomeereer ac a bRing: totem APF hm emetnabe af 07 trite ieee ected Phew dt ieteyens fete alate Serre) 3 | i i i i i i 4 he th it Hs 59 6 vanishing points Cylindrical perspective 6-point perspective - Equirectangular projections 60 Projection of a spherical field of vision op “The spherical flald of vision le projected onto the cylindrical surface. ‘The reason is that the cylinder Is more ‘easy to unfold on a sheet. Equirectangular cylindrical projection E 24 Equirectangular Projection ot Pangea oraee cn PS ea rset ee ee eure rs eee ane Fears Rese em remo Cammeection of a1 intervediris wai Commeection of a Cake oad etre = ea _ B_ Bommtand comtraction nl me i f ‘ ' i f { } oe om wetcemes ae en od eee te comer at we rere ere aN PLO We Me Te TS Kquarecteagans cymarend oper 68 Chapter 2 Mathematical equations ‘The mathematical equations convert 3D coordinate (x,y,2) to 2D (x1,z1) coordinate. Potted with DecimalBASiC [Many thanks to Marco Maseti forthe perspective formulas Por 'nttps://marcomasetiprospetico Ebook ‘ntpsi/ Paper book bitps://muw.youcanprint.t/ youranprint-Hreria/manvalisticala-prospettiva-c-a-costruzione-cell-spazio-igurative- '9786891130709.ntr ‘tps. amazon. Wprospetive-costruzione-dello-spezi-fgurativo/d/8891130702 68 Linear Perspective Mathematical equations (One-Two-Three-point perspective) Cylindrical Perspective Cylindrical Perspective (Two-point perspective) (Four-point perspective) S res Unrolied vnvolled Cylindrical projection Cylindrical Perspective (Six-point perspective) > preted Equirectangular projection Hemispherical Perspective (Five-point perspective) Orthographic projection “*"*# Postel projection leo! Spherical Perspective (Six-point perspective) } fattened Postel projection ‘Stereographic projection etherancal eqentioas Legros er re perpen tion Magrerne i | a os a Cac ete ivesieg peraperiwe vy mathersiiced cogtions Pats bret, Lawwinang pant SA teint ot bd L051 = trmmabarresd cerebral per short ale Het re ny Math ferreie ewrarteny past m= ine ers mere ere B Drawing perspective by mathematical equations he picture plane P= buna) point yi) projection of Pon the cuved Picture Plane - we ‘baiz)Projacion of PL on tae PP Unrolled Cylindrical Vie ‘2-vanishing point AY lv x Top view Az T L x - > L Front view Math formulas 2-vanishing point Cylindrical perspective (unrolled) = radius of the cylinder ro = Very al = acos(y/ro) x,¥2 =coordinates of point P x2,y2,22 = transformed coordinates of point P x2 = san(x)*r *al*n/180 veer n= rz/ro Cilincrcal projection Srmeing perapocties by mumamnemce ageatines Mate Faerie Pied va rare vet tuaretonned condmnates ef pair —u an Hgiohee nite, Scenng part rg ot Pa: forte a Ermmcng porepoctivn ty mathematica aqanticor Fumnesed fapteetral Yee: Seoraneng sont This berm i ae Spherical pernpection Ifwmnees £-vananing sort) dua shes aah nme sal = coal) bes potent trl sromchuaten orpowd F 2 erate! eames ant = wn rundel ty ot tintin weet 2 eta eiee Pat so Cplindsinal parspuective nee arches = f= accenmasy aera Praet - Perspeeiiew A Spode paper ad elated earkes IP am Upper tree Le wet alts nate 4 acm eect [ingame bre 8 Draws ta Pagar wed Hino mee 88 Chapter 4 How to draw a rotated cube in 5-point perspective (angles 30°-60° & 15°-75°) 5 vanishing points Size of a rotated cube (30° - 60°) Rotation around the Z-axis by 45° Rotation around the X-axis by 45° Curved Picture Plane DS A 5-point perspective of a rotated cube: 30°-60° Rotating a cube in three dimensions ke oS pep Front - Perspective Eaterid cdgea GF Boor ABS DO 94 Curvilinear perspective: “how to draw” and examples Chapter 5 g i z 5 95 horizontal grid the hemispherical field of view Side Front won {As an alternative to graphical construction, itis also possible to use plastic ellipse templates. wertical grid. ‘eh Top Frowrta Sind any paint erciecind en Hae Pemeephertnr fete ef em Ae nme Lo ep AA a pe A fam Frove. Site (ines iacioed at 45° projected rg Rerereeerine! Teese ef ames 4 7 —T She sameeeg som fe BET De * om fem Cocoon, ram ' bt ab Top nen Chapter 6 Curvilinear perspective: 5 vanishing points with examples on Hikjacts Later ta tes beeemsberice! find of eee ‘Dupe Late ta tha temniagteirna Ht what tate a ee a Appendix Perspective charts Equirectangular Projection ei CLMUARAR POPSET Projections of a cube as the imesephericel fied of visas CULAR PERSE Gerojaction ato cubs om the hewniapieesica! fi of wien mast CLVLUARAR POSSI Srojectiog af s cube as the imersephericel fend of vistas cred BE*-0* Peet ee eer =_ es Penfartion of scuba en thee epee! Reid of enior Grieg BOT renee) aese, 1 a Se il Pd kJ Ved a WX a ae ditealiad lel reed CLSLIMEAR PORSECTIVE | Peper of cae on ine mperscad Raid at vaten lia J | IS ee 41 ‘ os i ld Sere | ee eT ag . + SSS ees = 2s Bibliogrephy ener 8 ene - rain Form ~practre Dat Cl ol ooo Chezeran oe Dd Choe Entrar pesprce er artte ~ Nevo Paton New Yrs 2032 Duis Chasen - espn or came hook ets - ase Gut Pubes, Ne Yor, 957 Lene i osser- Elementary sersecivararge 8 mest he reuramets rents, auger até Sders BRAKE BSon Lt, Leno, 158, Jesh Dro Perspective Brann HanBook~ Dove ubktog I: New ok, 008 2 bin ~ Psp: nous fo egnrs Whitey ay of Des, New York, 570 nm tage = Base Pepsi Drwig:& Vu Aprach ~ ah ey & Son Ie, Hobe, 2010, rast Roig - espcive owing - Waar Fs Ising, tye, 1909 [rast Roig Psp dea) - Dover LOK I: Mew York, 1559 Daw Opa — Poet i tp - 3902 co Prosnation Teun Co, Lande, ooo Pt - Peps pasion at enaons ang eestans-Lansmans Gen ah, Lon, 2901 George clu Steray ~The Than ar Pres Perse ones 910 Proje Gunter Eo ott Cale Pangeeter anise Boer Pubeaton, Ine Yor 976 ren Whe Peapetve pad fr rss ents ad ees — ay Sri expt: Zara nd an = Ura, Sau, 1959 Leonardo Benevalo=Terc dl deg = to ea, 1982 lis ot a restnatne poetic: he Acca ale Flr are Maco ts prepa casas eo pa ura oun 2014 bane tanner Gamat prope ~ Capp tar 1988 kacppe Rens ~ Sep ene —La Une, de, 88 cate es, Poe Bei sean geomet, Taree uplesn!~ Zanehall, 086 ge Sacre - pean cea Gamat Oeste -Ubrara Bice retina, rene, 1977 “othe Masumot Karas Wart, Hayat - Hon ra Hangs Stettng Manges: A abs Ppt GrphicSh Pung, 2908 BA. Koper Tenn, akong npenees Hasremca ep OFF, 248 Frances Pn Saran apse sense ten on pn mr fets !Atr 2006 ot Lut vir a geomet i porepests rktay~ Pascoe Orang ~ eon soca Eines Omeas, 5. Baron, 2094 =. Vere pe RTE 1 Feutaowcrc hn a noes os 2 ener meee i rhe eee | Fee 1 SS EMR] ~ Ra TH PRCA, BL EN K&S O f&

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